Postman - Setting a cookie from a global variable with "Tests" code - postman

What i want to do is to take a cookie value I've received after a "GET" message , set it's value as a global variable, then set it as a session cookie for a specific host, and later on use it in other requests.
Currently i'm doing this manually via this menu:
Is that possible?

What you need to do is in the Test on response store the value you want to use in a global variable postman.setGlobalVariable('key', value) then in the request you want to use it as a cookie, pass along the value in the header as a cookie where:
Cookie | cookieName={{key}}
Check out the MZN docs on Cookie to see how to send multiple cookies in one header.

Doing this is well documented on the POSTMAN site. You require the interceptor plugin and the instructions to use it are here:


How can I decode the http encrypted cookie in Jmeter

I am now using Jmeter to prepare a test plan for my web. The rough flow of the script is that I can check my profile after login. I tried to run my recorded script, and found that the cookie is encoded in http format which I don't want it to be.
Therefore, I would like to ask is there anyway so that I can have a not encrypted cookie value?
[I applied a cookie manager in the script.
The value of the cookie now is something like "%22mh8eIAH8rfsZsM3r%22".
The value that I want is something like "mh8eIAH8rfsZsM3r"]
%22 means " which is percent-encoded, if you want to decode it back - take a look at __urldecode() function:
In general you should not be recording any cookies, you need to add a HTTP Cookie Manager and JMeter will automatically extract incoming cookies from Set-Cookie response header and add them to the next request as Cookie header if domain and path match the ones in the cookie, it's not expired, etc
If you need to access the cookie value as a JMeter Variable the easiest way is adding the next line to file:
and upon JMeter restart you will be able to use the cookie value as ${COOKIE_your-cookie-name-here}
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

Storing the value of cookie in variable but doesn't appear in cookie data in request body in Jmeter

There are lots of cookies present and I need to extract those cookie and pass them as a post parameter in further request. So i have changed the setting for them in file as
Then after running the test, I got those cookie value in debug sampler as ${COOKIE_}
GET data:
Cookie Data:
Actual Result
GET data:
[no cookies]
I have passed in the value in HTTP header manager as
But instead of value, same variable is passed as ${COOKIE_private_content_version}
Also there are multiple cookies and I need to fetch them too and pass them in further http request payload,but unable to do that.What I AM MISSING?Please help
Also how to define them ?
You don't need to manually add cookies in the HTTP Header Manager, the Cookie Manager should normally handle them.
If for some reason you need to build Cookie header manually make sure to use strict Cookie name and in the value one or more name/value pairs of cookies separated by semicolons
You might find HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide article useful, it contains comprehensive information on HTTP Cookie Manager configuration and troubleshooting.

Set cookie in Postman with variable

I'm trying to write some postman tests that require me to set a cookie. My first request returns a token in a json payload. I've pulled this out and stored it in a variable but I cant seem to inject this into a cookie for further requests.
I get the value for the cookie like:
var json = pm.response.json();
pm.globals.set("my-cookie", json.Token);
I've tried this in the cookie dialog box:
my-cookie={{my-cookie}}; path=/;; Expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT;
However when it sends the cookie it sends the above without replacing the variable the, i.e. it has {{my-cookie}} rather than the value of the variable.
I cant see anything in the postman API that will enable me to set cookies on a request grammatically.
I did see this, but it only mentions adding them via the dialog
I also found this, but could find no mention of how to use it.
I'm assuming this is a common requirement and must be missing something obvious. Does anyone know how to do this?
Try using the Headers feature with a key of Cookie and a value of cookieName={{yourVariable}}
In case anyone stumbles upon this question, in current version there is a special section for setting request cookies on the righthand side of the request window.
For me it was just inserting {{token}} also.
I had to click the 'whitelist domain' under 'cookies' to whitelist my domain first. Then re-request the request that populates the token.
This got it working.
Note if the cookie has secure set, your baseurl should also include https://

Difference between Response.Cookies and Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie"

In classic ASP, when I am setting a cookie using Response.Cookies("data1") = "value1" then
I am able to read this cookie using Request.Cookies("data1") on the same page
But when I am using the syntax Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", "data2=value2" then
I am not able to read this cookie using Request.Cookies("data2") on the same page.
So What is the difference between these two syntaxes of setting cookie and if I want to read the cookie using the second syntax how sould the read statement look like
Both methods set the HTTP header
but with a key difference.
Response.Cookies is a collection that is pre-built then when the response is ready to send, the HTTP header set-cookie is created. This means that for the life of the page where the Cookie collection is specified, the values are available to manipulate as much as you want.
Response.AddHeader() sets the HTTP header set-cookie when the response is sent back to the client, it has no association at all to Response.Cookies() and setting
Response.AddHeader("set-cookie", "...")
will not magically populate the Response.Cookies collection. The only way to populate the Cookies collection without using Response.Cookies() is to make a round trip to the server after Response.AddHeader() has been set.

JMeter - Changing a Cookie's Value during a Test?

I have created a test plan in JMeter *(Version 2.13). I was able to add a Cookie Manager to the plan and have my cookies preserved between HTTP Requests, which works just fine.
What I'm trying to do now is, if possible, preserve one Cookie from the start (*Called "JSESSIONID") and then have another Cookie (*let's call it "MYID") which can be modified during the test.
My 1st try at this was like the following:
+Thread Group
-HTTP Request Defaults
-HTTP Cookie Manager
+HTTP Request - Goto HomePage
-HTTP Cookie Manager - Set MYID="server_1"
+HTTP Request - Load Login Page
-HTTP Cookie Manager - Set MYID="server_2"
....and so on for about 3 more HTTP Requests....
But, doing it this way only kept the original Cookies which were captured by the initial Cookie Manager which was set right under the Thread Group element.
Apache's site warns that:
"If there is more than one Cookie Manager in the scope of a Sampler, there is currently no way to specify which one is to be used. Also, a cookie stored in one cookie manager is not available to any other manager, so use multiple Cookie Managers with care."
Another test I did, that was similar to the first except I added a User Defined Variables element to the start of the test which had a variable for the MYID Cookie set to one server, and then about 2 or 3 HTTP Requests down I had a second User Defined Variables element, this time setting the variable to another server. But, after reading a bit more on the User Variables, JMeter only reads User Defined Variables ONCE, at the beginning of the test. So the variable I set last would remain as whatever I set it to in the 2nd User Defined Variables section. So that way won't work to change the Cookie value during the test...
I also, read this from ApacheJMeter's site, here Using Variables to Parametrize Tests, which seems closest to what I am trying to achieve. But, from their example it seems as though it's for modifying variables before the test starts, like for example setting a variable from the command line...
To sum things up, what I am trying to achieve is to send my HTTP Requests with 2 Cookies:
Where JSESSIONID will remain the same from the very start, and MYID which I want to change it's value during test *(multiple times if posible).
Let me know if that does not make sense and I will try and explain further.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
You can use Beanshell scripting for cookies manipulation as:
Add a Beanshell PreProcessor to your HTTP Request
Put the following code into the PreProcessor's "Script" area:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
Cookie cookie = manager.get(i);
if (cookie.getName().equals("MYID")) {
Above code will substitute "MYID" cookie value with "foo" JMeter Variable value via direct calls to CookieManager class (see API documentation for all possible methods and fields)
Check out How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for advanced information on Beanshell scripting in Apache JMeter.