How to forward java.util.log to apache commons logging? - java.util.logging

we use apache commons logging for our logging. However now we are consuming an OSS lib that is using java.util logging.
how do I get java.util log statements invoked by the lib to show up in our apache commons log4j log file?

This is covered in the Apache Commons FAQ Can calls to java.util.logging be redirected via commons-logging?.
Yes. The java.util.logging classes present in java since 1.4 are both an API and a (primitive) logging implementation. It is possible to install an "implementation" that redirects messages back to commons-logging, which will then in turn direct the calls to the appropriate concrete logging library that commons-logging is sending other messages to.
Alternatively, have your java.util.logging "implementation" send messages directly to the same implementation that commons-logging is bound to. This will be faster - although if you change your commons-logging configuration to use a different logging library then the java.util.logging implementation would need to be changed too.
See here for details:
What they are doing is just creating a java.util.logging.Hander to adapt the output of JUL to commons logging. In the example, they should probably handle log levels int values that are in between other named log levels so that you are handing any custom log level in JUL. An example patch would be:
public void publish(LogRecord record) {
Log log = getLog(record.getLoggerName());
String message = record.getMessage();
Throwable exception = record.getThrown();
int level = record.getLevel().intValue();
if (level >= Level.SEVERE.intValue()) {
log.error(message, exception);
} else if (level >= Level.WARNING.intValue()) {
log.warn(message, exception);
} else if (level >= Level.INFO.intValue()) {, exception);
} else if (level >= Level.CONFIG.intValue()) {
log.debug(message, exception);
} else {
log.trace(message, exception);


How do you read/log gRPC HTTP headers (not custom metadata)?

I am working with gRPC and Protobuf, using a C++ server and a C++ client, as well as a grpc-js client. Is there a way to get a read on all of the HTTP request/response headers from the transport layer in gRPC? I am looking for the sort of typical client/server HTTP headers - particularly, I would like to see what version of the protocol is being used (whether it is HTTP1.1/2). I know that gRPC is supposed to be using HTTP2, but I am trying to confirm it at a low level.
In a typical gRPC client implementation you have something like this:
class PingPongClient {
PingPongClient(std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel)
: stub_(PingPong::NewStub(channel)) {}
// Assembles the client's payload, sends it and presents the response back
// from the server.
PingPongReply PingPong(PingPongRequest request) {
// Container for the data we expect from the server.
PingPongReply reply;
// Context for the client. It could be used to convey extra information to
// the server and/or tweak certain RPC behaviors.
ClientContext context;
// The actual RPC.
Status status = stub_->Ping(&context, request, &reply);
// Act upon its status.
if (status.ok()) {
return reply;
} else {
auto errorMsg = status.error_code() + ": " + status.error_message();
std::cout << errorMsg << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);
std::unique_ptr<PingPong::Stub> stub_;
and on the serverside, something like:
class PingPongServiceImpl final : public PingPong::Service {
Status Ping(
ServerContext* context,
const PingPongRequest* request,
PingPongReply* reply
) override {
std::cout << "PingPong" << std::endl;
if (request->input_msg() == "hello") {
} else {
reply->set_output_msg("I can't pong unless you ping me 'hello'!");
std::cout << "Replying with " << reply->output_msg() << std::endl;
return Status::OK;
I would think that either ServerContext or the request object might have access to this information, but context seems to only provide an interface into metadata, which is custom.
None of the gRPC C++ examples give any indication that there is such an API, nor do any of the associated source/header files in the gRPC source code. I have exhausted my options here in terms of tutorials, blog posts, videos, and documentation - I asked a similar question on the grpc-io forum, but have gotten no takers. Hoping the SO crew has some insights here!
I should also note that I experimented with passing a variety of environment variables as flags to the running processes to see if I can get details about HTTP headers, but even with these flags enabled (the HTTP-related ones), I do not see basic HTTP headers.
First, the gRPC libraries absolutely do use HTTP/2. The protocol is explicitly defined in terms of HTTP/2.
The gRPC libraries do not directly expose the raw HTTP headers to the application. However, they do have trace logging options that can log a variety of information for debugging purposes, including headers. The tracers can be enabled by setting the environment variable GRPC_TRACE. The environment variable GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG should also be set to make sure that all of the logs are output. More information can be found in this document describing how the library uses envinronment variables.
In the C++ library, the http tracer should log the raw headers. The grpc-js library has different internals and different tracer definitions, so you should use the call_stream tracer for that one. Those will also log other request information, but it should be pretty easy to pick out the headers.

librdkafka c++ API custom logger function

I'm using the librdkafka c++ API and I would like to change the default behavior of the logger (default to stderr).
It is listed in the configuration documentation that I can change the log_cb function but I can't find how to do this in the c++ API.
In the c API there is this function rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb() to set the log callback.
In addition, I would like to be able to change the log severity level.
The librdkafka C++ API exposes logs, stats, throttling, etc, through a generic Event type.
Here is an example how to use it.
class ExampleEventCb : public RdKafka::EventCb {
void event_cb (RdKafka::Event &event) {
switch (event.type())
case RdKafka::Event::EVENT_LOG:
fprintf(stderr, "LOG-%i-%s: %s\n",
event.severity(), event.fac().c_str(), event.str().c_str());
ExampleEventCb ex_event_cb;
conf->set("event_cb", &ex_event_cb, errstr);
As for the log level/severity: You can configure the log_level to suppress log messages with a higher level (less important).

Embedding Jetty 9.3 with modular XmlConfiguration

I am migrating from Jetty 8.1.17 to Jetty 9.3.9. Our application embeds Jetty. Previously we had a single XML configuration file jetty.xml which contained everything we needed.
I felt that with Jetty 9.3.9 it would be much nicer to use the modular approach that they suggest, so far I have jetty.xml, jetty-http.xml, jetty-https.xml and jetty-ssl.xml in my $JETTY_HOME/etc; these are pretty much copies of those from the 9.3.9 distribution. This seems to work well when I use start.jar but not through my own code which embeds Jetty.
Ideally I would like to be able to scan for any jetty xml files in the $JETTY_HOME/etc folder and load the configuration. However for embedded mode I have not found a way to do that without explicitly defining the order that those files should be loaded in, due to <ref id="x"/> dependencies between them etc.
My initial attempt is based on How can I programmatically start a jetty server with multiple configuration files? and looks like:
final List<Object> configuredObjects = new ArrayList();
XmlConfiguration last = null;
for(final Path confFile : configFiles) {"[loading jetty configuration : {}]", confFile.toString());
try(final InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(confFile)) {
final XmlConfiguration configuration = new XmlConfiguration(is);
if (last != null) {
last = configuration;
Server server = null;
// For all objects created by XmlConfigurations, start them if they are lifecycles.
for (final Object configuredObject : configuredObjects) {
if(configuredObject instanceof Server) {
server = (Server)configuredObject;
if (configuredObject instanceof LifeCycle) {
final LifeCycle lc = (LifeCycle)configuredObject;
if (!lc.isRunning()) {
However, I get Exceptions at startup if jetty-https.xml is loaded before jetty-ssl.xml or if I place a reference in jetty.xml to an object from a sub-configuration jetty-blah.xml which has not been loaded first.
It seems to me like Jetty manages to do this okay itself when you call java -jar start.jar, so what am I missing to get Jetty to not care about what order the config files are parsed in?
Order is extremely important when loading the Jetty XML files.
That's the heart of what the entire start.jar and its module system is about, have an appropriate set of properties, the server classpath is sane, and ensuring proper load order of the XML.
Note: its not possible to have everything in ${jetty.home}/etc loaded at the same time, as you will get conflicts on alternate implementations of common technologies (something start.jar also manages for you)

How do I subclass/override Ember.Logger?

I am implementing remote logging ability in my Ember app, where I want to push everything that gets sent to the log console to a remote logging service (e.g. Loggly).
I believe that what I need to do is override Ember.Logger's methods to redirect log output to the remote logging service, but I can't figure out how to do that.
The documentation for Ember.Logger simply states:
Override this to provide more robust logging functionality.
How do I "override this"? I've tried doing Ember.Logger.reopenClass() and it complains with Ember.Logger.reopenClass is not a function.
Where would I do this? In an initializer? In a service? Other?
Ember.Logger is not an Ember class. It's just an object with some methods on it.
You can override it by something like
Ember.Logger.log = function(...
You can put this wherever you want. I might put it at the top of app.js.
Expanding upon and updating #user663031 response...
As of Nov 2017, the status of Ember.Logger is up in the air. It was not included in Ember's module API, and there isn't yet an RFC for the future.
It is possible use a debug utility directly, e.g. ember-debug-logger, and extend those prototypes separate from Ember.Logger.
However, I opted to overwrite Ember.Logger directly because it allows me to include any logging tool that I like (as opposed to debug util) without having to modify the log statements scattered throughout the code.
As I use bunyan on the backend, opted to log with browser-bunyan, which incidentally has the same info, warn, error as Ember.Logger.
YMMV, but this is the minimal example that worked for me...
// app/app.js
import LOG from './logger-bunyan';
if (config.APP.LOG_BUNYAN) {
Ember.Logger = LOG;
// app/logger-bunyan.js
import bunyan from 'npm:browser-bunyan';
const LOG = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'emberApplication',
export default LOG;
// config/environment.js
if (environment === 'development') {
// app/component/WhereIWantToLog.js
Logger.warn('bunyan logged warning message')

How to log SOAP messages which are sent by Metro stack

I'm trying to log my messages which are sent using a Metro stack into console.
Could not find any way.
Message logging to stdout (valid for METRO only!):
On the client
Java 5: Set system property
Java 6: Set system property
On the server side
Set system property
Here everything is explained:
The following options enable logging of all communication to the console (technically, you only need one of these, but that depends on the libraries you use, so setting all four is safer option).
Didn't mention the language but assuming Java, could you not just use something like Log4J e.g.
service = new Service();
port = service.getXxxPort();
result = port.doXxx(data);"Result is " + result.getResult().toString());
where getResult is just a method on the return object.