juliandate to normaldate in redshift - amazon-web-services

I have date like 117106, 117107 in an column which is of numeric type in redshift data base. Understood that the format is in Julian format. I wanted to change it to normal date format like yyyymmdd.
I tried applying the function to the column and it returns the value as below
select to_date(117106) - result 4393-07-10
Please help.
Thanks in advance

Here is how it is done.
The way it works is the first 3 digits is the century julian offset, and the last 3 are the day offset:
select dateadd(day,117106 % 1000,dateadd(year,(117106 /1000),convert(datetime,'01/01/1900')))-1
If I’ve made a bad assumption please comment and I’ll refocus my answer.

Thank you Rahul for the help.
I haven't tried the solution provided.However i have implemented the below solution as below to convert it into date format
trim(cast(to_char(dateadd(days,cast(right(x)as bigint)
+ datediff(days,'1900-01-02',to_date(cast(left((1900+(x/1000)),4) as char(4)) || '-01' || '-01','yyyy-mm-dd')),'1900-01-01'),
'YYYYMMDD')as decimal),0) as x

Can generate_series() to cover the julian day range you need and then use standard date functions
with julian_day as (
select generate_series as julian_day,
to_date(generate_series, 'J') as gregorian_date
from generate_series((2459865 - ( 10 * 365)), (2459865 + (10 * 365)), 1)
to_char(gregorian_date, 'IYYY') as iso_year,
date_part(year, gregorian_date) as year,
from julian_day


SAS - Comparison of Hours

I'm new to SAS and can't seem to compare hours. Let me explain :
I have a Date/Time (format : ddmmmaa:hh:mm:ss) variable that I reformatted (in format TOD8 : hh:mm:ss) to only have the time.
With this specific time, I want to put it into a time slot. So if the time is between such and such time, I give him a time slot.
The problem that arises for me is that I cannot compare the time. Here is my code:
data test;
if 'hour'n > '09:00:00't and 'hour'n < '09:59:59't then 'time slot'n=0910;
else if 'hour'n > '10:00:00't then 'time slot'n=1011;
else 'time slot'n=-1;
This gives me the result :
Hour | time slot
08:06:00 | 1011
09:30:00 | 1011
11:00:00 | 1011
I think it comes from the type but I can't find any documentation that allows me to solve this problem.
If you have an idea or something that could help me understand this result it will help me a lot. Thanks in advance
The problem is that you applied a format considering it changed the stored value. That's a wrong statement: a format just applies a "display" pattern, no more.
And this is why you can change the format to what you want without losing any information :)
To extract a time from a datetime, use the timepart function.
Then you'll be able to compare this value against other times:
data test;
set work.table;
attrib extracted_hours format=tod5.;
extracted_hours = timepart(your_datetime);
if '09:00:00't <= extracted_hours < '10:00:00't then 'time slot'n = 0910;
else if '10:00:00't <= extracted_hours < '11:00:0't then 'time slot'n=1011;
else 'time slot'n=-1;

How to get latest result set based on the timestamp in amazon qldb?

I have many an IonStruct as follows.
revenueId: "0dcb7eb6-8cec-4af1-babe-7292618b9c69",
ownerId: "u102john2021",
revenueAddedTime: 2020-06-20T19:31:31.000Z,
I want to write a query to select the latest records set within a given year.
for example, suppose I have a set of timestamps like this -
A - 2019-06-20T19:31:31.000Z
B - 2020-06-20T19:31:31.000Z
C - 2020-06-20T19:31:31.000Z
D - 2021-07-20T19:31:31.000Z
E - 2020-09-20T19:31:31.000Z
F - 2020-09-20T19:31:31.000Z
If the selected year is between 2020 and 2021, I want to return records which having the latest timestamp.
in this case. E and F,
I tried many ways like
"SELECT * FROM REVENUES AS r WHERE r.ownerId = ? AND r.revenueAddedTime >= ? AND r.revenueAddedTime < ?"
Can anyone help me here?
Although I have no experience in qldb syntax, it seems to have similar properties to other db syntax in the sense that you can format your timestamps using these doc:
Once you format the timestamp, you may be able to do the > and < query syntax.

Getting upcoming birthdays using 'date of birth' DateField

I'm trying to get the birthdays in the upcoming 20 days, given the below Person model:
class Person(models.Model):
dob = models.DateField() # date of birth
There are similar questions on SO already (here and here), but these do not cover my use case, as I'm storing a date of birth instead of the next birthday or a timefield.
I've tried to do some things like the following:
from datetime import timedelta, date
today = date.today()
next_20_days = today+timedelta(days=20)
Person.objects.filter(dob__month=today.month, dob__day__range=[today.day, next_20_days.day])
... but I get FieldError: Unsupported lookup 'day' for DateField or join on the field not permitted.
When I do e.g. Person.objects.filter(dob__month=today.month, dob__day=next_20_days.day), I do get the results for exactly 20 days from now. So I potentially could go over each of the 20 days in a loop, but that seems rather ineffective.
Any idea on how to do this the proper way?
FYI, I ended up doing the following which works for me and which does not require raw SQL.
Any improvements would be welcomed :-)
# Get the upcoming birthdays in a list (which is ordered) for the amount of days specified
def get_upcoming_birthdays(person_list, days):
person_list= person_list.distinct() # ensure persons are only in the list once
today = date.today()
doblist = []
doblist.extend(list(person_list.filter(dob__month=today.month, dob__day=today.day)))
next_day = today + timedelta(days=1)
for day in range(0, days):
doblist.extend(list(person_list.filter(dob__month=next_day.month, dob__day=next_day.day, dod__isnull=True)))
next_day = next_day + timedelta(days=1)
return doblist
Caveat: I believe calendars and time is hard. As a result, I feel obligated to warn you that I haven't rigorously tested my proposal. But of course, I think it should work. :)
Unfortunately, I think you should abandon date objects as the additional complication of year data precludes easy selects. Rather, I propose storing the birthday as a MMDD string (comparison of strings works, as long as you format them consistently). You can then compute your next_20_days and convert that to a similar MMDD string, as well as today, then use them as values to compare against.
I have three edge cases you should definitely make sure work:
Normal month rollover. (e.g., June to July)
Leap days -- don't forget to check presence as well as absence of Feb 29.
Year boundary -- you'll need to either do two queries and union the results, or do an OR query using Q objects.
Edit: See also:
How to store birthdays without a year part?
SQL Select Upcoming Birthdays
mySQL SELECT upcoming birthdays
and so on. I just did a Google search for "stack overflow birthday select".
I have been struggling with the same issue for the past days. I think I assembled a pretty solid solution that should allow you easily to derive all the birthdays to come up for the next X days. This query runs against the database-table geburtstage (birthdays) with the following 4 fields: ID (set as primary key) vorname (firstname), nachname (lastname) and geburtstag (birthday). Just create the table, fill in some records and run the query below:
select * FROM (
select curdate() AS today, DAY(CURDATE()) AS d_T, MONTH(CURDATE()) AS m_T, DAY(geburtstag) AS d_G, MONTH(geburtstag) AS m_G, subdate(CURDATE(),-20) AS date_20, DAY(subdate(CURDATE(),-20)) AS d_20, MONTH(subdate(CURDATE(),-20)) AS m_20, vorname, nachname, geburtstag, (YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - YEAR(geburtstag) +1 - CASE WHEN MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) < MONTH(geburtstag) THEN 1 WHEN MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > MONTH(geburtstag) THEN 0 WHEN DAY(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) <= DAY(geburtstag) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS age, datediff(DATE_FORMAT(geburtstag,concat('%',YEAR(CURDATE()),'-%m-%d')),NOW()) AS no_of_days FROM geburtstage
select curdate() AS today, DAY(CURDATE()) AS d_T, MONTH(CURDATE()) AS m_T, DAY(geburtstag) AS d_G, MONTH(geburtstag) AS m_G, subdate(CURDATE(),-20) AS date_20, DAY(subdate(CURDATE(),-20)) AS d_20, MONTH(subdate(CURDATE(),-20)) AS m_20, vorname, nachname, geburtstag, (YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - YEAR(geburtstag) +1 - CASE WHEN MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) < MONTH(geburtstag) THEN 1 WHEN MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > MONTH(geburtstag) THEN 0 WHEN DAY(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) <= DAY(geburtstag) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS age, datediff(DATE_FORMAT(geburtstag,concat('%',(YEAR(CURDATE())+1),'-%m-%d')),NOW()) AS no_of_days FROM geburtstage) AS upcomingbirthday
WHERE no_of_days >=0 AND no_of_days <= 20 GROUP BY ID
ORDER BY (m_G, d_G) < (m_T, d_T), m_G, d_G, geburtstag desc, age

What is the best way to populate a load file for a date lookup dimension table?

Informix 11.70.TC4:
I have an SQL dimension table which is used for looking up a date (pk_date) and returning another date (plus1, plus2 or plus3_months) to the client, depending on whether the user selects a "1","2" or a "3".
The table schema is as follows:
TABLE date_lookup
pk_date DATE,
plus1_months DATE,
plus2_months DATE,
plus3_months DATE
UNIQUE INDEX on date_lookup(pk_date);
I have a load file (pipe delimited) containing dates from 01-28-2012 to 03-31-2014.
The following is an example of the load file:
EDIT : Sir Jonathan's SQL statement using DATE(pk_date + n UNITS MONTH on 11.70.TC5 worked!
I generated a load file with pk_date's from 01-28-2012 to 12-31-2020, and plus1, plus2 & plus3_months NULL. Loaded this into date_lookup table, then executed the update statement below:
UPDATE date_lookup
SET plus1_months = DATE(pk_date + 1 UNITS MONTH),
plus2_months = DATE(pk_date + 2 UNITS MONTH),
plus3_months = DATE(pk_date + 3 UNITS MONTH);
Apparently, DATE() was able to convert pk_date to DATETIME, do the math with TC5's new algorithm, and return the result in DATE format!
The rules for this dimension table are:
If pk_date has 31 days in its month and plus1, plus2 or plus3_months only have 28, 29, or 30 days, then let plus1, plus2 or plus3 equal the last day of that month.
If pk_date has 30 days in its month and plus1, plus2 or plus3 has 28 or 29 days in its month, let them equal the last valid date of those month, and so on.
All other dates fall on the same day of the following month.
My question is: What is the best way to automatically generate pk_dates past 03-31-2014 following the above rules? Can I accomplish this with an SQL script, "sed", C program?
EDIT: I mentioned sed because I already have more than two years worth of data and
could perhaps model the rest after this data, or perhaps a tool like awk is better?
The best technique would be to upgrade to 11.70.TC5 (on 32-bit Windows; generally to 11.70.xC5 or later) and use an expression such as:
FROM Wherever
The DATETIME code was modified between 11.70.xC4 and 11.70.xC5 to generate dates according to the rules you outline when the dates are as described and you use the + n UNITS MONTH or equivalent notation.
This obviates the need for a table at all. Clearly, though, all your clients would also have to be on 11.70.xC5 too.
Maybe you can update your development machine to 11.70.xC5 and then use this property to generate the data for the table on your development machine, and distribute the data to your clients.
If upgrading at least someone to 11.70.xC5 is not an option, then consider the Perl script suggestion.
Can it be done with SQL? Probably, but it would be excruciating. Ditto for C, and I think 'no' is the answer for sed.
However, a couple of dozen lines of perl seems to produce what you need:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;
my #dates;
# parse arguments
while (my $datep = shift){
my ($m,$d,$y) = split('-', $datep);
push(#dates, DateTime->new(year => $y, month => $m, day => $d))
|| die "Cannot parse date $!\n";
open(STDOUT, ">", "output.unl") || die "Unable to create output file.";
my ($date, $end) = #dates;
while( $date < $end ){
my #row = ($date->mdy('-')); # start with pk_date
for my $mth ( qw[ 1 2 3 ] ){
my $fut_d = $date->clone->add(months => $mth);
until (
($fut_d->month == $date->month + $mth
&& $fut_d->year == $date->year) ||
($fut_d->month == $date->month + $mth - 12
&& $fut_d->year > $date->year)
$fut_d->subtract(days => 1); # step back until criteria met
push(#row, $fut_d->mdy('-'));
print STDOUT join("|", #row, "\n");
$date->add(days => 1);
Save that as futuredates.pl, chmod +x it and execute like this:
$ futuredates.pl 04-01-2014 12-31-2020
That seems to do the trick for me.

Check if string is of SortableDateTimePattern format

Is there any way I can easily check if a string conforms to the SortableDateTimePattern ("s"), or do I need to write a regular expression?
I've got a form where users can input a copyright date (as a string), and these are the allowed formats:
Year: YYYY (eg 1997)
Year and month: YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07)
Complete date: YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)
Complete date plus hours and minutes: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
I don't have much experience of writing regular expressions so if there's an easier way of doing it I'd be very grateful!
Not thoroughly tested and hence not foolproof, but the following seems to work:
var regex:RegExp = /(?<=\s|^)\d{4}(-\d{2}(-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d{2})?)?\+\d{2}:\d{2})?)?)?(?=\s|$)/g;
var test:String = "23 1997 1998-07 1995-07s 1937-04-16 " +
"1970-0716 1993-07-16T19:20+01:01 1979-07-16T19:20+0100 " +
"2997-07-16T19:20:30+01:08 3997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00";
var result:Object
while(result = regex.exec(test))
Traced output:
I am using ActionScript here, but the regex should work in most flavors. When implementing it in your language, note that the first and last / are delimiters and the last g stands for global.
I'd split the input field into many (one for year, month, day etc.).
You can use Javscript to advance from one field to the next once full (i.e. once four characters are in the year box, move focus to month) for smoother entry.
You can then validate each field independently and finally construct the complete date string.