Basic URL Django Issue - django

This basic url issue is giving me a headache. I have two links I wish to take a fictitious user to: localhost/prediction and localhost/prediction/. The first works, the second doesn't with an error saying that the site doesn't exist. Any clue as to why?
URl Patterns:
urlpatterns = [
# ex: /prediction/
url(r'^', views.post_list),
# ex: /prediction/<number>/
url(r'^(?P<number>[0-9]+)/$', views.show_body)
def show_body(request, number):
return HttpResponse(number)

You should change your pattern from
url(r'^', views.post_list),
url(r'^$', views.post_list),
There's no need to add a leading slash, because every URL has that. See the example in the Django docs.


Django urls page not found

In my I include my urls for each app, for example;
from app.insight import urls as insight_urls
urlpatterns = [
path('insight/', include(insight_urls), name='insight')
In insight.urls I include the view and the url like this:
urlpatterns = [
path('create/', InsightAddView.as_view(), name='create-insight')
The error I get says:
Page not found. No insight found matching the query
However, when I change the create-insight url from create/ to create/new/ it works.
Why doesn't the create/ url work?
Thanks to #cagrias I solved the problem. I had another url matching the create/ url. This one:
path('<slug:slug>/', InsightView.as_view(), name='read-insight-slug')
I solved it by changing that one to:
path('read/<slug:slug>/', InsightView.as_view(), name='read-insight-slug'),

Django: Changing the index site? (home page)

The index site on my Django homepage stopped working because of a problem that will take a very long time to fix. The site can't be down for that long so I am trying to change the index site so that if you go to the primary url you will atleast end up on the website.
What I have done is change the file in the primary application, where I simply replaced the line
url(r'^', include('news.urls', namespace='news')),
url(r'^', include('events.urls', namespace='events')),
in the urlpatterns list, where news is the faulty page and events is the page that I want to be shown. However, after pushing this to live nothing changed, and for some reason my local Django development server is not working.
Did I do anything wrong, or is there anything else I have to do as well?
In the events app make sure you have a URL such as
url(r'^$', views.EventsIndex.as_view(), name='index'),
Replacing news.urls with events.urls may cause problems, if there are views/templates that try to reverse news urls. It would be better to leave the include as it is, and add a new URL pattern above that for the index:
from events.views import home
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', home, name='home'),
url(r'^', include('news.urls', namespace='news')),

How to expand error in Django dev server?

I have trouble figuring out what trailing slash that causing an error in Django. This is the error:
?: (urls.W002) Your URL pattern '^/' has a regex beginning with a '/'.
Remove this slash as it is unnecessary.
My looks like this:
urlpatterns += [
#url('^$', direct_to_template, {'template': 'index.html'}, name='home'),
url('^$',, name='home'),
url('^', include('main.urls')),
url('^', include('mezzanine.urls')),
And in my main.urls it doesn't exist any '/' before. How can I troubleshoot where the problem exists? Can I expand the error when I run the dev server with
This is my main/
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from . import views
app_name = 'main'
urlpatterns = [
# Create Blog
url(r'^create-blog/$', views.create_blog, name='create_blog'),
# Lists
url(r'^blogs/$', views.blog_list, name='blog_list'),
url(r'^blogs/new/$', views.blogs_new, name='blogs_new'),
url(r'^top/$', views.top_lists, name='top_lists'),
url(r'^latest/$', views.latest_posts, name='latest_posts'),
# Tags
url(r'^tags/(?P<tag>[\w-]+)/$', views.tag, name='tag'),
url(r'^tags/$', views.tags, name='tags'),
# Avatars
url(r'^avatar/', include('avatar.urls')),
# Various
url(r'^welcome/$', views.welcome, name='welcome'),
url(r'^faq/$', views.faq, name='faq'),
url(r'^contact-us/$',, name='contact'),
Looking over the question again, perhaps you have literally defined a pattern as ^/ somewhere.
?: (urls.W002) Your URL pattern '^/' has a regex beginning with a '/'. Remove this slash as it is unnecessary.
This system check by django is printing out the pattern that is causing problems. I made a quick django example, and when I put in a url such as...
urlpatterns = [
url('^test1/$', views.test1, name='test1'),
url('^/test2/$', views.test2, name='test2'),
?: (urls.W002) Your URL pattern '^/test2/$' [name='test2'] has a regex beginning with a '/'. Remove this slash as it is unnecessary.
As you can see it is giving me my URL pattern exactly as it is defined, ^/test2/$. I think your problem is likely in some other part of your file or one of the other files, most likely an include because you do not have the trailing $ in the pattern nor a name for the view.
Try searching through your project for a url defined as '^/' is my recommendation.

Django index url confusion

Hi thanks for looking into this.
I have been following Django's tutorial on URLs and got a bit confused/stuck on this part:
what I do not understand is if, say, on page I provide only 2 possible URLs for and, what happens if the user goes to Obviously, I thought, the user will need to see some sort of 'welcome' page so I decided to add another URL to that
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^/', 'myapp.views.welcome'), #when it's just
url(r'^myapp/', include('myapp.urls')), #includes everything with
url(r'^admin/', include(,
But then I get redirected to that welcome view from whichever page, whether i go to /myapp or not. So, I decided to create a file outside myapps folder and put that welcome page there, and it seems to have worked, apart from that I get a 404.
I am so confused! Could you explain in lamers' terms please
It should be
url(r'^$', 'myapp.views.welcome')
otherwise any URL will match the pattern. Django will call the view for the first pattern in urlpatterns that matches, so you need to be specific and include the end-of-the-line character ($) into the pattern.

Django redirect url parsed as a query string in firefox

I'm trying to create a filtered FAQ page in Django. It filters by three categories, and defaults to 'all' for all three when someone hits the root URL. From
keywords = ('key1','key2','key3')
searchurl = r'^category1/(?P<%s>\w{1,50})/category2/(?P<%s>\w{1,50})/category3/(?P<%s>\w{1,50})/$' % keywords
searchall = dict(zip(keywords,['all']*len(keywords)))
urlpatterns = patterns('my.path.views',
url(searchurl, 'faq', name='search_view'),
urlpatterns += patterns('django.views.generic.simple',
url(r'^$', 'redirect_to', {'url': searchurl, 'kwargs': searchall}, name='default_search'),
This has all been working fine in my testing in Safari. However, when I tried it in Firefox, navigating to the root URL returned a Page Not Found error. It had re-directed to "root/^category1/(/", as if the regular expression had been passed as a URL and everything after the first ? was interpreted as a query string. Any idea what might be causing this?
In your url pattern default_search, searchurl should be a url string, not a regular expression.
Looking at the Django docs on redirect_to, it looks like you can use string substitution from parameters captured from the url. You cannot substitute the searchall kwargs into the regex as you are trying. The following should work:
searchallurl = 'category1/all/category2/all/category3/all/'
url(r'^$', 'redirect_to', {'url': searchallurl,}, name='default_search'),
However if I understand your url config correctly, you don't need to redirect from the root url. Insead, call your faq view, with searchall as the optional dictionary:
url(r'^$', 'faq', searchall, name='default_search')