connecting mlab database with pouchdb - ionic2

I'm trying to build an application which sync between offline and online,its working with cloudant and pouchdb,i want to use mlab instead of cloudant
here is my code:
this.db = new PouchDB('cloudo');
this.db = new PouchDB('cloudo');
this.username = '';
this.password = '';
this.remote = '';


Power BI API - How can I get reports from

I have some client that uses the Power BI App.
And with this API I want to get all the reports (.pbix) to my folder.
How can I get them?
You can simply open the report in your browser and save it as .pbix file:
If you want to do this using an API, you will need Export Report In Group REST API. To use it, you need to acquire an access token and add it to your request header. You can acquire it by calling some of the AcuireToken methods from ADAL.
You can use code like this (please note there is no error checking in the example):
string clientId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Obtain at
string redirectUri = "";
string resourceUri = "";
string authorityUri = "";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri, new TokenCache()); // PM> Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
var authenticationResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto));
var accessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken);
string powerBIApiUrl = "{groupId}/reports/{reportKey}/Export"; // Replace groupId and reportKey with actual values
var request = WebRequest.Create(powerBIApiUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
request.KeepAlive = true;
request.Method = "GET";
request.ContentLength = 0;
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");
using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = request.GetResponse() as System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
//Read httpResponse.GetResponseStream() to get the .pbix file

Upgrading to Akamai

Authorize.Net will be upgrading access to the Internet connections
that serve our data centers. Instead of allowing direct connections,
all Internet traffic will be routed through Akamai, a third-party
cloud network service that routes and delivers Internet traffic.
The new Akamai transaction URLs that are available now are:
How would I go about upgrading my current system to use these?
require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php';
define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", $authLogin);
//Set to true for test account, set to false for real account
define("AUTHORIZENET_SANDBOX", false);
$sale = new AuthorizeNetAIM;
$sale->amount = $rate;
$sale->card_num = $ccnumber;
$sale->exp_date = $ccexpire;
$sale->card_code = $cccvv;
$response = $sale->authorizeOnly();
//If approved, use this for getting the transaction ID.
if ($response->approved) {
$transaction_id = $response->transaction_id;
require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php';
define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", $authLogin);
$subscription = new AuthorizeNet_Subscription;
$subscription->name = "Monitoring";
$subscription->intervalLength = "1";
$subscription->intervalUnit = "months";
$subscription->startDate = $subStartDate;
$subscription->totalOccurrences = "9999";
$subscription->amount = $rate;
$subscription->creditCardCardNumber = $ccnumber;
$subscription->creditCardExpirationDate= $ccexpire;
$subscription->creditCardCardCode = $cccvv;
$subscription->billToFirstName = $firstname;
$subscription->billToLastName = $lastname;
$request = new AuthorizeNetARB;
$response = $request->createSubscription($subscription);
$subscription_id = $response->getSubscriptionId();
Version 1.8.5 of the Authorize.Net SDKs now support the new Akamai endpoints. You can obtain them here:

Call rest web service from SQL Server 2008 using stored procedure

I have an xml created from a SQL query through a stored procedure. I need to call a REST web service with that xml and get a response. I am using SQL Server 2008. Is there a way to do it from the stored procedure?
I keep seeing links to use SQL CLR to access the web service. In those links, I need to create a SQL Server project / .NET framework. I do not see those templates / options in my Visual Studio 2008 or SQL Server Management Studio.
Is there a way to call this https rest web service directly from the stored procedure?
I am using the SQL CLR to do this. But somehow the xml is not getting passed right. I get a 500 error. Could you please see if there is anything wrong with this code.
public static void SampleWSPost(SqlString weburl, out SqlString returnval)
string url = Convert.ToString(weburl);
string feedData = string.Empty;
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
HttpWebRequest request = null;
HttpWebResponse response = null;
Stream stream = null;
StreamReader streamReader = null;
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("D:\\CXmls\\crmXml.xml");
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
CredentialCache mycache = new CredentialCache();
mycache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", new NetworkCredential("username", "password"));
request.Credentials = mycache;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "text/xml";
string data = xmlDoc.InnerXml;
byte[] bytedata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
newStream.Write(bytedata, 0, bytedata.Length);
response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
stream = response.GetResponseStream();
streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
feedData = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
returnval = feedData;

401 error if I connect from my ASP.NET app. to CrmDiscoveryService.asmx (CRM 2011)

I have to use CrmDiscoveryService.asmx for DYNAMICS CRM 2011 because of the compatability to CRM 4.0. I impemented IFD authentification algorithm and now it doesnt works:
I can connect me successfully to CrmDiscoveryService.asmx from Browser (anonymous connection enabled)
URL: https://internalcrm.organme>.com:444/mscrmservices/2007/spla/crmdiscoveryservice.asmx
But if I try to get connected with the same URL from ASP.NET - i receive 401 error.
RetrieveCrmTicketRequest crmTicketRequest = new RetrieveCrmTicketRequest();
crmTicketRequest.OrganizationName = OrgUniqueName;
crmTicketRequest.UserId = "bnet"+"\\"+"izz";
crmTicketRequest.Password = "pass";
CrmDiscoveryService discoveryService = serviceHandler.CreateCrmDiscoveryService(crmDiscoveryServiceUrl);
discoveryService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
RetrieveCrmTicketResponse crmTicketResponse =
//Trust all certificates
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);
Might be it make sense to start from retrieving a list of available organizations, like in a sample Using the CrmDiscoveryService Web Service: IFD
// Configure an instance of the CrmDiscoveryService Web service proxy.
CrmDiscoveryService disco = new CrmDiscoveryService();
disco.Url = "https://localhost/MSCRMServices/2007/SPLA/CrmDiscoveryService.asmx";
//Retrieve a list of available organizations from the CrmDiscoveryService Web service.
RetrieveOrganizationsRequest orgRequest = new RetrieveOrganizationsRequest();
// Substitute an appropriate domain, username, and password here.
orgRequest.UserId = domain + "\\" + username;
orgRequest.Password = password;
RetrieveOrganizationsResponse orgResponse = (RetrieveOrganizationsResponse)disco.Execute(orgRequest);
//Find the target organization.
OrganizationDetail orgInfo = null;
foreach (OrganizationDetail orgdetail in orgResponse.OrganizationDetails)
if (orgdetail.OrganizationName.Equals("AdventureWorksCycle"))
orgInfo = orgdetail;
// Check whether a matching organization was not found.
if (orgInfo == null)
throw new Exception("The specified organization was not found.");
//Retrieve a CrmTicket from the CrmDiscoveryService Web service.
RetrieveCrmTicketRequest ticketRequest = new RetrieveCrmTicketRequest();
ticketRequest.OrganizationName = orgInfo.OrganizationName;
ticketRequest.UserId = domain + "\\" + username;
ticketRequest.Password = password;
RetrieveCrmTicketResponse ticketResponse =
As paramosh was saying, try setting the credentials on the discovery service too:
discoveryService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("izz", "password", "bnet");

Authenticate with MS Crm Web Service

I'm looking for a way to authenticate a user (given a username and password) via the Microsoft CRM 4.0 Web Services API. Ideally, I'd like to filter down a list of projects based on which ones the logged in user has access to. i may be able to figure out the second part but I can't find a way to authenticate the user. The way all of the cals are currently made in the web service is via:
MyWebServices.CrmService svc = new MyWebServices.CrmService();
MyWebServices.CrmAuthenticationToken token = new MyWebServices.CrmAuthenticationToken();
token.OrganizationName = "MyCRM";
token.AuthenticationType = 0;
svc.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;
svc.PreAuthenticate = true;
svc.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
svc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("hj", "mypass", "mydomain");
Then calls can be made via the service. I guess I could potentially try to authenticate to CRM via the user's username/password but it feels wrong somehow.
If you are in an on-premise environment, you should be able to use the following code to get a valid CRM service that can be used to retrieve your projects.
public static Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy.CrmService GetCrmService(string crmServerUrl, string organizationName, System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredential)
// Setup the Authentication Token
CrmAuthenticationToken crmAuthenticationToken = new CrmAuthenticationToken
OrganizationName = organizationName,
AuthenticationType = 0
var crmServiceUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(crmServerUrl) { Path = "//MSCRMServices//2007//CrmService.asmx" };
// Instantiate a CrmService
var crmService = new Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy.CrmService
Url = crmServiceUriBuilder.ToString(),
UseDefaultCredentials = false,
Credentials = networkCredential,
CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = crmAuthenticationToken
return crmService;