RegEx SQL Select not matched - regex

I have this regex
This one is matched
SQL SELECT Distinct Field1,Field2
FROM Table1
But this one is not matched
FROM Table1
And this one also not:
SELECT Field,Field2
FROM Table1;
Why does this happen?
I changed my regex to
and now the first and the second one are matched, but not the third one.

This works.


Oracle regex and replace

I have varchar field in the database that contains text. I need to replace every occurrence of a any 2 letter + 8 digits string to a link, such as VA12345678 will return /cs/page.asp?id=VA12345678
I have a regex that replaces the string but how can I replace it with a string where part of it is the string itself?
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE ('test PI20099742', '[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{8}$', 'link to replace with')
FROM dual;
I can have more than one of these strings in one varchar field and ideally I would like to have them replaced in one statement instead of a loop.
As mathguy had said, you can use backreferences for your use case. Try a query like this one.
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE ('test PI20099742', '([A-Z]{2}[0-9]{8})', '/cs/page.asp?id=\1')
For such cases, you may want to keep the "text to add" somewhere at the top of the query, so that if you ever need to change it, you don't have to hunt for it.
You can do that with a with clause, as shown below. I also put some input data for testing in the with clause, but you should remove that and reference your actual table in your query.
I used the [:alpha:] character class, to match all letters - upper or lower case, accented or not, etc. [A-Z] will work until it doesn't.
text_to_add (link) as (
select '/cs/page.asp?id=' from dual
, sample_strings (str) as (
select 'test VA12398403 and PI83048203 to PT3904' from dual
select regexp_replace(str, '([[:alpha:]]{2}\d{8})', link || '\1')
as str_with_links
from sample_strings cross join text_to_add
test /cs/page.asp?id=VA12398403 and /cs/page.asp?id=PI83048203 to PT3904

How to define regexp for text in Postgres

Please help to define Postgres regexp for this case:
I have string field:
union all select 'AbC-345776-2345' /*comment*/ union all select 'Fgr-sdf344-111a' /*BN34*/ some text union all select 'sss-sdf34-123' /*some text*/ some text
Here is the same text in select statement for convinience:
select 'union all select ''AbC-345776-2345'' /*comment*/ union all select ''Fgr-sdf344-111a'' /*BN34*/ some text union all select ''sss-sdf34-123'' /*some text*/ some text' as str
I need to get from this mess text only values in '...' and select it into separated rows like this:
Pattern: 'first 2-3 letters - several letters and numbers - several letters and numbers'
I created this select but it contains all comments and "sometext" as well:
select regexp_split_to_table(trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(t1.str,'union all select',''),'from DUAL',''),chr(10),''),'''','') ), E'\\s+')
from (select 'union all select ''AbC-345776-2345'' /*comment*/ union all select ''Fgr-sdf344-111a'' /*BN34*/ some text union all select ''sss-sdf34-123'' /*some text*/ some text' as str) t1;
The following should do it:
select (regexp_matches(str, $$'([a-zA-Z]{2,3}-[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)'$$, 'g'))[1]
from the_table;
Given your sample data it returns:
The regex checks for the pattern you specified inside single quotes. By using a group (...) I excluded the single quotes from the result.
regexp_matches() returns one row for each match, containing an array of matches. But as the regex only contains a single group, the first element of the array is what we are interested in.
I used dollar quoting to avoid escaping the single quotes in the regex
Online example

Oracle Regex remove duplicates

I have a requirement to remove duplicate values from a comma separated string.
Input String: a,a,a,b,c,a,b
Expected output: a,b,c
What I have tried:
with ct(str) as(
select 'a,a,a,b,c,a,b' from dual
select REGEXP_REPLACE(str,'([^,]*)(,\1)+($|,)','\1\3') col from ct
Output: a,b,c,a,b
The above query can remove repetitive characters which are consecutive.
I know that the above requirement can be solved by creating a table out of the comma separated values and do a listagg on the distinct values.
Is it possible to achieve the above requirement using a single regex statement?.
This should give you the required result:
with borken as (SELECT distinct column_value as str,'1' cnt FROM
table(apex_string.split('a,a,a,b,c,a,b' ,',')) )
select listagg(str,',') within group (order by cnt) from borken;

Big Query Regex for Date ETL

I have data with Date info imported in Big Query in format 2/13/2016 , 3/4/2012 etc
I want to convert it into Date format like 02-12-2016 and 03-04-2012.
I want to use a Query to create a new column and use regex for the same.
I know the regex to match the first part (2) of 2/4/2012 will be something like
Reg ex to match the the 2nd part with / would be
I am wondering how to use these 2 regex along with REGEXP_EXTRACT and REGEXP_REPLACE to create a new column with these dates in correct format.
It might be easiest just to convert to a DATE type column. For example:
PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', date_string) AS date
SELECT '2/13/2016' AS date_string UNION ALL
SELECT '3/4/2012' AS date_string
Another option--if you want to keep the dates as strings--is to use REPLACE:
REPLACE(date_string, '/', '-') AS date
SELECT '2/13/2016' AS date_string UNION ALL
SELECT '3/4/2012' AS date_string

regular expression search in notepad++ or text pad

I want to be able to search a pattern like 'CREATE TABLE ' followed by any expression include newline and ending with );
So it should be able to select following 2 create table stamtement one after other.
create table tab1 ( col1 number,
col2 date);
create table tab3 ( col1 number,
col2 date,
col3 number);
I did tried create table .* but I am not able to include newline .
this should do:
create table [^;]*;
check the matches newline checkbox