How to determine which thread is done - c++

I have a loop which calls pthread_join but the order of the loop does not match the order of thread's termination.
how can i monitor thread completion then call join?
for ( int th=0; th<sections; th++ )
cout<<"start joining "<<th<<endl<<flush;
result_code = pthread_join( threads[th] , (void**)&status);
cout<<th<<" join error "<<strerror(result_code)<<endl<<flush;
cout<<"Join status is "<<status<<endl<<flush;
This is my solution, which seems to maximize multi-threading throughput by serving the first
done thread . This solution does not depend on pthread_join loop order.
// loop & wait for the first done thread
std::bitset<Nsections> ready;
std::bitset<Nsections> done;
for (unsigned b=0; b<sections; b++) ready.flip(b);
done = ready;
unsigned currIdx = 1;
int th = 0;
int th_= 0;
int stat;
while ( done.any() )
// main loops waiting for 1st thread to complete.
// completion is checked by global vector
// vStatus (singlton write protected)
// and not by pthread_exit returned value,
// in ordder to maximize throughput by
// post processig the first
// finished thread.
if ( (obj.vStatus).empty() ) { Sleep (5); continue; }
while ( ready.any() )
if ( sections == 1 ) break;
if ( !(obj.vStatus).empty() )
if ( currIdx <= (obj.vStatus).size() )
th_ = currIdx-1;
std::string s =
cout<<"checking "<<th_<<"\t"<<s<<"\t"
<<(ready.test(th_)?"T":"F")<<"\t"<<(obj.vStatus)[th_].retVal <<endl;
if ((obj.vStatus)[th_].retVal < 1)
if (ready.test(th_))
goto retry;
Sleep (2);
} // while ready
cout<<"start joining "<<th<<endl<<flush;
result_code = pthread_join( threads[th] , (void**)&status);
switch (result_code)
case EDEADLK: goto retry; break;
case EINVAL:
case ESRCH:
case 0:
stat = status->retVal;
free (status);
std::string s =
cout<<"joined thread "<<th<<"\t"<<s<<"\t"
<<(done.test(th)?"T":"F")<<"\t"<<stat <<endl;
while (true)
auto ret=pthread_cancel ( threads[th] ) ;
if (ret == ESRCH) { netTH--; break; }
Sleep (20);

How can I monitor thread completion then call join ?
By letting join detect the completion. (i.e. do nothing special)
I have a loop which calls pthread_join but the order of the loop does not match the order of thread's termination.
The order of the loop does not matter.
a) thread[main] calling thread[1].'join' will simply be suspended until thread[1] exits. After that, thread[main] will be allowed to continue with the rest of the loop.
b) When thread[2] terminates before thread[1], thread[main] calling thread[2].join simply returns immediately. Again, thread[main] continues.
c) The effort to ensure thread[1] terminates prior to thread[2] (to match the loop sequence) is a surprisingly time consuming effort, with no benefit.
Update in progress ... looking for code I thought I have already submitted.


How to allocate a period of time for a thread to execute?

I have a class executing in a thread.
But I only want to allow it to run for 10 seconds.
Note... I have no means of passing any boolean into the class to stop execution.
So, How can I set up a thread to terminate after 10 seconds?
The class I am testing has potential infinite recursion that may take place and it is pointless to let it run longer than 10 seconds.
bool bDone = false;
int ii = 0;
std::thread tCounter([&bDone, &ii]()
// Black Box: can't touch this; can't pass in a Boolean
std::thread tTimer([&bDone, &tCounter]()
bDone = true;
// kill the tCounter thread ?
ii = ii + 0; // break point here

QNX pthread_mutex_lock causing deadlock error ( 45 = EDEADLK )

I am implementing an asynchronous log writing mechanism for my project's multithreaded application. Below is the partial code of the part where the error occurs.
void CTraceFileWriterThread::run()
bool fShoudIRun = shouldThreadsRun(); // Some global function which decided if operations need to stop. Not really relevant here. Assume "true" value.
std::string nextMessage = fetchNext();
if( !nextMessage.empty() )
fShoudIRun = shouldThreadsRun();
//This is the consumer. This is in my thread with lower priority
std::string CTraceFileWriterThread::fetchNext()
// When there are a lot of logs, I mean A LOT, I believe the
// control stays in this function for a long time and an other
// thread calling the "add" function is not able to acquire the lock
// since its held here.
std::string message;
if( !writeQueue.empty() )
writeQueueMutex.lock(); // Obj of our wrapper around pthread_mutex_lock
message = writeQueue.front();
writeQueue.pop(); // std::queue
writeQueueMutex.unLock() ;
return message;
// This is the producer and is called from multiple threads.
void CTraceFileWriterThread::add( std::string outputString ) {
if ( !outputString.empty() )
// crashes here while trying to acquire the lock when there are lots of
// logs in prod systems.
const size_t writeQueueSize = writeQueue.size();
if ( writeQueueSize == maximumWriteQueueCapacity )
outputString.append ("\n queue full, discarding traces, traces are incomplete" );
if ( writeQueueSize <= maximumWriteQueueCapacity )
bool wasEmpty = writeQueue.empty();
writeQueue.push(outputString);; // will be waiting in a function which calls "fetchNext"
int wrapperMutex::lock() {
//#[ operation lock()
int iRetval;
int iRetry = 10;
tRfcErrno = pthread_mutex_lock (&tMutex);
if ( (tRfcErrno == EINTR) || (tRfcErrno == EAGAIN) )
iRetval = RFC_ERROR;
else if (tRfcErrno != EOK)
iRetval = RFC_ERROR;
iRetry = 0;
iRetval = RFC_OK;
iRetry = 0;
} while (iRetry > 0);
return iRetval;
I generated the core dump and analysed it with GDB and here are some findings
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
"Errno=45" at the add function where I am trying to acquire the lock. The wrapper we have around pthread_mutex_lock tries to acquire the lock for around 10 times before it gives up.
The code works fine when there are fewer logs. Also, we do not have C++11 or further and hence restricted to mutex of QNX. Any help is appreciated as I am looking at this issue for over a month with little progress. Please ask if anymore info is required.

The conditional variable is not working but after adding std::cout, it is working

My project is consists of two threads: one main thread and the other thread which handles another window content. So, the when the main thread wants to ask the another windows to update itself it calls the draw function which is as follows:
void SubApplicationManager::draw() {
// Zero number of applications which has finished the draw counter
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
SubApplication::num_draws = 0;
// Draw the sub applications.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subApplications.size(); i++)
// Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing.
while (true){
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
std::cout << SubApplication::num_draws << std::endl;
if (SubApplication::num_draws >= m_subApplications.size()) break;
The draw function just signals the other thread that a new task is received.
void SubApplication::signal_draw() {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
The body of other thread is as follows. It waits for the task to arrive and then start to process:
void SubApplication::thread() {
clock_t start_time, last_update;
start_time = last_update = clock();
//! Creates the Sub Application
while (!done) // Loop That Runs While done=FALSE
// Draw The Scene. Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
if (active) // Program Active?
// Wait here, until a update/draw command is received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
// Task received is set to false, for next loop.
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = false;
clock_t frame_start_time = clock();
switch (task){
clock_t frame_end_time = clock();
double task_time = static_cast<float>(frame_end_time - frame_start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
The problem is that if I run the code as it is, it never runs the other thread with task = TASK::TASK_DRAW; but if I add a std::cout << "Draw\n"; to the beginning of SubApplication::draw(), it will work as it should. I am looking for the reason which it is happening and what is the usual way to fix it?
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
Okay, the task_received_mutex protects task_received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
Oops, we're reading task_received without holding the mutex that protects it. What prevents a race where one thread reads task_received while another thread is modifying it? This could immediately lead to deadlock.
Also, you have code that claims to "Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing" but there's no call to any wait function. So it actually spins rather than waiting, which is awful.
As a starter, signal the task_start_condition under the task_start_mutex lock.
Consider locking that mutex during thread creation to avoid obvious races.
Third: it seems you have several mutexes named for "logical tasks" (draw, start). In reality, however, mutexes guard resources, not "logical tasks". So it's good practice to name them after the shared resource they should guard. _(In this case I get the impression that a single mutex could be enough/better. But we can't tell for sure from the code shown)).

Have a timer restart every 100ms in C / C++

I am working with a application where the requirement is execute a function after every 100ms.
Below is my code
// Do something that might take more than 100ms of time
void TimeOut_CallBack(int w)
struct itimerval tout_val;
int ret = 0;
/* Configure the timer to expire after 100000 ... */
tout_val.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
tout_val.it_value.tv_usec = 100000; /* 100000 timer */
/* ... and every 100 msec after that. */
tout_val.it_interval.tv_sec = 0 ;
tout_val.it_interval.tv_usec = 100000;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tout_val,0);
return ;
Function TimeOut_CallBack ( ) is called only once and then on checkOCIDs( ) function must be executed after a wait of 100ms continuously.
Currently, The application is going for a block as checkOCIDs( ) function takes more than 100ms of time to complete and before that the Timer Out is triggered.
I do not wish to use while(1) with sleep( ) / usleep( ) as it eats up my CPU enormously.
Please suggest a alternative to achieve my requirement.
It is not clear whether the "check" function should be executed while it is in progress and timer expires. Maybe it would be ok to you to introduce variable to indicate that timer expired and your function should be executed again after it completes, pseudo-code:
static volatile bool check_in_progress = false;
static volatile bool timer_expired = false;
void TimeOut_CallBack(int w)
// ...
if (check_in_progress) {
timer_expired = true;
// spawn/resume check function thread
// ...
void checkThreadProc()
check_in_progress = true;
do {
timer_expired = false;
} while(timer_expired);
check_in_progress = false;
// end thread or wait for a signal to resume
Note, that additional synchronization may be required to avoid race conditions (for instance when one thread exists do-while loop and check_in_progress is still set and the other sets timer_expired, check function will not be executed), but that's depends on your requirements details.

How to terminate long running Qt Thread

I have a threaded application in which main thread is the gui thread and the secondary thread is the one doing major computing inside nested for loops. Now the problem is how to terminate the secondary thread. When I press the stop button on the GUI thread it called a slot in the secondary thread which sets the stop variable to true. Problem with this technique is that, testing stop variable in for loops (as shown below) is not enough. Because if pressed the stop button just after thread has entered the third for loop, it will execute all lengthy functions before it will check the stop flag. Thats why we need to test it in each function before executing its contents, which I think is not not a very elegant solution.
I cannot call terminate on this thread as this thread allocates some decent amount of memory of memory and calling terminate will cause that memory to leak.
So for such a scenario what would be the best way to terminate the thread and any point?
Following code skeleton is just to give you and idea of what I/m talking about
void run( ) {
for(int i = 0; i < 4 && !stop; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 3 && !stop; j++) {
for(int k; k < 6 && !stop; k++) {
callA( );
callB( );
callC( );
callD( );
callE( );
callF( );
callF( );
callG( );
callA( ) { callL( ); }
callB( ) { callM( ); }
callC( ) { callN( ); }
callD( ) { callO( ); }
callE( ) { callP( ); }
callF( ) { callQ( ); }
callF( ) { callR( ); }
callG( ) { callS( ); }
callL( ) { sleep(20); }
callM( ) { sleep(60); }
callN( ) { QProcess( ); }
callO( ) { sleep(30);}
callP( ) { QProcess( ); }
callQ( ) { }
callR( ) { sleep(60); }
callS( ) { QProcess( ); }
You could call QApplication::processEvents() inside your work loop to allow the thread to receive events. An event could for instance be your main thread calling a slot setting the variable that you check to see if you should interupt your work.
//main thread calls this slot
void interupt_slot()
stop_was_called = true;
void do_work()
//Exectution is over and the thread can be stopped etc
emit its_over();
It won't interupt the thread's sleep though. If the main thread invokes the interupt_slot() slot while the thread is sleeping the slot will be called when sleep(n) is over. But you could also fake sleeping by doing the work in slots that are called on a timer.
You could wrap your functions in classes and store the list of Objects of these classes in a list. So calling your functions would be in a loop iterating over this list and you will have only one code-place to check for stop condition.
By the way, in order to avoid stop-chacking in each nested loop you could use goto or throw.
In C++ leaving nested loops is the only "legal" use-case for goto.
Concerning throw, B.Stroustrup preferes it over goto and encourages to use it as a control structure.