MismatchSenderId on Django - Firebase Cloud Messaging - django

I would like to implement Django-fcm when I try to test it, I was able to install Django FCM everything went successfully.
Here is the error that appears MismatchSenderId.
Here are some illustration screenshots:
Any help is appreciated.

I had the same error, I debugged and found out that in the Django project I was not using the right json file. To make sure, you are not adding the wrong json file,
go to the
firebase console > select your app -> go to settings ->select service
accounts tab -> select python ->
download the server key json file and add the code mentioned to the settings file.


Postman - Runner - How to View Exported Results - Fail to import collection run

I have run my Collection.
I have Exported results "***API.postman_test_run.json" file using Export Results option into my local folder:
I closed the Runner tab (Run Summary) on Postman.
And then I tried to open (to Import) this json file somewhere in Postman in order to view these results again and I do not see how I can do that.
My question is - how I can view exported results in Postman?
Is it possible at all or I need to open results in some other application like Visual Studio Code?
Here is an update: I have found the icon Runner in the right bottom part of my Postman desktop.
I clicked on it and got an interface to import the previous collection runs:
However, when I click on button Import I am getting an error: Failed to import collection run.
What could be the reason of it?
Open Postman
Click Import, click Choose Files and specify "***API.postman_test_run.json" from your pc.
-An import success message appears for each collection imported
-Click the Eye icon to setup an Environment
Click Add
-Enter an Environment name. for example, FTAPI
-Copy your API Key from the email sent to you in the previous step
-Enter a Key and a Value
-Click Add
I have written to the Postman Support and got an answer that this issue that I noticed of getting an error on importing of the run results (postman_test_run.json) is the one which exists on Postman. They are working on it now.

AWS Amplify: Same admin query on two separate apps

So here's my situation...I have two React apps that need to talk to the same Cognito User Pool. I've been able to accomplish this by copying the aws-exports.js file from the first app to the second app I created (not sure if this is something I should be doing or not but it is working). The issue I am having however is when I run an Admin Query on the second app (to say list users in the Cognito User Pool) I get a 403 (Forbidden) error. Has anyone ever run into this before? Googling all day has not helped me so I figured I would ask.
You'll need "multi-frontend" solution:
I'll give you some useful infos for this:
Open the Amplify Console and there the "first" app (wheres the backend was created).
Go to the first app's "backend" section
Select "Backend environments" tab
Search for "Edit backend" box and this text: "To continue working on the backend, install the Amplify CLI and make updates by running the command below from the root of your project folder"
copy that command, and paste/run in second app's root.
do not modify (and push) the backend from the second application.
if you use git branch based environment you must always switch the env AND the branch parallel. Do not pull the "master" backend for your "dev" env.
try to avoid modifing on amplify console if you modify things with amplify cli. Those things cannot be syncronized... :(
If you store multiple apps in a git monorepo:

Ember CLI / browser refresh / production / 404

I developed my webapp using Ember CLI 0.1.15, with emberjs. 1.8.1
I built the app with this command: ember build --environment production , and then I made a WAR out of the files produced under the dist folder of my project, and then I drop the WAR on my tomcat's webapps folder.
So, when I open the app: http://mytomcat/myapp/ ... it went fine, I saw my login screen, I logged in, and navigate around in my app, everythings fine. I could also do the back/forward button, and ember handles the transition well.
But when I click the refresh button on my browser -- the address bar of the browser was showing http://mytomcat/myapp/inventory/ at that moment -- I got 404 reply, from the tomcat.
Then I figured out why it happened: the refresh button sends a request to the tomcat for the path /myapp/myinventory/ ... of course the path /myinventory does not exist on the server. All those routes we see on the browser -- except for the base url, http://mytomcat/myapp/ -- are generated on the client-side.
So, my question is: what's the right way (in ember) to deal with this situation? I need the refresh button to just works. Any way for ember to intercept the refresh button clicked event?
I guess this issues is related to this: https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-app-kit/issues/486 , but it does not have the answer I need.
Thanks in advance,
--- UPDATE ---
Probably relevant: http://eviltrout.com/2014/04/10/the-refresh-test.html
Inside config/environment.js file, there is a property called locationType. Set its value to hash
Manually moving files from your /dist folder is time consuming and annoying. Instead, you can specify an output-path property in your .ember-cli with the location inside webapps you are trying to move the files to. Another option is to specify this option to ember server or ember build

Azure Web Job writes files in a website's directory

I attached a Web Job to my Azure website. The webjob prepares a file and I want to save it on a proper folder in the website.
Environment.CurrentDirectory run on the script returns a path under a Temp directory: Temp\jobs\triggered\WEBJOBNAME\q0uwrohv.x5e
I tried to go down on the directory tree:
string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, #"..\..\..\..\..\Data")
But it doesn't work:
How to make and save files from WebJob to a particular path?
I don't want to use blob store.
The path for the root of your Azure Web Site is (usually) d:\home\site\wwwroot.
d:\home is also stored in an environment setting called %HOME%.
To get more insight on the different paths you can use on your site go to:
https://{sitename}.scm.azurewebsites.net, there' you'll have the Debug Console where you can browse through your site and Environment to see all the environment variables you can use.
Your WebJob will have access to the same paths/environment as your Web Site.
For more information on this administration site go to:
try the following instead of putting a file location in the value parameter just put this as I show you here
you can do it in the app.config file
add key="app:TempFolderPath" value="~/temp/"/
add key="app:TempReportDirectory" value="~/temp/"/
the web job will automatically put in this location of
D:\local\Temp\jobs\continuous\ImporterWebJob\yex3ad1c.3wo\~\temp\...your file...
I hope this will not give you any errors.

Joomla Kunena Fourm Remote path issue

I have been trying to fix this without success.
Lately, I am trying to build up a forum using Kunena forum with joomla. I build it all in my local server. When I uploaded the files to the remote server, I got the problem when I access the backend Kunena control panel as follow:
500 - An error has occurred.
load error: failed to find /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/abacdeal1/media/kunena/less/bootstrap/kunena.less
I couldn't find where to change that directory.
Thanks a lot in advance for the help!
I solved the issue as I was having the same problem myself.
Go to root/cache/kunena
In there is a cache file for less which all you need to do is simply delete.
Please re-download the Kunena package from http://www.kunena.org/download, extract files on your PC, open packages folder -> kunena_media_v3.0.0.zip (extract-it) -> open less folder -> open bootstrap and here is "kunena.less". Now, upload this file to /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/abacdeal1/media/kunena/less/bootstrap/ on your server and refresh your site.
Now it must works!
I hope it will works.
PS: when you copy (upload files) from your PC to your own server, some files may not copy correct because of files permissions.
Using Joomla 3.6 and Kunena 5.0.
I built a test site and them moved it over to my production domain name. That caused Load Error Failed to Find Kunena Crypsis.less whenever I clicked on the menu item for Kunena Forum.
My solution was to clear cache in Joomla.