Timeout on 3 attempt - grapevine

I've set up two services with grapevine, a client server schema, I'm like the following problem, after the second request the server or the client returns me a timeout limit.
After calling the method RestResponse response = this.client.Execute (request) the RestResponse; To execute the request, so I saw it does not arrive on the server.
This always happens on 3 did I send the call


how to send multiple http2 requests over the same connection with libcurl

I'm using https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/http2-download.html to send mulitple http2 requests to a demo http server. This server is based on spring webflux. To verify if libcurl can send http2 requests concurrently, the server will delay 10 seconds before return response. In this way, I hope to observe that the server will receive multiple http2 requests at almost the same time over the same connection, after 10 seconds, the client will receive responses.
However,I noticed that the server received the requests sequentially. It seems that the client doesn't send the next request before geting the response of previous request.
Here is the log of server, the requests arrived every 10 seconds.
2021-05-07 17:14:57.514 INFO 31352 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] i.g.h.mongo.controller.PostController : Call get 609343a24b79c21c4431a2b1
2021-05-07 17:15:07.532 INFO 31352 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] i.g.h.mongo.controller.PostController : Call get 609343a24b79c21c4431a2b1
2021-05-07 17:15:17.541 INFO 31352 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] i.g.h.mongo.controller.PostController : Call get 609343a24b79c21c4431a2b1
Any guys can help figure out my mistakes? Thank you
For me,
curl -v --http2 --parallel --config urls.txt
did exactly what you need, where urls.txt was like
url = "localhost:8080/health"
url = "localhost:8080/health"
the result was that at first, curl sent first request via HTTP/1.1, received 101 upgrade to http/2, immediately sent the second request without waiting for response, and then received two times 200 response in succession.
Note: -v is added for verbosity to validate it works as expected. You don't need it other than for printing the underlying protocol conversation.

zmq DEALER socket zmq_recv_msg call always timeouts

I am using zmq ROUTER and DEALER sockets in my application(C++).
One process is listening on zmq ROUTER socket for clients to connect (a Service).
Clients connect to this service using zmq DEALER socket. From the client I am doing synchronous (blocking) request to the service. To avoid the
infinite wait time for the response, I am setting RCVTIMEO on DEALER socket to let say 5 ms. After setting this timeout I observe un-expected
behaviour on the client.
Here are the details:
Case 1: No RCVTIMEO is set on DEALER (client) socket
In this case, let say client sends 1000 Request to the service. Out of these requests for around 850 requests, client receives responses within 5 ms.
For remaining 150 request it takes more than 5 ms for response to come.
Case 2: RCVTIMEO is set for 5 ms on DEALER (client) socket
In this case, for the first 150-200 request I see valid response received within RCVTIMEO period. For all remaining requests I see RCVTIMEO timeout happening, which is not expected. The requests in both the cases are same.
The expected behiour should be: for 850 requests we should receive valid response (as they are coming within RCVTIMEO). And for remaining 150
requests we should see a timeout happening.
For having the timeout feature, I tried zmq_poll() also instead of setting RCVTIMEO, but results are same. Most of the requests are getting TIMEDOUT.
I went through the zmq documentation for details, but didn't find anything.
Can someone please explain the reason for this behaviour ?

HttpClient: Connection reset after 5 minutes idle, keep-alive possible?

I'm using a HttpClient to send a SOAP request to an webservice to query some data. For some webservice parameters the execution of the webservice takes longer than 5 minutes and after 5 minutes I get an java.net.SocketException: Connection reset.
I think that the error occures because the connection idles for more than 5 minutes and then a firewall caps the connection.
Is there a way to send a keep-alive package for a http post request or something to keep the connection alive? (I need a client-side solution if possible)
If you google for HttpClient keep-alive you find a lot of topics regarding reusing a connection. In my case I only want to keep the connection alive until I get a response.
Method to execute the SOAP request:
def executeSOAPRequest(String url, String content, String soapAction, Integer timeout) {
def retVal = new SoapResponse();
PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url);
RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity(content,"ISO-8859-1","ISO-8859-1");
post.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", soapAction);
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient()
try {
retVal.httpResponse = httpclient.executeMethod(post);
retVal.httpResponseBody = post.getResponseBodyAsString();
} catch(Exception e){
... exception handling ...
} finally {
... finally stuff ...
return retVal;
Currently the HttpClient v3.1 is used.
5 minutes are an eternity in telecommunications, this days one giga can be transferred in less time, and keeping a connection idle consumes resources not only in the ending machines but in the intermediate nodes such as routers and firewalls.
So IMHO you shouldn't try to keep the connection alive for so long, especially if you don't manage the networks you are using (ie, firewalls can have their own timeouts and kill your connection), you should reduce the time the server needs to respond, or use other asynchronous communication mechanism.

Restricting the Web service request itself gets resubmitted after 5 minutes

the web service request for one of our java rest service gets submitted again from the client/browser after ever 5 minutes in case when the service is taking longer to execute.
Can we restrict this to get resubmitted once it has taken sufficiently longer.
Exactly happened to me, only difference is mine is simple HTTP Post request and not web-service request.
Which application server you are using? Its upto application server to resubmit the request in case of Request Timeout.
You observed it right, the interval of double trigger is exact 5 minutes, that means your HTTP server is configured to timeout after 5 minutes, You need to set the timeout to -1 (infinite) or some sensible longer value so that the request won't get timed out and re-submit again.

How do I set timeout for TIdHTTPProxyServer (not connection timout)

I am using TIdHTTPProxyServer and now I want to terminate connection when it is success to connect to the target HTTP server but receive no response for a long time(i.g. 3 mins)
Currently I find no related property or event about it. And even if the client terminate the connection before the proxy server receive the response from the HTTP server. OnException Event will not be fired until the proxy server receive the response. (That is, if the proxy server still receive no response from HTTP Server, I even do not know the client has already terminate the connection...)
Any help will be appreciated.
Indy uses infinite timeouts by default. To do what you are asking for, you need to set the ReadTimeout property of the outbound connection to the target server. You can access that connection via the TIdHTTPProxyServerContext.OutboundClient property. Use the OnHTTPBeforeCommand event, which is triggered just before the OutboundClient connects to the target server, eg:
#include "IdTCPClient.hpp"
void __fastcall TForm1::IdHTTPProxyServer1HTTPBeforeCommand(TIdHTTPProxyServerContext *AContext)
static_cast<TIdTCPClient*>(AContext->OutboundClient)->ReadTimeout = ...;