I am trying to import some C# 2015 Console Code into 2017, and I can't seem to find the Console option for C#. The console option did exist in 2015.
I tried an elevated developer prompt and ran devenv /installvstemplates with no change.
Easiest way to find project template which interest us is to write down it's name in search box (1)
Regular console application is "Console App (.NET Framework)" (2).
My installed or something in my vs 2019 files screen shot
My installed or something in my vs 2019 files widen screen shot
i dont have templates or any win32 console application
pls help me im new to vs 2019
i only coded two applications ( Windows Form Application )
To install other templates, you can open the Visual Studio Installer (open by searching in the windows menu). Choose your VS installation, click more then modify.
Ensure the above option is ticked, then click modify at the bottom.
When you open VS, this is the project type you should make.
.Net Desktop Development
This would help you developing console apps on vs 2019
You could get to vs installer from "Tools>get tools and features"
I created a solution with following projects:
A web application (asp.net) using C#
A web application (asp.net) using VB.NET
A unit test application using C# (tried with VB.NET also).
The "Create Unit Test" context menu option is missing in Visual Studio 2017 for VB.NET but is available for C#.
Does anyone know what I'm missing. Do I need to do anything special to get that option in projects using VB.NET language?
I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2017.
C# context menu
VB.NET context menu
This option was removed for VB.Net in an earlier release of Visual Studio (VS2015, or earlier) even though the option had been there (I remember using it in VS2018, for sure)
I recently started C++ programming on Visual Studio and I noticed that it always gives me the console output in the command prompt (CMD).
I am a java programmer and I'm used to working with Eclipse and Netbeans. With those IDEs, I was able to see the console inside the IDE and not in a different separate window.
Is there a way to display the console output inside Visual Studio, like Eclipse and Netbeans do?
It's infuriating. I spent hours looking for this. Visual Studio doesn't have command prompt inside the IDE.
They have it for Visual Studio code - Intergrated command prompt. But not for visual studio 2015 Enterprise. So, in other words, microsoft has command prompt terminal inside the free version of visual studio but not for the paid version
Unfortunately, the answer seems to be no.
In Visual Studio, console applications are displayed on the command prompt and not inside Visual Studio itself. Meaning that Console.WriteLine method and similar ones write your output to the console window because your application type is Console Application.
You are able to write output to Visual Studio itself by using System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine as mentioned on MSDN. That will cause the debug output to appear in the Output Window inside Visual Studio. In case you don't see that view, you can choose to show it by Debug => Windows => Output.
You should bare in mind that this is not what you asked for.
This "solution" is helpful just in case you want to debug parts of your code and don't want to open the command prompt but just see the relevant output inside the IDE.
In addition, you won't be able to give input back in this output view.
The most important thing, you will not be able to execute your application correctly outside of your coding environment. So, it will work only on the IDE but you won't be able to see this output when the application is on its own (as it meant to be as a console application).
Another solution, that you might like, is to work with Eclipse.
You said that you are familiar with Eclipse as a Java developer and now you work with C++ and don't get along with Visual Studio so far.
So, you can download Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.
In there you will be familiar with the IDE and you will be able to display your output inside Eclipse without any weird and unnecessary workarounds.
My visual studio community 2015 are opening a MFC program when I hit RUN. All over youtube, everyone has command promt automatically opening when hitting the RUN or Local windows debugger button. I want to change it to command promt aswell, does anyone have a solution?
It seems you created an MFC project and when you start this, of course you start an MFC program.
If you want a console application use File->New->Project and select the Win32 console project template.
See this MSDN article for more information.
I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 from official site. But I can't create a new console project, as I've seen in some tutorials. The reason is that there is no console application in templates for C++.
May be there is another way to create a new console application?
That's Visual Studio Express for Windows, which is used for Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.
To do Windows desktop apps you need Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop.
Or, of course, you can use e.g. the MinGW g++ compiler, and some general IDE such as Code::Blocks or Eclipse. But Microsoft's help system is very useful. And currently g++ only supports the Windows API as it was with Windows XP, no newer stuff.
I found a way to create a Console project no matter what version of VS Express you are using.
Create any type of project (i.e. A basic "class library" project).
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and click Properties. You'll see a dropdown for "Output type". Select "Console Application".
Create a Main method somewhere as an entry point into the app. Doesn't matter what class you put it in.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("We made a console app");
I did this with "Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web", so I'm not absolutely certain what your mileage will be on other flavors.