SparseQR for Least Squares - c++

For an application I am building I need to run linear regression on large datasets in order to obtain residuals. For example, one dataset is more than 1 million x 20k in dimension. For the smaller datasets I was using fastLm from the RcppArmadillo package - which works great for those - currently. With time those datasets will also grow beyond 1 million rows.
My solution was to use sparse matrices and Eigen. I was unable to find a good example for using SparseQR in RcppEigen. Based on many hours of reading (e.g. rcpp-gallery, stackoverflow, rcpp-dev mailinglist, eigen docs, rcpp-gallery, stackoverflow and many more that I have forgotten but sure have read) I wrote the following piece of code;
(NB: my first c++ program - please be nice :) - any advice to improve is welcomed)
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
#include <RcppEigen.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace Eigen;
using Eigen::Map;
using Eigen::SparseMatrix;
using Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using Eigen::SimplicialCholesky;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List sparseLm_eigen(const SEXP Xr,
const NumericVector yr){
typedef SparseMatrix<double> sp_mat;
typedef MappedSparseMatrix<double> sp_matM;
typedef Map<VectorXd> vecM;
typedef SimplicialCholesky<sp_mat> solver;
const sp_mat Xt(Rcpp::as<sp_matM>(Xr).adjoint());
const VectorXd Xty(Xt * Rcpp::as<vecM>(yr));
const solver Ch(Xt * Xt.adjoint());
if( != Eigen::Success) return "failed";
return List::create(Named("betahat") = Ch.solve(Xty));
This works for example for;
data1$fat1 <- factor(data1$fat1)
mm <- model.matrix(formula("y ~ fat1 + x1 + x2"), dat = data1)
sp_mm <- as(mm, "dgCMatrix")
y <- data1$y
res1 <- sparseLm_eigen(sp_mm, y)$betahat
res2 <- unname(coefficients(, y)))
abs(res1 - res2)
It fails however for my large datasets (as I kind of expected). My initial intention was to use the SparseQR as a solver but I don't know how to implement that.
So my question - can someone help me to implement QR decomposition for sparse matrices with RcppEigen?

How to write a sparse solver with Eigen is a bit generic. This is mainly because the sparse solver classes are designed superbly well. They provide a guide explaining their sparse solver classes. Since the question focuses on SparseQR, the documentation indicates that there are two parameters required to initialize the solver: SparseMatrix class type and OrderingMethods class that dictates the supported fill-reducing ordering method.
With this in mind, we can whip up the following:
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
#include <RcppEigen.h>
#include <Eigen/SparseQR>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List sparseLm_eigen(const Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<double> A,
const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> b){
Eigen::SparseQR <Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<double>, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int> > solver;
if( != Eigen::Success) {
// decomposition failed
return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("status") = false);
Eigen::VectorXd x = solver.solve(b);
if( != Eigen::Success) {
// solving failed
return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("status") = false);
return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("status") = true,
Rcpp::Named("betahat") = x);
Note: Here we create a list that always passes a named status variable that should be checked first. This indicates whether convergence happens in two areas: decomposition and solving. If all checks out, then we pass the betahat coefficient.
Test Script:
data1$fat1 <- factor(data1$fat1)
mm <- model.matrix(formula("y ~ fat1 + x1 + x2"), dat = data1)
sp_mm <- as(mm, "dgCMatrix")
y <- data1$y
res1 <- sparseLm_eigen(sp_mm, y)
if(res1$status != TRUE){
stop("convergence issue")
res1_coef = res1$betahat
res2_coef <- unname(coefficients(, y)))
cbind(res1_coef, res2_coef)
res1_coef res2_coef
[1,] 1.027742926 1.027742926
[2,] 0.142334262 0.142334262
[3,] 0.044327457 0.044327457
[4,] 0.338274783 0.338274783
[5,] -0.001740012 -0.001740012
[6,] 0.046558506 0.046558506


Implementing the Bartels–Stewart algorithm in Eigen3 -- real matrices only?

Based off this question and solution -- Implementing the Bartels–Stewart algorithm in Eigen3? -- I am trying to solve Lyapunov equations (AX + XA^T = C) using the Eigen library, but am limited to real matrices.
The R (with c++) code below works, but involves complex numbers. It can definitely be simplified (since in this framing, there is no B matrix), but the main difficulty is the reliance on complex numbers. The real schur form seems to be the standard alternative in this case, but the Eigen function matrix_function_solve_triangular_sylvester then does not work because the input matrix is not upper triangular, but is upper block triangular. I would be happy to see suggestions to a) remove the need for complex numbers, and then if that is possible, b) any efficiency improvements.
# R -----------------------------------------------------------------------
d<-6 #dimensions
A<-matrix(rnorm(d^2),d,d) #continuous time transition
G <- matrix(rnorm(d^2),d,d)
C<-G %*% t(G) #continuous time pos def error
AHATCH<-A %x% diag(d) + diag(d) %x% A
Xtrue<-matrix(-solve(AHATCH,c(C)), d) #asymptotic error from continuous time
# c++ in R ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sylcpp <- '
using Eigen::Map;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
// Map the double matrix A from Ar
const Map<MatrixXd> A(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(Ar));
// Map the double matrix Q from Qr
const Map<MatrixXd> Q(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(Qr));
Eigen::MatrixXd B = A.transpose();
Eigen::ComplexSchur<Eigen::MatrixXd> SchurA(A);
Eigen::MatrixXcd R = SchurA.matrixT();
Eigen::MatrixXcd U = SchurA.matrixU();
Eigen::ComplexSchur<Eigen::MatrixXd> SchurB(B);
Eigen::MatrixXcd S = SchurB.matrixT();
Eigen::MatrixXcd V = SchurB.matrixU();
Eigen::MatrixXcd F = (U.adjoint() * Q) * V;
Eigen::MatrixXcd Y = Eigen::internal::matrix_function_solve_triangular_sylvester(R, S, F);
Eigen::MatrixXd X = ((U * Y) * V.adjoint()).real();
return wrap(X);
syl <- cxxfunction(signature(Ar = "matrix",Qr='matrix'), sylcpp, plugin = "RcppEigen")
X-Xtrue #approx zero
In principle, you could use RealSchur insted.
That will produce a quasi-triangular real R.

Which linear equation algorithm requires less memory than LAPACK in general? Can I use it in R or RcppArmadillo?

I am trying to solve a linear system, Ax = b in R. A is a 111779 by 111779 sparse matrix or "dgCMatrix" and contains 10^11 elements. b is a 111779 by 1 dense matrix. I used a powerful AWS ec2 instance to calculate this.
First I used solve() in R but it returned "problem too large". Then I used the function SparseM::solve() but still could not get the result due to the lack of memory. Finally I used RcppArmadillo::spsolve( , ,"lapacks"), which means "sparse matrix solve" with LAPACK algorithm. It returned "SpMat::init(): requested size is too large".
rcpp_inc <- '
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
src <- '
mat Y0 = as<mat>(Y);
sp_mat X0 = as<sp_mat>(X);
mat out = spsolve(X0, Y0,"lapacks");
fn <- cxxfunction(signature(Y="Matrix", X="Matrix"), src,
plugin='RcppArmadillo', rcpp_inc)
res <- fn(b, A)
Actually the function works well when A is smaller. If I cannot use more memory, is it possible to solve the equation? What kind of software or algorithm shall I use?

Rcpp fast statistical mode function with vector input of any type

I'm trying to build a super fast mode function for R to use for aggregating large categorical datasets. The function should take vector input of all supported R types and return the mode. I have read This post, This Help-page and others, but I was not able to make the function take in all R data types. My code now works for numeric vectors, I am relying on Rcpp sugar wrapper functions:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int Mode(NumericVector x, bool narm = false)
if (narm) x = x[!is_na(x)];
NumericVector ux = unique(x);
int y = ux[which_max(table(match(x, ux)))];
return y;
In addition I was wondering if the 'narm' argument can be renamed 'na.rm' without giving errors, and of course if there is a faster way to code a mode function in C++, I would be grateful to know about it.
In order to make the function work for any vector input, you could implement #JosephWood's algorithm for any data type you want to support and call it from a switch(TYPEOF(x)). But that would be lots of code duplication. Instead, it is better to make a generic function that can work on any Vector<RTYPE> argument. If we follow R's paradigm that everything is a vector and let the function also return a Vector<RTYPE>, then we can make use of RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR. Note that we need C++11 to be able to pass additional arguments to the function called by RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR. One tricky thing is that you need the storage type for Vector<RTYPE> in order to create a suitable std::unordered_map. Here Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type comes to the rescue. However, std::unordered_map does not know how to deal with complex numbers from R. For simplicity, I am disabling this special case.
Putting it all together:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
#include <unordered_map>
template <int RTYPE>
Vector<RTYPE> fastModeImpl(Vector<RTYPE> x, bool narm){
if (narm) x = x[!is_na(x)];
int myMax = 1;
Vector<RTYPE> myMode(1);
// special case for factors == INTSXP with "class" and "levels" attribute
if (x.hasAttribute("levels")){
myMode.attr("class") = x.attr("class");
myMode.attr("levels") = x.attr("levels");
std::unordered_map<typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type, int> modeMap;
for (std::size_t i = 0, len = x.size(); i < len; ++i) {
auto it = modeMap.find(x[i]);
if (it != modeMap.end()) {
if (it->second > myMax) {
myMax = it->second;
myMode[0] = x[i];
} else {
modeMap.insert({x[i], 1});
return myMode;
template <>
Vector<CPLXSXP> fastModeImpl(Vector<CPLXSXP> x, bool narm) {
stop("Not supported SEXP type!");
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP fastMode( SEXP x, bool narm = false ){
RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR(fastModeImpl, x, narm);
/*** R
s <- sample(1e5, replace = TRUE)
fastMode(s + 0.1)
l <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 11, replace = TRUE)
c <- sample(letters, 1e5, replace = TRUE)
f <- as.factor(c)
> set.seed(1234)
> s <- sample(1e5, replace = TRUE)
> fastMode(s)
[1] 85433
> fastMode(s + 0.1)
[1] 85433.1
> l <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 11, replace = TRUE)
> fastMode(l)
[1] TRUE
> c <- sample(letters, 1e5, replace = TRUE)
> fastMode(c)
[1] "z"
> f <- as.factor(c)
> fastMode(f)
[1] z
Levels: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
As noted above, the used algorithm comes from Joseph Wood's answer, which has been explicitly dual-licensed under CC-BY-SA and GPL >= 2. I am following Joseph and hereby license the code in this answer under the GPL (version 2 or later) in addition to the implicit CC-BY-SA license.
In your Mode function, since you are mostly calling sugar wrapper functions, you won't see that much improvement over base R. In fact, simply writing a faithful base R translation, we have:
baseMode <- function(x, narm = FALSE) {
if (narm) x <- x[!]
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(table(match(x, ux)))]
And benchmarking, we have:
s <- sample(1e5, replace = TRUE)
microbenchmark(Mode(s), baseMode(s), times = 10, unit = "relative")
Unit: relative
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
Mode(s) 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 10
baseMode(s) 1.490765 1.645367 1.571132 1.616061 1.637181 1.448306 10
Typically, when we undertake the effort of writing our own compiled code, we would expect bigger gains. Simply wrapping these already efficient compiled functions in Rcpp isn't going to magically get you the gains you expect. In fact, on larger examples the base solution is faster. Observe:
sBig <- sample(1e6, replace = TRUE)
user system elapsed
1.410 0.036 1.450
user system elapsed
0.915 0.025 0.943
To address your question of writing a faster mode function, we can make use of std::unordered_map, which is very similar to table underneath the hood (i.e. they are both hash tables at their heart). Additionally, since you are returning a single integer, we can safely assume that we can replace NumericVector with IntegerVector and also that you are not concerned with returning every value that occurs the most.
The algorithm below can be modified to return the true mode, but I will leave that as an exercise (hint: you will need std::vector along with taking some sort of action when it->second == myMax). N.B. you will also need to add // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]] at the top of your cpp file for std::unordered_map and auto.
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
#include <unordered_map>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int fastIntMode(IntegerVector x, bool narm = false) {
if (narm) x = x[!is_na(x)];
int myMax = 1;
int myMode = 0;
std::unordered_map<int, int> modeMap;
for (std::size_t i = 0, len = x.size(); i < len; ++i) {
auto it = modeMap.find(x[i]);
if (it != modeMap.end()) {
if (it->second > myMax) {
myMax = it->second;
myMode = x[i];
} else {
modeMap.insert({x[i], 1});
return myMode;
And the benchmarks:
microbenchmark(Mode(s), baseMode(s), fastIntMode(s), times = 15, unit = "relative")
Unit: relative
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
Mode(s) 6.428343 6.268131 6.622914 6.134388 6.881746 7.78522 15
baseMode(s) 9.757491 9.404101 9.454857 9.169315 9.018938 10.16640 15
fastIntMode(s) 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.00000 15
Now we are talking... about 6x faster than the original and 9x faster than base. They all return the same value:
##[1] 85433
##[1] 85433
##[1] 85433
And for our larger example:
## base R returned in 0.943s
user system elapsed
0.217 0.006 0.224
In addition to the implicit CC-BY-SA license I hereby license the code in this answer under the GPL >= 2.
To follow up with some shameless self-promotion, I have now published a package collapse on CRAN which includes a full set of Fast Statistical Functions, amonst them the generic function fmode. The implementation is based on index hashing and even faster than the solution above. fmode can be used to perform simple, grouped and/or weighted mode calculations on vectors, matrices, data.frames and dplyr grouped tibbles. Syntax:
fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, ...)
where x is a vector, matrix, data.frame or grouped_df, g is a grouping vector or list of grouping vectors, and w is a vector of weights. A compact solution to categorical and mixed aggregation problems is further provided by the function collap. The code
collap(data, ~ id1 + id2, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode)
aggregates the mixed type data.frame data applying fmean to numeric and fmode to categorical columns. More customized calls are also possible. Together with the Fast Statistical Functions, collap is just as fast as data.table on large numeric data, and categorical and weighted aggregations are significantly faster than anything that can presently be done with data.table.

Eigen LLT Module Giving incorrect result?

First off, I assume the problem is with me and not with Eigen's LLT module. That said, here is the code (I will explain the problem briefly) but sourcing the code in Rstudio should recreate the bug.
#include <RcppEigen.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
template <typename T>
void fillUnitNormal(Eigen::PlainObjectBase<T>& Z){
int m = Z.rows();
int n = Z.cols();
Rcpp::NumericVector r(m*n);
r = Rcpp::rnorm(m*n, 0, 1); // using vectorization from Rcpp sugar
std::copy(std::begin(r), std::end(r),;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
// #param z is object derived from class MatrixBase to overwrite with sample
// #param m MAP estimate
// #param S the hessian of the NEGATIVE log-likelihood evaluated at m
// #param pars structure of type pars
// #return int 0 success, 1 failure
int cholesky_lap(Eigen::MatrixBase<T1>& z, Eigen::MatrixBase<T2>& m,
Eigen::MatrixBase<T3>& S){
int nc=z.cols();
int nr=z.rows();
Eigen::LLT<MatrixXd> hesssqrt;
if ( == Eigen::NumericalIssue){
Rcpp::warning("Cholesky of Hessian failed with status status Eigen::NumericalIssue");
return 1;
typename T1::PlainObject samp(nr, nc);
z = hesssqrt.matrixL().solve(samp);
z.template colwise() += m;
return 0;
// #param z an object derived from class MatrixBase to overwrite with samples
// #param m MAP estimate (as a vector)
// #param S the hessian of the NEGATIVE log-likelihood evaluated at m
// block forms should be given as blocks row bound together, blocks
// must be square and of the same size!
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Eigen::MatrixXd LaplaceApproximation(int n_samples, Eigen::VectorXd m,
Eigen::MatrixXd S){
int p=m.rows();
MatrixXd z = MatrixXd::Zero(p, n_samples);
int status = cholesky_lap(z, m, S);
if (status==1) Rcpp::stop("decomposition failed");
return z;
/*** R
n_samples <- 1000000
m <- 1:3
S <- diag(1:3)
S[1,2] <- S[2,1] <- -1
S <- -S # Pretending this is the negative precision matrix
# e.g., hessian of negative log likelihood
z <- LaplaceApproximation(n_samples, m, S)
expect_equal(var(t(z)), solve(-S), tolerance=0.005)
expect_equal(rowMeans(z), m, tolerance=.01)
Here is the (key) output:
> expect_equal(var(t(z)), solve(-S), tolerance=0.005)
Error: var(t(z)) not equal to solve(-S).
2/9 mismatches (average diff: 1)
[1] 0.998 - 2 == -1
[5] 2.003 - 1 == 1
In Words:
I am trying to write a function to perform a Laplace approximation. This means essentially sampling from a multivariate normal with mean m and covariance inverse(-S) where S is the Hessian of the negative log-liklihood.
My code works perfectly for an eigen decomposition I coded but for some reason, it is failing with the Cholesky. (I have tried to just give a minimal reproducible example and for space am not showing the eigen decomposition).
The best thought I have now is that some aliasing issue is happening but I can't figure out where that would be...
Thank you in advance!
It turned out to be a simple math error. Not a code error. Issue was that cholesky of matrix inverse has a transpose compared to just the inverse of the cholesky of the original matrix. Changing
z = hesssqrt.matrixL().solve(samp);
z = hesssqrt.matrixU().solve(samp);
Solved the problem.

Is it possible to pass a list of Matrices to vector<Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>> inline?

I am attempting to conduct operations on rows of matrices in a list format to calculate portions of a Hessian matrix (mixed partial derivatives matrix) for some software I am writing. I found that I could only do this so fast in R (even with parallelization), and so have switched over to Rcpp for quicker speed and RcppEigen for the high level matrix operations provided. When I have relied on the List type for representing lists of matrices/vectors passed from R, my Cpp code slows down tremendously as the length of the lists (each element being a matrix or vector) increases. I am not sure exactly why, but it may be because of dynamically sized objects? My questions is: Can I pass a list from R into a vector container from the Standard Template Library (STL) using RcppEigen via something like the following?
vector<Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>> A(as<vector<Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>> >(AA))
The reason I want to do so is because I have read that accessing vectors is much faster than accessing lists. However, I may have misinterpreted this and I apologize if so.
The idea is to pass in a list of vectors (B2) and a list of matrices (A2). Within each index of these lists, I iterate over the rows of the matrix (A) in the current index of A2 and the vector (b) in the current index of B2, calculating:
b[j] * t(A[j,]) %*% A[j,]
for j from 0 to rows-1. I would end up with a list with size equal to the number of rows of the matrix in that index, then move on to the next index of the outer limit, etc.
Here is a reproducible example of what I have been able to do using List:
## Create function which takes list into Rcpp and does all manipulations internally (no lapply outside)
A2 <- lapply(1:2, function(t) matrix(rnorm(10 * t), nrow = t, ncol = 10))
B2 <- lapply(1:2, function(t) rnorm(t))
## This becomes slower relative to R as the size increases.
## Something is not right in how I am programming this.
retLLMat <- "using Eigen::VectorXd;
typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> MapVecd;
List A(AA), B(BB);
int listSize = A.size(), ncol, sublistSize;
List outList;
double sub;
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
List subList;
MapMatd subMat(as<MapMatd >(A[i]));
MapVecd subVec(as<MapVecd >(B[i]));
ncol = subMat.cols();
VectorXd currRow(ncol);
sublistSize = subMat.rows();
for (int j = 0; j < sublistSize; j++)
currRow = subMat.row(j);
sub = subVec[j];
subList[String(j)] = (sub * currRow) * currRow.transpose();
outList[String(i)] = subList;
return wrap(outList);"
## Compile Cpp code
retLLMatC <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "List", BB = "List"), retLLMat, plugin = "RcppEigen")
## R version
retLLMat <- function(A, B) mapply(function(a, b) mapply(function(a, b) b * a, lapply(apply(a, 1, function(t) list(tcrossprod(t))), "[[", 1), b, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), A, B, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
## Test R vs Rcpp version
microbenchmark(retLLMat(A2, B2), retLLMatC(A2, B2))
The above works, but as I increase the length of A2 and B2 to be closer to what I have in my actual real application, which is more than 1000, the Cpp version slows down relative to the R implementation and eventually is slower. To overcome this, I thought of trying to use the standard template library vector format. I didn't know how to do this, so I figured I'd start simple, and just pass a List, try to convert to
and then send back to R. This is what I tried:
## Testing using a vector of Map<MatrixXd>
## Simplified by trying to return the list after reading it in
VectorMat <- "using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using std::vector;
typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
vector<MapMatd> A(as<vector<MapMatd> >(AA);
return wrap(A);"
## This produces errors
test <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "List"), VectorMat, plugin = "RcppEigen")
I thank all in advance for insights, and sincerely apologize if this question is not designed well for StackOverflow. I looked around at previous StackOverflow questions, read the posting guide, and googled beforehand for quite a while to try to find an answer to my problem, but it seemed I was just outside of the scope of what had been already asked. I am more than willing to make any changes necessary to make this example more reproducible and also to make what I want to do more clear. I know that you all are very busy, and I do not want to waste your time.
At Dirk's suggestion, I tried passing a List, then defining a ListOf, which should be faster given the explicit nature of the objects within (please correct me if this is wrong!)
Here's what the snippet then looked like:
ListMat1 <- "using Eigen::MatrixXd;
typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
ListOf<MapMatd> A(as<ListOf<MapMatd> >(AA));
return wrap(A);"
This passed on my machine by calling:
ListMat <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "List"), ListMat1, plugin = "RcppEigen")
res <- ListMat(A2)
However, it seems to still be problematic to access elements within this ListOf. I know this normally works, because I tested it with a numeric vector, i.e.
b2 <- lapply(1:5, function(t) numeric(t))
vecTest <- "ListOf<NumericVector> b(as<ListOf<NumericVector> >(bb));
NumericVector res = b[0];
return wrap(res);"
vecTestfn <- cxxfunction(signature(bb = "List"), vecTest, plugin = "RcppEigen")
If I try to do the same thing with ListOf where each element is a MatrixXd, I seem to have an issue:
ListMatInd <- "using Eigen::MatrixXd;
typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
ListOf<MapMatd> A(as<ListOf<MapMatd> >(AA));
MatrixXd res = A[0];
return wrap(res);"
This creates an error upon trying:
ListMatIndfn <- cxxfunction(signature(AA = "List"), ListMatInd, plugin = "RcppEigen")
I will continue trying things. I just want to update regarding where I am right now. At this moment, before having read the Rcpp book in full (I am about to order it with my personal development fund), this is the only way I knew to pass each element of the list as a Eigen Map MatrixXd. Thank you for your time!
You may be able to do it the other way around: use a standard List (which we know passes, obviously) where each element (which has to be SEXP anyway) passes an Eigen Map<MatrixXd> (which we also know pass individually).
So I would start simple and make it more complicated step by step til it breaks.