Wrapper around TASKs in C# - unit-testing

I am using tasks in WinForms (.NET 4.0) to perform lengthy operations like WCF call. Application is already in product with heavy use of Tasks (almost all the methods which uses Tasks are void).
During the unit testing we have used AutoResetEvents (in actual code) to find out when the given task is completed then perform assert.
This gives me a thought that almost all the AutoResetEvent are waste of effort. They are just fulfilling unit testing needs, nothing else.
Can we create a wrapper around Tasks likewise when actual code run... they should work in background and in case of unit testing they should be synchronous.
Similar to below link for BackgroundWorker.

Why can't you simply use the continuation for tasks in your wrapper, like this:
var task = ...
task.ContinueWith(t => check task results here)
Also, unit tests can be marked as async, if they have a return type Task, so you can use an await there, and after that do your asserts:
public async Task SynchronizeTestWithRecurringOperationViaAwait()
var sut = new SystemUnderTest();
// Execute code to set up timer with 1 sec delay and interval.
var firstNotification = sut.StartRecurring();
// Wait that operation has finished two times.
var secondNotification = await firstNotification.GetNext();
await secondNotification.GetNext();
// Assert outcome.
Assert.AreEqual("Init Poll Poll", sut.Message);
Another approach (from the same article) is to use a custom task scheduler, which will be synchronous in case of unit testing:
public void TestCodeSynchronously()
var dts = new DeterministicTaskScheduler();
var sut = new SystemUnderTest(dts);
// Execute code to schedule first operation and return immediately.
// Execute all operations on the current thread.
// Assert outcome of the two operations.
Assert.AreEqual("Init Work1 Work2", sut.Message);
Same MSDN magazine contains nice article about best practices for async unit testing. Also async void should be used only as an event handler, all other methods should have async Task signature.


What is a good practice to write unit-test on .net core Ihostedservice?

I have a background task initiated in .net core 2.0 startup, inherits from backgroundservice, implementing StartAsync, StopAsync and ExecuteAsync. This task is to update some data in database table periodically based on some business logic.
While I can run the backgroundtask as an application and test using logs, db check and with the help of other tools, can the unit-testing is necessary for testing the backgroundtask? If so how to register the task as a service with dependencies and trigger the start and stop methods to assert the actual vs expected? Appreciate some basic sample unit-test method on testing timer based .net core ihostedservice backgroundtask.
Here is my basic test start just for sample, but not completed yet. Having said that, this is just a thought but not the exact working test. Here is what need some help from the community. Can also add some more asserts i.e. Assert.Verify()?
public async void Run_background_task_success()
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var service = serviceProvider.GetService<IHostedService>() as BackgroundManagerTask;
var isExecuted = false;
if(await service.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None))
isExecuted = true;
await Task.Delay(10000);
await service.StopAsync(CancellationToken.None);
Here's how I usually do it. You mention you are going to the database to update some data, so I'm assuming you are expecting that as a dependency from BackgroundManager
public void BackgroundManagerUpdatingDataTest()
// Arrange
Mock<IDataAccess> dbMock = new Mock<IDataAccess>();
dbMock.Setup(x => x.UpdateSomethingInDB(It.IsAny<BusinessObject>())).Returns(1); // One row updated from the DML in UpdateSomethingInDB from the BusinessObject
BackgroundManager sut = new BackgroundManager(dbMock.Object); // System under test.
// Act
await sut.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);
await Task.Delay(500); // Give the test some time to execute.
await sut.StopAsync(CancellationToken.None); // Stop the Background Service.
// Assert
dbMock.Verify(x => x.UpdateSomethingInDB(It.IsAny<BusinessObject>()), Times.Exactly(1));
Above, we are plainly testing the update to the database occurred by Mocking the data access call and verifying that it was called exactly once.
You could of course Mock any other dependency out using Moq and Assert on anything else you want to verify.

Testing Reactive Extensions - How do I use the test scheduler with ToTask()?

I'm having trouble testing reactive code that's consuming a Task based service. In my class under test I consume the task and use ToObservable to do reactive-y things with it.
public void Method()
_svc.MyTaskServiceMethod().ToObservable().Select(....) //pipe it elsewhere and do interesting things.
Now in a unit test I'm testing some timing (using Moq for the service)
svcMock.Setup(x => x.MyTaskServiceMethod()).Returns(() =>
Observable.Return("VALUE", testScheduler)
.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), testScheduler)
The problem is that despite using the test scheduler in the Return/Delay calls, the task itself is still completing on a separate thread. I'm seeing this by adding a couple of Console writes of the current managed thread id to the code.
svcMock.Setup(x => x.MyServiceMethod()).Returns(() =>
var task = Observable.Return("VALUE", testScheduler)
.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), testScheduler)
.Do(x => { Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " Obs"); })
task.ContinueWith((_) =>
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " Task");
return task;
The Do(..) executes on the primary testing thread, and happens exactly when I expect after a testSchduler.AdvanceBy(..) call.
The task continuation is still happening in a separate thread and basically doesn't execute until after the body of the unit test has finished. So in the body of my target, nothing ever really gets pushed through my task.ToObservable() observable.
Task continuations will use a task pool thread by default, so your continuation escapes the control of the test scheduler. If you specify the option TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, it will use the same thread and the result will be posted to the observable as desired:
task.ContinueWith((_) =>
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " Task");
}, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
You may find this related discussion on the Rx site quite illuminating on the subject of concurrency in TPL -> Rx transitions, and ToObservable() in particular.
Some time ago I co-authored a unit test library based on NUnit to help with precisely with Rx and TPL testing. For that we built a Test TPL scheduler to force all TPL tasks to run without concurrency. You can see the relevant code here: https://github.com/Testeroids/Testeroids/blob/master/solution/src/app/Testeroids/TplTestPlatformHelper.cs#L87

How to unit test an Akka actor that sends a message to itself, without using Thread.sleep

I have a Scala unit test for an Akka actor. The actor is designed to poll a remote system and update a local cache. Part of the actor's design is that it doesn't attempt to poll while it's still processing or awaiting the result of the last poll, to avoid flooding the remote system when it experiences a slowdown.
I have a test case (shown below) which uses Mockito to simulate a slow network call, and checks that when the actor is told to update, it won't make another network call until the current one is complete. It checks the actor has not made another call by verifying a lack of interactions with the remote service.
I want to eliminate the call to Thread.sleep. I want to test the functionality of the actor without relying on waiting for a hardcoded time, in every test run, which is brittle, and wastes time. The test can poll or block, waiting for a condition, with a timeout. This will be more robust, and will not waste time when the test is passing. I also have the added constraint that I want to keep the state used to prevent extra polling var allowPoll limited in scope, to the internals of the PollingActor.
is there a way force a wait until the actor is finished messaging itself? If there's a way I can wait until then before trying to assert.
is it necessary to send the internal message at all? Couldn't I maintain the internal state with a threadsafe datastructure, such as java.util.concurrent.AtomicBoolean. I have done this and the code appears to work, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about Akka to know if it's discouraged -- a colleague recommended the self message style.
is there better, out-of-the-box functionality with the same semantics? Then I would opt for an integration test instead of a unit test, though I'm not sure if it would solve this problem.
The current actor looks something like this:
class PollingActor(val remoteService: RemoteServiceThingy) extends ActWhenActiveActor {
private var allowPoll: Boolean = true
def receive = {
case PreventFurtherPolling => {
allowPoll = false
case AllowFurtherPolling => {
allowPoll = true
case UpdateLocalCache => {
if (allowPoll) {
self ! PreventFurtherPolling
remoteService.makeNetworkCall.onComplete {
result => {
self ! AllowFurtherPolling
// process result
trait RemoteServiceThingy {
def makeNetworkCall: Future[String]
private case object PreventFurtherPolling
private case object AllowFurtherPolling
case object UpdateLocalCache
And the unit test, in specs2, looks like this:
"when request has finished a new requests can be made" ! {
val remoteService = mock[RemoteServiceThingy]
val actor = TestActorRef(new PollingActor(remoteService))
val slowRequest = new DefaultPromise[String]()
remoteService.makeNetworkCall returns slowRequest
slowRequest.complete(Left(new Exception))
// Although the test calls the actor synchronously, the actor calls *itself* asynchronously, so we must wait.
there was two(remoteService).makeNetworkCall
The way we have chosen to solve this for now is to inject the equivalent of an observer into the actor (piggybacking on an existing logger which wasn't included in the listing in the question). The actor can then tell the observer when it has transitioned from various states. In the test code we perform an action then wait for the relevant notification from the actor, before continuing and making assertions.
In the test we have something like this:
{ actor.receive(UpdateLocalCache) }, // run this action
"IgnoredUpdateLocalCache" // then wait for the actor to emit an event
// assert on number of calls to remote service
I don't know if there's a more idiomatic way, this seems like a reasonable suggestion to me.

How to unit test a synchronous method calling asynchronous method?

What is the correct way to write a unit test for a synchronous method calling async methods.
Right now my unit test are passing, but when I try to open the page, it never returns.
Why isn't my unit test failing? How can I make it fail?
I replicated my problem with this simple code:
My passing test:
public void DoSomeWork_WhenWeDoSomeWork_ShouldReturnDone()
var service = new SyncService();
const string expected = "Done";
var actual = service.DoSomeWork();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
My view that never returns:
public ActionResult Index()
var syncService = new SyncService();
return View((object)syncService.DoSomeWork());
My service that never returns to view:
public class SyncService
public string DoSomeWork()
return SomeWork().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private async Task<string> SomeWork()
var task1 = Task.Delay(1000);
var task2 = Task.Delay(1000);
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
return "Done";
I don't think I can help you with this specific example, but I think a good general strategy is to write two tests. One to test if the synchronous method passes the correct data and an other to test if the asynchronous method works properly.
I mostly work in JavaScript and that general approach works for me. Also you can check the documentation of your testing frameworks, maybe it provides some methods for this.
First, don't block on async code (link to my blog). By blocking on async code, you're actually causing a deadlock. This deadlock does not happen in your unit test because unit tests run in a thread pool context, not an ASP.NET context (link to my blog).
There are good reasons for not having synchronous wrappers for asynchronous methods. So I recommend getting rid of DoSomeWork completely, leaving only SomeWork (renamed to SomeWorkAsync).
To solve your problem, you should use asynchronous controller actions.

Testing a class that uses asynchronous execution

I have a bunch of unit tests that work on a class which executes some tasks asynchronously. Currently I set up the class, then execute the function in question. I then go into a blocking wait until the execution is completed, then test the data I need to. Is there a better way that I can do this?
So far my tests look similar to this:
vp.Reset(); //vp is my virtual machine
bool wait = true;
Dictionary<short, Command> commands = new Dictionary<short, Command>();
commands.Add(0, CommandFactory.CreateInputCommand(0, 0));
commands.Add(1, CommandFactory.CreateHaltCommand());
vp.OnHalted += () =>
wait = false;
vp.InputChannels[0] = () => { return 2; };
vp.CurrentProgram = commands;
vp.ExecuteTillHalt();//asynchronous execution of program. There's also a way to make it execute synchronously
while (wait) ;
Assert.AreEqual(vp.Registers[0], 2);
I see two tests, one to test that an asychronous action is launched (which can be done with a mock) and the second to test that the action that is run asychronously performs correctly when run and you can do the latter synchronously.
Is there a way to break this up into two tests?
You can test the asynchronous aspect via the block and then test the data as a separate testable function that doesn't rely on how it's called.