Cryptography packafe installation error on google cloud ML - google-cloud-ml

enter image description here
While running a job in google cloud ML, I have included few dependent packages in . While running the job, it gives the error that cryptography is not able to build_wheel. Cryptogrpahy could be a dependent package for one of the packages that i am trying to install. Please help !!!

You can configure your script to run arbitrary commands as part of installing your code; see this SO Question.

Errors after submitting the
Please see this link to check the log error file.

To clarify Jeremy's answer a bit, a few lines after the screen shot, I see the following in the logs:
"Package libffi was not found in the pkg-config search path."
This SO answer indicates that the following needs to be run (based on cryptography's documentation)
apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev
Jeremy's answer contains a link to an example that runs apt-get install for python-tk. You should be able to follow the same approach with the following modification:
['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'build-essential',
'libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'python-dev'])


Why is desired version of libboost-all-dev not found when building Docker container?

I'm trying to build a basic Docker container based on a tutorial. I am on Windows 10 Home version 2004, and I am using the standard command line. I've created the following Docker file to facilitate this, with the only change from the tutorial's version being my older version of gcc:
FROM gcc:6.3.0
RUN apt-get -qq update
RUN apt-get -qq upgrade
RUN apt-get -qq install cmake
RUN apt-get install libboost-all-dev=
RUN apt-get -qq install build-essential libtcmalloc-minimal4 && \
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
Once the script gets to the step where it tries to install libboost-all-dev I get the following output:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Version '' for 'libboost-all-dev' was not found
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install libboost-all-dev=' returned a non-zero code: 100
and the build stops.
I've tried updating the build script to use the current version of Boost (1.74.0) as well and get the same issue. I'm not really finding any solutions in my research online and the output is not very helpful in trying to figure out what the issue is. Could anyone with more experience with installing Boost as part of the Docker process point me in the right direction?
The package manager will only be able to install versions of Boost that it knows exist, based on the enabled package manager repositories. There is typically only one version of Boost in the default repositories. In my experience, this applies to any Linux OS that supplies Boost, not only those that are run within a Docker container.
The Docker image you started with, gcc:6.3.0, appears to have only Boost version, so requesting any other version will yield the same error.
If you want a different version of Boost in your image, you can follow the typical steps for installing a different version of Boost outside a Docker container. These steps are well-documented on Stack Overflow, or you might find a repository such as this to enable in your package manager to directly install it from apt-get.

pip installation error for tensorflow

I was trying to install tensorflow from source on ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7.
I followed the steps from "" for source installation.
I had completed all the steps, such as bazel installation, python dependencies installation.
In the final step for sudo pip installation; the command was as follows:-
$sudo pip install /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.3.0rc0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
but i am getting error as follows:
Unpacking /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.3.0rc0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
Downloading/unpacking tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Cannot fetch index base URL
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for tensorflow-tensorboard (from tensorflow==1.3.0rc0)
Storing debug log for failure in /home/ubuntu/.pip/pip.log
i also checked tensorflow_pkg wheel :but the above package was not available there.
so can a different .whl can be insatlled using pip such as -tensorflow-1.2.1-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
which have downloaded in my desktop.
Please tell me how i can resolve this issue.
Thanks and regards
I didn't figure out the root of the problem, but for what its worth I skipped the tensorboard issue by installing an older version (1.2.0 worked for me)
pip install
pip install tensorflow
If that doesn't work:
sudo pip install --upgrade
More info here and Common problems here.
My issue was resolved by following steps.
I updated the pip using
Also exported proxy settings.
e.g export https_proxy=...
This was able to resolve my issue.
I also tried installing other .whl file for tensorflow and yes tensorflow can be installed using the downloaded .whl file also.
Thank you

error in running `pip install aws cli`: "could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli"

I'm on a Windows based machine using GitBash for my shell. When I run, pip install aws cli, I get the following message:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for cli
I Googled the error, and many responses indicate that it's can be the result of a package that's not contained in pypi, etc. (Pip install-couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement).
However, since I'm following the video here: at 4:13, and it worked for the instructor, I'm not sure what I'm missing - can someone help me understand this (including any helpful troubleshooting commands to identify the source of the issue?)
I'm new to AWS and also bash so I apologize if this is a relatively elementary question.
Thanks in advance!
The command should be:
pip install awscli
You need to remove the space between 'aws' and 'cli'.
Try these commands
curl -o
pip install awscli

pip not working on windows python 2.7.9

I've installed Python 2.7.9, which comes with already bundled with pip. I've check that it's there in the modules list.
But when I run pip install
I get
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
With install highlighted as the error?
What am I doing wrong?
Seems like you are running pip install from Python interactive console. Instead, you should run it from Windows console (cmd or PowerShell):
python2.exe -m pip install <package_name>
Where python2.exe is executable for Python2.7.9 (you may need to include full path to the executable file) and <package_name> is the name of package you want to install
Append C:\Python27\Scripts;in PATH variable
where C:\Python27\Scripts; is the path where pip script is located.
I faced the same issue and got to know that the error is because it is not able to find the pip.exe to execute.
You need to check the path : C:\Python27\Scripts
There, you will find the .exe file and if you run the command from that folder, the command should not give you the error or while running the command, please provide entire path instead of just pip command.
just put python before pip
python pip install <package_name>
To install try the following command:
python.exe -m install
what i would suggest is navigate to the location where pip is located and try with the following command :
Pip install
enter image description here
Probably you want to install Python Modules? I really did many tries, So Finally reached on point to install Python3.6. It offers most easiest way to install it's modules, Try this way
Soon's anwser worked for me, with slight difference, without 2 after python:
python.exe -m pip install <package_name>
What I don't understand, is that this should be equal to the command in interactive console as following, isn't it ?
pip -m install <pachage_name>

How can I install python-Orange on ubuntu 12.10

sudo apt-get install python-Orange
sudo apt-get install python-orange
doesn't work
sudo python install
sudo python build
is not working as well.
Can anyone help??
Python has two tools for easy installation of all programs that are listed on the Python Package Index, also known as PyPi: These are easy_install and pip. Both retrieve very recent versions of Orange (and of any other package that is updating its PyPi entry regularly).
I installed Orange on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) with
pip install orange.
You will see lots of log lines indicating that Pip is downloading and compiling Orange for you. Simply wait. When pip is ready, fire up python and try to import orange. If that works, quit python and try the GUI with python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Orange/OrangeCanvas/orngCanvas.pyw (you probably want to create a shell alias or bash script for that one :-)
NOTE: on 12.04 I needed to first upgrade 'distribute' itself with sudo easy_install -U distribute but this was clearly indicated by pip.
You need to extract the dowloaded tarball on that page to a folder and then change directory to that folder. Then the sudo python instructions will work (but you should 'build' the application before you 'install' it).
go to the given link ""
download the package and extract the file
install with given command
python build
python install
note:- during installation make sure that your net is working because it downloads required packages. Also it may ask for C++ or gcc compilers while installing and could be terminate just read the errors care fully and install requires packages from the synaptic package manage in ubuntu.