Use Ansible to launch new EC2 instance into cluster - amazon-web-services

What I want to do is use Ansible to create an ECS cluster, then create an EC2 instance and launch it into that cluster, but I can't seem to find a way to do that. I've had no trouble launching and configuring an EC2 instance on its own so far, but it's this next step that's totally blocking me.
The AWS documentation says I can create an EC2 instance with User Data to assign it to a cluster, but this doesn't seem to work when I use the user_data field of Ansible's ec2 module. This is what I have in that field:
echo "ECS_CLUSTER=my-test-cluster" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
I feel like there must just be something I'm not seeing, or else some basic understanding I'm missing. I'm hoping someone can provide some pointers here.
Edit: I wasn't originally using the right ECS-optimized AMI, but even after starting an instance with the correct image I don't see a difference.

I think what you are missing is the proper policy on the instance to associate itself with the cluster. It sounds like you have the rest of it setup fine. I would safely assume that if you logged into the server and checked the ECS logs from the agent that you would see permission issues.
Take a look here I had a similar issue myself before and setting the proper permissions fixed it.

Another possibility is that your instance doesn't have Internet access:
Container instances need external network access to communicate with the Amazon ECS service endpoint, so if your container instances do not have public IP addresses, then they must use network address translation (NAT) to provide this access.


Update terraform resource after provisioning

so I recently asked a question about how to provision instances that depend on each other. The answer I got was that I could instantiate the 3 instances, then have a null resource with a remote-exec provisioner that would update each instances.
It works great, except that in order to work my instances need to be configured to allow ssh. And since they are in a private subnet, I first need to allow ssh in a public instance that will then bootstrap my 3 instances. This bootstrap operation requires allowing ssh on 4 instances that really don't need to once the bootstrap is complete. This is not that bad, as I can still restrict the traffic to known ip/subnet, but I still thought it was worth asking if there was some ways to avoid that problem.
Can I update the security group of running instances in a single terraform plan? Example: Instantiate 3 instances with security_group X, provision them through ssh, then update the instances with security_group Y, thus disallowing ssh. If so, how? If not, are there any other solutions to this problem?
Based on the comments.
Instead of ssh, you could use AWS Systems Manager Run Command:
AWS Systems Manager Run Command lets you remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed instances. Run Command enables you to automate common administrative tasks and perform ad hoc configuration changes at scale.
This would require making your instances to be recognized by AWS Systems Manager (SSM) which requires three things:
network connectivity to SSM service. Since your instances are in private subnet, they either have to connect to the SSM service using NAT gateway or VPC interface endpoints for SSM.
SSM Agent installed and running. This is usually not an issue as most offical AMI on AWS already have it setup.
Instance role with AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore AWS managed policy.
Since run-command is not supported by terraform, you either have to use local-exec to run the command through AWS CLI, or through lambda function using aws_lambda_invocation.

How to add some new code to an existing EC2 instance

Bear with me, what I am requesting may be impossible. I am a AWS noob.
So I am going to describe to you the situation I am in...
I am doing a freelance gig and was essentially handed the keys to AWS. That is, I was handed the root user login credentials for the AWS account that powers this website.
Now there are 3 EC2 instances. One of the instances is a linux box that, from what I am being told, is running a Django Python backend.
My new "service" if you will must exist within this instance.
How do I introduce new source code into this instance? Is there a way to pull down the existing source code that lives within it?
I am not be helped by any existing/previous developers so I am kind of just handed the AWS credentials and have no idea where to start.
Is this even possible. That is, is it possible to pull the source code from an EC2 instance and/or modify the code? How do I do this?
EC2 instances are just virtual machines. So you can use SSH/SCP/SFTP files to and from. You can use the AWS CLI tools to copy stuff from S3. Dealers choice...
Now to get into this instance... If you look in the web console you can find its IP(s), what the security groups (firewall rules), and the key pair name. Hopefully they gave you the keys. You need these to SSH in.
You'll also want to check to make sure there's a security group applied that has SSH open. Hopefully only to your IP :)
If you don't have the keys you'll have to create an AMI image of the instance so you can create a new one with a key pair you do have.
Amazon has a set of tools for you in Amazon CodeSuite.
The tool used for "deploying" the code is Amazon CodeDeploy. By using this service you install an agent onto your host, then when triggered it will pull down an artifact of a code base and install it matching hosts. You can even specify additional commands through the hook system.
But you also want to trigger this to happen, maybe even automatically? CodeDeploy can be orchestrated using the CodePipeline tool.

How to add EC2 instance to ECS cluster using AWS Node SDK

I am trying to programmaticly create a ECS cluster with EC2 instance in it. As far as I understand I should first create an ECS cluster , than EC2 instance and then register instance using this method :
Is it how I should do it? Which arguments are mandatory? How to get instanceIdentityDocument and instanceIdentityDocumentSignature?
I would use the User Data of the EC2 instance to launch the instance directly into the ECS cluster. This is the User Data you'll want to use:
echo ECS_CLUSTER=your_cluster_name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
The details of this are described in the AWS docs. You can also use this user data in an Auto Scale Group Launch Configuration.
Apart from that, it might be worth it to look into languages that where made to provision infrastructure, like Terraform (also for AWS) or CloudFormation (specifically for AWS).

The best way to add post configuration to an ECS Instance

I wonder what is the best way to add a post config step after instance creation when instance are automatically created by an ECS Cluster.
It seems there is no way to add user-data to ECS instance ?
Note : the instance are created automatically by the ECS Cluster itself.
When using ECS, you configure a Cluster. While configuring the cluster you select instance type and other stuff (ssh key, ...) but there is nowhere to give some user-data to the instances that will be created by ECS. So the question is how to do some post-configuration on instances automatically created with ECS.
When using the management console, it's more of a wizard that creates everything needed for you, including the instances using the Amazon Linux ECS optimized AMI, and doesn't give you a whole lot of control beyond that.
To get more fine-grained control, you would have to use another method of creating your cluster, such as the AWS CLI or CloudFormation. These methods allow you (or require you, actually) to create each piece at a time.
$ aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name MyEcsCluster
The above command creates you a cluster, and cluster only. You would still have to create an ECS task definition, ECS service—although you could still use the management console for those—and (here's the real answer to your question) the EC2 instances which you want to attach to the cluster (either individually or through an Auto Scaling group). You could create instances from the Amazon Linux ECS optimized AMI, but also add user-data at that time to further configure them (you would also probably use the user-data in this scenario to create the /etc/ecs/ecs.config file to make sure it attaches to the ECS cluster you've created, e.g. echo "ECS_CLUSTER=MyEcsCluster" > /etc/ecs/ecs.config).
The short answer is, it's a more work to gain that sort of flexibility, but it is doable.
Edit: Thinking about it further, you could likely use the management console wizards to create everything once, then manually terminate the instances it created for the cluster (or, rather, delete the Auto Scaling group that creates them) and add your own. This would save you some work.

Do I need to duplicate code on every EC2 instance running behind an ELB?

Hi this is a very noob question, but I am trying to deply my Node JS API server on AWS.
Everything is working fine with one m1.large instance that my Front End running on S3 connects to.
Now I want to Scale and put my EC2 instance and possibly many more behing and ELB and an Auto Scaling Group.
Do I need to duplicate my server code on every EC2 instance?
If so , I assume I'll have to create a seperate DB server which all of the EC2 instances will connect to.
Am I right,anyone experienced in Amazon AWS can answer this, I tried googling but most of the links point to detailed tutorials which however don't answer my question.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
yep. that's basically correct. the code needs to be on all instances fronted by the load balancer. for the database you may want to look into RDS.
Of course NOT.. But sure you can do..
That's why there are EFS volumes, which are shared volumes to more than one EC2 instance, but you have to choose a region that support them since they are available on certain regions. As a candidate AWS certified architect I would recommend you more than two options.
You can follow your first approach and create an EC2 instance put your code inside and then create an AMI and use this AMI to launch your upcoming EC2s through autoscaling group. In my opinion bad decision since on any code change you have to go on each one and put the new code and then create a new AMI and a new Auto scaling configuration..Lot's of stuff to do, but it will work.
Second approach, following the first approach but do not create an AMI, instead upload your code on a private (I suppose) Repo like github, bitbucket, install SSM and the appropriate roles for managing EC2 and on every code changes push them to repo and pull them on your EC2, using SSM. Of course you may write a webhook to bitbucket to call an api and run the git pull command on each EC2. Probably the last sentence could be a third approach but needs more coding!!!
Last but not least!! Use an EFS volume put your code there, mount this volume on your EC2, add a auto mount command on every boot, alter your apache httpd main document to point on this EFS/folder and create an AMI with this configuration. Voila! every new EC2 will use the same code which located on this shared/network volume. Whenever you need to change something you have to log in on a third instance outside of your autoscaling group for a certain amount of time upload your changes and then turn it off and all of your EC2 will take immediately the new code. Of course you may pull the changes from a repo following the third approach.
Maybe there are more approaches, I'm using the third one with private repos of course and until now I haven't faced any problem (Fingers crossed)!
One other option is to use Elastic Beanstalk to Deploy NodeJs applications. Here is the guide specific to NodeJs. This will take care of most of the stuff which you would need to do otherwise if you only use EC2 For example: ELB, Autoscaling Cloudwatch etc.
For Database, you may want to use the Master Slave with Read Replicas. Another option is to evaluate NoSql Databases like DynamoDB if it fits your use case. The scalability of DynamoDB tables is managed by AWS so you dont need to worry about it.