Schema migration commit changes - django

I have the following situation:
more than one schema migration
one data migration
It would be simple enough but I encountered a problem with the data migration. It sends a query for a specific ContentType which I need for django-taggit. The problem is that the model I want to query didn't exist until the migration that preceded it. That errors out with an empty result from that query.
However, when I run all migrations up to the data migration and then I run the data migration itself, everything works well. I've noticed that a migration process doesn't save changes until all of the migrations are finished which doesn't work for this.
One of the solutions I got to was to manually commit/save changes to the database however I haven't been able to find a way to do it. Of course, if there are any other ideas/better solution I'd be happy to hear them.
This is the code where the data migration errors out:
# ChallengeContest ContentType
challenge_contest_ct = ContentType.objects.get(model='challengecontest')
As you can see the model challengecontest is the one that was created in a migration preceeding data migration.

I have found data migrations to be more trouble than they're worth. In my last two jobs we abandoned them, replacing them with writing one-off management commands.


Moving Django models between "apps" - easy and fast

In my company's Django project, our models are currently spread across about 20 "app" folders with little rhyme or reason. We'd like to consolidate them into a single new app (along with the rest of our code) so that in the future, we can refactor all parts of our system at-will without worrying about violating an "app" boundary.
Due to how Django works, simply moving the model breaks everything. I've spent hours reading everything I can about the various proposed solutions to this problem, with the best article being:
So far, I'm not happy with any of the solutions I've come across. They're all just too onerous.
If I do the following:
Move all models to the new app. (Let's call it "newapp".)
Update all references in the code to the previous locations. (Including migration files.)
Take down the site for a minute.
Run a script to rename all database tables from someprevapp_model to newapp_model.
Run a script to update app_label for all rows in the django_content_type table.
Deploy latest codebase version, with updated model locations and references.
Turn site back on.
Have I succeeded, or am I missing something?
Just remembered - I'd also have to:
5.5) Run a script to update app for all rows in the in django_migrations table (easy part), and to renumber all migrations to form a single sequence (hard part), as well as modifying all migration files to match new sequence.
UPDATE - V2 - Full Reset
Given the need to re-sequence migrations, combined with having already been wanting to squash our huge migration stack, lead me to this new and improved recipe:
Move models to new app. (Let’s call it “newapp”.)
Delete previous migrations.
Update code to reflect new model locations.
Run makemigrations to generate single migration in new app with all models.
Turn site off.
Run script to rename my tables from prevapp_model to newapp_model.
Run script to update django_content_type.app_label.
Run script to replace contents of django_migrations with single row indicating migration newapp-0001 has already run.
Deploy new version.
Turn site back on.

Am I required to use django data migrations?

I migrated a database that was manipulated via SQL to use Django's migration module:
Initially I thought of using migrations only for changes in the model such as changes in columns or new tables, performing deletes, inserts and updates through SQL, as they are constant and writing a migration for each case would be a little impractical.
Could using the migration module without using data migrations cause me some kind of problem or inconsistency in the future?
You can think about data migration if you made a change that required also a manual fix on the data.
Maybe you decided to normalize something in the database, e.g. to split a name column to the first name and the last name. If you have only one instance of the application with one database and you are the only developer then you will also not write a data migration, but if you want to change it on a live production site with 24 x 7 hours traffic or you cooperate with other developers then you probably prepare a data migration for their databases or you will thoroughly test the migration on a copy of live data that the update will work on the production site correctly without issues and with minimal shutdown. If you don't write a data migration and you had no problem immediately then it is OK and will be not worse then a possible ill-conceived data migration.

Mix data and schema migrations in one migrations file (Django)?

I've heard the opinion that mix data migration and structure migrations is bad practice in Django. Even if you are specify atomic=False in your Migration class. But i could not find any information on this topic. Even my more expirience collegues could not answer this question.
So, is it bad to mix data and structure migrations? If so why? What exactly may happen if i do it?
There is an actual reason for not mixing data and schema migrations in one migration, mentioned in the entry for RunPython operation in Django docs:
On databases that do support DDL transactions (SQLite and PostgreSQL), RunPython operations do not have any transactions automatically added besides the transactions created for each migration. Thus, on PostgreSQL, for example, you should avoid combining schema changes and RunPython operations in the same migration or you may hit errors like OperationalError: cannot ALTER TABLE "mytable" because it has pending trigger events.
It should be also noted that for databases that do not support DDL transactions, it may be easier to fix the database after an unsuccessful migration attempt when data and schema migration operations are not mixed together, as data migration operations can be rolled back automatically in Django.
In the past the best practice was to keep them separate. The second sentence in this section in the docs says:
Migrations that alter data are usually called “data migrations”;
they’re best written as separate migrations, sitting alongside your
schema migrations.
But doesn't list any reasons why. Since Django ~2.0 I've been allowing small data migrations to occur with schema migrations. However there have been times when the migration simply couldn't run with the schema migration. There are two main cases that I've run into.
The data migration takes a long time and shouldn't be a migration in the first place. The resolution was to simply run a script that did what the data migration would have, but in batches.
Attempting to add/update data, then creating an index. This forced me into splitting the migrations into two separate files. I don't remember the exact error, but it simply wouldn't migrate. This shouldn't cause problems for you unless there are non-atomic migrations running which would leave your DB in an unexpected state.

How to make the initial migration for a DB that diverged from the corresponding models?

Situation: a project I'm working in had a file corruption or something. Models are the latest version, but the SQLite DB had to be rolled back before some columns were added/removed/modified. Migration files are all gone. Trying to create migrations anew results in the new columns being present in the initial migration file, so I can neither migrate for real (due to the table existing) nor fake it (since the columns are missing in the DB).
Given those circumstances, how can I make an initial migration matching the columns currently present in the DB so I can fake it and then make a real second migration to bring the tables in line with the models? The only thing that comes to mind is manually tweaking the models to match the DB schema, making the initial migration, faking it and then restoring the new version of the models, but I'd much prefer having this done automatically.
django inpsectdb to the rescue.
But first, learn how to use git if you had used proper version control, you would not be facing this difficulty now.
First step, add the code to version control.
Delete the existing models files
Use inspectdb to generate a from the tables in the database. This is not perfect, you will have to edit the file manually and you may have to spread it out between different models files manually.
Now delete the contents of the migrations table
do a ./ makemigrations (yourapp)
Do the fake migration you mentioned
replace the generated with your current (a git checkout of that file will do the trick nicely)
do a makemigrations and migrate again.
good luck.

Django won't create a table

I have two different databases in django. Initially, I had a table called cdr in my secondary database. I decided to get rid of the second database and just add the cdr table to the first database.
I deleted references (all of them, I think) to the secondary database in the settings file and throughout my app. I deleted all of the migration files and ran make migrations fresh.
The table that used to be in the secondary database is not created when I run migrate even though it doesn't exist on my postgres database.
I simply cannot for the life of me understand why the makemigrations function will create the migration file for the table when I add it back in to the model definition and I have verified that it is in the migration file. When I run migrate, it tells me there are no migrations to apply.
Why is this so. I have confirmed that I have managed=True. I have confirmed that the model is not on my postgres database by logging into the first database and running \dt.
Why does Django still think that this table still exists such that it is telling me no migrations to apply even though it shows a create command in the migrations file? I even dropped the secondary database to make sure it wasn't somehow being referenced.
I suspect code isn't needed to explain this to me but I will post if needed. I figure I am missing something simple here.
Why does Django still think that this database still exists such that
it is telling me no migrations to apply even though it shows a create
command in the migrations file
Because django maintains a table called django_migrations in your database which lists all the migrations that have been applied. Since you are almost starting afresh, clear out this table and then run the migrations.
If this still doesn't work and still assuming that you are still on a fresh start, it's a simple matter to drop all the tables (or even the database and do the migration again). OTH that you have data you want to save, you need to look at the --fake and --fake-initial options to migrate