Ogre3d having unique node names error - c++

I am working on city generation for a pcg game of mine. I have a for loop which makes 3 cities in random locations, I assign parentIteration to get that "id" for the city and do the same in the for loop where I make a building
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
parentIteration = i;
_rootNode = GameManager::getSingletonPtr()->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode();
_cityNode = _rootNode->createChildSceneNode("cityNode " + parentIteration);
generateCity(std::rand() % 10000 + 10, std::rand() % 10000 + 10, std::rand() % 11 +1);
for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfBuildings; i++)
childIteration = i;
printf(" parent %d and child %d \n", parentIteration, childIteration);
Ogre::SceneNode* buildingNode = _cityNode->createChildSceneNode("citybuildingNode"+childIteration+parentIteration );
However when I try to launch the game it will crash on creating the second city. Saying it already has a name similar to what it is trying to write. Yet my printf clearly show that the numbers at that point are all unique. Anyone know how to resolve this issue? (added picture for proof of output)

The "itybuildingNode" in the error message suggests that
is not working quite the way you wanted.
This is because of a couple things working against you:
"citybuildingNode" is a String Literal, and not a string object. It is litteraly just a bunch of characters in a row terminated by a null character and represented as a const char *, a pointer to that array of characters. It is low-level voodoo, the sort of stuff you might make a string class around. For more information see String Literals
Because it's not a string object, you can't pull any of the usual string object tricks like concatenating with a + and comparing with ==. But because it is a pointer, the compiler interprets + as an attempt to perform pointer arithmetic and reference another location in the array. It compiles, but note how it turned "citybuildingNode" into "itybuildingNode". Oops.
What this looks like is something like:
const char* temp = "citybuildingNode"
_cityNode->createChildSceneNode(temp + childIteration + parentIteration);
which resolves to
const char* temp = "citybuildingNode"
_cityNode->createChildSceneNode(&temp[childIteration + parentIteration]);
Even if it was a string object, the C++ standard string object, std::string does not allow you to add numbers to strings. It only adds strings together to build a bigger string. To add a number to a std::string, you have to turn the number into a std::string. std::to_string can help you here, but there is a cleaner-looking way to do this with std::stringstream
std::stringstream nodename("citybuildingNode");
// builds a string stream around the string literal
nodename << childIteration << parentIteration;
// writes the numbers into the stream the same way `cin << number;` would
// turning the number into a string for you
Ogre::SceneNode* buildingNode = _cityNode->createChildSceneNode(nodename.str());
// gets the assembled string from the stringstream
// null-terminated string like ogre expects
This gets you started in the right direction, but still allows for collision between child 1 and parent 10 ("citybuildingNode110") and child 11 and parent 0 (also "citybuildingNode110") and similar. So you really want something more like
nodename << childIteration << '_' << parentIteration;
to force a separator between the two numbers.
Documentation for std::stringstream.
There is also another possible nasty. The string we just supplied to ogre will only exist for as long as std::stringstream nodename exists and it will die at the end of the loop that generates it. I do not see anything in a quick perusal of the documentation that says ogre makes its own copy of this string. So play around a bit to make sure that you don't have to store this name somewhere to prevent it from falling out of scope, being destroyed, and leaving ogre with a dangling reference.


Why a "no matching function" error for call by reference with literal number?

The problem asks to create a program that asks the user to enter some text and that text will be surrounded by asterisks depending on the width of the screen for example if the user inputs "Hello world" the output should be:
* Hello World! *
I've tried to create the functions but I'm stuck becaus of a compiler error with the shown minimal code.
Question: Why does it tell me no matching function for within_width(text, 80)?
Some of the code I have is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void display_header (std::string &header) {
std::string text;
header = text;
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int& max_width) {
int main() {
std::string text;
std::cout << "Please enter header text: ";
std::getline(std::cin, text);
if (within_width(text, 80)) {
// call the display_header function and pass in the text
// inputted by the user
} else {
std::cout << text;
return 0;
This declaration of the function
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int& max_width)
asks for an unsigned short int variable, because it has a reference parameter, see the second &.
To satisfy it, you need to put the value 80 into a variable and give the variable as parameter.
unsigned short int MyWidth=80;
if (within_width(text, MyWidth))
Alternatively (but I assume you are not allowed) you can use a call by value parameter
bool within_width (std::string& text, unsigned short int max_width)
Then you could call as shown.
I won't give a full answer to the exercise here, just some clues.
the display_header() and within_width() functions need to know the string given in parameters but may not modify it ; thus the type of this parameter should be const std::string & (the const was missing).
the second parameter of the within_width() function is just an integer that will be compared to the length of the string ; you don't need to pass it by reference (or at least const), rather by value. Here, the (non-const) reference prevents from passing the literal constant 80.
(it seems to be the main concern of the question after edition)
You need to reason step by step.
all of this depends on the size of the string (12 for Hello World!) ; this information is available via size(text) (or text.size())
This size will have to be compared to max_width
Displaying the line with header will require 4 more characters because * will be prepended and * will be appended.
Thus the two surrounding lines will have the length size(header)+4 too.
In order to create such a string made of *, you could use a constructor of std::string taking two parameters : the count of characters and the character to be repeated.
Send all of this to std::cout in the correct order.
Edit: Just noticing that this answer probably goes far beyond the scope of the task you have been given (just filling in some skeleton that has been provided by your teacher).
I'll still leave it here to illustrate what could be done with arbitrary input. Maybe you want to experiment a little further than what you have been asked...
bool within_width(...)
Pretty simple: string.length() <= max – just wait a second, you need to consider asterisks and spaces at beginning and end of output, so: max - 4
But you can do better, you can split the string, best at word boundaries. That's a bit difficult more difficult, though:
std::vector<std::string> lines;
// we'll be starting with an initially empty line:
auto lineBegin = text.begin();
auto lineEnd = text.begin();
for(auto i = text.begin(); i != text.end(); ++)
// stop condition empty: we'll stop from inside the loop...
// ok, we need to find next whitespace...
// we might try using text.find_first_of("..."), but then we
// need to know any whitespace characters ourselves, so I personally
// would rather iterate manually and use isspace function to determine;
// advantage: we can do other checks at the same time, too
auto distance = std::distance(lineBegin, i);
if(std::distance(lineBegin, i) > maxLineLength)
if(lineEnd == lineBegin)
// OK, now we have a problem: the word itself is too long
// decide yourself, do you want to cut the word somewhere in the
// middle (you even might implement syllable division...)
// or just refuse to print (i. e. throw an exception you catch
// elsewhere) - decide yourself...
lines.emplace_back(lineBegin, lineEnd);
lineBegin = lineEnd; // start next line...
// OK, now handle current character appropriately
// note: no else: we need to handle the character in ANY case,
// if we terminated the previous line or not
if(std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i)))
lineEnd = i;
// otherwise, we're inside a word and just go on
// last line hasn't been added!
lines.emplace_back(lineBegin, lineEnd);
Now you can calculate maximum length over all the strings contained. Best: Do this right when adding a new line to the vector, then you don't need a separate loop...
You might have noticed that I didn't remove whitespace at the end of the strings, so you wouldn't need to add you own one, apart, possibly, from the very last string (so you might add a lines.back() += ' ';).
The ugly part, so far, is that I left multiple subsequent whitespace. Best is removing before splitting into lines, but be aware that you need to leave at least one. So:
auto end = text.begin();
bool isInWord = false; // will remove leading whitespace, if there is
for(auto c : text)
if(std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)))
*end++ = ' '; // add a single space
isInWord = false;
*end++ = c;
isInWord = true;
This would have moved all words towards the beginning of the string, but we yet to drop the surplus part of the string yet contained:
text.erase(end, text.end());
Fine, the rest is pretty simple:
iterate over maximum length, printing a single asterisk in every loop
iterate over all of your strings in the vector: std::cout << "* " << line << "*\n";
repeat the initial loop to print second line of asterisks
Finally: You introduced a fix line limit of 80 characters. If console is larger, you just won't be using the entire available width, which yet might be acceptable, if it is smaller, you will get lines broken at the wrong places.
You now could (but that's optional) try to detect the width of the console – which has been asked before, so I won't go any deeper into.
Final note: The code presented above is untested, so no guarantee to be bugfree!

C++ File Input/Output Outputting Numbers Instead of Chars

I have created a program that randomly assigns roles(jobs) to members of a certain house using file input / output.. It builds successfully, but when using cout and I actually see the results, I can see why the program is not working.
Here is the snippet of code I believe something is wrong with :
std::string foo = std::string("Preferences/") + std::to_string(members[random]) + "-Preferences";
cout << foo << endl;
And here is the members[random] array, it is randomly selecting members from this array and reviewing their available times and assigning them jobs based on their Preference input file.
unsigned const char members[22] =
{ 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v' };
I have created a random number picker that goes through 0-21 and assigns the value it creates to variable random. So, in essence, it is members[random] and completely random.
Here is the output I get in my terminal.
But I set the output to do Preferences/ member[random] -Preferences.
It is accessing a number and not my array chars.
I created a cout << members[random]; right below it, and every time I run the program, I get
Preferences/107-Preferences <---- A random number every time
k <---- random letter every time.
So I know it must be accessing my random functions, but assigned it to numbers! How do I fix this so my proper output can be :
Please help me, and thanks!
"The more you overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up
the drain" - Scotty, Star Trek III
Declaring members to be unsigned chars does not accomplish anything useful. A simple char will suffice. std::string already implements an overloaded + operator that takes a char parameter, so it's much easier than you thought it would be:
const char members[22] = {
'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v' };
// ...
std::string foo = std::string("Preferences/") + members[random]
+ "-Preferences";
There is no ::std::to_string(char), only (among less close) ::std::to_string(int). So your character is actually converted to its numerical representation and you get your unwanted result.
Try instead
std::string foo("Preferences/");
foo = foo.append(1, members[random]).append("-Preferences");
Variant using string streams:
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Preferences/" << members[random] << "-Preferences";
// get your string via:

Passing control character to char array

This one
char *house2="JAM gain\r\n"
differs from this one:
string house, prefix="JAM ", suffix="\r\n";
house = prefix + nickname + suffix;
char house2[100];
strncpy(house2, house.c_str(), sizeof(house));
return house2;
Even though I type "gain" on keyboard, I need to pass this char array with control-characters to api because without them it seems it's not working. what can I do to solve problem?
Ok real code:
string nickname, prefix="NICK ", suffix="\r\n";
cout<<"Choose nickname\n";
nickname = prefix + nickname + suffix;
char nick[100];
strncpy(nick, nickname.c_str(), sizeof(nickname));
return nick;
sizeof is not doing what you think. Instead of
strncpy(nick, nickname.c_str(), sizeof(nickname));
you want
strncpy(nick, nickname.c_str(), nickname.size());
But even then you open yourself up to buffer-overflow, so you really want
strncpy(nick, nickname.c_str(), sizeof(nick));
Next problem is that nick is local to your function so returning it is going to "cause bad things". You could make it static (and then run into complex problems with threads later...) or you could pass it in as an argument (which would then mean you couldn't use sizeof, for technical reasons). What you really need is something a lot simpler - just return the string, not the C string.
string getNick() {
string nickname, prefix="NICK ", suffix="\r\n";
cout<<"Choose nickname\n";
nickname = prefix + nickname + suffix;
return nickname;
And just to show that it really is doing what its supposed to be, here's a working online version. Here's its full code for posterity:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string getNick() {
std::string nickname, prefix="NICK ", suffix="\r\n";
std::cout<<"Choose nickname\n";
nickname = prefix + nickname + suffix;
return nickname;
int main() {
std::string nick = getNick();
std::cout<<"in main nick = '"<<nick<<"'"<<std::endl;
Choose nickname
NICK gain
in main nick = 'NICK gain
Since you have an API that takes a C string, you'll need to check the details for that api for ownership of the C-string - there are two options.
The API takes ownership of the C string and will dealloc it later.
The API makes a copy of the C string, and you control its lifetime.
In the first case you need to do this: (I'm assuming a C api, which will eventually free the passed in pointer - if its a badly designed C++ API which will delete[] it, you need to replace the malloc with a new char[nick.size()]
string nick = getNick();
char * buffer = (char*)malloc(nick.size()+1);
memcpy(buffer, nick.c_str(), nick.size());
In the second case you can simply do
Your code should be
string house, prefix="JAM ", suffix="\r\n";
string nickname;
house = prefix + nickname + suffix;
char house2[100];
strncpy(house2, house.c_str(), sizeof(house2));
//or strncpy(house2, house.c_str(), house.length());
return string(house2);
Do not return house2 as char* as the memory will be destroyed once the function exits.
string prawniczek=choosenick();
int TempNumOne=prawniczek.size();
char niczek[40];
for (int a=0;a<=TempNumOne;a++)
ok problem was solved by simple rewriting chars at index position one by one
it has to mean that
strncpy with nickname.c_str() works different.
anyway - i think that way is not elegant, even though it works
does anyone know how to do it in correct way?
when the loop is in main at translate to char array from choosenick() method it works perfectly, but when i do it inside method choosenick() and return translated loop result to main it doesn't work

How can I find the type of the value present in vector of type string?

I have a config file:
#X,Name,hostid,processid,executecommand,Max Runs, Max failure time
I parsed the above config file and stored each of the values in a vector of type string.
This is stored in vector<string> scanned:
long H_hostid = atoi(scanned[5].c_str());
how can I detect the type of the elements present in the vector?
If I call atoi() with a string that doesn't have a number, atoi() returns 0, but it also returns 0 if the string contains the number 0. How can I correctly assign a value to H_hostid?
In an absolute sense, you can't. If you encounter the string "0", you
can't know whether the user intended a string, an integer or a floating
point value. On the other hand, if you know what you need, you can try
to convert (say by using boost::lexical_cast), and generate an error
if it doesn't match. Alternatively, you can use regular expressions for
pattern matching, and decide what type you want as a result of what
pattern matches.
For a configuration file, I'd suggest the former. Just keep everything
as a string until you know what you need, then try the conversion (using
something reasonable for the conversion, which will report an error, and
not atoi).
Don't use atoi() - as you say, there is no way to detect errors. Use std::istringstream in C++, or strtol() in C.
long H_hostid;
std::istringstream stream(scanned[5]);
if (!(stream >> H_hostid)) {
// handle error
You could also use boost::lexical_cast, which does the same thing as that example, and throws an exception if the conversion fails.
If this is the data stored as a single string:
then the solution is, split this string using , as separator, and store each token in an array of size 8, then you can interpret each token based on the index as shown below:
char,string, int, int, string, int, int, int
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Code would look like this:
std::string s = "X,Main_XYZ_service,1,1,/opt/bada/bin,3,6,300";
std::vector<std::string> tokens = split(s); //write the function yourself!
char c = tokens[0]; //token with index 0 is char
std::string service = tokens[1]; //token with index 1 is string
std::string path = tokens[4]; //token with index 4 is string
int int_indices[] = {2,3,5,6,7}; //rest of the index has int : total 5
for(int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
int value = boost::lexical_cast<int>(tokens[int_indices[i]]);
//store value
catch(const bad_lexical_cast &)
std::cout << tokens[int_indices[i]] <<" is not an int" << std::endl;
Whenever you write a config file to be used by your application, you know in advance in what order the values will appear in that file. Otherwise, an xml or key value coding will be a better option to write a config file for general case. Personally, I would never create a config file as you have shown in your example.

Using QString get strange characters in the output

int a=0;
while (a<2)
//infos.stops is point to one array, called abc[10]
output = output + QString::fromStdString(*infos.stops)+ "." ;
The problem is infos.stops did show, but some funny characters appear like:
I have uploaded all my source code which is designed in QT Designer
The problem line is at manager.cpp line 133.
Try using
output = output + QString::fromStdString(*(infos.stops))+ "." ;
I think i solved it after a bit testing your application. The following code segment should do it:
output = output+ "Stops travelled: ";
for(int a = 0; a < infos._numstops; ++a)
output += ", ";
output = output + QString::fromStdString(infos.stops[a]);
output = output + "<br>";
Note that you have the member infos._numstops availlable and should use it. The if(a) is a nice trick if you want to output a comma separated list.
(I ran your application and noticed that the info struct does not include the stop where you're starting your path but the one where it ends. You should include the starting stop in the output or exclude the target stop. Further note that the += operator like in the if-body is a common way to append strings.)
In manager.cpp:103 you are calling DE1.cost(X,Y). This method creates a std::string array (passed) on the stack (datzz.cpp:432) and at datzz.cpp:502 you do
c.stops = passed;
which stores a pointer to a memory block allocated on the stack in the stops variable of your DatzEzy::info instance c. When the method cost(string, string) returns, the memory allocated for passed is freed and your output will be garbage. Never store pointers to stack allocated objects.
By the way, you should consider using const references when passing (read-only) strings in function calls, which avoids expensive copying.