I have an ellipse that moves from certain position upwards.
void Equalizer::advance(int phase)
if(!phase) return;
QPointF location = this->pos();
setPos(mapToParent(0 , -(speed)));
Though I want it to stop moving when it reaches certain y coordinate. How do I do that?
Don't update its y position, when it reaches the specified y coordinate,
void Equalizer::advance(int phase)
if(!phase) return;
QPointF location = this->pos();
if(location.y() <= specifiedY)
//If the speed at which the ellipse is moving is great enough to take it beyond the specifiedY, set it to the specifiedY before the return.
setPos(pos().x(), specifiedY); // assuming specifiedY is in scene coordinates
setPos(mapToParent(0 , -(speed)));
Hey my player isn't falling while I'm pressing any of movement inputs while I'm falling. Just stands still and moves right or left.
Just watch the video; Video
My movement code;
if (right == true) {
p_pBody.body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(5, 0));
p_pBody.rect.setPosition(p_xPos * s_METPX, p_yPos * s_METPX); // Set The SFML Graphics
if (left == true) {
p_pBody.body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(-5, 0));
p_pBody.rect.setPosition(p_xPos * s_METPX, p_yPos * s_METPX); // Set The SFML Graphics
You're setting the vertical velocity to 0 when you're pressing right or left. That's the second coordinate of b2Vec2. If you want to have gravity, replace that zero with the vertical velocity the block has when the buttons are not being pressed.
I have a scene and inside the scene I have the ellipses (circles) to which I change the position with setPos() so when I ask for its position later I will not get 0,0 coordinates, but now when I want to delete the object, the member function contains() does not ever evaluate to true understandably. The question is, how can I get to the scene coordinates or object coordinates so when I click on the object I get the true evaluation of contains() member function. I have tried the mapToScene(), mapFromScene() which do not help. (still kinda lost in Qt coordinate system)
Code sample:
void MyQGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
QPointF pt = mapToScene(e->pos());
// remove point
QList<QGraphicsItem *> listIt = scene->items();
QList<QGraphicsItem *>::const_iterator stlIter;
QGraphicsItem * itemToRemove = NULL;
QGraphicsEllipseItem it; // for type checking
for(stlIter = listIt.begin(); stlIter != listIt.end(); ++stlIter)
// if it has the expected type and the point is inside (type checking is redundant)
if(((*stlIter)->type() == it.type()) && ((*stlIter)->contains(pt))){
// contains(pt) is never true - understandably
itemToRemove = *stlIter;
if(itemToRemove != NULL) scene->removeItem(itemToRemove);
}else{ // leftClick to add ellipse
double rad = 10;
QGraphicsEllipseItem* pEllipse = scene->addEllipse(-rad, -rad, rad*2.0, rad*2.0, QPen(Qt::red,0), QBrush(Qt::red,Qt::SolidPattern));
pEllipse->setPos(pt.x(), pt.y()); // set the postion so it does not return 0,0
The QGraphicsItem::contains method takes points in local coordinates, that is in coordinates with (0, 0) being the center of the QGraphicsItem.
You are using points in global scene coordinates.
To get a point in local coordinates of a given QGprahicsItem you can use the QGraphicsItem::mapFromScene(const QPointF & point) method.
You might want to do something like :
for(Object& obj : objects)
// do stuf because point is inside obj
Sources :
I want to make tank's turret be aimed with mouse in a top-down perspective. I have written some code to animate rotation to given angle:
void Tank::rotateTurret(float angle) {
turretRotation += angle;
sf::Sprite turret;
void Tank::update(unsigned int time) {
if (turretRotation != 0.0f) {
float rotate;
if (turretRotation > 0.0f) {
rotate = turretRotationSpeed * time;
if (rotate > turretRotation) {
rotate = turretRotation;
turretRotation = 0;
turretRotation -= rotate;
else {
rotate = -turretRotationSpeed * time;
if (rotate < turretRotation) {
rotate = turretRotation;
turretRotation = 0;
turretRotation -= rotate;
And I can calculate mouse pointer angle relative to top left corner:
void TankPlayerController::update() {
sf::Vector2i mousePosition = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*relativeWindow);
sf::Vector2i mouseMovement = mousePosition - lastMousePosition;
if (mouseMovement.x != 0 || mouseMovement.y != 0) {
float mouseAngle = VectorAngleDeg(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
lastMousePosition = mousePosition;
But I have no idea how to combine it together. How should it be done?
You need to calculate the angle to the center of the turret (CoT) from the upper left corner (ULHC) and the angle to the mouse location from the ULHC. Next consider the triangle formed from the lines connecting the ULHC to the CoT, the line connecting the ULHC to the mouse pointer location and the line connecting the CoT to the mouse pointer location. Since you know the distance from the ULHC to the CoT and the distance from the ULHC to the mouse pointer location all you need to do is determine the difference between the angle to the CoT and the mouse pointer position you can use the Law of Cosines to get the angel between the ULHC and the mouse position at the turret and from there the angle to any arbitrary axis you choose.
It would be easier with a picture :|
Hi so I'm trying to make it so a little UFO bitmap (drawing/painting already taken care of) can be dragged around the screen. I can't seem to make the UFO position update and then redraw repeatedly from the MouseButtonDown() function (simplified code for mouse event handler). Any suggestions on detecting the dragging and redrawing accordingly? Code is below for relevant functions:
void MouseButtonDown(int x, int y, BOOL bLeft)
if (bLeft)
while(_bMouseMoving == true && _bMouseDragRelease == false) {
_iSaucerX = x - (_pSaucer->GetWidth() / 2);
_iSaucerY = y - (_pSaucer->GetHeight() / 2);
InvalidateRect(_pGame->GetWindow(), NULL, FALSE);
// Set the saucer position to the mouse position
_iSaucerX = x - (_pSaucer->GetWidth() / 2);
_iSaucerY = y - (_pSaucer->GetHeight() / 2);
// Stop the saucer
_iSpeedX = 0;
_iSpeedY = 0;
void MouseButtonUp(int x, int y, BOOL bLeft)
_bMouseDragRelease = true;
void MouseMove(int x, int y)
_bMouseMoving = true;
To clarify what chris said, you're only going to get the WM_xBUTTONDOWN message once, and you'll need to use that to toggle a dragging state that you can query when you recieve a WM_MOUSEMOVE message.
When you get the mouse move message during a dragging state, you'll want to invalidate the rectangle surrounding where the ufo was, and the rectangle surrounding where it is.
Invalidating a rectangle causes WM_PAINT messages, where you redraw whatever was behind the ufo, and the ufo in it's new place.
Or you could cheat and make the UFO a cursor when you're dragging :)
I am creating a 2D Mario game.
The following function is intended to update a player's position when a particular key is pressed. The player is allowed to move left and right, and jump in the same place, or jump to the left or to the right (to form like an arc).
bool updatePlayerPosition(Movement* mov){
if (this->keyPressed(SDLK_RIGHT)) {
mov->applyForce(1); // Changes the velocity in X
if (this->keyPressed(SDLK_LEFT)) {
mov->applyForce(-1); // Changes the velocity in X
if (this->keyPressed(SDLK_SPACE)) {
mov->jump(); // Changes the velocity in Y
if (this->keyPressed(SDLK_DOWN)) {
mov->fallDown(); // Changes the velocity in X and Y
Point* pos = mov->getPosition();
// Check whether the position is out of bounds
// If it is not, I update the player's current position
position->x = pos->x;
position->y = pos->y;
return true;
// If the movement is not allowed, I don't change the position
else {
return false;
Here is the bug: when I hit the end of the level (which has a fixed width), and if I try to move right and jump at the same time, the player jumps and stays in the air. Only when I release the space bar does the Player come to the ground.
How can I fix this?
For your game, I think you only want the player to jump whenever space is pressed and when the player is on the floor. You must then check if the player is on the floor to have the desired behavior.
I suggest you device a mechanism like this:
if (this->keyPressed(SDLK_SPACE) && this->isOnTheFloor()) {
mov->jump(); // Changes the velocity in Y
Your spacebar handler should only apply force one time - on key down, or up, if you prefer, not every frame. On spacebar down, velocity 'up' should be set to some (likely constant) value. Then every frame, if not on the ground, velocity down should be increase a specified amount, with a maximum speed. So OnSpacebarDown, YVelocity = 10.0; and for each frame if(!bGrounded) YVelocity -= 1.0;