GCC Assembly "+t" - c++

I'm currently testing some inline assembly in C++ on an old compiler (GCC circa 2004) and I wanted to perform the square root function on a floating point number. After trying and searching for a successful method, I came across the following code
float r3(float n){
__asm__("fsqrt" : "+t" (n));
return n;
which worked. The issue is, even though I understand the assembly instructions used, I'm unable to find any particular documentation as to what the "+t" flag means on the n variable. I'm under the genuine idea that it seems to be a manner by which to treat the variable n as both the input and output variable but I was unable to find any information on it. So, what exactly is the "t" flag and how does it work here?

Means that this operand is both read and written by the instruction.
(From here)
Top of 80387 floating-point stack (%st(0)).
(From here)

+ means you are reading and writing the register.
t means the value is on the top of the 80387 floating point stack.
GCC manual, Extended Asm has general information about constraints - search for "constraints"
GCC manual, Machine Constraints has information about the specific constraints supported on each architecture - search for "x86 family"


LLVM | check if a value is signed [duplicate]

The LLVM project does not distinguish between signed and unsigned integers as described here. There are situations where you need to know if a particular variable should be interpreted as signed or as unsigned though, for instance when it is size extended or when it is used in a division. My solution to this is to keep a separate type information for every variable that describes whether it is an integer or a cardinal type.
However, I am wondering, isn't there a way to "attribute" a type in LLVM that way? I was looking for some sort of "user data" that could be added to a type but there seems to be nothing. This would have to happen somehow when the type is created since equal types are generated only once in LLVM.
My question therefore is:
Is there a way to track whether an integer variable should be interpreted as signed or unsigned within the LLVM infrastructure, or is the only way indeed to keep separate information like I do?
First of all, you have to be sure that you need inserting extra type meta-data since Clang already handles signed integer operations appropriately for example by using sdiv and srem rather than udev and urem.
Additionally, It's possible to utilize that to implement some lightweight type-inference based on how the variables are accessed in the IR. Note that an operation like add doesn't need signdness info since it is based on two-complement representation.
Otherwise, I think that the best way to do that is to modify the front-end (Clang) to add some custom DWARF debug info. Here is a link that might get you started.
If your goal is to implement static-analysis directly on LLVM IR. This paper can offer a thorough discussion.
Navas, J.A., Schachte, P., Søndergaard, H., Stuckey, P.J.:
Signedness-agnostic program analysis: Precise integer bounds for low-level code. In: Jhala, R., Igarashi, A. (eds.) APLAS 2012. LNCS,
vol. 7705, pp. 115–130. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)

HP-UX Itanium Compare and Swap

I am developing C/C++ cross-platform code, and the last platform is Itanium based HP-UX. Relevant machine an processor information can be found at the end of the question.
I need to implement or find an atomic compare and swap for the machine and compiler specifications given below.
I have found a few possibilities for solutions, but haven't been able to find how to use them.
The first possible solution is through the use of _Asm_cmpxchg (documentation here). I'm unable to find what header to include for this or how to get it to compile.
The second possible solution is to write my own inline assembly with the direct use of the cmpxchg and cmpxchg8b commands, but I haven't been able to find how to correctly do this either. I've found various resources, most of which are directly writing assembly, not for the processor architecture I require, or don't show a specific enough example.
I found more documentation about cmpxchg and cmpxchg8 instructions (as well as tzcnt and lzcnt which are two that are nice to have, but not necessary) here. If you are viewing in google chrome, abosulte page values are 234 for cmpxchg and 236 for cmpxchg8.
Limitations: I am unable to use a third party library due to constraints beyond my control.
Result of uname -smr: HP-UX B.11.31 ia64
Processor Model: Intel(R) Itanium(R) Processor 9340
Compiler -v: aCC: HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.28
Update: I was able to get _Asm_cmpxchg to compile, but it doesn't seem to work (the value remains unchanged). For parameters, I passed _SZ_W for the _Asm_sz, _SEM_ACQ for _Asm_sem, _LDHINT_NONE for _Asm_ldhint, a pointer to the original 32 bit integer value for r3, and the desired new value for r2. I'm guessing at the meaning of the parameters, given that documentation is very lackluster.
I ended up finding the solution on my own, using option 1. Below is the sample code to get it to work:
bool compare_and_swap(unsigned int* var, unsigned int oldval, unsigned int newval)
// Move the old value into register _AREG_CCV because this is the register
// that var will be compared against
_Asm_mov_to_ar(_AREG_CCV, oldval);
// Do the compare and swap
return oldval == _Asm_cmpxchg(
_SZ_W /* 4 byte word */,
_SEM_ACQ /* acquire the semaphore */,
_LDHINT_NONE /* locality hint */);

Can I guarantee the C++ compiler will not reorder my calculations?

I'm currently reading through the excellent Library for Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic paper, and in the first few lines I notice they perform a sum in the following way:
std::pair<double, double> TwoSum(double a, double b)
double s = a + b;
double v = s - a;
double e = (a - (s - v)) + (b - v);
return std::make_pair(s, e);
The calculation of the error, e, relies on the fact that the calculation follows that order of operations exactly because of the non-associative properties of IEEE-754 floating point math.
If I compile this within a modern optimizing C++ compiler (e.g. MSVC or gcc), can I be ensured that the compiler won't optimize out the way this calculation is done?
Secondly, is this guaranteed anywhere within the C++ standard?
You might like to look at the g++ manual page: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options
Particularly -fassociative-math, -ffast-math and -ffloat-store
According to the g++ manual it will not reorder your expression unless you specifically request it.
Yes, that is safe (at least in this case). You only use two "operators" there, the primary expression (something) and the binary something +/- something (additive).
Section 1.9 Program execution (of C++0x N3092) states:
Operators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.
In terms of the grouping, 5.1 Primary expressions states:
A parenthesized expression is a primary expression whose type and value are identical to those of the enclosed expression. ... The parenthesized expression can be used in exactly the same contexts as those where the enclosed expression can be used, and with the same meaning, except as otherwise indicated.
I believe the use of the word "identical" in that quote requires a conforming implementation to guarantee that it will be executed in the specified order unless another order can give the exact same results.
And for adding and subtracting, section 5.7 Additive operators has:
The additive operators + and - group left-to-right.
So the standard dictates the results. If the compiler can ascertain that the same results can be obtained with different ordering of the operations then it may re-arrange them. But whether this happens or not, you will not be able to discern a difference.
This is a very valid concern, because Intel's C++ compiler, which is very widely used, defaults to performing optimizations that can change the result.
See http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/cpp/lin/compiler_c/copts/common_options/option_fp_model.htm#option_fp_model
I would be quite surprised if any compiler wrongly assumed associativity of arithmetic operators with default optimising options.
But be wary of extended precision of FP registers.
Consult compiler documentation on how to ensure that FP values do not have extended precision.
If you really need to, I think you can make a noinline function no_reorder(float x) { return x; }, and then use it instead of parenthesis. Obviously, it's not a particularly efficient solution though.
In general, you should be able to -- the optimizer should be aware of the properties of the real operations.
That said, I'd test the hell out of the compiler I was using.
Yes. The compiler will not change the order of your calculations within a block like that.
Between compiler optimizations and out-of-order execution on the processor, it is almost a guarantee that things will not happen exactly as you ordered them.
HOWEVER, it is also guaranteed that this will NEVER change the result. C++ follows standard order of operations and all optimizations preserve this behavior.
Bottom line: Don't worry about it. Write your C++ code to be mathematically correct and trust the compiler. If anything goes wrong, the problem was almost certainly not the compiler.
As per the other answers you should be able to rely on the compiler doing the right thing -- most compilers allow you to compile and inspect the assembler (use -S for gcc) -- you may want to do that to make sure you get the order of operation you expect.
Different optimization levels (in gcc, -O _O2 etc) allows code to be re-arranged (however sequential code like this is unlikely to be affected) -- but I would suggest you should then isolate that particular part of code into a separate file, so that you can control the optimization level for just the calculation.
The short answer is: the compiler will probably change the order of your calculations, but it will never change the behavior of your program (unless your code makes use of expression with undefined behavior: http://blog.regehr.org/archives/213)
However, you can still influence this behavior by deactivating all compiler optimizations (option "-O0" with gcc). If you still needs the compiler to optimize the rest of your code, you may put this function in a separate ".c" which you can compile with "-O0".
Additionally, you can use some hacks. For instance, if you interleaves your code with extern function calls the compiler may consider that it is unsafe to re-order your code as the function may have unknown side-effect. Calling "printf" to print the value of your intermediate results will conduct to similar behavior.
Anyway, unless you have any very good reason (e.g. debugging) you typically don't want to care about that, and you should trust the compiler.

gcc optimization? bug? and its practial implication to project

My questions are divided into three parts
Question 1
Consider the below code,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
const int v = 50;
int i = 0X7FFFFFFF;
cout<<(i + v)<<endl;
if ( i + v < i )
cout<<"Number is negative"<<endl;
cout<<"Number is positive"<<endl;
return 0;
No specific compiler optimisation options are used or the O's flag is used. It is basic compilation command g++ -o test main.cpp is used to form the executable.
The seemingly very simple code, has odd behaviour in SUSE 64 bit OS, gcc version 4.1.2. The expected output is "Number is negative", instead only in SUSE 64 bit OS, the output would be "Number is positive".
After some amount of analysis and doing a 'disass' of the code, I find that the compiler optimises in the below format -
Since i is same on both sides of comparison, it cannot be changed in the same expression, remove 'i' from the equation.
Now, the comparison leads to if ( v < 0 ), where v is a constant positive, So during compilation itself, the else part cout function address is added to the register. No cmp/jmp instructions can be found.
I see that the behaviour is only in gcc 4.1.2 SUSE 10. When tried in AIX 5.1/5.3 and HP IA64, the result is as expected.
Is the above optimisation valid?
Or, is using the overflow mechanism for int not a valid use case?
Question 2
Now when I change the conditional statement from if (i + v < i) to if ( (i + v) < i ) even then, the behaviour is same, this atleast I would personally disagree, since additional braces are provided, I expect the compiler to create a temporary built-in type variable and them compare, thus nullify the optimisation.
Question 3
Suppose I have a huge code base, an I migrate my compiler version, such bug/optimisation can cause havoc in my system behaviour. Ofcourse from business perspective, it is very ineffective to test all lines of code again just because of compiler upgradation.
I think for all practical purpose, these kinds of error are very difficult to catch (during upgradation) and invariably will be leaked to production site.
Can anyone suggest any possible way to ensure to ensure that these kind of bug/optimization does not have any impact on my existing system/code base?
PS :
When the const for v is removed from the code, then optimization is not done by the compiler.
I believe, it is perfectly fine to use overflow mechanism to find if the variable is from MAX - 50 value (in my case).
What would I want to achieve? variable i would be a counter (kind of syncID). If I do offline operation (50 operation) then during startup, I would like to reset my counter, For this I am checking the boundary value (to reset it) rather than adding it blindly.
I am not sure if I am relying on the hardware implementation. I know that 0X7FFFFFFF is the max positive value. All I am doing is, by adding value to this, I am expecting the return value to be negative. I don't think this logic has anything to do with hardware implementation.
Anyways, all thanks for your input.
Most of the inpit states that I am relying on the lower level behavior on overflow checking. I have one questions regarding the same,
If that is the case, For an unsigned int how do I validate and reset the value during underflow or overflow? like if v=10, i=0X7FFFFFFE, I want reset i = 9. Similarly for underflow?
I would not be able to do that unless I check for negativity of the number. So my claim is that int must return a negative number when a value is added to the +MAX_INT.
Please let me know your inputs.
It's a known problem, and I don't think it's considered a bug in the compiler. When I compile with gcc 4.5 with -Wall -O2 it warns
warning: assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X + c) < X is always false
Although your code does overflow.
You can pass the -fno-strict-overflow flag to turn that particular optimization off.
Your code produces undefined behavior. C and C++ languages has no "overflow mechanism" for signed integer arithmetic. Your calculations overflow signed integers - the behavior is immediately undefined. Considering it form "a bug in the compiler or not" position is no different that attempting to analyze the i = i++ + ++i examples.
GCC compiler has an optimization based on that part of the specification of C/C++ languages. It is called "strict overflow semantics" or something lake that. It is based on the fact that adding a positive value to a signed integer in C++ always produces a larger value or results in undefined behavior. This immediately means that the compiler is perfectly free to assume that the sum is always larger. The general nature of that optimization is very similar to the "strict aliasing" optimizations also present in GCC. They both resulted in some complaints from the more "hackerish" parts of GCC user community, many of whom didn't even suspect that the tricks they were relying on in their C/C++ programs were simply illegal hacks.
Q1: Perhaps, the number is indeed positive in a 64bit implementation? Who knows? Before debugging the code I'd just printf("%d", i+v);
Q2: The parentheses are only there to tell the compiler how to parse an expression. This is usually done in the form of a tree, so the optimizer does not see any parentheses at all. And it is free to transform the expression.
Q3: That's why, as c/c++ programmer, you must not write code that assumes particular properties of the underlying hardware, such as, for example, that an int is a 32 bit quantity in two's complement form.
What does the line:
cout<<(i + v)<<endl;
Output in the SUSE example? You're sure you don't have 64bit ints?
OK, so this was almost six years ago and the question is answered. Still I feel that there are some bits that have not been adressed to my satisfaction, so I add a few comments, hopefully for the good of future readers of this discussion. (Such as myself when I got a search hit for it.)
The OP specified using gcc 4.1.2 without any special flags. I assume the absence of the -O flag is equivalent to -O0. With no optimization requested, why did gcc optimize away code in the reported way? That does seem to me like a compiler bug. I also assume this has been fixed in later versions (for example, one answer mentions gcc 4.5 and the -fno-strict-overflow optimization flag). The current gcc man page states that -fstrict-overflow is included with -O2 or more.
In current versions of gcc, there is an option -fwrapv that enables you to use the sort of code that caused trouble for the OP. Provided of course that you make sure you know the bit sizes of your integer types. From gcc man page:
See also the -fwrapv option. Using -fwrapv means that integer signed overflow
is fully defined: it wraps. ... With -fwrapv certain types of overflow are
permitted. For example, if the compiler gets an overflow when doing arithmetic
on constants, the overflowed value can still be used with -fwrapv, but not otherwise.

How to detect an overflow in C++?

I just wonder if there is some convenient way to detect if overflow happens to any variable of any default data type used in a C++ program during runtime? By convenient, I mean no need to write code to follow each variable if it is in the range of its data type every time its value changes. Or if it is impossible to achieve this, how would you do?
For example,
float f1=FLT_MAX+1;
cout << f1 << endl;
doesn't give any error or warning in either compilation with "gcc -W -Wall" or running.
Thanks and regards!
Consider using boosts numeric conversion which gives you negative_overflow and positive_overflow exceptions (examples).
Your example doesn't actually overflow in the default floating-point environment in a IEEE-754 compliant system.
On such a system, where float is 32 bit binary floating point, FLT_MAX is 0x1.fffffep127 in C99 hexadecimal floating point notation. Writing it out as an integer in hex, it looks like this:
Adding one (without rounding, as though the values were arbitrary precision integers), gives:
But in the default floating-point environment on an IEEE-754 compliant system, any value between
(which includes the value you have specified) is rounded to FLT_MAX. No overflow occurs.
Compounding the matter, your expression (FLT_MAX + 1) is likely to be evaluated at compile time, not runtime, since it has no side effects visible to your program.
In situations where I need to detect overflow, I use SafeInt<T>. It's a cross platform solution which throws an exception in overflow situations.
SafeInt<float> f1 = FLT_MAX;
f1 += 1; // throws
It is available on codeplex
Back in the old days when I was developing C++ (199x) we used a tool called Purify. Back then it was a tool that instrumented the object code and logged everything 'bad' during a test run.
I did a quick google and I'm not quite sure if it still exists.
As far as I know nowadays several open source tools exist that do more or less the same.
Checkout electricfence and valgrind.
Clang provides -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow and -fsanitize=unsigned-integer-overflow.