fine tuning vgg raise memory error - python-2.7

Hi i'm trying to fine tuning vgg on my problem but when i try to train the net i get this error.
OOM when allocating tensor with shape[25088,4096]
The net has this structure:
I take this tensorflow pretrained vgg implementation code from this site.
I only add this procedure to train the net:
with tf.name_scope('joint_loss'):
joint_loss = ya_loss+yb_loss+yc_loss+yd_loss+ye_loss+yf_loss+yg_loss+yh_loss+yi_loss+yl_loss+ym_loss+yn_loss
# Loss with weight decay
l2_loss = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables()])
self.joint_loss = joint_loss + self.weights_decay * l2_loss
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(joint_loss)
i try to reduce the batch size to 2 but not works i get the same error. The error is due to the big tensor that cannot be allocated in memory. I get this error only in train cause if i feed a value without minimize the net works. How i can avoid this error? how can i save memory of graphic card(Nvidia GeForce GTX 970)?
UPDATE: if i use the GradientDescentOptimizer the training process start, instead if i use AdamOptimizer i get the memory error, seems that the GradientDescentOptimizer use less memory.

Without a backward pass ("feed a value without minimizing"), TensorFlow can immediately de-allocate intermediate activations. With a backward pass, the graph has a giant U-shape, where activations from the forward pass need to be kept in memory for the backward pass. There are some tricks (such as swapping to host memory), but in general backprop means that memory usage will be higher.
Adam does keep some extra bookkeeping variables around, so it will increase memory usage proportional to the amount of memory your weight variables are already using. If your training steps take quite a while (in which case having the variable updates on the GPU isn't important), you could instead locate the optimization ops in host memory.
If you need a larger batch size and can't reduce image resolution or model size, combining gradients from multiple workers/GPUs using something like SyncReplicasOptimizer can be a good option. Looking at the paper associated with this model, it looks like they were training on 4 GPUs each with 12GB of memory.


RAM consumption regarding cores/

I am working on a 31 ,available, Go of RAM, 12 cores Linux KUbuntu computer.
I produce simulations which calculate functions over 4 dimensions (x,y,z,t).
I define my dimensions as arrays that I numpy.meshgrid for use. So, for each point of time, I calculate for each point x,y,z the result. It comes as heavy calculations with heavy data.
First, I learned how to use it with only one core. It works well and whatever are the size of my "boxs" ( x,y,z). Because of the fact I work a lot with Fourier transform, I define x,y,z,t as powers of 2 : 64,128,256,...
I can,without dificulties, go to x = y = z = t = 512, even if it takes a lot of time to run it (which makes sense). When I do that, I use around 20-30% of the available RAM of the computer. Great.
Then I wanted to use more cores. So I implemented this code :
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool(processes=8)
results = [pool.apply_async(conv_green, args=(tstep, S_, )) for tstep in t]
So here I ask my script to use 8 cores, and define my results as the use of the function "conv_green" with the args "tstep,S_" all along t.
It works pretty well, use 8 cores as expected BUT I can not run any more simulations who use figures equal or above to 512 for x,y,z,t.
This is where my problem is. Technically, switching from the mono core system to multi chanegd nothing to the routine of my calculations. I do not understand why I have enough RAM for 512... in mono core and why,sudenly, when I switch to multi cores, computer does not even want to launch it ( and the error occurs at the" results = pool.apply ..." line)
So if you guys know how this works and why I get this "treshold", thanks for helping me solving out !
Best regards.
PS : this is the error which pops out when it crashes with 512 in multi cores :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist
packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/", line 540, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)
File "/home/alexis/Heat/Simu⁄Lecture Propre/Test Tkinter/Simulation N spots SCAN", line 280, in
XYslice = array([p.get()[0] for p in results])
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 558, in get
raise self._value
SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
For multiprocessing in any language each thread will need private storage which it can write to without interference from the other threads. As soon as interference is possible the data structure has to be locked, which (in the worst case) takes us back to single threading.
It would appear that your large data structure is being copied for each of the threads, effectively multiplying your memory usage by eight when you have eight processors ... or up to 200% of your available RAM.
The best solution would be to prevent the unnecessary copying.
If that's not feasible then all you can do is limit the number of processors it can run on, four should be ok in your instance but make sure your machine has lots of swap space. The swap space also gives you some play to allow the virtual memory to exceed the physical RAM, if the "working set" is small enough you may be able to significantly exceed your physical RAM given enough swap.

Concatenate data in an array in C ++

I'm working on software for processing audio in real time in C++ with Qt. I need that requirements are minimized.
Defining a temporary buffer 40ms, launching our device with a sampling frequency Fs = 8000Hz, every 320 samples entered a feature called Data Processing ().
The idea is to have a global buffer that stores the 10s last recorded, 80000 samples.
This Buffer in each iteration eliminates the initial 320 samples and looped at the end, 320 new samples. Thus the buffer is updated and the user can observe the real-time graphical representation of the recorded signal.
At first I thought of using QVector (equivalent to std::vector but for Qt) for this deployment, thus we reduce the process a few lines of code
int NUM_POINTS=320;
DatosTemporales+= (DatosNuevos); // Datos Nuevos con un tamaño de NUM_POINTS
In each iteration we create a vector of 80000 samples in addition to free some positions so requires some processing time. An alternative for opting was the use of * double, and iterations a loop:
for(int i=0;i<80000;i++){
Does fails. I think the best way is to use dynamic memory. Implementing this process by pointers. Could anyone give me some idea how to implement it?
It sounds like what you are looking for is a circular buffer.
And it looks like you only need the header file and you should be good to go.
A similar tool that is already in the Qt data set is found here:
The advantage of using a system like these presented, is that they don't need to have dynamic memory, it just needs to move the head and the tail pointers.
Hope that helps.

OpenCL SHA1 Throughput Optimisation

Hoping someone more experienced in OpenCL usage may be able to help me here! I'm doing a project (to help me learn a bit more crypto and to try my hand at GPGPU programming) where I'm trying to implement my own SHA-1 algorighm.
Ultimately my question is about maximizing my throughput rates. At present I'm seeing something like 56.1 MH/sec, which compares very badly to open source programs I've looked at, such as John the Ripper and OCLHashcat, which are giving 1,000 and 1,500 MH/sec respectively (heck, I'd be well-chuffed with a 3rd of that!).
So, what I'm doing
I've written a SHA-1 implementation in an OpenCL kernel and a C++ host application to load data to the GPU (using CL 1.2 C++ wrapper). I'm generating blocks of candidate data to hash in a threaded fashion on the CPU and loading this data onto the global GPU memory using the CL C++ call to enqueueWriteBuffer (using uchars to represent the bytes to hash):
errorCode = dispatchQueue->enqueueWriteBuffer(
sizeof(cl_uchar) * inputBufferSize,
I'm en-queuing data using enqueueNDRangeKernel in the following manner (where global worksize is a user-defined variable, at present I've set this to my GPUs maximum flattened global worksize of 16.777 million per run):
errorCode = dispatchQueue->enqueueNDRangeKernel(
NDRange(globalWorkgroupSize, 1),
This means that (per dispatch) I load 16.777 million items in a 1D array and index from my kernel into this using get_global_offset(0).
My Kernel signature:
__kernel void sha1Crack(__global uchar* out, __global uchar* in,
__constant int* passLen, __constant int* targetHash,
__global bool* collisionFound)
//Kernel Instance Global GPU Mem IO Mapping:
__private int id = get_global_id(0);
__private int inputIndexStart = id * passwordLen;
//Select Password input key space:
#pragma unroll
for (i = 0; i < passwordLen; i++)
inputMem[i] = in[inputIndexStart + i];
//SHA1 Code omitted for brevity...
So, given all this: am I doing something fundamentally wrong in the way I'm loading data? I.e. 1 call to enqueueNDrange for 16.7 million kernel executions over a 1D input vector? Should I be using a 2-D space and sub-dividing into localworkgroup ranges? I tried playing with this but it didn't seem quicker.
Or, perhaps as likely is my algorithm itself the source of slowness? I've spent a good while optimizing it and manually unrolling all of the loop stages using pre-processor directives.
I've read about memory coalescing on the hardware. Could that be my issue? :S
Any advice at all appreciated! If I've missed anything important please let me know and I'll update.
Thanks in advance! ;)
Update: 16,777,216 is the device maximum reported workgroup size; 256**3. The global array of boolean values is one boolean. It's set to false at the start of the kernel enqueue, then a branching statement sets this to true if a collision is found only - will that force a convergence? passwordLen is the length of the current input value and target hash is an int[4] encoded hash to check against.
Your 'maximum flattened global worksize' should be multiplied by passwordLen. It is the number of kernels you can run, not the maximal length of an input array. You can most likely send much more data than this to the GPU.
Other potential issues: the 'generating blocks of candidate data to hash in a threaded fashion on the CPU', try doing this in advance of the kernel iterations to see whether the delay is in the generation of the data blocks or in the processing of the kernels; your sha1 algorithm is the other obvious potential issue. I'm not sure how much you've really optimised it by 'unrolling' the loops, usually the bigger optimisation issue is 'if' statements (if a single kernel instance within a workgroup tests to true then all of the lockstepped workgroup instances must follow that branch in parallel).
And DarkZeros is correct, you should manually play with the local workgroup size making it the highest common multiple of the global size and the number of kernels which can be run at once on the card. The easiest way to do this is to round up the global work group size to the next multiple of the card capacity and use an external if{} statement in the kernel only running the kernel for global_id less than the actual number of kernels you want to run.

Returning the memory used so I can predict the memory required to compute ML algorithm

I am running a Random Forest ML script using a test size data set 5 k observations with a set number of parameters with a varying number of forests. My real model is closer to 1 million observations with 500+ parameters. I am trying to calculate how much memory this model would require assuming x number of forests.
In order to do this I could use a method of returning how much memory was used in a running of the script. Is it possible to return this, so that I can calculate the RAM required to compute the full model?
I currently use the following to tell me how long it takes to compute:
global starttime
print "The whole routine took %.3f seconds" % (time() - starttime)
Edit Re to my own answer
Feel like I am conversing with myself a little but hey ho, I tried running the following code to find out how much memory is actually being used, and why when I increase the number of n_estimators_value my PC runs out of memory. Unfortunately all of the % memory usage come back the same, I assume this is because it is calculating the memory usage at the incorrect time, it needs to record it at its peak whilst actually fitting the random forest. See code:
psutilpercent = psutil.virtual_memory()
print "\n", " --> Memory Check 1 Percent:", str(psutilpercent.percent) + "%\n"
n_estimators_value = 500
rf = ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = n_estimators_value, oob_score=True, random_state = 1)
psutilpercent = psutil.virtual_memory()
print "\n", " --> Memory Check 1 Percent:", str(psutilpercent.percent) + "%\n"
Any methods to find out the peak memory usage? I am trying to calculate how much memory would be required to fit a rather large RF, and I cant calculate this without knowing how much memory my smaller models require.
/usr/bin/time reports peak memory usage for a program. There's also the memory_profiler for Python.

Getting OpenCV Error: Insufficient memory while running OpenCV Sample Program: "stitching_detailed.cpp"

I recently starting working with OpenCV with the intent of stitching large amounts of images together to create massive panoramas. To begin my experimentation, I looked into the sample programs that come with the OpenCV files to get an idea about how to implement the OpenCV libraries. Since I was interested in image stitching, I went straight for the "stitching_detailed.cpp." The code can be found at:
Now, this program does most of what I need it to do, but I ran into something interesting. I found that for 9 out of 15 of the optional projection warpers, I receive the following error when I try to run the program:
Insufficient memory (Failed to allocate XXXXXXXXXX bytes) in unknown function,
file C:\slave\winInstallerMegaPack\src\opencv\modules\core\src\alloc.cpp,
line 52
where the "X's" mark integer that change between the different types of projection (as though different methods require different amounts of space). The full source code for "alloc.cpp" can be found at the following website:
However, the line of code that emits this error in alloc.cpp is:
static void* OutOfMemoryError(size_t size)
--HERE--> CV_Error_(CV_StsNoMem, ("Failed to allocate %lu bytes", (unsigned long)size));
return 0;
So, I am simply lost as to the possible reasons that this error may be occurring. I realize that this error would normally occur if the system is out of memory, but I when running this program with my test images I am never using more that ~3.5GB of RAM, according to my Task Manager.
Also, since the program was written as an sample of the OpenCV stitching capabilities BY OpenCV developers I find it hard to believe that there is a drastic memory error present within the source code.
Finally, the program works fine if I use some of the warping methods:
- spherical
- fisheye
- transverseMercator
- compressedPlanePortraitA2B1
- paniniPortraitA2B1
- paniniPortraitA1.5B1)
but as ask the program to use any of the others (through the command line tag
- plane
- cylindrical
- stereographic
- compressedPlaneA2B1
- mercator
- compressedPlaneA1.5B1
- compressedPlanePortraitA1.5B1
- paniniA2B1
- paniniA1.5B1
I get the error mentioned above. I get pretty good results from the transverseMercator project warper, but I would like to test the stereographic in particular. Can anyone help me figure this out?
The pictures that I am trying to process are 1360 x 1024 in resolution and my computer has the following stats:
Model: HP Z800 Workstation
Operating System: Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit OPS
Processor: Intel Xeon 2.40GHz (12 cores)
Memory: 14GB RAM
Hard Drive: 1TB Hitachi
Video Card: ATI FirePro V4800
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
When I run OpenCV's APP traincascade, i get just the same error as you:
Insufficient memory (Failed to allocate XXXXXXXXXX bytes) in unknown function,
file C:\slave\winInstallerMegaPack\src\opencv\modules\core\src\alloc.cpp,
line 52
at the time, only about 70% pecent of my RAM(6G) was occupied. And when runnig trainscascade step by step, I found that the error would be thrown.when it use about more than 1.5G RAM space.
then, I found the are two arguments which can control how many memory should be used:
so i tried to set these two to 128, it run. I hope my experience can help you.
I thought this problem is nothing about memory leak, it is just relate to how many memory the OS limits a application occupy. I expect someone can check my guess.
I've recently had a similar issue with OpenCV image stitching. I've used create method to create stitcher instance and provided 5 images in vertical order to stitch method, but I've received insufficient memory error.
Panorama was successfully created after setting:
This solution will not be applicable if you need wave correction.
This may be related to the sequence of the stitching, I split a big picture into 3*3, and firstly I stitch them row by row and there is no problem, when I stitch them column by column, there is the problem same as you.