facebook graph api app permission Workplace Account - facebook-graph-api

I have been developing using the FB.api(), but now I get the following error message
"This app does not have permission to manage this Workplace account"
when I try and make a new post, but I can still delete posts!!
I do not think I have changed any permissions, The Page is a Test Page, My Account is set up as administrator for both The Page and The App. I cannot see anywhere on either The Page or The App where I can provide permissions.
I have not got a Workplace Account, and cannot see how I might add/edit/remove one.

Well, how bizzar....If you post a new message with FB.api() and have property
formatting: 'MARKDOWN'
then you get an error about permission on Workplace Account!!


How get publish_pages permission, to post on own business Facebook page using Graph API?

I am making a server-to-server Facebook 'app' so that some of the news articles we post to our own website can be posted on our own Facebook page too. I have read 14 squintillion pages of documentation, but cannot find how to get the publish_pages permission for myself or the app.
I have coaxed the app through the review process, and got the manage_pages permission allowed. I thought I had to submit all over again, to get publish_pages too, but the documentation says no. Apparently anyone appearing in the Roles for the app can grant the necessary permissions.
I have set myself up as admin for the app, yet when trying to get a token using the Facebook developer tools, I am never shown publish_pages. So even if I create a non-expiring token (my end goal) it is rejected with a message about the lack of publish_pages.
Shouldn't I be seeing more permissions listed here?
I'm sure I've read all relevant parts of the official documentation, plus StackOverflow answers and several unofficial walk-throughs, but I cannot work out what I am missing...
I thought I had to submit all over again, to get publish_pages too,
You do.
but the documentation says no. Apparently anyone appearing in the Roles for the app can grant the necessary permissions.
That is for apps in dev mode. Any of those users can grant the permission to your app, while it is in dev mode. But whatever you publish through your app, will only be visible to this group of users only, and not to the general public.
For the content to be visible to everyone, your app needs to be in live mode.
Before you can ask people - even those with a role in the app - for publish_pages when your app is in live mode, you need to submit that permission for review.

Unable to get ad insights in Facebook's Marketing API

As described in the marketing API, I have registered an app got my app key and and id, generated a token with ads permissions, list pages permission as well. The app is not yet submitted for approval.
When I try to get the list of ad accountsz linked to 'me' it returns the array of all ad accounts.
But when I select any of the business accounts (other than my personal Facebook account) and try to retrieve the ads insights API throws exception saying:
but when I try to get the insights, using the python SDK, I get the same error, ex: (#273) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User is not admin on ad account .
What is surprising is when I use the similar sample page from Facebook-Developers to get insights, it is able to retrieve the ads data for the same account, with my own login itself.
Why would my app be unable to do so?
Is there any such limitation for apps not reviewed?
Update: I seem to have admin access to the ad account as well. Here are some screenshots. (Unless its my dumb day I think something else is going on, but its my fist time with an API like this, so I cant be sure!;) )
Screenshots: GraphAPI Explrer with API call, App Settings, AdAccount Settings
Based on the discussion on question and experience I now have:
API user needs to be an admin of the ad account and of the app if you
wish to use the API.
The ad account needs to be specifically added to the app, in app settings. In developer access an app can only have access to a maximum of 5 ad accounts.
Error messages in Facebook API are misleading more often than not. Fix anything marked in yellow or red anywhere in the portal, to be
Do read about limits of every API before you use it, all API have different limits and your application design needs to take those into account.
As for the question, yes the issue was the text in red, as pointed out by #CBroe, although the error message was off by a mile and issue occurred only when using our own app.

Facebook API page subscription

I am trying to subscribe other's Facebook user's page to my application. Application has permissions like pages_messaging, public_profile, etc. Basically this is a messenger. But it complains and keep saying that I need a "manage_pages" permission. Why? I can't find docs in FB api regarding it. Thanks
Hi you should apply for manage pages permission in your app.To create a subscription you should have the manage_pages permission.

Can't ask for 'publish_actions' permission

So here's the thing, I can't ask for 'publish_actions' permission for other users than Developers and Test Users.
And when I tried posting an action with a regular user I got an error like this one:
"(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions"
Also from the facebook documentation:
"While in Open Graph Beta, the 'publish_actions' permission can only be requested from developers and test users of your app. The 'publish_actions' permission will be ignored if requested from any other user."
"Open Graph is still in beta. Though you can submit Open Graph actions for review in the Dev App, actions will not be approved until Timeline is available to all users."
Any clues on when this would be fully available for real apps ?
Open Graph is still in beta, and will launch soon after Timeline has been rolled out. Only then will you be able to request publish_actions for non-developers of your app.
go to the app's open graph
edit open graph
click the get code button
you gotta
confirm -> api explorer
and run app
but you will have the role developer
tester do not work.
because tester can't edit apps property.

Can't post to user's wall, though I get publish_stream permission

I'm implementing an app which will post to user's wall.
I specify appropriate scopes (including publish_stream) via php-sdk, display the authentication page and can confirm that my app requires publish_stream. But when the app tries to post to user wall, I get the following error message:
The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
Also, my app cannot get public_stream permission when I confirm the app from user's privacy setting.
I could confirm that my app's authentication of publish_stream worked well one weeks ago.
Are there any problem regarding publish_stream permission?
fb in your app insight to see if your app is restricted for publishing stream