How to invoke a method across instances in C++ - c++

I have two instances of a class Robot. When I run some method (say, go()) I want every instance to go if it is on a correct frequency. Example (for simplicity everything is in one file):
class Robot {
int freqency_from;
int freqency_to;
bool is_going = false;
bool isOnFrequency(int frequency) {
return (frequency >= frequency_from && frequency <= frequency_to);
Robot(int _freqency_from , int _freqency_to) {
freqency_from = _freqency_from;
freqency_to = _freqency_to;
void go(int frequency) {
if (isOnFrequency(frequency)) {
is_going = true;
bool isGoing() {
return is_going;
int main() {
Robot robot1 = Robot(1, 3);
Robot robot2 = Robot(3, 5);
cout << robot1.isGoing(); // false
cout << robot2.isGoing(); // false
Robot::go(1); // should be run for each and every instance of the Robot class
cout << robot1.isGoing(); // true
cout << robot2.isGoing(); // false
return 0;
How to make this pseudo-code work? Is it even possible without making a vector of all instances of Robot and mapping over it?

What about a regular old loop? Just store your robots in a container and iterate over it.
vector<Robot> robots;
robots.emplace_back(1, 3);
robots.emplace_back(3, 5);
for (auto& robot : robots)
cout << robot.isGoing();
cout << robot.isGoing();

should be run for each and every instance of the Robot class
not really, go is not a static method...
you need an instance like robot1 or robot2 in order to command that robot,
if you want to do that all the robots react to the go function then declare then
consider defining that method static


How can I add different names to a vector using classes?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Enemy
std::string rank = "Boss";
std::string rank2 = "Miniboss";
std::string type;
std::string get_rank(){
return rank;
std::string get_rank2(){
return rank2;
int add_enemy(std::vector<Enemy>&enemies, Enemy enemy) // I wanna pass by reference because I want to modify the vector
for(size_t i; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
if( == enemy.type){ // here I'm saying, if I add an enemy that's of the same type, I don't wanna add it anymore
return 1; // it returns an error, because they are the same type, so it shouldn't add it?
int main()
Enemy enemy;
enemy.type = "Dragon";
std::cout << enemy.type << " is a " << enemy.get_rank() << std::endl;
Enemy nrone, nrtwo, nrthree, nrfour, nrfive;
// I want to add these and keep them in a vector
std::vector<Enemy> enemies;
nrone.type = "Orc";
nrtwo.type = "Goblin";
nrthree.type = "Troll";
nrfour.type = "Ogre";
nrfive.type = "Orc";
std::cout << nrfour.type << " is of rank " << nrfour.get_rank2() << std::endl;
std::cout << add_enemy(enemies, enemy) << std::endl;
return 0;
Hi, I am studying Classes & Objects in C++ right now, and I'm trying to achieve the following: create a vector of NPC monsters and add a bunch of monster types to the vector. However, if the monster/enemy is of the same type, I don't want to add it to the vector, but discard it.
In my case, I have two Orcs, so the vector should discard one of the orcs, but it doesn't, and instead if showing me a strange number on the screen.
I tried it this way and I still can't figure it out :( Any solutions?
So the reason that both Orcs are added is because by the time you run add_enemy, you've already added them. All the enemies should be using the add_enemy function instead of push_back:
int main()
Enemy enemy;
enemy.type = "Dragon";
std::cout << enemy.type << " is a " << enemy.get_rank() << std::endl;
Enemy nrone, nrtwo, nrthree, nrfour, nrfive;
// I want to add these and keep them in a vector
std::vector<Enemy> enemies;
nrone.type = "Orc";
nrtwo.type = "Goblin";
nrthree.type = "Troll";
nrfour.type = "Ogre";
nrfive.type = "Orc";
std::cout << nrfour.type << " is of rank " << nrfour.get_rank2() << std::endl;
enemies.push_back(nrone); //Add one Orc
enemies.push_back(nrfive); //Add another Orc
std::cout << add_enemy(enemies, enemy) << std::endl; //The Orcs are already in enemies!
return 0;
The reason you're seeing a strange number on the screen is that if you DO successfully add an enemy, the function doesn't return anything:
int add_enemy(std::vector<Enemy>&enemies, Enemy enemy) // I wanna pass by reference because I want to modify the vector
for(size_t i; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
if( == enemy.type){
return 1; // Return an error
enemies.push_back(enemy); //OK, so we added the enemy, but where's the return?
Your add_enemies function must return a value, since it is declared as type int.
P.S... consider using a range based loop to make things a little easier:
for(Enemy& existingEnemy: enemies) {
if(enemy.type == existingEnemy.type) {
return 1;
The main problem is that you are not initializing the loop variable (i) in your add_enemy function (so the loop may never run, or it may skip some elements). Also, that function must return a value (presumably, 0) if the loop ends.
Try this:
int add_enemy(std::vector<Enemy>& enemies, Enemy enemy) // I wanna pass by reference because I want to modify the vector
for (size_t i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) { /// You forgot to initialize "i"!
if ( == enemy.type) { // here I'm saying, if I add an enemy that's of the same type, I don't wanna add it anymore
return 1; // it returns an error, because they are the same type, so it shouldn't add it?
return 0; // The function MUST return an int value!
The strange number is easily explained. In your function you fail to return anything in the case where you do add the enemy. Add a return value and the strange number will go away.
int add_enemy(std::vector<Enemy>&enemies, Enemy enemy)
for(size_t i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
if( == enemy.type){
return 1;
return 0; // added a return value
The second problem with two orcs is also easily explained. You didn't use your add_enemy function when you added the orcs, you just used the regular vector push_back method so both orcs got added to the vector. You only used your add_enemy method for the dragon.
Also you fail to initialise i in the loop. I didn't spot that but I've corrected the code above.

Using Composite Pattern to make game menu

I'm making a game menu using a composite pattern. I want to achieve a tree structure game menu, where some leaves are pushing new state on the top of my state machine and another in options should show for example slider to change the volume without making new state and another (exit) should close the game by running sfml method.
Can someone give me a better idea than returning string or enum by operation() method to menu state to run expected action by using value in if/switch?
Here is an example of a menu state table using a struct:
typedef void (*Function_Pointer)(); // Declares a synonym for Function_Pointer
struct Table_Entry
char expected_selection;
char * prompt;
Function_Ptr processing_function;
// Forward declarations
void Turn_On_Lights();
void Turn_Right();
void Open_Treasure();
// State table
static const Table_Entry menu1[] =
{'1', "Turn on lights", Turn_On_Lights},
{'2', "Turn right (pivot)", Turn_Right},
{'3', "Open Treasure", Open_Treasure},
static size_t menu_entry_quantity =
sizeof(menu1) / sizeof(menu1[0]);
void Display_Menu()
for (unsigned int i = 0, i < menu_entry_quantity; ++i)
std::cout << menu1[i].expected_selection
<< ". "
<< menu1[i].prompt
<< "\n";
std::cout << "Enter selection: ";
void Execute_Menu_Selection(char selection)
for (unsigned int i = 0, i < menu_entry_quantity; ++i)
if (selection == menu1[i].expected_selection)
The above code allows you to change the quantity of entries or the entry content, without having to retest the functions. (Nice)
Since the data is static constant, it can be accessed directly and doesn't need to be initialized before the program starts.
You can expand this by using a "transition" column or member. For example, list the next states (or menus) to transition to when given a transition ID.

Best practice for forwarding messages between typed actors in the C++ Actors Framework?

I'm trying to hand off some work from one typed actor to another. The CAF user manual indicates that this can be done using the forward_to method. That method looks like it is only available to actors that are explicitly of the event_based_actor type. However, forward_to appears to be a thin wrapper over the forward_current_message method, which is defined for all actors of the local_actor type. Therefore, I assume it's okay to call forward_current_message directly?
Also, in order to get message forwarding working with typed actors, I still had to return a response from the intermediate actor. That actor's response seems to be ignored which is good, but am I doing something wrong? Or is it really necessary to pay the (normally minimal) cost of constructing a response that won't be used?
Here's the some working sample code that demonstrates my attempt at message forwarding with typed actors:
#include <iostream>
#include "caf/all.hpp"
using namespace caf;
using namespace std;
using a_type = typed_actor<replies_to<int>::with<bool>>;
using b_type = typed_actor<replies_to<int>::with<bool>>;
actor worker()
return spawn(
[](event_based_actor *self) -> behavior
[self](int index)
aout(self) << "Worker: " << index << endl;
return index;
b_type::behavior_type bBehavior(b_type::pointer self)
[self](int value)
// Create blocking actor
scoped_actor blockingActor;
// Spawn pool workers and send each a message
auto pool = actor_pool::make(value, worker, actor_pool::round_robin());
for(int i = 0; i < value; ++i)
blockingActor->send(pool, i);
// Wait for completion
vector<int> results;
int i = 0;
blockingActor->receive_for(i, value) (
[&results](int value)
blockingActor->send_exit(pool, exit_reason::user_shutdown);
return (value == results.size());
class A : public a_type::base
behavior_type make_behavior() override
[this](int value) -> bool
aout(this) << "Number of tasks: " << value << endl;
b_type forwardDestination = spawn(bBehavior);
auto castDestination = actor_cast<actor>(forwardDestination);
return false;
void tester()
a_type testeeActor = spawn<A>();
scoped_actor self;
self->sync_send(testeeActor, 5).await(
[testeeActor, &self](bool success)
aout(self) << "All workers completed? " << (success ? "Yes!" : "No :(") << endl;
int main()
cout << "Press Enter to continue" << endl;
Therefore, I assume it's okay to call forward_current_message directly?
No, forward_current_message ist not part of the public API in CAF (and is thus not listed in Doxygen). This means the member function could be renamed, removed, or made protected/private at any time.
The best practice to forward messages to typed actors is delegate. This is a new feature (introduced with 0.14.1) and unfortunately is not mentioned in the manual yet. The best "documentation" currently available is its use in the unit test for typed actors.
The short version is: delegate is an alternative to send that forwards the responsibility for a request. In a typed actor, you can return delegated<T> instead of T from a message handler to indicate that an other actor will respond with a T to the original sender.
In your case, class A would be implemented like this:
class A : public a_type::base
behavior_type make_behavior() override {
return {
[this](int value) {
aout(this) << "Number of tasks: " << value << endl;
auto forwardDestination = spawn(bBehavior);
return delegate(forwardDestination, value);

Aggregation using C++

I am trying to make one class work with another class. It is supposed to decrement the member of the other class.
my first class is
class Bike
int miles;
Speedometer speedom;
static int fuelCount;
Bike(int, Speedometer*); //Problem occurs here
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m, Speedometer * spm) //This is where I am having problems
miles = m;
speedom = &spm;
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999999)
miles = 0;
The other class which is supposed to be included in the first is:
Class Speedometer
int fuel;
int getFuel();
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
They are supposed to work together. Bike is to be able to work with speedometer object. It should decrease the speedometers current amount of fuel by one gallon for every 24 miles traveled.
This is supposed to be a aggregate relationship not composition.
Please help me just understand how to make that relationship and how its supposed to be called.
Thank you in advance.
here is my main function
btw - i have all the right #includes i just have not listed them here
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999970, spd);
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
You have a large number of issues here.
First of all, in your main(), you construct your Speedometer object with a constructor you have not implemented. The only constructors you have defined are the default constructor and Speedometer(int). You then call Speedometer(int, ???), the ??? being spd because you do not declare spd anywhere in the code you have provided, so we have no idea what it is.
It's really impossible to say what's wrong with your code in its current state.
As written, you've made a composition; Speedometer is part of Bike since it is a field. To make it an aggregation, make Bike hold a pointer to Speedometer. Note that as a consequence, you'll probably need Bike to create or obtain an initial Speedometer (could be NULL to begin with, or pass one in the constructor), and you might want to add accessor methods to Bike in order to add/remove/change the Speedometer.
[edit] Bike might also need to know how to dispose of the Speedometer properly in order to avoid leaking it.
[edit 2] Also as #cjm571 pointed out, your main function is creating and operating directly upon a "disembodied" Speedometer. Shouldn't it be on a Bike? :)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bike
int miles;
static int fuelCount;
// Speedometer speedom;
Bike(int); // Speedometer *); check comment on line 82
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m)//Speedometer (*spm) I don't see the purpose of this in the current state of the program, I may not be seing the whole picture
miles = m;
/* speedom = spm; remember, there must be a parent and a child class, at the current state you'r trying
to call a child from parent, the child class has not been defined, so i switched them and now Bike is a chiled. */
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999)
miles = 0;
class Speedometer
int fuel;
Speedometer(int f);
int getFuel();
Bike theBike; // This is what you needed in order to make incrementMiles to work.
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999); //You never declared this, did you mean spm???
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.theBike.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
} //There is no break declared (that i can see at least) so the program runs an infinite loop
// Don't want to add too many things to it, I don't know what your plan is.
// Hoping to have made it clearer.

Such a thing as C++ design pattern to avoid pointers?

I have a class hierarchy as shown in the example below, where a State contains a list of ZipCodes and a list of Citys, each of which contain pointers to the ZipCodes.
The goal is to be able to update the ZipCodes without needing to update Citys (or to create new instances of City).
The C++ code below meets this requirement, but it uses pointers, which I prefer to avoid because of this and that. How can I re-design this [naive] implementation so that it doesn't rely on pointers? Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Updated code below to use boost::shared_ptr instead of raw pointers. Note that State, City, and ZipCode are just example names, and they turned out to be poor choice names (I could've picked "A", "B", and "C") because the actual code allows the equivalent of City to share ZipCodes.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
using namespace std;
* Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code
class ZipCode {
ZipCode() : code_(0), plus4_(0) {}
ZipCode(int code, int plus4 = 0) : code_(code), plus4_(plus4) {}
virtual ~ZipCode() {};
int code() const { return code_; }
int plus4() const { return plus4_; }
void set_code(int code) { code_ = code; }
void set_plus4(int plus4) { plus4_ = plus4; }
int code_;
int plus4_;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ZipCode> ZipPtr;
* City points to one or more zip codes
class City {
const vector<ZipPtr>& zip() const { return zip_; }
void add_zip_ptr(const ZipPtr x) { if (x != NULL) zip_.push_back(x); }
// TODO: this vector should be a hash set
vector<ZipPtr> zip_;
* State contains cities, each of which has pointers to
* zip codes within the state.
class State {
const vector<City>& city() const { return city_; }
const vector<ZipPtr>& zip() const { return zip_; }
const ZipPtr zip_of(int code) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_.size(); i++) {
if (zip_[i]->code() == code) {
return zip_[i];
return ZipPtr();
void add_city(const City& x) { city_.push_back(x); }
void add_zip(int code) { zip_.push_back(ZipPtr(new ZipCode(code))); }
// TODO: these vectors should be hash sets
vector<City> city_;
vector<ZipPtr> zip_;
int main() {
State texas;
City dallas, houston;
// create state ZIPs
// point city ZIPs to the ones we just created
// print all ZIPs
cout << "ZIPs in Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr>& zips =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zips.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zips[i]->code() << endl;
cout << "ZIPs in Dallas, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs1 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs1.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs1[i]->code() << endl;
cout << "ZIPs in Houston, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs2 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs2.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs2[i]->code() << endl;
// change a state ZIP...
cout << "Changing Houston's ZIP 77220..." << endl;
ZipPtr z = texas.zip_of(77220);
if (z != NULL) z->set_code(88888);
// ...and show the ZIPs of the affected city
cout << "ZIPs in Houston, Texas: " << endl;
const vector<ZipPtr> zip_ptrs3 =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zip_ptrs3.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << zip_ptrs3[i]->code() << endl;
return 0;
I see the situation as two 1:n relationships
State : City == 1 : n
City : Zipcode
== 1 : n
Based on that, I think that the State containing
vector<ZipCode> zip_;
is not sound.
I might do
class State {
vector< City > cities_in_state_;
class City {
vector< Zipcode > zips_in_city_;
This does not require pointers.
Unless you want to duplicate your ZipCode objects, you fall into this category of usage (described in your first link):
The Bar instance is actually managed
by some other part of your program,
whereas the Foo class just needs to be
able to access it.
It seems like a legit use.
However, you might want to consider the copy option (to permanently avoid problems if the vector has to reallocate its data) or make State aggregate ZipCodes from its Cities instead of distributing them ZipCodes.
The copy simply implies that you stop using pointers in City. Aggregating the ZipCodes means that instead of giving State a list of ZipCodes, you would give City the list of ZipCode instances, and when calling zip_of, you would iterate through the cities and iterate through their ZipCode collection.