"View Details " missing form Exception handler VS 2017 - visual-studio-2017

This could easily be the same as:
'View Details' missing from exception assistant
But I am seeing it in VS 2017. Flipping "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" doesn't seem to make a difference.
This is what the window looks like:
With "View Details" missing, copy details only gives me the top level exception too.
If I wrap the code in a "try", "catch" block and use the debugger/immediate window to expand the exception object I can see important details like "inner exception". So why is this information hidden from me in the handler?
Additional Details
I am working on a Xamarin project and this error was located in a property called from a .net core portable library, the error in this case, was to do with NLog (a third party nuget package) that was installed in both the library and the andorid project but was possibly failing due to bad config. The exception was raised when remote debugging on an Android device.
I have seen this issue with the exception handler in all exceptions I have had so far (3 / 4, its a new machine)

This was a bug and has been fixed


How to debug an ActiveX application in VB Script using VB classic IDE

We have written an ActiveX application in VB 6.0 which hosts in VC++ dll. We want to debug that code using the VB classic IDE. We are unable to debug it, because it does not hit the breakpoint we have set. How do I debug an ActiveX application using the VB classic IDE?
If you start your ActiveX DLL project in the VB 6 IDE, and then create components from some other application (your C++ application, or testing it via another VB Project or any other language which can use the COM object), it should load the object in the debugger and you can set breakpoints and look at variables while running. Refer to "Testing and Debugging ActiveX Components" in the Visual Basic 6 Concepts Guide.
If that's not working for you, can you make a MCVE of the problem you're having, by creating a new simple ActiveX DLL component and calling it from a separate project (you may want to try calling it from more than one language), and reproduce the issue you're having to clarify what isn't working for you?
You probably have "Break on Unhandled Errors" selected in the IDE. If you do, then any error in your ActiveX object will set the breakpoint on the line of the client that accesses the object, typically a method call. If this is the behavior that you are getting ("does not hit the breakpoint that we have set" doesn't make this clear), then that is almost certainly the problem.
In any case, I would suggest that you check this. You should have "Break in Class Module" selected. For a full explanation of the different ways to handle breakpoints, and how to change the settings, see this post. Here also is the doc on the subject.

Can I view an unhandled exception in the Visual Studio 2017 Debugger?

A library I am using (zmq) throws an exception. The debugger breaks and informs me.
How, if possible, can I see this exception. Specifically the what() message?
Without having to place try/catch around it and printing to the output stream.
It does not appear in the Autos or Locals watch lists. I have searched the stack frames around the point at which it occured.
Adding $exception to a manual watch list simply returns a value of "identifier $exception is undefined"
Using memory explorer to interrogate the exception's location does not show anything useful.
I have read this can be done when using the CLR - can I do it in regular C++?
Referencing this answer:
You'll get a window when the exception is thrown with the option to break/continue/ignore. Copy and paste the hex address this dialog reports, then click the break button. Now in a watch window, enter something like:
(1) Please check that whether the Exception messages was enabled in the output window under Tools->Options->Debugging->Output window.
(2)If it still no exception messages, one possible reason is that zmq really doesn't support the Exception throw feature of VS. Of course, you could write a general app like C# or VC++ which can prove it. If other apps have no this issue, we would think about the specific zmq.
Step 1. Identify the exception (it would be logged in the output window in VS)
Step 2. Put an exception breakpoint with the exception you saw from the output.
If this is ZeroMQ, I'd wager you're Sending 2 requests on a REQ socket without waiting for a reply.
your output window
(View/Output or click CTRL + ALT + O)
is where you should see the message, but you may need to check the exceptions option:
Look here for more detail
As far as I'm aware, this isn't currently possible. I've added a User Voice suggestion here but I'm not sure when, if ever, Microsoft will implement this feature.
For now, what you can do is take the Type and Location of the exception (from the message 'Exception thrown at Address in Module: Microsoft C++ exception: Type at memory location Location.', and then add to the Watch window the expression '(Type*)Location'. If Type is some internal exception type that you don't have access to, then you can hope it derives from std::exception and cast to that instead.

Can't see variable contents when debugging C++ code called from a managed app

I've got some native C DLLs which I'm calling from a Managed C++ Class library ("Rem"). In the "Rem" class library I've got one native C++ class (api) and one managed C++ class (API).
The managed class (API) is called from a C# console application for now (will be used in a web application later).
When debugging I can step through my native code just fine.
My problem is that when I'm debugging, I can't see the values of any variables other than simple types that are locally declared.
Function parameters are not available in the debugger and if I try to add them as a Watch it just says "error: identifier 'schema_name' out of scope" ('schema_name' is the variable name)
Any structs just show the value "{...}", both in the quick watch and the Watch-window.
If I try and add a watch to a field in a struct I get the value "error: 'entryList.numItems' does not exist"
Stuff I've tried:
I've tried creating a Console application in Managed C++ and debug from that, same thing.
I tried unchecking the
Tools->Options->Debugging->General->Managed C++ Compatibility Mode, then I couldn't step into the code at all (no symbols loaded for the breakpoints)
In the C# console app project, I've gone into Properties->Debug and checked "Enable native code debugging" (and unchecked it)
In the C++ class library I've gone into Properties->Debugging->Debugger Type and tried "Mixed", "Native", "Managed" and "Auto".
Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
I guess you are using Visual Studio 2012 Update 2. In that case - this is a known bug with Update 2:
Be careful though, the "workaround" of uninstalling Update 2 will leave you with a broken Visual Studio as seen in this bug-report (yes, Update 2 is broken):
In case you are not using Update 2 this might not be the correct answer but it could help others who experience exactly this problem using Update 2.

Intraweb class not found at runtime

I've beenworking with the IntraWeb framework on Borland C++Builder. Sometimes it happens that an application crashes because of a strange uncaught exception:
An unhandled application error has occured within My IntraWeb Application.
Error message raised by the application: Class TIWTimer not found
This happens when a new session is started. For example, by entering the address in a browser.
Also, the message appears in the classic IntraWeb error web page
The class that cannot be found is either TIWTimer or TIWButton but I think this is irrelevant.
The problem seems to occur randomly and sometimes goes away with a rebuild, but other times it will go away by rewriting the code or starting from a new project.
So, the question is, how come the link error is not found at link-time?
Why does it occur at all, since those classes belong to the standard IW library?
Has anyone had the same issue?
How can it be solved?
Use Intraweb XII in C++Builder XE2, it has good improvement and bug fixes.
in this version you can assign urls to forms, for example:
myhost/login.htm or myhost/login.aspx
for more information see this

Strange runtime error, seemly microsoft related

I am using the debug_new tool that come in the pack of tools NVWA made by Wu Yongwei. http://wyw.dcweb.cn/
I turned it off once to track a heisenbug, that now is fixed. But as I turned it on, my program throws a bizarre error:
It loads, but before accepting any input it quits and writes on the console:
"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information
Process returned 3 (0x3) execution time : 0.828s"
How I debug that? I have no idea what on the code is throwing the error (since when using a debugger it still quits the same way, and the debugger reports no errors with exit of the debugger being 0)
EDIT for those that don't read tags: I am using C++, compiling with MingW on Windows.
If you're running under the Visual Studio debugger, go to the Debug/Exceptions menu and check the box for the "C++ Exceptions" item - this will cause the debugger to break whenever an exception is thrown.
You might need to fiddle with the various sub-options (std:exception, void, etc) for the exception types if your code throws a lot of exceptions that it catches and you're not interested in breaking into the debugger when they get thrown.
KB884538 -- try installing the hotfix.