VS2017 multi project template with shared projects - visual-studio-2017

I created a multi project template for use with VS2017, including a console application and two shared projects. I can see the template showing up, but whenever I try using it to create a new project I get an error stating that the "projitems"-file of the first shared project was not found in the path \AppData\Local\Temp\<seemingly randomly generated name>\<SharedProjectName>\<SharedProjectName>.projitems. After I dismiss the error the solution is still created, but only the shared projects are in there.
The situation is reproducable by using this template I uploaded to my OneDrive:
And I created the template using this simple solution:
What I did is:
Exported each of the projects individually using "Project" -> "Export Template...".
Extracted the exported ZIP files to represent the desired folder structure. Each project got its own folder as you can see in the project template ZIP file.
Created a "vstemplate"-file with the help of MSDN, and included the three project files with their relevant paths.
Zipped the three folders and the new "vstemplate"-file up and moved it to the Visual Studio templates folder (Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#).
What did I do wrong?


Resource File is not created from Visual Studio

I'm currently writing AddOns for ArchiCAD.
Since .sln projects work with absolute paths, we wanted to try to have the same folder structure on every PC so we can share our projects with each other.
Example: Project for Room Numbering AddOn
I created a project under C:\workspace\ArchiCAD\AddOns\RoomNumbering
and the total path for every file is now C:\workspace\ArchiCAD\AddOns\RoomNumbering\...
and now everyone should be able to copy the folder structure and place the complete project folder in it and work with it.
I did this and tried to build the project on a different Computer.
When I open in vsc it finds all the files and external dependencies, but when I want to built the Project it hits me with an error:
FATAL ERROR LNK1811: cannot open input file "C:\workspace\ArchiCAD\AddOns\RoomNumbering\Build\ResourceObjects\RoomNumbering.res"
But this is a file that is supposed to be created during the built.
This is how it looks on my own Computer pre and after built.
The folder in question pre built:
The folder in question after built:
On my own Computer it creates the .res file, on other computers it does nothing (no new files get created after building).
I tried to build the Project first and then share it, so the .res file already exists. While this works, this isn't the desired way, since it still throws errors.
If it is relevant:
The projects get created by downloading the ArchiCAD AddOn Template (https://github.com/GRAPHISOFT/archicad-addon-cmake) and built it with CMake.
Does anyone know why vsc behaves that way or what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for any help and Kind Regards

Visual Studio 2019 is having several problems, including loading files

I have been working on a project for a while now (C++), in Visual Studio 2019, but I've suddenly run into several problems that send me in circles between them.
I loaded it one morning, and found that it couldn't load any of the files.
So thinking I must have accidentally moved files or something, I just copied my files again from my Github repository, but then it started having problems with every include file for the headers.
Manager.h is in a different folder in the project, which makes this more confusing to me because if the source files can't open a header file in the same solution, the headers should have problems opening a different header in a different part of the project.
I've tried deleting the project settings and reloading it, but VS won't reload them, and Github desktop is freaking out with any action with the project.
Cloning my repository again and loading that just sends me back to the first problem...
Anyone have any other ideas for what I can do?
Check to see if the files are in the folder present in the error message. If they are that can be a problem with the config files of the project/solution.
Possible solutions:
Since you have the project in the repository, a quick way to solve it would be to delete your local project and clone the repository project. (Or clone it to a different location)
You can try to repace the <Subscriber.h> by "Subscriber.h".
Create a new empty project and add all the project files through the Solution explorer:
right-click on the folder where you want to add the project (I recommend Source for the .cpp and Headers for the .h);
Select Add -> Existing item -> select the files.

Organizing a Visual Studio Solution with common source for multiple projects

The title describes what I try to achieve since I started developing in VS2013.
I basically have a folder which contains all the projects linked to the solution (in this case, EditorRenderer, Engine, FileEditor and PhysicsWorkbench are project directories) which share the same source files which are placed in Source folder.
I organized the Source folder as an Filter in Visual Studio and I made filters to match the entire folder hierarchy that Source has in Windows Explorer. The problem is when I have 2 projects and I add a new folder to the Source, I have to add the folder and the files individually for each project. My question is: Is there any way to make a global project that will be included in every other project that I choose, and to make changes only one time?

Visual Studio 2010 Creating Packages/Folders in project

I am new to Visual Studio 2010 C++, I am trying to create packages in my project like we do in Java Eclipse but to my surprise the only option I found available was Creating a Folder so I selected that and created several folders added my classes to them then I tried including my header files in the folders I had created but it keeps giving me an error to hat I cannot locate the file, I checked in the Project directory and the folders are not in there but very visible and editable from Visual studio, I tried manually adding a folder with my classes from windows explore and still could not locate them in VC
The logic is organized slightly different than in Eclipse.
With Visual Studio, you create a solution (one directory) in which you will create one or more projects (either in the solution's directory, or in one or several subdirectories. I you have in your components a shared library for example, you would put in a separate project.
The source files in each project are organized in the same directory. If you use folders in a project, these are virtual and not materialized in the OS directories.
Remark: If you really want to organise project files within "hard" subdirectories, you can always force the directory in the item creation dialog. This is particularly practical if you add to a visual studio projects existing items stored according to a more complex OS structure. Unfortunately such a directory structure is not at all displayed in the solution explorer, so it is somewhat confusing.

Visual Studio 2013 export Property Sheets to Template

I am Creating a C++ Project template and using the export template wizard to do it.
I had added a custom property sheet to my template project (the one which am going to export)
on successfully exporting my project template I created a new project using the template, but the project fails to load saying that it can't find the property sheet (it mentions the project directory path and says no such file exists).
I know the same question has been asked before : Exporting .props files in project template VS2012/13
But it has no answer for a year
I even tried including the property sheet as part of the project before exporting. still the same error
Please Help!
I even tried manually putting the .props file into the zip archive it still shows the same error.
I think the new project gets loaded before the .props file gets added to the new project directory.
Note : Manually putting the .props file into the new project directory and then reloading the project works. but I don't want to copy paste it every time I create a new project from the template.