kendo pivot grid rowheadertemplate - templates

I have a kendo pivot grid defined in this way:
<div kendo-pivot-grid
k-excel="{ fileName: reportCtrl.CurrentReport.DS_REPORT + '.xlsx' }"
k-row-header-template="'#= rowTemplate #'"
data: resultCtrl.ReportResult,
schema: {
fields: {
DT_MEASURE: { type: 'shortDate' }
cube: {
dimensions: {
ID_MEASURE_A: { caption: 'Measure A' },
ID_MEASURE_B: { caption: 'Measure B' },
measures: {
'AverageA': { field: 'ID_MEASURE_A', aggregate: 'average' },
'AverageB': { field: 'ID_MEASURE_B', aggregate: 'average' }
columns: [
{ name: 'ID_PRODUCT', expand: true }
rows: [
{ name: 'DT_MEASURE', expand: true },
measures: ['AverageA', 'AverageB']
And here the script rowTemplate:
<script id="rowTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
# if ("DT_MEASURE") === 0 && !== "DT_MEASURE") { #
#: kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(member.caption), "dd-MM-yyyy") #
# } else { #
#: member.caption.toString() #
# } #
I want to define my rowHeaderTemplate to show the correct format of a date but every attempt to do it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?


Cubejs Access Other Cubes By Variable

Given the following Cube, I can use a function to create dynamic measures.
cube(`Creatives`, {
sql: `SELECT * FROM public.creatives`,
joins: {
Events: {
relationship: `hasMany`,
sql: `${Events}.creative_id = ${CUBE}.id`,
measures: {
...['impression'].reduce((all, event) => {
return {
[`Total_${event}_events`]: {
type: `count`,
title: `Total ${event} events`,
filters: [
sql: `${Events.type} = '${event}'`,
}, {}),
dimensions: {
But when I try to move the reducer to a function, similar to the examples I get
ReferenceEvents is not defined
Which obviously is because there's no variable within the scope of my function, where previously Cubes interpolation of the string was replacing it for me.
How can I get access to other Cubes in functions similar to the below? I.e. get (or pass in Events to createTotalEventsMeasure()
const createTotalEventsMeasure = (event) => ({
[`Total_${event}_events`]: {
type: `count`,
title: `Total ${event} events`,
filters: [
sql: (CUBE) => `${Events.type} = '${event}'`,
cube(`Creatives`, {
sql: `SELECT * FROM public.creatives`,
joins: {
Events: {
relationship: `hasMany`,
sql: `${Events}.creative_id = ${CUBE}.id`,
measures: {
(all, event) => ({
dimensions: {

AntV Pie Chart Plot Click event referring to the initial state variable value , not accessing the updated state value

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
import { Select, Button } from 'antd';
import { Pie } from '#ant-design/plots';
export default function App() {
const [selectedInputValue, setSelectValue] = useState('lucy');
const [pieChartData, setPieChartData] = useState([
{ type: 'lucy-1', value: 12 },
{ type: 'lucy-2', value: 13 },
{ type: 'lucy-4', value: 2 },
{ type: 'lucy-3', value: 6 },
const config = {
appendPadding: 10,
data: pieChartData,
angleField: 'value',
colorField: 'type',
radius: 0.75,
label: {
type: 'spider',
labelHeight: 28,
content: '{name}\n{percentage}',
legend: {
display: true,
interactions: [
type: 'element-selected',
type: 'element-active',
onReady: (plot) => {
plot.on('element:click', (...args) => {
const updateChartValue = () => {
if (selectedInputValue === 'lucy') {
const data = [
{ type: 'lucy-1', value: 12 },
{ type: 'lucy-2', value: 13 },
{ type: 'lucy-4', value: 2 },
{ type: 'lucy-3', value: 6 },
} else if (selectedInputValue === 'jack') {
const data = [
{ type: 'jack-1', value: 12 },
{ type: 'jack-2', value: 13 },
{ type: 'jack-4', value: 2 },
{ type: 'jack-3', value: 6 },
} else if (selectedInputValue === 'Yiminghe') {
const data = [
{ type: 'Yiminghe-1', value: 12 },
{ type: 'Yiminghe-2', value: 13 },
{ type: 'Yiminghe-4', value: 2 },
{ type: 'Yiminghe-3', value: 6 },
} else {
const data = [
{ type: 'dummy-1', value: 12 },
{ type: 'dummy-2', value: 13 },
{ type: 'dummy-4', value: 2 },
{ type: 'dummy-3', value: 6 },
const handleChange = (value) => {
sdddd = value;
return (
<div id="chart">
width: 120,
marginLeft: '12px',
marginTop: '12px',
<Option value="jack">Jack</Option>
<Option value="lucy">Lucy</Option>
<Option value="Yiminghe">yiminghe</Option>
<Option value="Dummy">Dummy</Option>
<Pie {...config} />
<Button onClick={updateChartValue}>Load Data </Button>
The variable pieChartData should get loaded based on selectedInputValue when performing the plot.on("element:click") event. But, On the pie chart element click, the state variable selectedInputValue holds the initialized value only.
Other places outside the events of the charts are all able to access the new updated value for selectedInputValue.
Any thoughts on this?

What are the default expressions of skewness and kurtosis used in Scipy?

Scipy's (to date, version 0.19.1) Statistical Functions module (aka scipy.stats) contains the functions of scipy.stats.skew and scipy.stats.kurtosis to compute skewness and kurtosis of a data set (3rd and 4th statistical moments, respectively). Moreover, scipy.stats.describe calls these functions.
The definitions of skewness and kurtosis may vary; hence, no consensus on them in the literature. Then, which mathematical expressions are used in Scipy to define skewness and kurtosis in the two aforementioned functions with their default settings?
Both scipy.stats.skew and scipy.stats.kurtosis call the function of scipy.stats.moment, which computes the following for the k-th central moment of a data sample:
<script src=""></script> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({"HTML-CSS": { preferredFont: "TeX", availableFonts:["STIX","TeX"], linebreaks: { automatic:true }, EqnChunk:(MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMobile ? 10 : 50) }, tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ["$", "$"], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore|dno" }, TeX: { noUndefined: { attributes: { mathcolor: "red", mathbackground: "#FFEEEE", mathsize: "90%" } }, Macros: { href: "{}" } }, messageStyle: "none" }); </script>
$$m_k = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^k$$
Accordingly, scipy.stats.skew with default settings (e.g. bias=True) computes:
<script src=""></script> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({"HTML-CSS": { preferredFont: "TeX", availableFonts:["STIX","TeX"], linebreaks: { automatic:true }, EqnChunk:(MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMobile ? 10 : 50) }, tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ["$", "$"], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore|dno" }, TeX: { noUndefined: { attributes: { mathcolor: "red", mathbackground: "#FFEEEE", mathsize: "90%" } }, Macros: { href: "{}" } }, messageStyle: "none" }); </script>
$$ S = \frac{m_3}{(m_2)^{1.5}} $$
scipy.stats.kurtosis with default settings:
<script src=""></script> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({"HTML-CSS": { preferredFont: "TeX", availableFonts:["STIX","TeX"], linebreaks: { automatic:true }, EqnChunk:(MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMobile ? 10 : 50) }, tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ["$", "$"], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore|dno" }, TeX: { noUndefined: { attributes: { mathcolor: "red", mathbackground: "#FFEEEE", mathsize: "90%" } }, Macros: { href: "{}" } }, messageStyle: "none" }); </script>
$$ K = \frac{m_4}{(m_2)^{2}} $$

Ionic V2 creating a prompt alert

Here's my code:
public add() {
let alert = Alert.create({
title: "Add Date & Time",
message: "Enter the date and time of your donation.",
inputs: [
name: "date",
placeholder: "DD/MM/YYYY"
name: "time",
placeholder: "HH:MM AM/PM"
buttons: [
text: "Cancel"
text: "Save",
handler: data => {
time: data.time
Here are the errors I am getting
Property 'create' does not exist on 'type of Alert'.
Property 'present' does not exist on 'type of 'NavController'.
Use this code.
import {AlertController} from 'ionic-angular';
In your constructor fn
constructor(private alertCtrl: AlertController) {
public add() {
let alert = alertCtrl.create({
title: "Add Date & Time",
message: "Enter the date and time of your donation.",
inputs: [ { name: "date", placeholder: "DD/MM/YYYY" }, { name: "time", placeholder: "HH:MM AM/PM" } ],
buttons: [ { text: "Cancel" }, { text: "Save", handler: data => { this.donationHistoryList.push({ date:, time: data.time }); } }]
alert.present(); }
Hope this helps you. Thanks.
Just add (this before alertCtrl variable).

Unable to add radio buttons to Kendo UI grid

I'm trying to have a group of 3 radio buttons (each button in different column but the same row) in my Kendo grid but without success. I looked at the Kendo RowTemplate doc, but it's not directing me to any solution.
it works fine with checkboxes, but when i change the template to "radio" type, it changes to checkbox the second I click the edit button. any thoughts?
below is my kendoGrid properties, I put ** next to the 'template' line in the field property.
{ error: function (e) {
alert("An error occured: "+ e.xhr.responseText);
transport: {
read: {
url: "/users/read",
cache: false,
dataType: "json"
update: {
url: function(user){
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var model = grid.dataItem(;
var roleIs;
if (user.Admin) {
else if (user.Manager) {
else if (user.User) {
return "users/update/""/"+roleIs+"/"
type: "PUT"
destroy: {
url: function(user){
return "/users/destroy/""/"
type: "DELETE"
create: {
url: function(user){
var roleIs;
if (user.Admin) {
else if (user.Manager) {
else if (user.User) {
return "users/create/"+user.login+"/""/"+roleIs+"/"
type: "POST"
parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return {models: kendo.stringify(options.models)};
schema: {
{ id: "id",
fields: {
id:{ type: "number",editable: false},
role:{ type: "string"},
login: { type: "string",editable: false},
name:{type: "string",editable: false},
Admin: { type: "boolean"},
Manager: { type: "boolean"},
User: { type: "boolean"}
pageSize: 30,
serverPaging: false,
serverFiltering: false,
serverSorting: false
selectable: "row",
navigatable: true,
pageable: true,
height: 400,
columns: [//{field: "id"},
field: "name",
title:"User Name",
filterable: true,
nullable: false,
editable: false
field: "Admin",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= Admin ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>'**,
width: 75
field: "Manager",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= Manager ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>'**,
width: 75
field: "User",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= User ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>',**
width: 75
command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: "", width: "195px"
editable:{mode: "inline"}
The formatting for edition is controlled by columns.editor
You need to write an editor function that defines the input as a radio button.