I am trying to set up an instance with GPU NVIDIA K80 but have an error: "you are out of your NVIDIA K80 quota". What should I do?
First, please keep in mind that free trial accounts do not receive GPU quota by default.
Then, you can either request a quota increase for your account on the compute quota page or you might be able to get more GPU machines in other zones.
I have a quota for 1 GPU on Google Cloud. I had 1 VM running with a GPU attached. I deleted this VM but I am unable to create a new VM with a GPU as it says my quota of 1/1 GPU has been reached. How can I free up the quota now that I am not running any GPUs?
The issue has been resolved. My issue was not due to my quota. It was due to GCP not having enough resources in the region. I finally got a VM up and running by choosing a different GPU. What confused me was all the time I was going through this the quota page showed that my quota was full. Maybe it was just a UI issue.
I am trying to create a GPU instance (n1-standard-2 with 1 NVIDIA T4 GPU) on Compute Engine and I have been getting this error since yesterday:
Operation type [insert] failed with message "The zone 'projects/deep-learning-xxxx/zones/us-central1-a' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."
It seems that this region of Google Cloud doesn't have enough GPU resources, but I am getting the same error with other zones too, and after trying multiple times. Regular non-GPU instances are working fine though. I am trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if there is a just a huge demand for GPU instances on GCP right now.
The reasons for GPU not being created on a VM in a particular region/zone can be,
1.Resource Unavailability. Check Resource availability here GPU availability across regions and zones.
2.Quota overuse can restrict the creation of GPUs. Refer Checking project quota for details.
3.Few GCP Restrictions, you can refer to the list of Restrictions here.
You can Check GPU Quota in Create VM with GPU's
Alternatively, GCP offers a feature called Reserving Compute Engine zonal resources to ensure that your project has resources for future use.
Finally, I was able to launch a preemptible GPU instance without a problem. So it really seems like Google Cloud doesn't have enough GPU resources to reserve an on-demand GPU VM at the moment.
I'm trying to create a GCP VM Instance with a Tesla P100 GPU. The region I choose is europe-west1. I increased some quotas to get a P100 GPU, and I have the following situation:
NVIDIA P100 GPUs for europe-west1 set to 1
Committed NVIDIA P100 GPUs for europe-west1 set to 1
GPUs (all regions) set to 1
When I try to create the instance I get the following error message:
Quota 'GPUS_ALL_REGIONS' exceeded. Limit: 1.0 globally.
I don't know what's wrong with this configuration. I tried I tried contacting GPC support (replying to one of their messages) but they sent me a defult support message with no clues.
Thanks to everybody
It seems that you already requested your quota increase for your GPU in all regions.
Please take into consideration that Quota increase requests typically take two business days to process.
If you tried before the quote increase has taken effect, you will receive the error message:
Quota 'GPUS_ALL_REGIONS' exceeded. Limit: 1.0 globally.
On the other hand, when a GPU is not available in the zone or region you might receive a different errors:
If those errors appears you can check the following documentation:
Troubleshooting VM creation
I just made up a account on Google Cloud Platform and am trying to make a VM instance and have even increased my GPU quota in region Us-west1 and Europe-west4 both to 1 from 0
Yet when i try to create a VM instance using Nvidia P100
Its gives me the error - Quota 'GPUS_ALL_REGIONS' exceeded. Limit: 0.0 globally
Any help would be appreciated please and if that GPU is not usable then can you advise on a similar powered GPU please
As the error says you need to increase the ALL_REGIONS quota, take a look at this SO question
From Google documentation:
"Similar to virtual CPU quota, GPU quota refers to the total number of virtual GPUs in all VM instances in a region. Check the quotas page to ensure that you have enough GPUs available in your project, and to request a quota increase. In addition, new accounts and projects have a global GPU quota that applies to all regions.
When you request a GPU quota, you must request a quota for the GPU models that you want to create in each region, and an additional global quota for the total number of GPUs of all types in all zones."
*I assume you upgraded your billing account already as it is a requirement to use GPUs.
I have increased the GPU quotas (Preemptible NVIDIA K80 GPUs) in region us-east1 via request. However, I still can not create the instance with GPUs and get the error message saying Quota NVIDIA_K80_GPUS exceeded no matter I try zone us-east1-c or us-east1-d. I have contacted them but it charges $150/month for technical support. Please let me know if you need additional info to troubleshooting. Thanks.
It turns out preemptible GPUs are not the same as (regular) GPUs. Based on my multiple experiments, one has to use preemptible VM in order to carry the preemptible GPUs. Don't mess up these two while sending the quota request.