ember: using cookies with ember-network - cookies

Can cookies be used with ember-network requests? Thanks to this answer I know that they can be used with ember-data API requests, but I need to do a network request in an initializer and it doesn't appear the ember-data store can be accessed that early.
I'm wanting to persist shopping cart data to the backend for these reasons
The ember-cart addon has a smart way of persisting the cart by jsonifying and data model and dumping to localstore when it changes:
window.localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(this.payload()));
then upon return visit parsing the json and pushing it into the store in an instance initializer:
payload = JSON.parse(payload);
I'd like to do basically the same thing, but instead of getting the JSON from localstorage, get it from the API via the network.
the store ins't available in an initializer, but ember-network is. So hypothetically I think I can do this. The problem I'm running into is that the cookie isn't being passed.
I get around this with ember-data by using this:
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
in the application adapter, but I can't find any info about whether there's a similar setting for ember-network. I see the request to my API being made in the initializer, but the api doesn't return anything because the browser cookie isn't included.

The fetch API provides a credentials option..
This is also documented at the whatwg-fetch library used by ember-network.
So basically you can do
fetch("/foobar", { credentials:"include" }).then(...)


Postman mock server vs JSON mock server

I know if i have node installed i can spin up JSON mock server in no time and then i can create endpoints which support GET,PUT,POST etc. Also i realise that data can be stored (like insertion deletion, updation etc) in db.json until json server is restarted.
Now i tried POSTMAN, and i realised it's very easy and simple process to setup mockserver and create an endpoint. But is there anyway i can do PUT, POST etc to postman and save the data somewhere? like we can do in JSON server's db.json?
also is there any other advantage i can get using POSTMAN's mock server over JSON mock server?
I am new to POSTMAN's mock server so any input would be of great help
Postman Mockserver:
The response you get from the mock server is the example you store for your request.
you can hardcode the value or store the response in a variable and set example as :
Now the response you get depends on the value for the variable 'response'
make sure you select the environment for the mock server where the variable 'response' is present

Google Analytics ID stored in cookie is undefined

We are installing google analytics via Google Tag Manager.
We have custom variable that supposed to take the GA customer id, and send it to our GA.
The variable is defined as follows:
function() {
try {
var cookie = {{GA_ID_Cookie}}.split(".");
return cookie[2] + "." + cookie[3];
} catch(e) {
return 'N/A';
While {{GA_ID_Cookie}} is a first party cookie variable named "_ga".
In most cases, this values works, but there are some cases where GA_ID_Cookie is undefined (and exception is thrown).
It happens in all browsers. There enough users with "N/A", so its not about cookies disabled issue.
The GTM installs the GA on page view event; It uses this problematic variable as a custom dimension.
My question is how come the ga id is null, and how can we overcome this problem and get the id in other ways.
It is likely that your tag is fired before the cookie is generated.
Try to change the page view to window load. Clear the cookie and retry, it should work.
Like Ashley pointed out you might be facing a race condition whereby you try to access the cookie before it is set by GA.
Please note that the GA cookie ID contains some uninteresting info from the point of view of identifying users, namely the version which should be removed.
If your GA cookie looks like this:
Then the part you're interested in is:
To retrieve the client ID via the browser, the official way is as follows:
// Initializing the `ga` command queue so that commands
// can be queued even if the GA snippet is not loaded
window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
// Queuing a command to retrieve the Client ID when the tracker is ready
ga(function(tracker) {
// Logs the client ID for the current user.
If you are using GTM then you need to create a task:
function() {
return function(model) {
return model.get('clientId');
If you want to retrieve the Client ID via the server, then you simply need to parse the cookie HTTP header (below example is from request to stackoverflow website) using an HTTP library of your choice and getting rid of the leading GA\d\.\d\. pattern which represents the cookie version.
cookie: prov=f67bae3b-f99c-2f22-84fc-7c2a62862f3d; _ga=GA1.2.1380536973.1571212618; ...

What RESTAdapter expects on server responses and what requests should server expect?

I'm using Django REST Framework, not Rails (which seems to have several magical gems to make everything work swiftly with Ember) and I've been having some difficulties trying to figure out how Ember expects responses. I'm using Ember CLI, thus I'm also using Ember data.
The documentation states only the typical GET usage, when I'm simply retrieving an object or an array of objects. Documentation states:
The JSON payload should be an object that contains the record inside a root property
And about conventions:
Attribute names in your JSON payload should be the camelCased versions of the attributes in your Ember.js models.
No problem with that.
1. But how should the API respond when there are errors?
Ok, so documentation also states you could use ajaxError to check jqXHR status for an error and then return a populated DS.Error for the record. However, how should I return different kind of errors. For example, let's say the user session is now invalid and because of that the server couldn't delete a record as requested.
2. How will Ember submit requests?
I'm quite new to REST in general. I think Ember simply use the appropriate verb for the action it wants: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. I think it's quite clear it will send all the model's field to POST a new one, but how about DELETE? Will Ember send all the record or just the ID to delete an object?
Generally you should be able to see the requests Ember makes by just opening your browser dev tools and seeing the network requests.
Ember data likes the api to respond with an errors hash, something like this:
{"errors":{"title":["can't be blank"]}}
Then as long as you define a function to handle the error case:
actions: {
deleteUser: function() {
var user = this.model;
function success() {
// do something cool?
function failure() {
user.destroyRecord().then(success, failure);
then user.errors will be automatically populated and you can do an if user.errors in your template.

javax.servlet.http.Cookie vs javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie

Being new to web development, I need some help in understanding what is the difference between the javax.servlet.http.Cookie and javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie.I assume that the latter can be used to set cookie into the response of a rest service. But can we also set the initial Cookie object into the HTTPServletResponse?
These are objects that represent the same underlying entity, namely an HTTP cookie as defined by the RFC. Both "do" the same thing, representing a cookie header in an HTTP response (a request cookie is a name=value pair only, whereas response cookies can have several additional attributes as described in the RFC). Where you use one vs the other is simply a matter of what you are coding. If you are writing a JAX-RS provider, then the JAX-RS apis will use javax.ws.core.Cookie. If you are writing an HttpServlet, then you use the javax.servlet.http.Cookie. JAX-RS implementations will also allow you to use context injection so that you can have direct access to the HttpServlet objects within your JAX-RS service provider
javax.servlet.http.Cookie is created and placed on the HTTP response object with the addCookie method.
Instead, the description for javax.ws.core.Cookie reads:
Represents the value of a HTTP cookie, transferred in a request
… so you'd expect the getCookies method on the HTTP request object to return an array of that type of cookies, but no, it returns an array of javax.servlet.http.Cookie. Apparently javax.ws.core.Cookie is used by some methods in the javax.ws.rs packages. So you use javax.ws.core.Cookie with jax-rs web services and javax.servlet.http.Cookie with HttpServlets and their request / response objects.

Testing WebAPI actions that have authorization filters

I’ve got a Web API that I’ve added [Authorize] attributes to, which means that the unit tests I had previously now fail due to them being unauthorised. Here’s a sample of a basic test along with an initialiser method:
public void CreateServer() {
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
WebApiConfig.Configure(config); // Create the routes
var server = new HttpServer(config);
this.client = new HttpClient(server);
public void MyThings_GET_Returns_All_MyThings() {
var response = this.client.GetAsync("http://localhost/api/1.0/mythings").Result;
var mythings = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<MyThing>>().Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Assert.AreEqual(4, mythings.Count());
What I’m wondering is if there’s any way that I can either make my test log in so that it passes the authorization filter, or if there’s any way that I can pass as ASPXAUTH cookie along with the HttpClient request? Or another way of passing authorization that I haven’t thought of?
Nothing I’ve tried seems to work and I’m struggling to find any helpful info anywhere.
Thanks in advance.
What does your Authorize attribute do when it performs the authorization check? There are quite a few options that come to mind:
Have the authorize filter support multiple means of getting the "authorization token" that it requires (e.g. through an HTTP header or a querystring parameter, etc)
Right after your test initialization, clear out the filter from the configuration (so that it is not called at all). If you choose to go this route then you may wish to pop in a new filter that sets any authorization values that might be used further along the pipeline
If you are using dependency injection, move the "authorization check" into some sort of IAuthorize location that can be updated in your configuration
I would also recommend using RestSharp for making queries to your endpoints as it does a very good job of specifying headers, parameters, etc.
I decided that the way I was going about the problem was fundamentally wrong. Using cookie-based authorisation with Web API is just not a good idea, so I’ve decided to get rid of the authorize attributes and perform API-Key-based authentication instead. This makes it easier to test as I can just pass the correct API key in the request, but also means that I’m not relying on cookies for authorisation.