Unreal Engine crash with AddDynamic - c++

I have a problem with binding OnAudioFinished delegate.
Searched for some time but haven't find good answer yet. I've followed this answer!
My code compiles without any error at all, however when my project is loading it crashes with this errors:
UE4Editor_!TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void>::__Internal_AddDynamic<UAudioController>() [d:\path\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:1140]
UE4Editor_Project!UAudioController::UAudioController() [d:\path\private\audiocontroller.cpp:17]
What I do understand is that constructor crushes my engine, but i don't know why is that happening. Here is my code that is responsible for this binding.
static UAudioComponent* AudioComponent;
void SoundFinished();
AudioComponent->OnAudioFinished.AddDynamic(this, &UAudioController::SoundFinished);
void UAudioController::SoundFinished()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Audio Finished trigger"));

In UE, properties are not properly initialized during constructor run. They are when PostInitProperties is called (after load from CDO).
Also you should ask yourself if static class is necessary. If You need Singleton, you can store this in GameInstance. It is safer, especially in UE environment (you can't have static UPROPERTY() field etc.)
I believe that binding this event during BeginPlay should be sufficient. Removing is good practice, although not necesarry when using Dynamic binding
// AudioController.h
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReasonType) override;
// AudioController.cpp
void UAudioController::BeginPlay() {
AudioComponent->OnAudioFinished.AddDynamic(this, &UAudioController::SoundFinished);
void UAudioController::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReasonType) {
AudioComponent->OnAudioFinished.RemoveDynamic(this, &UAudioController::SoundFinished);
EDIT: Since you named your class with Controller suffix, I suppose that this will be single occurence of this actor in level. So you don't need to have static pointer (it could get destroyed - again, this is UE speciality), just simply have AudioComponent as a public member in your controller:
// AudioController.h
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "My Audio Conmponent", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
UAudioComponent* AudioComponent;
and then correctly initialize it in constructor:
: Super()
AudioComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAudioComponent>(TEXT("MyAudioComponent"));
UAudioController::UAudioController(const class FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
AudioComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAudioComponent>(TEXT("MyAudioComponent"));
Your component will be properly created and binded function will be executed as expected.
Also, as #JKovalsky mentioned, your SoundFinished method must be marked with UFUNCTION() macro when using Dynamic delegates.


C++/Omnet++ Function is ignored in VeinsInetSampleApplication, veins_inet

I don't know whether I don't get the logic behind adding a function to eclipse/omnet++:
Tried to simply add a new function "init_func" to the VeinsInetSampleApplication.h Header file
#pragma once
#include "veins_inet.h"
#include "VeinsInetApplicationBase.h"
class VEINS_INET_API VeinsInetSampleApplication : public veins::VeinsInetApplicationBase {
bool haveForwarded = false;
virtual bool startApplication() override;
virtual bool stopApplication() override;
virtual void processPacket(std::shared_ptr<inet::Packet> pk) override;
// ADAPTION 2022/05/28
virtual void init_func();
However when I simply copy the initialization code of the startApplication() function into "init_func()" in VeinsInetSampleApplication.cc "init_func()" is simply ignored by my simulation.
Here's the code snippet which basically shall send a message to all my simulation nodes at time t=5 sec. The only difference to the startApplication() function is that the message sending is triggered at t=5sec. and not at t=10sec.
The startApplication() function does its job correctly and even if i comment it out and only make my init_func() function run it is also ignored. (I tried this in order to rule out any issues with the "this" pointer etc. which would suggest there is a "bad interaction" between both functions). So it really seems like my init_func() is not registered. But I don't know. Does anybody have an idea why "init_func()" might be ignored here by Omnet++?
Code of init_func():
void VeinsInetSampleApplication::init_func()
// host[0] should stop at t=5s, change in timerManger.create(...)
if (getParentModule()->getIndex() == 0) {
auto callback = [this]() {
getParentModule()->getDisplayString().setTagArg("i", 1, "red");
auto payload = makeShared<VeinsInetSampleMessage>();
auto packet = createPacket("accident");
timerManager.create(veins::TimerSpecification(callback).oneshotAt(SimTime(5, SIMTIME_S)));
(I also changed return type of "init_func" to bool to further increase similarity. But that of course was also not successful)
Best regards,
init_func() is ignored because it is not called neither by initialize() nor by any other method. You decided to create a new method, so you have to add calling of that method somewhere in the code.

C++ nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object

First things first, I think it will make more sense to see my code. Header:
#include <vector>
#include "GUIItem.h"
class WindowManager
static WindowManager* s_wndmgr; //A singleton maintains a pointer to itself as a class variable
std::vector<GUIItem*> m_guilist; //storage for gui item
static void Create();
static void Destroy();
static inline WindowManager* Get()
return s_wndmgr;
static void addItem(GUIItem *newGUIItem);
And the class:
#include "WindowManager.h"
#include "GUIButton.h"
WindowManager* WindowManager::s_wndmgr = NULL;
s_wndmgr = NULL;
//Cleanup other stuff if necessary
delete s_wndmgr;
void WindowManager::Create()
if ( !s_wndmgr ) s_wndmgr = new WindowManager();
GUIButton *m_btn1 = new GUIButton();
void WindowManager::Destroy()
if ( s_wndmgr ) delete s_wndmgr;
void WindowManager::addItem(GUIItem * newGUIItem)
Hopefully it makes some kind of sense. I'm trying to create a simple gui framework from scratch in OpenGL and this is a simple window manager. My issue is with m_guilist which should be accessible so that new GUIItems can be added to it such as happens in Create (GUIItem being a base class from which others inherit, such as GUIButton).
In this case I'm using addItem in order to append items to the list but I'm running into the a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object error regarding the line inside addItem. I'm a little confused as to why this is the case. I understand that making addItem static is the reason for this error, but that was done in order for it to be called from within Create. Is there a way around this?
Sorry, this is quite the poor question and my grasp of C++ isn't great yet though I'm getting there. Any thoughts on this? Something tells me I'd be better to leave the Create function alone and create another nonstatic function to create my GUIItems and add them to the list.
addItem is a static function, which does not not operate on any instance of WindowManager. It can not access m_guilist, which is non-static without an instance.
Maybe you just want:
But you're starting to make the interface static, that's kind of hybrid. It's usually that addItem is non-static and you call it with the instance you acquire by WindowManager::Get().
Yet, WindowManager doesn't have inaccessible or deleted constructor to qualify as a singleton class. Ways to implement a Singleton design pattern.

Cocos2d-x PhysicsContact Object Reference

I'm trying to make a videogame with C++ in Cocos2d-x but I have an issue with PhysicContact.
In my gamescene I have a contact listener that check for collisions with the character and objects' PhysicBody of class Item. It all works fine, but now I want to recognize what object has collided because I want to call a method of the object's class called getThrow().
class Item : public cocos2d::Layer
Sprite* itemArt;
int itemType;
PhysicsBody* itemCollider;
void createArt(int type);
void getThrow();
Item(int type);
I have tried it with the PhysicContact information, first I obtain the object PhysicBody and then its Node, but with this I just obtain the object's Sprite and at this point I don't know how to reach the object to call his method.
bool Level0::onContactBegin(PhysicsContact &contact)
auto bodyA = contact.getShapeA()->getBody()->getNode();
auto bodyB = contact.getShapeB()->getBody()->getNode();
//HERE IS WHERE I WANT TO RUN bodyB->getThrow()
return true;
I also have tried with getUserData() and getUserObject() but I don't know how to call a method with an object pointer.
I don't know if I'm trying something incorrectly, but I would appreciate your answers.
Thanks in advance! (If more details are needed just tell me, I'm new at this big community)
You need to do this:
((Item*) b->getNode())->getThrow();

Is static casting a good design in my situation?

I use game state manager (intro, main menu, gameplay etc) from here. However there is one problem. A very minimalistic example:
class cApp //manages the states and gives them access to window
cApp (RenderWindow & ref) : window(ref) {}
void changeState(cState *); //these function realy doesn't matter
void update();
void draw();
RenderWindow & window; //the same as in the article, this class not only manages state but gives them access to window etc
std::vector <cState *> states;
The state:
class cState
cState(cApp * ptr) : app(ptr) {}
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void draw() = 0;
cApp * app;
So far everything is good. The problem is this is the part of basic framework. So the cApp is only very basic and gives access only to window. However there may be the case where the user wants to use networking in his game. Network engine isn't a part of single state so it must be at the more global (that means, cApp) level.
So the user does:
class cNetworkedApp : public cApp
cNetworkedApp(RenderWindow & ref1, NetworkEngine & ref2)
: networking(ref2), cApp(ref1)
NetworkEngine & networking; //initialized in cNetworkedApp constructor
class CharacterCreationState : public cState
CharacterCreationState(cApp * ptr) : cState(ptr) {}
//implement pure virtual functions
void draw()
void update()
//the state needs to access the network engine so casting is required
cNetworkedApp * ptr = static_cast<cNetworkedApp*>(app))
The only obvious solution is to include everything what may be possible in cApp, however as I said this is a framework. Of course some engines like physics engine or sound engine are things which you put into a state so that's not problem, but things like networking system must be the one object available for all states. And not every app uses it.
Do I need to redesign this code or is it okay?
Your cApp may keep with it a named list of a polymorphic type Engine, ie map<string,Engine*>, then, your user may ask the cApp if it has a given engine.
NetworkEngine would be a subclass of the pure abstract Engine.
When dealing with a pointer that I you are sure that it is of the given specialized type, you should use static_cast, when you wanna query if the pointer can be casted to a type you should use dynamic_cast.
I, myself, have a safer approach for the first case, I use an assertion to guarantee that the type can be casted and use the static_cast in normal code:
Engine* fetchedEngine = cApp.fetch("network");
assert( dynamic_cast<NetworkEngine*>(fetchedEngine) != NULL );
NetworkEngine* network = static_cast<NetWorkEngine*>(fetchedEngine);
Only a object of type NetworkEngine should be putted on the "network" name, but maybe someone mistakenly put something else, the assert will make us safer without needing to worry about the overhead.

Segfault when using std::set of pointers... can anyone explain this?

In my game I created a base class called Entity which I store in a set for processing. All my game objects derive from this class, and I have no problem adding the derived pointer types to the set in my initialization function.
The problem lies in adding new elements from within an Entity's Step() function. Now, before I get too far into it I'll show you some simplified code:
class GameState
set<Entity*> entities;
void Add(Entity* e);
void Remove(Entity* e);
set<Entity*> added, removed;
class Entity
Entity(GameState* parent);
virtual ~Entity();
virtual void Step(const sf::Input& input);
virtual void Destroy();
GameState* game;
The functions Add and Remove in GameState simply add the argument e to the added and removed sets respectively. In the main loop (elsewhere in GameState), I move the elements from added to entities before processing and after processing I remove elements from removed from entities. This ensures that entities is not modified during iteration.
The Add/Remove functions are very simple:
void GameState::Add(Entity* e)
void GameState::Remove(Entity* e)
Every derived Entity is passed a pointer to GameState in it's constructor that it keeps as game. So theoretically from the Step function I should be able to Add and Remove entities with a simple call like game->Remove(this);, but instead I get a segfault. After a night of googling and coming up with nothing, I was able to work around (part of) the problem by implementing Entity::Destroy() like so:
void Entity::Destroy()
So my first question is: Why does this work when I'm in the base class but not in the derived class?
Even more puzzling to me is Add(). Why does Add(new Explosion(16,16,this)) work in GameState but game->Add(new Explosion(16,16,game)) doesn't work inside my object?
I ran it through gdb and it tells me:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
At c:/program files (x86)/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h:482
The code that throws the error is:
{ return static_cast<_Link_type>(this->_M_impl._M_header._M_parent); } //this line
So to sum it up I have no idea why my pointers break the STL... and I get that grave feeling that I'm missing something very basic and its causing all these headaches. Can anyone give me advice?
Why does Add(new Explosion(16,16,this)) work in GameState but
game->Add(new Explosion(16,16,game)) doesn't work inside my object?
If that is the case then the only possible explanation is that the Entity's game member doesn't actually point to the GameState. Check that it is being set properly on construction and verify before you use it.
This has nothing to do with std::set. The problem is that you are using an std::set that is part of a class that you are accessing via a corrupt pointer.