How do I add special characters into a text string using regex.Replace method? [duplicate] - regex

This question already has answers here:
Is there "\n" equivalent in VBscript?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
The first character on every line of a file I have is a comma. How can I remove just this comma?
I have tried to use the replace method but it doesn't seem to accept special characters. Here is an example:
myRegExp.Pattern = "\n,"
strText5 =myRegExp.Replace(strText4,"\n")
The above snipper replaces the first new line char and comma with \n. How can I replace with a special character instead of a literal string?
The MSDN library doesn't seem to have the answers I need.

If you enable MultiLine mode (and Global if you have not done so) then ^ will match the start of a line:
myRegExp.Pattern = "^,"
myRegExp.Multiline = true
myRegExp.Global = true
strText5 = myRegExp.Replace(strText4, "")
(In a vanilla VB string there are no escape sequences, "\n"
is just the two slash+n characters, for a \n you would use vbLf or chr(10))


Remove parenthesis and Characters inside it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Remove text between parentheses in dart/flutter
(2 answers)
Regular expresion for RegExp in Dart
(2 answers)
JavaScript/regex: Remove text between parentheses
(5 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I want to remove parenthesis along with all the characters inside it...
var str = B.Tech(CSE)2020;
print(str.replaceAll(new RegExp('/([()])/g'), '');
// output => B.Tech(CSE)2020
// output required => B.Tech 2020
I tried with bunch of Regex but nothing is working...
I am using Dart...
Using Dart, you don't have to use the forward slashes / to delimit the pattern. You can use a string and prepend it with r for a raw string and then you don't have to double escape the backslashes.
In your pattern you have to:
escape the parenthesis
negate the character class to match any character except the parenthesis
repeat the character class with a quantifier like * or else it will match a single character
The pattern will look like:
Regex demo | Dart demo
var str = "B.Tech(CSE)2020";
print(str.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\([^()]*\)'), ' '));
B.Tech 2020
Your Dart syntax is off, and seems to be confounded with JavaScript. Consider this version:
String str = "B.Tech(CSE)2020";
print(str.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\(.*?\)'), " ")); // B.Tech 2020

Regex express begin & end specific words[No duplicate] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regex matching beginning AND end strings
(6 answers)
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to write a regex represent 'recognizes words that begin and end in "t".'
I think that the below code is true.
var re = /^t+t*t$/
But it shows 'false'
why doesn't my answer solve the above string?
and what is the proper regex?
Your regex is wrong, as pointed out in the comments.
A naive approach could be to check if the entire word starts with t, has any number of any character and then ends with t:
var re = /^t.*t$/
of course, you could also limit the "middle" character to letters:
var re = /^t[a-z]*t$/
However, neither of these approaches check for a word that is a single "t" character. If this is a valid usecase, you'll have to handle it explicitly, e.g.:
var re = /^(t[a-z]*t|t)$/

Create RegEx to find such strings? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regular expression to match a dot
(7 answers)
What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?
(13 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am new to RegEx in python. I have created a RegEx formula which should find some special string from text but it is not working as exprected;
def find_short_url(str_field):
search_string = r"||||||||||"
search_string =, str(str_field))
result = if search_string else None
return result
It should find all the URL shortner from a text. But the is detecting as surpr from the text. Is there any way to fix it?
find_short_url("It is a surprise that it is ...")
It can affect other shortner too. Still scratching my head.
Escape the dots:
search_string = r"moourl\.com|ow\.ly|goo\.gl|polr\.me|su\.pr|bit\.ly|is\.gd|tinyurl\.com|buff\.ly|bit\.do|adf\.ly"
In regex, a dot matches any character. Escaping them makes them match a literal dot.

find a substring after the last backslash with regex [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Getting the last backslash in a filepath via regex
(3 answers)
Find the last substring after a character
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need to find the substring after the last \ in the sting (path to file, windows).
I suppose that an elegant pythonic way should be possible (without counting "\" or writing a regression method).
str1 = 'qwerty\\asd\\zxc\x\\c'
str2 = 'zz\\z\\x\\c\\v\\b\\n\\m\\m2m\\m3m'
How to edit this line of code?
found_name = re.findall(r'\\(.*?)', mystr)
Currently it returns all after the fist back slash.
This doesn't require a regex, just use split:
>> str1 = 'qwerty\\asd\\zxc\x\\c'
>> str1.split(r'\\')[-1]
If you have to use regex for some reason then use:
>>> re.findall(r'.*\\(.*)$', str1)

RegEx escape function in R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there an R function to escape a string for regex characters
(5 answers)
Closed last year.
In a R script, I'd need to create a RegEx that contains strings that may have special characters. So, I should first escape those strings and then use them in the RegEx object.
pattern <- regex(paste('\\W', str, '\\W', sep = ''));
In this example, str should be fixed. So, I'd need a function that returns escaped form of its input. For example 'c++' -> 'c\\+\\+'
I think you have to escape only 12 character, so a conditional regular expression including those should do the trick -- for example:
> gsub('(\\\\^|\\$|\\.|\\||\\?|\\*|\\+|\\(|\\)|\\[|\\{)', '\\\\\\1', 'C++')
[1] "C\\+\\+"
Or you could build that regular expression from the list of special chars if you do not like the plethora of manual backslashes above -- such as:
> paste0('(', paste0('\\', strsplit('\\^$.|?*+()[{', '')[[1]], collapse = '|'), ')')
[1] "(\\\\|\\^|\\$|\\.|\\||\\?|\\*|\\+|\\(|\\)|\\[|\\{)"