Chef environments in AWS Opsworks - amazon-web-services

Since AWS Opsworks added support for Chef 12 to Opsworks there seems to be support for chef environments. I am fairly new to chef. As I understood chef environments are stored in the environments/-folder in my cookbook repo. This is where I thus created a testing.json file with the name attribute using this exact name. I got the template from the chef doku.
I defined a chef_environment-attribute in the custom json of my testing stack setting this environment to 'testing' (my environment).
I am using berks package to package the cookbooks in a tarball. I pull these in via S3 into my example Opsworks-stack. I ran update_custom_cookbooks on my stack which failed with the message that chef could not find the environment testing.
I first noticed that berks package does not include the environment/-folder since it is not a cookbook. Hence, I added the environments folder to the tarball. I tried update the cookbooks again which failed with the same message.
So what's my misconception here? What is opsworks trying to tell me?

OpsWorks Stacks does not support Chef environments. As it is based on Chef Solo, there isn't really a ton of value in supporting. The main difference between roles and envs in normal Chef is that envs can specify cookbook version requirements, however as Solo requires you to have handled dependency resolution beforehand (via berks package in your case), this feature cannot be used. You can make a role with the same attribute information and use that instead. This can be slightly annoying when dealing with env-aware cookbooks that also use Chef Search but since those rarely work on OpsWorks Stacks anyway, this doesn't come up much.


Node.JS native addons on LINUX [duplicate]

I'm using AWS Lambda, which involves creating an archive of my node.js script, including the node_modules folder and uploading that to their infrastructure to run.
This works fine, except when it comes to node modules with native bindings (using node-gyp). Because the binding was complied and project archived on my local computer (OS X), it is not compatible with AWS's (Amazon Linux) servers.
How can I cross-compile/install a node module (specifically, node-sqlite3) so when I upload it to another server arch it runs?
While not really a solution to your problem, a very easy workaround could be to simply compile the native addons on a Linux machine.
For your particular situation, I would use Vagrant. Vagrant can create virtual machines and configure them within seconds.
Find an OS image that resembles Amazon's Linux distro (Fedora, CentOS, others that use yum as package manager - see Wiki)
Use a simple configuration script that, when run by Vagrant on machine startup, will run npm install (optionally it might also remove the node_modules folder before to ensure a clean installation)
For extra comfort, the script can also create the zip file for deployment
Once the installation finishes, the script will shutdown the VM to avoid unnecessary consumption of system resources
It might require some tuning if the linked libraries are not at the same place on the target machine but generally this seems to me like the best and quickest solution.
While installing the app using Vagrant might be sufficient in some cases, I have found it necessary to build the app on Linux which is as close to Lambda's Amazon Linux AMI as possible.
You can read the original answer here:
Steps to make it work:
Spawn new EC2 instance. Make sure it is based on exactly the same image as your AWS Lambda runtime. You can review Lambda env details here: In our case, it was Amazon Linux AMI called amzn-ami-hvm-2015.03.0.x86_64-gp2.
Install nvm and use it to install the same version of Node.js as on the AWS Lambda. At the time of writing this, it was v0.10.36. You can refer to again to find out.
You will probably need to install git & g++ compiler on the EC2. You can do this running
sudo yum install git gcc-c++
Finally, clone your app to your new EC2 and install your app's dependecies:
nvm use 0.10.36
npm install --production
You can then easily download the node_modules using scp or such.
Same lines as Robert's answer, when I had to work on my MAC in a different OS I use vm ware like Oracle's free virtualizer VirtualBox to get a linux on my mac, no cost to me. Or sign up for a new AWS account, you get a micro for a year free. Use that to get your linux box, do whatever you need there.
AWS has a page describing how to deal with native NPM modules:

How to set up development environment for AWS Lambda?

I wish to implement the answer that is outlined here:
However, I find that I keep running into Unable to import module 'index' at exactly this line:
const _archiver = require('archiver');
So, I'm guessing that I cannot do this via the online console. Instead, I probably have to create a deployment package.
How do I go about this? I apparently need AWS CLI, Node.js, npm and I'm new to all of it. In the Amazon docs I can't find a practical list of how to set up my local development environment.
What tools do I install, which versions and in what order exactly?
Edit: Windows :)
My guess is that you need to npm install archiver and package the node_modules dependencies along with your index.js (handler file for your lambda entry point). You can zip up and deploy/upload it to your lambda.
Also have a look at framework, that will do these type of things easier.
Have a look at AWS SAM, the Serverless Application Model. It provides a local development setup for things like Lambda functions and API Gateway endpoints, and a way to easily package and deploy things. The exact steps you need are:
Create an AWS account and an IAM user with admin privileges
Install node.js
Install the AWS CLI (and configure it with aws configure)
Install SAM CLI and Docker (the local instances run in docker containers)
Initialize a new SAM project with sam init --runtime nodejs (or other runtime version if need)
Run through the quickstart to get an idea of how to define a SAM template, build a SAM app, and deploy.
If you don't want to use the framework or local development environment and just want to create the source bundle, there are docs. The gist is:
Install nodejs (e.g. using homebrew or an installer)
npm install the modules you need
Zip up your code including the node_modules folder
Upload the zip via the AWS Console

Is there a way to push changed to AWS Beanstalk instead of uploading an entire zip file on each deploy?

Im migrating a Play! application from Heroku to AWS Beanstalk.
Heroku is really straight forward when it comes to deploying: Just push changes to a remote git repository on Heroku and the build occurs on the server side.
This is very convenient because it is not necessary to upload the whole project for each tiny change (Including all libraries!).
Basically for each change we are generating a huge 140 MB Docker zipped file that takes at least 10 minutes to upload.
Surely there must be a better way but a long search on Google only returned options to automize the file generation with scripts and alternatives like Jenkins but this does not solve the problem, it just automates the problem.
Does anyone have a better solution?
You can set up a AWS CodeCommit repository, and use that as a remote for your local git repository. Next you can set up AWS CodePipeline to build your application and deploy to Elastic Beanstalk whenever there is a new commit to the AWS CodeCommit repository.
This way you don't have to upload everything every time. Whenever you do git push, only the changed files are uploaded to the AWS CodeCommit repository, and then AWS CodePipeline takes care of building your application and deploying it to Elastic Beanstalk.
So I got curious about this question too and had a conversation with an AWS specialist about different options here. Each option has it's downsides tho.
The first option is to bake your application code, create an AMI out of it and carry out deployment using baked AMI. More on that
You have to test this approach first before adopting. The downside is that you would have to regularly maintain the AMI. You might also miss out critical patches from Beanstalk since AMI has been locked down
A good read on this topic
The next approach would be to move out of Beanstalk and use CloudFormation where you can just upload your application folder to S3. Your CloudFormation template has to take care of spinning up all the resources required and using AWS::CloudFormation::Init and cfn-signals, it would be possible to install and setup software.Changes within the resource Metadata can be detected by making use of the proper CloudFormation signal and we can also run user-specified actions when a change is detected on the template specification.
(AWS::CloudFormation::Init) (set of helper scripts that can be used with CloudFormation)
Although these are not exactly a solution to what you asked for, they can be a good alternative. At least I made sure that you are not missing out any available options at Beanstalk.
Also one advice I got from them was to consider splitting up application into multiple components and sub-components. This would reduce your application size considerably.
Hope this helped.
Short answer: No.
Long Answer: I ended up packaging the app with activator and not using Docker.
Crate a folder named "dist" in the root of the project.
Include a file named Procfile with the following line:
web: ./bin/YOUR_APP_NAME -Dhttp.port=5000 -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf
Make sure to replace YOUR_APP_NAME with the name of your app as configured in build.sbt.
Package the Play app with the following command:
activator clean dist
That will generate a zip file inside target/universal/ folder in the project.
Deploy that zip file to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

AWS, OpsWorks and Chef dependencies: what's the cleanest solution?

I've got a Chef project that, locally with Vagrant, works really nicely. I'm using librarian-chef, which means I can specify my dependencies in a Cheffile like this:
site ''
cookbook 'jenkins'
When I then run librarian-chef install, it pulls down jenkins and all the cookbooks it depends on into a cookbooks directory.
There's also another directory, site-cookbooks, which is where I'm writing all of my own custom cookbooks and recipes.
In the Vagrantfile, you can then tell it to look at two different paths for cookbooks:
config.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = ["cookbooks", "site-cookbooks"]
# snip
This works perfectly when I run vagrant up. However, it doesn't seem to play nicely with AWS OpsWorks – as this requires all cookbooks to be at the top level of the Chef repository.
My question then, is: what's the nicest way to use Chef with OpsWorks without including all of the dependencies at the top level of my repository?
OpsWorks doesn't play nice with a number of tools created for Chef. I tried using it not long after it came out and gave up on it (OpsWorks was using Chef 9 at the time).
I suggest you either move from OpsWorks to Enterprise Chef, or try the following:
1. Create a separate repo for your cookbooks
Keep all cookbooks in a separate repo. If you want it a part of a larger repository, you can include it as git submodule. Git submodules are generally a bad thing but cookbooks are a separate entity, that can live independently of the rest of your project, so it actually works quite well in this case.
To add a cookbooks repository inside another repo, use:
git submodule add git:// ./cookbooks
2. Keep your cookbooks together with community cookbooks
You can either clone the cookbooks into your repository, add them as submodules, or try using librarian-chef/Berkshelf to manage them. You could try using this method, it should work with librarian-chef:
As of recently, OpsWorks supports Chef 11.10 and Berkshelf, giving you a much nicer way of managing cookbook dependencies.

Configuring AmazonLinux AMI instances

I am trying to setup an AMI such that, when booted it will auto configure itself with a defined "configuration" somewhere on a server. I came across Chef and Puppet. Considering Puppet, I was able to run though their examples but couldn't see one for auto configuration from master. I found out that Puppet Enterprise is not supported on "Amazon Linux". Team chose Amazon Linux and would like keep that instead of going to other OS just because one tool doesn't support it. Can someone please give me some idea about how I could achieve this? (I am trying to stay away from home grown shell scripts over a good industry adopted tool for maintainability)
What I have done in the past is to copy /etc/rc.local to /etc/rc.local.orig, and then configure /etc/rc.local to kick off a puppet run and then pave over itself.
#add pre-puppeting stuff here, I add the hostname in "User-data" when creating the VM so I can set the hostname before checking in
/usr/bin/puppet agent --test
/bin/cp -f /etc/rc.local.orig /etc/rc.local
/sbin/init 6
AWS CloudFormation is one of Amazon's recommended ways to provision servers (and other cloud resources, too). You declare all the resources you need in a JSON file, and specify how to provision each server by declaring packages to install, services to run, files to create, and commands to run when the server is created. See the user guide for more information. I also wrote a couple of blog posts about getting started with it.