Clojure, Attempting to call unbound fn - clojure

I tried to create factorial function in Clojure using recursion
(defn fac[x] (if (= x 1) 1 (* x (fac (- x 1)))))
Now, when I try to call the function
(fac 5)
I get the exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn: #'sandbox11355/fac
Does that mean it isn't possible to use recursion when defining functions with defn keyword?
Also, how would I embrace this functional syntax most efficiently, as I'm used to imperative/OOP way of thinking? It feels just awkward to type everything in the reverse order. With procedural paradigm, the continuum of thoughts maps directly to new line of code which mutates the value. With functional syntax, for each step to manipulate the current value, I have to wrap new function around the expression, and it's hard to keep track of parens and scopes. Should I learn to think the procedural model in reverse order to fluently code in functional style?
I understand the benefits of no mutable state and pure functions (less bugs), but it's hard to believe it's worth of losing the ease of writing procedural code. For now, all this seems over-hyped unorganized mess, but maybe it starts making sense.

Some info on your concern about functional and procedural programming follows. It's not particularly original, but maybe it will get you started on how to think about this new stuff.
Functional programming is not procedural programming in reverse. It's a higher level of abstraction, and most everything we interact with can be seen as an abstraction; otherwise, we would never get anything useful done because we'd be so concerned with the minutiae of every little thing we deal with. Likewise, all code, in any language, eventually becomes a series of instructions to the CPU, and these instructions are the epitome of "imperative" or "procedural." The question becomes, "How much control do I need over the extremely low details in order to solve my problem?"
One way to add some numbers together, being pretty explicit (just pseudocode, hopefully the intent is clear):
int nums[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int i = 0;
int acc = 0;
if (i >= 10) goto done_loop;
int num_address = (nums + i);
int num_value = *num_address;
acc = acc + num_value;
i = i + 1;
goto start_loop;
return acc;
It is tedious, but not as tedious as assembly code. To abstract out some of the details of looping, C/java/etc provide a control structure called a for loop:
int nums[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int acc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
acc += nums[i];
return acc;
This seems perfectly normal, of course, when you write imperative code on a regular basis. You think iteratively, and about the details of how to access the array at each offset from its base. However, this can also be thought of as tedious. Why should I care about the details of how to access each member of the array? A further abstraction that any functional languages provides is called reduce. Think of it as a tool provided in a similar way that for is provided to C/java/etc programmers. It looks strange, much in the same way the syntax of for would look to assembly programmers seeing it for the first time:
(reduce + (range 10))
So all we're doing here is abstracting out details of the loop to the point that we really don't think much about the loop that's actually occurring. We also abstract out the details of creating an explicit range of numbers, and just say "give me the integers from 0 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive)". It's just abstracting out details. The result is generally an ability to focus more on the problem at hand.
For adding numbers, or thinking higher level, a functional way of programming generally allows us to be more productive, with less code, while we let the various levels of compilers handle the messy details for us. If the problem is very low level, however, then we may desire constructs in the language that are a better fit for our problem. The key is always using the right tool for the right job.
Of course, it's not a perfect world, and often in clojure we are forced to write low level details dealing with bits and bytes, synchronizing concurrent code, looping, and so on. But generally, being declarative and stating what you want to do, rather than being more explicit about how to do it, has many benefits.
Do the 4clojure problems, give it a month or two to start really making sense, and allow your mind to make the shift from mutating variables to evaluating expressions. There's a very high probability that you will enjoy it very much, and the worst that can happen is that you can broaden your horizons. Good luck and have fun!


What to consider when looking at multiple methods to achieve the same result while coding?

I am currently coding in C++, creating an all rounded calculator that, when finished, will be capable of handling all major and common mathematical procedures.
The current wall I am hitting is from the fact I am still learning about to profession we call being a programmer.
I have several ways of achieving a single result. I am curious as to whether I should pick the method that has a clear breakdown of how it got to that point in the code; or the method that is much shorter - while not sacrificing any of the redability.
Below I have posted snippets from my class showing what I mean.
This function uses if statements to determine whether or not a common denominator is even needed, but is several lines long.
Fraction Fraction::addFraction(Fraction &AddInput)
Fraction output;
if (m_denominator != AddInput.m_denominator)
output.setWhole(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole);
output.setNumerator((m_numerator * firstchange) + (AddInput.m_numerator * secondchange));
output.setWhole(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole);
output.setNumerator(m_numerator + AddInput.m_numerator);
return output;
This function below, gets a common denominator; repeats the steps on the numerators; then simplifies to the lowest terms.
Fraction Fraction::addFraction(Fraction &AddInput)
Fraction output(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole, (m_numerator * firstchange) + (AddInput.m_numerator * secondchange), commondenominator);
return output;
Both functions have been tested and always return the accurate result. When it comes to coding standards... do we pick longer and asy to follow? or shorter and easy to understand?
Your first priority with your code should be that it's correct.
Your second priority with code should be "If someone who's never seen this before is going to make a tiny change, which one is he less likely to break?
There's actually a lot that goes into this. How difficult is it to understand at a high level? How abstracted out are arcane details? Are there any surprises? What quirks do you have to know about? Are there edge cases that have to be handled?
The reasons that this second priority is important are:
it's key to preventing you from writing bugs in the first place
it's easier to find bugs later
it's easier to fix bugs later
despite whatever you think, you won't remember the details in 6 months.
Both implementations appear about equally difficult in complexity per branch, but the first one has branches, so I'd lean toward the second for understandability. Details seem abstracted out in both, and if there's surprises or quirks, I don't immediately see them (but that's sort of the point, that they can be easily overlooked). I don't see any special handling for edge cases, so if edge cases exist in either, comments would be good.
Unrelated to picking, but while on the topic of reviewing code, It's unclear how either handles fractions that have no fractional part, but that might be part of the full class documentation, which would be fine. Both codepaths take AddArgument by mutable reference, which is bad, and require this to be mutable as well, which is also bad. Both have methods named get*() that appear to modify (getCommonDenominator), which is bad. The code appears to be using variables that are external (firstchange? secondchange?) which is a major strike against preventing bugs.

Is there significant performance difference between break and return in a loop at the end of a C function?

Consider the following (Obj-)C(++) code segment as an example:
// don't blame me for the 2-space indents. It's insane to type 12 spaces.
int whatever(int *foo) {
for (int k = 0; k < bar; k++) { // I know it's a boring loop
if (that(k))
break; // or return
A friend told me that using break is not only more logical (and using return causes troubles when someone wants to add something to the function afterwards), but also yields faster code. It's said that the processor gives better predictions in this case for jmp-ly instructions than for ret.
Or course I agree with him on the first point, but if there is actually some significant difference, why doesn't the compiler optimize it?
If it's insane to type 2 spaces, use a decent text editor with auto-indent. 4 space indentation is much more readable than 2 spaces.
Readability should be a cardinal value when you write C code.
Using break or return should be chosen based on context to make your code easier to follow and understand. If not to others, you will be doing a favor to yourself, when a few years from now you will be reading your own code, hunting for a spurious bug and trying to make sense of it.
No matter which option you choose, the compiler will optimize your code its own way and different compilers, versions or configurations will do it differently. No noticeable difference should arise from this choice, and even in the unlikely chance that it would, not a lasting one.
Focus on the choice of algorithm, data structures, memory allocation strategies, possibly memory layout cache implications... These are far more important for speed and overall efficiency than local micro-optimizations.
Any compiler is capable of optimizing jumps to jumps. In practice, though, there will probably be some cleanup to do before exiting anyway. When in doubt, profile. I don’t see how this could make any significant difference.
Stylistically, and especially in C where the compiler does not clean stuff up for me when it goes out of scope, I prefer to have a single point of return, although I don’t go so far as to goto one.

What can I assume about C/C++ compiler optimisations?

I would like to know how to avoid wasting my time and risking typos by re-hashing source code when I'm integrating legacy code, library code or sample code into my own codebase.
If I give a simple example, based on an image processing scenario, you might see what I mean.
It's actually not unusual to find I'm integrating a code snippet like this:
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < uHeight; y++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < uWidth; x++)
// do something with this pixel ....
uPixel = pPixels[y * uStride + x];
Over time, I've become accustomed to doing things like moving unnecessary calculations out of the inner loop and maybe changing the postfix increments to prefix ...
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
unsigned int uRowOffset = y * uStride;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < uWidth; ++x)
// do something with this pixel ....
uPixel = pPixels[uRowOffset + x];
Or, I might use pointer arithmetic, either by row ...
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pRow = pPixels + (y * uStride);
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < uWidth; ++x)
// do something with this pixel ....
uPixel = pRow[x];
... or by row and column ... so I end up with something like this
unsigned char *pRow = pPixels;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < uHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pPixel = pRow;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < uWidth; ++x)
// do something with this pixel ....
uPixel = *pPixel++;
// next row
pRow += uStride;
Now, when I write from scratch, I'll habitually apply my own "optimisations" but I'm aware that the compiler will also be doing things like:
Moving code from inside loops to outside loops
Changing postfix increments to prefix
Lots of other stuff that I have no idea about
Bearing in mind that every time I mess with a piece of working, tested code in this way, I not only cost myself some time but I also run the risk that I'll introduce bugs with finger trouble or whatever (the above examples are simplified). I'm aware of "premature optimisation" and also other ways of improving performance by designing better algorithms, etc. but for the situations above I'm creating building-blocks that will be used in larger pipelined type of apps, where I can't predict what the non-functional requirements might be so I just want the code as fast and tight as is reasonable within time limits (I mean the time I spend tweaking the code).
So, my question is: Where can I find out what compiler optimisations are commonly supported by "modern" compilers. I'm using a mixture of Visual Studio 2008 and 2012, but would be interested to know if there are differences with alternatives e.g. Intel's C/C++ Compiler. Can anyone shed some insight and/or point me at a useful web link, book or other reference?
Just to clarify my question
The optimisations I showed above were simple examples, not a complete list. I know that it's pointless (from a performance point of view) to make those specific changes because the compiler will do it anyway.
I'm specifically looking for information about what optimisations are provided by the compilers I'm using.
I would expect most of the optimizations that you include as examples to be a waste of time. A good optimizing compiler should be able to do all of this for you.
I can offer three suggestions by way of practical advice:
Profile your code in the context of a real application processing real data. If you can't, come up with some synthetic tests that you think would closely mimic the final system.
Only optimize code that you have demonstrated through profiling to be a bottleneck.
If you are convinced that a piece of code needs optimization, don't just assume that factoring invariant expression out of a loop would improve performance. Always benchmark, optionally looking at the generated assembly to gain further insight.
The above advice applies to any optimizations. However, the last point is particularly relevant to low-level optimizations. They are a bit of a black art since there are a lot of relevant architectural details involved: memory hierarchy and bandwidth, instruction pipelining, branch prediction, the use of SIMD instructions etc.
I think it's better to rely on the compiler writer having a good knowledge of the target architecture than to try and outsmart them.
From time to time you will find through profiling that you need to optimize things by hand. However, these instances will be fairly rare, which will allow you to spend a good deal of energy on things that will actually make a difference.
In the meantime, focus on writing correct and maintainable code.
I think it would probably be more useful for you to reconsider the premise of your question, rather than to get a direct answer.
Why do you want to perform these optimizations? Judging by your question, I assume it is to make a concrete program faster. If that is the case, you need to start with the question: How do I make this program faster?
That question has a very different answer. First, you need to consider Amdahl's law. That usually means that it only makes sense to optimize one or two important parts of the program. Everything else pretty much doesn't matter. You should use a profiler to locate these parts of the program. At this point you might argue that you already know that you should use a profiler. However, almost all the programmers I know don't profile their code, even if they know that they should. Knowing about vegetables isn't the same as eating them. ;-)
Once you have located the hot-spots, the solution will probably involve:
Improving the algorithm, so the code does less work.
Improving the memory access patterns, to improve cache performance.
Again, you should use the profiler to see if your changes have improved the run-time.
For more details, you can Google code optimization and similar terms.
If you want to get really serious, you should also take a look at Agner Fog's optimization manuals and Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. Make sure to get the newest edition.
You might also might want to read The Sad Tragedy of Micro-Optimization Theater.
What can I assume about C/C++ compiler optimisations?
As possible as you can imagine, except the cases that you get issues either functionality or performance with the optimized code, then turn off optimization and debug.
Mordern compilers have various strategies to optimize your code, especially when you are doing concurrent programming, and using libraries like OMP, Boost or TBB.
If you DO care about what your code exactly made into machine code, it would be no more better to decompile it and observe the assemblies.
The most thing for you to do the manual optimization, might be reduce the unpredictable branches, which is some harder be done by the compiler.
If you want to look for the informations about optimization, there's already a question on SO
What are the c++ compiler optimization techniques in Visual studio
In the optimization options, there are explanations about what each optimize for:
/O Options (Optimize Code)
And there's something about optimization strategies and techniques
C++ Optimization Strategies and Techniques, by Pete Isensee

Is the GOTO statement bad in C? How so? [duplicate]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Everyone is aware of Dijkstra's Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful (also here .html transcript and here .pdf) and there has been a formidable push since that time to eschew the goto statement whenever possible. While it's possible to use goto to produce unmaintainable, sprawling code, it nevertheless remains in modern programming languages. Even the advanced continuation control structure in Scheme can be described as a sophisticated goto.
What circumstances warrant the use of goto? When is it best to avoid?
As a follow-up question: C provides a pair of functions, setjmp() and longjmp(), that provide the ability to goto not just within the current stack frame but within any of the calling frames. Should these be considered as dangerous as goto? More dangerous?
Dijkstra himself regretted that title, for which he was not responsible. At the end of EWD1308 (also here .pdf) he wrote:
Finally a short story for the record.
In 1968, the Communications of the ACM
published a text of mine under the
title "The goto statement considered
harmful", which in later years would
be most frequently referenced,
regrettably, however, often by authors
who had seen no more of it than its
title, which became a cornerstone of
my fame by becoming a template: we
would see all sorts of articles under
the title "X considered harmful" for
almost any X, including one titled
"Dijkstra considered harmful". But
what had happened? I had submitted a
paper under the title "A case against
the goto statement", which, in order
to speed up its publication, the
editor had changed into a "letter to
the Editor", and in the process he had
given it a new title of his own
invention! The editor was Niklaus
A well thought out classic paper about this topic, to be matched to that of Dijkstra, is Structured Programming with go to Statements, by Donald E. Knuth. Reading both helps to reestablish context and a non-dogmatic understanding of the subject. In this paper, Dijkstra's opinion on this case is reported and is even more strong:
Donald E. Knuth: I believe that by presenting such a
view I am not in fact disagreeing
sharply with Dijkstra's ideas, since
he recently wrote the following:
"Please don't fall into the trap of
believing that I am terribly
dogmatical about [the go to
statement]. I have the uncomfortable
feeling that others are making a
religion out of it, as if the
conceptual problems of programming
could be solved by a single trick, by
a simple form of coding discipline!"
A coworker of mine said the only reason to use a GOTO is if you programmed yourself so far into a corner that it is the only way out. In other words, proper design ahead of time and you won't need to use a GOTO later.
I thought this comic illustrates that beautifully "I could restructure the program's flow, or use one little 'GOTO' instead." A GOTO is a weak way out when you have weak design. Velociraptors prey on the weak.
The following statements are generalizations; while it is always possible to plead exception, it usually (in my experience and humble opinion) isn't worth the risks.
Unconstrained use of memory addresses (either GOTO or raw pointers) provides too many opportunities to make easily avoidable mistakes.
The more ways there are to arrive at a particular "location" in the code, the less confident one can be about what the state of the system is at that point. (See below.)
Structured programming IMHO is less about "avoiding GOTOs" and more about making the structure of the code match the structure of the data. For example, a repeating data structure (e.g. array, sequential file, etc.) is naturally processed by a repeated unit of code. Having built-in structures (e.g. while, for, until, for-each, etc.) allows the programmer to avoid the tedium of repeating the same cliched code patterns.
Even if GOTO is low-level implementation detail (not always the case!) it's below the level that the programmer should be thinking. How many programmers balance their personal checkbooks in raw binary? How many programmers worry about which sector on the disk contains a particular record, instead of just providing a key to a database engine (and how many ways could things go wrong if we really wrote all of our programs in terms of physical disk sectors)?
Footnotes to the above:
Regarding point 2, consider the following code:
a = b + 1
/* do something with a */
At the "do something" point in the code, we can state with high confidence that a is greater than b. (Yes, I'm ignoring the possibility of untrapped integer overflow. Let's not bog down a simple example.)
On the other hand, if the code had read this way:
goto 10
a = b + 1
10: /* do something with a */
goto 10
The multiplicity of ways to get to label 10 means that we have to work much harder to be confident about the relationships between a and b at that point. (In fact, in the general case it's undecideable!)
Regarding point 4, the whole notion of "going someplace" in the code is just a metaphor. Nothing is really "going" anywhere inside the CPU except electrons and photons (for the waste heat). Sometimes we give up a metaphor for another, more useful, one. I recall encountering (a few decades ago!) a language where
if (some condition) {
} else {
was implemented on a virtual machine by compiling action-1 and action-2 as out-of-line parameterless routines, then using a single two-argument VM opcode which used the boolean value of the condition to invoke one or the other. The concept was simply "choose what to invoke now" rather than "go here or go there". Again, just a change of metaphor.
Sometimes it is valid to use GOTO as an alternative to exception handling within a single function:
if (f() == false) goto err_cleanup;
if (g() == false) goto err_cleanup;
if (h() == false) goto err_cleanup;
COM code seems to fall into this pattern fairly often.
I can only recall using a goto once. I had a series of five nested counted loops and I needed to be able to break out of the entire structure from the inside early based on certain conditions:
I could just have easily declared a boolean break variable and used it as part of the conditional for each loop, but in this instance I decided a GOTO was just as practical and just as readable.
No velociraptors attacked me.
Goto is extremely low on my list of things to include in a program just for the sake of it. That doesn't mean it's unacceptable.
Goto can be nice for state machines. A switch statement in a loop is (in order of typical importance): (a) not actually representative of the control flow, (b) ugly, (c) potentially inefficient depending on language and compiler. So you end up writing one function per state, and doing things like "return NEXT_STATE;" which even look like goto.
Granted, it is difficult to code state machines in a way which make them easy to understand. However, none of that difficulty is to do with using goto, and none of it can be reduced by using alternative control structures. Unless your language has a 'state machine' construct. Mine doesn't.
On those rare occasions when your algorithm really is most comprehensible in terms of a path through a sequence of nodes (states) connected by a limited set of permissible transitions (gotos), rather than by any more specific control flow (loops, conditionals, whatnot), then that should be explicit in the code. And you ought to draw a pretty diagram.
setjmp/longjmp can be nice for implementing exceptions or exception-like behaviour. While not universally praised, exceptions are generally considered a "valid" control structure.
setjmp/longjmp are 'more dangerous' than goto in the sense that they're harder to use correctly, never mind comprehensibly.
There never has been, nor will there
ever be, any language in which it is
the least bit difficult to write bad
code. -- Donald Knuth.
Taking goto out of C would not make it any easier to write good code in C. In fact, it would rather miss the point that C is supposed to be capable of acting as a glorified assembler language.
Next it'll be "pointers considered harmful", then "duck typing considered harmful". Then who will be left to defend you when they come to take away your unsafe programming construct? Eh?
We already had this discussion and I stand by my point.
Furthermore, I'm fed up with people describing higher-level language structures as “goto in disguise” because they clearly haven't got the point at all. For example:
Even the advanced continuation control structure in Scheme can be described as a sophisticated goto.
That is complete nonsense. Every control structure can be implemented in terms of goto but this observation is utterly trivial and useless. goto isn't considered harmful because of its positive effects but because of its negative consequences and these have been eliminated by structured programming.
Similarly, saying “GOTO is a tool, and as all tools, it can be used and abused” is completely off the mark. No modern construction worker would use a rock and claim it “is a tool.” Rocks have been replaced by hammers. goto has been replaced by control structures. If the construction worker were stranded in the wild without a hammer, of course he would use a rock instead. If a programmer has to use an inferior programming language that doesn't have feature X, well, of course she may have to use goto instead. But if she uses it anywhere else instead of the appropriate language feature she clearly hasn't understood the language properly and uses it wrongly. It's really as simple as that.
In Linux: Using goto In Kernel Code on Kernel Trap, there's a discussion with Linus Torvalds and a "new guy" about the use of GOTOs in Linux code. There are some very good points there and Linus dressed in that usual arrogance :)
Some passages:
Linus: "No, you've been brainwashed by
CS people who thought that Niklaus
Wirth actually knew what he was
talking about. He didn't. He doesn't
have a frigging clue."
Linus: "I think goto's are fine, and
they are often more readable than
large amounts of indentation."
Linus: "Of course, in stupid languages
like Pascal, where labels cannot be
descriptive, goto's can be bad."
In C, goto only works within the scope of the current function, which tends to localise any potential bugs. setjmp and longjmp are far more dangerous, being non-local, complicated and implementation-dependent. In practice however, they're too obscure and uncommon to cause many problems.
I believe that the danger of goto in C is greatly exaggerated. Remember that the original goto arguments took place back in the days of languages like old-fashioned BASIC, where beginners would write spaghetti code like this:
3420 IF A > 2 THEN GOTO 1430
Here Linus describes an appropriate use of goto: (chapter 7).
Today, it's hard to see the big deal about the GOTO statement because the "structured programming" people mostly won the debate and today's languages have sufficient control flow structures to avoid GOTO.
Count the number of gotos in a modern C program. Now add the number of break, continue, and return statements. Furthermore, add the number of times you use if, else, while, switch or case. That's about how many GOTOs your program would have had if you were writing in FORTRAN or BASIC in 1968 when Dijkstra wrote his letter.
Programming languages at the time were lacking in control flow. For example, in the original Dartmouth BASIC:
IF statements had no ELSE. If you wanted one, you had to write:
100 IF NOT condition THEN GOTO 200
...stuff to do if condition is true...
190 GOTO 300
200 REM else
...stuff to do if condition is false...
300 REM end if
Even if your IF statement didn't need an ELSE, it was still limited to a single line, which usually consisted of a GOTO.
There was no DO...LOOP statement. For non-FOR loops, you had to end the loop with an explicit GOTO or IF...GOTO back to the beginning.
There was no SELECT CASE. You had to use ON...GOTO.
So, you ended up with a lot of GOTOs in your program. And you couldn't depend on the restriction of GOTOs to within a single subroutine (because GOSUB...RETURN was such a weak concept of subroutines), so these GOTOs could go anywhere. Obviously, this made control flow hard to follow.
This is where the anti-GOTO movement came from.
Go To can provide a sort of stand-in for "real" exception handling in certain cases. Consider:
ptr = malloc(size);
if (!ptr) goto label_fail;
bytes_in = read(f_in,ptr,size);
if (bytes_in=<0) goto label_fail;
bytes_out = write(f_out,ptr,bytes_in);
if (bytes_out != bytes_in) goto label_fail;
Obviously this code was simplified to take up less space, so don't get too hung up on the details. But consider an alternative I've seen all too many times in production code by coders going to absurd lengths to avoid using goto:
do {
ptr = malloc(size);
if (!ptr) break;
bytes_in = read(f_in,ptr,size);
if (count=<0) break;
bytes_out = write(f_out,ptr,bytes_in);
if (bytes_out != bytes_in) break;
success = true;
} while (false);
Now functionally this code does the exact same thing. In fact, the code generated by the compiler is nearly identical. However, in the programmer's zeal to appease Nogoto (the dreaded god of academic rebuke), this programmer has completely broken the underlying idiom that the while loop represents, and did a real number on the readability of the code. This is not better.
So, the moral of the story is, if you find yourself resorting to something really stupid in order to avoid using goto, then don't.
Donald E. Knuth answered this question in the book "Literate Programming", 1992 CSLI. On p. 17 there is an essay "Structured Programming with goto Statements" (PDF). I think the article might have been published in other books as well.
The article describes Dijkstra's suggestion and describes the circumstances where this is valid. But he also gives a number of counter examples (problems and algorithms) which cannot be easily reproduced using structured loops only.
The article contains a complete description of the problem, the history, examples and counter examples.
Goto considered helpful.
I started programming in 1975. To 1970s-era programmers, the words "goto considered harmful" said more or less that new programming languages with modern control structures were worth trying. We did try the new languages. We quickly converted. We never went back.
We never went back, but, if you are younger, then you have never been there in the first place.
Now, a background in ancient programming languages may not be very useful except as an indicator of the programmer's age. Notwithstanding, younger programmers lack this background, so they no longer understand the message the slogan "goto considered harmful" conveyed to its intended audience at the time it was introduced.
Slogans one does not understand are not very illuminating. It is probably best to forget such slogans. Such slogans do not help.
This particular slogan however, "Goto considered harmful," has taken on an undead life of its own.
Can goto not be abused? Answer: sure, but so what? Practically every programming element can be abused. The humble bool for example is abused more often than some of us would like to believe.
By contrast, I cannot remember meeting a single, actual instance of goto abuse since 1990.
The biggest problem with goto is probably not technical but social. Programmers who do not know very much sometimes seem to feel that deprecating goto makes them sound smart. You might have to satisfy such programmers from time to time. Such is life.
The worst thing about goto today is that it is not used enough.
Attracted by Jay Ballou adding an answer, I'll add my £0.02. If Bruno Ranschaert had not already done so, I'd have mentioned Knuth's "Structured Programming with GOTO Statements" article.
One thing that I've not seen discussed is the sort of code that, while not exactly common, was taught in Fortran text books. Things like the extended range of a DO loop and open-coded subroutines (remember, this would be Fortran II, or Fortran IV, or Fortran 66 - not Fortran 77 or 90). There's at least a chance that the syntactic details are inexact, but the concepts should be accurate enough. The snippets in each case are inside a single function.
Note that the excellent but dated (and out of print) book 'The Elements of Programming Style, 2nd Edn' by Kernighan & Plauger includes some real-life examples of abuse of GOTO from programming text books of its era (late-70s). The material below is not from that book, however.
Extended range for a DO loop
do 10 i = 1,30
if ( goto 37
91 ...blah...
10 continue
37 ...some computation...
goto 91
One reason for such nonsense was the good old-fashioned punch-card. You might notice that the labels (nicely out of sequence because that was canonical style!) are in column 1 (actually, they had to be in columns 1-5) and the code is in columns 7-72 (column 6 was the continuation marker column). Columns 73-80 would be given a sequence number, and there were machines that would sort punch card decks into sequence number order. If you had your program on sequenced cards and needed to add a few cards (lines) into the middle of a loop, you'd have to repunch everything after those extra lines. However, if you replaced one card with the GOTO stuff, you could avoid resequencing all the cards - you just tucked the new cards at the end of the routine with new sequence numbers. Consider it to be the first attempt at 'green computing' - a saving of punch cards (or, more specifically, a saving of retyping labour - and a saving of consequential rekeying errors).
Oh, you might also note that I'm cheating and not shouting - Fortran IV was written in all upper-case normally.
Open-coded subroutine
i = 1
goto 76
123 ...blah...
i = 2
goto 76
79 ...blah...
goto 54
12 continue
76 ...calculate something...
goto (123, 79) i
54 ...more calculation...
goto 12
The GOTO between labels 76 and 54 is a version of computed goto. If the variable i has the value 1, goto the first label in the list (123); if it has the value 2, goto the second, and so on. The fragment from 76 to the computed goto is the open-coded subroutine. It was a piece of code executed rather like a subroutine, but written out in the body of a function. (Fortran also had statement functions - which were embedded functions that fitted on a single line.)
There were worse constructs than the computed goto - you could assign labels to variables and then use an assigned goto. Googling assigned goto tells me it was deleted from Fortran 95. Chalk one up for the structured programming revolution which could fairly be said to have started in public with Dijkstra's "GOTO Considered Harmful" letter or article.
Without some knowledge of the sorts of things that were done in Fortran (and in other languages, most of which have rightly fallen by the wayside), it is hard for us newcomers to understand the scope of the problem which Dijkstra was dealing with. Heck, I didn't start programming until ten years after that letter was published (but I did have the misfortune to program in Fortran IV for a while).
There is no such things as GOTO considered harmful.
GOTO is a tool, and as all tools, it can be used and abused.
There are, however, many tools in the programming world that have a tendency to be abused more than being used, and GOTO is one of them. the WITH statement of Delphi is another.
Personally I don't use either in typical code, but I've had the odd usage of both GOTO and WITH that were warranted, and an alternative solution would've contained more code.
The best solution would be for the compiler to just warn you that the keyword was tainted, and you'd have to stuff a couple of pragma directives around the statement to get rid of the warnings.
It's like telling your kids to not run with scissors. Scissors are not bad, but some usage of them are perhaps not the best way to keep your health.
Since I began doing a few things in the linux kernel, gotos don't bother me so much as they once did. At first I was sort of horrified to see they (kernel guys) added gotos into my code. I've since become accustomed to the use of gotos, in some limited contexts, and will now occasionally use them myself. Typically, it's a goto that jumps to the end of a function to do some kind of cleanup and bail out, rather than duplicating that same cleanup and bailout in several places in the function. And typically, it's not something large enough to hand off to another function -- e.g. freeing some locally (k)malloc'ed variables is a typical case.
I've written code that used setjmp/longjmp only once. It was in a MIDI drum sequencer program. Playback happened in a separate process from all user interaction, and the playback process used shared memory with the UI process to get the limited info it needed to do the playback. When the user wanted to stop playback, the playback process just did a longjmp "back to the beginning" to start over, rather than some complicated unwinding of wherever it happened to be executing when the user wanted it to stop. It worked great, was simple, and I never had any problems or bugs related to it in that instance.
setjmp/longjmp have their place -- but that place is one you'll not likely visit but once in a very long while.
Edit: I just looked at the code. It was actually siglongjmp() that I used, not longjmp (not that it's a big deal, but I had forgotten that siglongjmp even existed.)
It never was, as long as you were able to think for yourself.
Because goto can be used for confusing metaprogramming
Goto is both a high-level and a low-level control expression, and as a result it just doesn't have a appropriate design pattern suitable for most problems.
It's low-level in the sense that a goto is a primitive operation that implements something higher like while or foreach or something.
It's high-level in the sense that when used in certain ways it takes code that executes in a clear sequence, in an uninterrupted fashion, except for structured loops, and it changes it into pieces of logic that are, with enough gotos, a grab-bag of logic being dynamically reassembled.
So, there is a prosaic and an evil side to goto.
The prosaic side is that an upward pointing goto can implement a perfectly reasonable loop and a downward-pointing goto can do a perfectly reasonable break or return. Of course, an actual while, break, or return would be a lot more readable, as the poor human wouldn't have to simulate the effect of the goto in order to get the big picture. So, a bad idea in general.
The evil side involves a routine not using goto for while, break, or return, but using it for what's called spaghetti logic. In this case the goto-happy developer is constructing pieces of code out of a maze of goto's, and the only way to understand it is to simulate it mentally as a whole, a terribly tiring task when there are many goto's. I mean, imagine the trouble of evaluating code where the else is not precisely an inverse of the if, where nested ifs might allow in some things that were rejected by the outer if, etc, etc.
Finally, to really cover the subject, we should note that essentially all early languages except Algol initially made only single statements subject to their versions of if-then-else. So, the only way to do a conditional block was to goto around it using an inverse conditional. Insane, I know, but I've read some old specs. Remember that the first computers were programmed in binary machine code so I suppose any kind of an HLL was a lifesaver; I guess they weren't too picky about exactly what HLL features they got.
Having said all that I used to stick one goto into every program I wrote "just to annoy the purists".
If you're writing a VM in C, it turns out that using (gcc's) computed gotos like this:
char run(char *pc) {
void *opcodes[3] = {&&op_inc, &&op_lda_direct, &&op_hlt};
#define NEXT_INSTR(stride) goto *(opcodes[*(pc += stride)])
acc = ram[++pc];
return acc;
works much faster than the conventional switch inside a loop.
Denying the use of the GOTO statement to programmers is like telling a carpenter not to use a hammer as it Might damage the wall while he is hammering in a nail. A real programmer Knows How and When to use a GOTO. I’ve followed behind some of these so-called ‘Structured Programs’ I’ve see such Horrid code just to avoid using a GOTO, that I could shoot the programmer. Ok, In defense of the other side, I’ve seen some real spaghetti code too and again, those programmers should be shot too.
Here is just one small example of code I’ve found.
YORN = ''
CRT 'Is this correct? (Y/N) : ':
CRT 'Aborted!'
10: CRT 'Is this Correct (Y)es/(N)o ':
CRT 'Aborted!'
"In this link"
Ironically, eliminating the goto introduced a bug: the spinlock call was omitted.
The original paper should be thought of as "Unconditional GOTO Considered Harmful". It was in particular advocating a form of programming based on conditional (if) and iterative (while) constructs, rather than the test-and-jump common to early code. goto is still useful in some languages or circumstances, where no appropriate control structure exists.
About the only place I agree Goto could be used is when you need to deal with errors, and each particular point an error occurs requires special handling.
For instance, if you're grabbing resources and using semaphores or mutexes, you have to grab them in order and you should always release them in the opposite manner.
Some code requires a very odd pattern of grabbing these resources, and you can't just write an easily maintained and understood control structure to correctly handle both the grabbing and releasing of these resources to avoid deadlock.
It's always possible to do it right without goto, but in this case and a few others Goto is actually the better solution primarily for readability and maintainability.
One modern GOTO usage is by the C# compiler to create state machines for enumerators defined by yield return.
GOTO is something that should be used by compilers and not programmers.
Until C and C++ (amongst other culprits) have labelled breaks and continues, goto will continue to have a role.
If GOTO itself were evil, compilers would be evil, because they generate JMPs. If jumping into a block of code, especially following a pointer, were inherently evil, the RETurn instruction would be evil. Rather, the evil is in the potential for abuse.
At times I have had to write apps that had to keep track of a number of objects where each object had to follow an intricate sequence of states in response to events, but the whole thing was definitely single-thread. A typical sequence of states, if represented in pseudo-code would be:
request something
wait for it to be done
while some condition
request something
wait for it
if one response
while another condition
request something
wait for it
do something
request one more thing
wait for it
else if some other response
... some other similar sequence ...
... etc, etc.
I'm sure this is not new, but the way I handled it in C(++) was to define some macros:
#define WAIT(n) do{state=(n); enque(this); return; L##n:;}while(0)
#define DONE state = -1
#define DISPATCH0 if state < 0) return;
#define DISPATCH1 if(state==1) goto L1; DISPATCH0
#define DISPATCH2 if(state==2) goto L2; DISPATCH1
#define DISPATCH3 if(state==3) goto L3; DISPATCH2
#define DISPATCH4 if(state==4) goto L4; DISPATCH3
... as needed ...
Then (assuming state is initially 0) the structured state machine above turns into the structured code:
DISPATCH4; // or as high a number as needed
request something;
WAIT(1); // each WAIT has a different number
while (some condition){
request something;
if (one response){
while (another condition){
request something;
do something;
request one more thing;
else if (some other response){
... some other similar sequence ...
... etc, etc.
With a variation on this, there can be CALL and RETURN, so some state machines can act like subroutines of other state machines.
Is it unusual? Yes. Does it take some learning on the part of the maintainer? Yes. Does that learning pay off? I think so. Could it be done without GOTOs that jump into blocks? Nope.
I actually found myself forced to use a goto, because I literally couldn't think of a better (faster) way to write this code:
I had a complex object, and I needed to do some operation on it. If the object was in one state, then I could do a quick version of the operation, otherwise I had to do a slow version of the operation. The thing was that in some cases, in the middle of the slow operation, it was possible to realise that this could have been done with the fast operation.
SomeObject someObject;
if (someObject.IsComplex()) // this test is trivial
// begin slow calculations here
if (result of calculations)
// just discovered that I could use the fast calculation !
goto Fast_Calculations;
// do the rest of the slow calculations here
if (someObject.IsmediumComplex()) // this test is slightly less trivial
// Do fast calculations
// object is simple, no calculations needed.
This was in a speed critical piece of realtime UI code, so I honestly think that a GOTO was justified here.
One thing I've not seen from any of the answers here is that a 'goto' solution is often more efficient than one of the structured programming solutions often mentioned.
Consider the many-nested-loops case, where using 'goto' instead of a bunch of if(breakVariable) sections is obviously more efficient. The solution "Put your loops in a function and use return" is often totally unreasonable. In the likely case that the loops are using local variables, you now have to pass them all through function parameters, potentially handling loads of extra headaches that arise from that.
Now consider the cleanup case, which I've used myself quite often, and is so common as to have presumably been responsible for the try{} catch {} structure not available in many languages. The number of checks and extra variables that are required to accomplish the same thing are far worse than the one or two instructions to make the jump, and again, the additional function solution is not a solution at all. You can't tell me that's more manageable or more readable.
Now code space, stack usage, and execution time may not matter enough in many situations to many programmers, but when you're in an embedded environment with only 2KB of code space to work with, 50 bytes of extra instructions to avoid one clearly defined 'goto' is just laughable, and this is not as rare a situation as many high-level programmers believe.
The statement that 'goto is harmful' was very helpful in moving towards structured programming, even if it was always an over-generalization. At this point, we've all heard it enough to be wary of using it (as we should). When it's obviously the right tool for the job, we don't need to be scared of it.
I avoid it since a coworker/manager will undoubtedly question its use either in a code review or when they stumble across it. While I think it has uses (the error handling case for example) - you'll run afoul of some other developer who will have some type of problem with it.
It’s not worth it.
Almost all situations where a goto can be used, you can do the same using other constructs. Goto is used by the compiler anyway.
I personally never use it explicitly, don't ever need to.
You can use it for breaking from a deeply nested loop, but most of the time your code can be refactored to be cleaner without deeply nested loops.

In what situations lists in F# are optimized by the compiler?

In what situations lists in F# are optimized by F# compiler to arrays, to for-loops, while loops, etc. without creating actual list of single linked data?
For example:
[1..1000] |> something
Could be optimized to for-loop without creating actual list. But I don't know if the compiler is doing that actually.
Mapping over lists that are less in size could be optimized with loop-unfolding, etc.
In what situations lists in F# are optimized by F# compiler to arrays, to for-loops, while loops, etc. without creating actual list of single linked data?
Your later comments are enlightening because you assume that this is a flaw in F#: should be smart enough to do it. Similar to Haskell compiler...
Somewhat true.
...Haskell compiler is doing a lot of such optimizations...
However, this is actually a really bad idea. Specifically, you are pursuing optimizations when what you really want is performance. Haskell offers lots of exotic optimizations but its performance characteristics are actually really bad. Moreover, the properties of Haskell that make these optimizations tractable require massive sacrifices elsewhere:
Purity makes interoperability much harder so Microsoft killed Haskell.NET and Haskell lives on only with its own incompatible VM.
The GC in Haskell's VM has been optimized for purely functional code at the expense of mutation.
Purely functional data structures are typically 10× slower than their imperative equivalents, sometimes asymptotically slower and in some cases there is no known purely functional equivalent.
Laziness and purity go hand-in-hand ("strict evaluation is a canonical side effect") and laziness not only massively degrades performance but makes it wildly unpredictable.
The enormous numbers of optimizations added to Haskell in an attempt to combat this poor performance (e.g. strictness analysis) render performance even less predictable.
Unpredictable cache behaviour makes scalability unpredictable on multicores.
For a trivial example of these optimizations not paying off look no further than the idiomatic 2-line quicksort in Haskell which, despite all of its optimizations, remains thousands of times slower than Sedgewick's quicksort in C. In theory, a sufficiently smart Haskell compiler could optimize such source code into an efficient program. In practice, the world's most sophisticated Haskell compilers cannot even do this for a trivial two-line program much less real software.
The source code to the Haskell programs on The Computer Language Benchmarks Game provide some enlightening examples of just how horrific Haskell code becomes when you optimize it.
I want a programming language to:
Have a simple method of compilation that keeps performance predictable.
Make it easy to optimize by hand where optimization is required.
Have a high ceiling on performance so that I can get close to optimal performance when necessary.
F# satisfies these requirements.
I think "never" is the answer.
It is easy to see if you look at the disassembly - which is quite easy to read
// method line 4
.method public static
default void main# () cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x2078
// Code size 34 (0x22)
.maxstack 6
IL_0000: newobj instance void class Test2/clo#2::'.ctor'()
IL_0005: ldc.i4.1
IL_0006: ldc.i4.1
IL_0007: ldc.i4 1000
IL_000c: call class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<int32> class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators/OperatorIntrinsics::RangeInt32(int32, int32, int32)
IL_0011: call class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0> class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators::CreateSequence<int32> (class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0>)
IL_0016: call class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<!!0> class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule::ToList<int32> (class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0>)
IL_001b: call class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<!!1> class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ListModule::Map<int32, int32> (class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<!!0,!!1>, class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<!!0>)
IL_0020: pop
IL_0021: ret
} // end of method $Test2::main#
} // end of class <StartupCode$test2>.$Test2
You can see that at 000c and 0011 the enumerable is created, and then at 0016 the sequence is converted to a list
So in this case the optimisation doesn't happen. In fact it would be very hard for the compiler to make such an optimisation as there could be any number of differences between Seq.Map and List.Map (which is the simplest optimisation as it would avoid the temporary list).
Whilst this question was asked some time ago, the current situation is somewhat different.
Many of the list module functions do actually use an array internally.
For example, the current implementation of pairwise is
let pairwise (list: 'T list) =
let array = List.toArray list
if array.Length < 2 then [] else
List.init (array.Length-1) (fun i -> array.[i],array.[i+1])
also FoldBack (although only for lists with length greater than 4)
// this version doesn't causes stack overflow - it uses a private stack
let foldBack<'T,'State> f (list:'T list) (acc:'State) =
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
match list with
| [] -> acc
| [h] -> f.Invoke(h,acc)
| [h1;h2] -> f.Invoke(h1,f.Invoke(h2,acc))
| [h1;h2;h3] -> f.Invoke(h1,f.Invoke(h2,f.Invoke(h3,acc)))
| [h1;h2;h3;h4] -> f.Invoke(h1,f.Invoke(h2,f.Invoke(h3,f.Invoke(h4,acc))))
| _ ->
// It is faster to allocate and iterate an array than to create all those
// highly nested stacks. It also means we won't get stack overflows here.
let arr = toArray list
let arrn = arr.Length
foldArraySubRight f arr 0 (arrn - 1) acc
Here, foldArraySubRight actually uses an iterative loop to process the array.
Other functions with similar optimisations include almost anything with a name like *Back as well as all the sort* functions and the permute function.