Create 3-way percentages table - stata

I would like to have a 3-way table displaying column or row percentages using three categorical variables. The command below gives the counts but I cannot find how to get percentages instead.
sysuse nlsw88
table married race collgrad, col
| college graduate and race
| ---- not college grad ---- ------ college grad ------
married | white black other Total white black other Total
single | 355 256 5 616 132 53 3 188
married | 862 224 12 1,098 288 50 6 344
How can I get percentages?

This answer will show a miscellany of tricks. The downside is that I don't know an easy way to get exactly what you ask. The upside is that all these tricks are easy to understand and often useful.
Let's use your example, which is excellent for the purpose.
. sysuse nlsw88, clear
(NLSW, 1988 extract)
Tip #1 You can calculate a percent variable for yourself. I focus on % single. In this data set married is binary, so I won't show the complementary percent.
Once you have calculated it, you can (a) rely on the fact that it is constant within the groups you used to define it (b) tabulate it directly. I find that tabdisp is underrated by users. It's billed as a programmer's command, but it is not difficult to use at all. tabdisp lets you set a display format on the fly; it does no harm and might be useful for other commands to assign one directly using format.
. egen pcsingle = mean(100 * (1 - married)), by(collgrad race)
. tabdisp collgrad race, c(pcsingle) format(%2.1f)
| race
college graduate | white black other
not college grad | 29.2 53.3 29.4
college grad | 31.4 51.5 33.3
. format pcsingle %2.1f
Tip #2 A user-written command groups offers different flexibility. groups can be installed from SSC (strictly, must be installed before you can use it). It's a wrapper for various kinds of tables, but using list as a display engine.
. * do this installation just once
. ssc inst groups
. groups collgrad race pcsingle
| collgrad race pcsingle Freq. Percent |
| not college grad white 29.2 1217 54.19 |
| not college grad black 53.3 480 21.37 |
| not college grad other 29.4 17 0.76 |
| college grad white 31.4 420 18.70 |
| college grad black 51.5 103 4.59 |
| college grad other 33.3 9 0.40 |
We can improve on that. We can set up better header text using characteristics. (In practice, these can be less constrained than variable names but often need to be shorter than variable labels.) We can use separators by calling up standard list options.
. char pcsingle[varname] "% single"
. char collgrad[varname] "college?"
. groups collgrad race pcsingle , subvarname sepby(collgrad)
| college? race % single Freq. Percent |
| not college grad white 29.2 1217 54.19 |
| not college grad black 53.3 480 21.37 |
| not college grad other 29.4 17 0.76 |
| college grad white 31.4 420 18.70 |
| college grad black 51.5 103 4.59 |
| college grad other 33.3 9 0.40 |
Tip #3 Wire display formats into a variable by making a string equivalent. I don't illustrate this fully, but I often use it when I want to combine a display of counts with numerical results with decimal places in tabdisp. format(%2.1f) and format(%3.2f) might do fine for most variables (and incidentally the important detail is the number of decimal places) but they would lead to a display of a count of 42 as 42.0 or 42.00, which would look pretty silly. The format() option of tabdisp does not reach into the string and change the contents; it doesn't even know what the string variable contains or where it came from. So, strings just get shown by tabdisp as they come, which is what you want.
. gen s_pcsingle = string(pcsingle, "%2.1f")
. char s_pcsingle[varname] "% single"
groups has an option to save what is tabulated as a fresh dataset.
Tip #4 To have a total category, temporarily double up the data. The clone of the original is relabelled as a Total category. You may need to do some extra calculations, but nothing there amounts to rocket science: a smart high school student could figure it out. Here a concrete example for line-by-line study beats lengthy explanations.
. preserve
. local Np1 = _N + 1
. expand 2
(2,246 observations created)
. replace race = 4 in `Np1'/L
(2,246 real changes made)
. label def racelbl 4 "Total", modify
. drop pcsingle
. egen pcsingle = mean(100 * (1 - married)), by(collgrad race)
. char pcsingle[varname] "% single"
. format pcsingle %2.1f
. gen istotal = race == 4
. bysort collgrad istotal: gen total = _N
. * for percents of the global total, we need to correct for doubling up
. scalar alltotal = _N/2
. * the table shows percents for college & race | collgrad and for collgrad | total
. bysort collgrad race : gen pc = 100 * cond(istotal, total/alltotal, _N/total)
. format pc %2.1f
. char pc[varname] "Percent"
. groups collgrad race pcsingle pc , show(f) subvarname sepby(collgrad istotal)
| college? race % single Percent Freq. |
| not college grad white 29.2 71.0 1217 |
| not college grad black 53.3 28.0 480 |
| not college grad other 29.4 1.0 17 |
| not college grad Total 35.9 76.3 1714 |
| college grad white 31.4 78.9 420 |
| college grad black 51.5 19.4 103 |
| college grad other 33.3 1.7 9 |
| college grad Total 35.3 23.7 532 |
Note the extra trick of using a variable not shown explicitly to add separator lines.


Update results in a column from multiple columns with different names

Based on the image, I would like to loop through the columns to find where there is a text mo. It updates mo with the results not the text mo. The challenge has been how to select the result in the next column different from where mo is.
Your answer to my comment above suggests to me that the question you ask reflects the wrong approach to the larger problem. Your description suggests that you have observations with a varying number of testname/testvalue pairs, such as
| id day test1 val1 test2 val2 |
| A 1 mo 11 . |
| A 2 mo 12 df 98.2 |
| B 1 df 98.3 mo 23 |
| B 2 mo 14 . |
and your objective is to produce observations that look like this
| id day df mo |
| A 1 . 11 |
| A 2 98.2 12 |
| B 1 98.3 23 |
| B 2 . 14 |
If that is the case, here is a reproducible example that you can copy, paste into Stata's Do-file Editor window, execute it, and examine the output to see how the technique avoids all the complexity you introduce by trying to use loops to accomplish the task. The reshape command is one of Stata's most powerful data management tools and it will benefit you to learn how to use it.
input str8 id int day str8 test1 float val1 str8 test2 float val2
A 1 "mo" 11 "" .
A 2 "mo" 12 "df" 98.2
B 1 "df" 98.3 "mo" 23
B 2 "mo" 14 "" .
list, sepby(id) noobs
reshape long test val, i(id day) j(num)
drop if missing(test)
drop num
list, sepby(id) noobs
reshape wide val, i(id day) j(test) str
rename val* *
list, sepby(id) noobs

Stata: egen rowpctile a range of values instead of single percentile value

I have a variable var with many missing values for which I want to calculate the 95th percentile then use this value to drop observations that lie above the 95th percentile (for those observations that are not missing the variable).
Because of the many missing values, I use egen with rowpctile which is supposed to calculate the p(#) percentile, ignoring missing values. When I look at the p95 values, however, they're a range of different values rather than a single 95th percentile value as seen below:
. egen p95 = rowpctile(var), p(95)
. list p95
| p95 |
1. | . |
2. | 65.71429 |
3. | 14.28571 |
4. | . |
5. | . |
Am I using the function incorrectly or is there a better way to go about this?
The rowpctile function of the egen command calculates the percentile of the values of a list of variables separately for each observation. Here is some technique which should set you on the right path.
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. replace price = . in 1/5
(5 real changes made, 5 to missing)
. summarize price, detail
Percentiles Smallest
1% 3291 3291
5% 3748 3299
10% 3895 3667 Obs 69
25% 4296 3748 Sum of Wgt. 69
50% 5104 Mean 6245.493
Largest Std. Dev. 3015.072
75% 6342 13466
90% 11497 13594 Variance 9090661
95% 13466 14500 Skewness 1.594391
99% 15906 15906 Kurtosis 4.555704
. display r(p95)
. generate toobig = price>r(p95)
. list make price if toobig | price==.
| make price |
1. | AMC Concord . |
2. | AMC Pacer . |
3. | AMC Spirit . |
4. | Buick Century . |
5. | Buick Electra . |
12. | Cad. Eldorado 14,500 |
13. | Cad. Seville 15,906 |
27. | Linc. Mark V 13,594 |

Quintiles with different quantity of observations

I am using Stata and investigating the variable household net wealth NetWealth).
I want to construct the quintiles of this variable and use the following command--as you can see I use survey data and thus apply survey weights:
xtile Quintile = NetWealth [pw=surveyweight], nq(5)
Then I give the following command to check what I have obtained:
tab Quintile, sum(NetWealth)
This is the result:
Means, Standard Deviations and Frequencies of DN3001 Net wealth
5 |
quantiles |
of dn3001 |
1 |1519.4221
| 154
2 | 135506.67
| 74360.816
| 179
3 | 396712.16
| 69715.49
| 161
4 | 669065.69
| 111102.02
| 182
5 | 2552620.5
| 3872350.9
| 274
Total | 957419.29
| 2323329.8
| 950
Why do I get a different number of households in each quintile? In particular in the last quintile?
The only explanation that I can come up with is that when Stata constructs quintiles with xtile, it excludes from the computation those observations that present a replicate value of NetWealth. I have had this impression also while consulting the Stata material.
What do you think?
Your problem is not fully reproducible in so far as you don't give a self-contained example, but in general there is no puzzle here.
Often people seeking such binnings have a small problem in that their number of observations is not a multiple (meaning, exact multiple) of the number of quantile-based bins they want, but in your case that does not bite as calculation
. di 154 + 179 + 161 + 182 + 274
shows that you have 950 observations, which is 5 x 190.
The bigger deal -- here and almost always -- arises from Stata's rule that identical values in different observations must be assigned to the same bin. So, ties are likely to be the problem here.
You have perhaps three possible solutions. Only one involves direct coding.
Live with it.
Do something else. For example, why you are doing this any way? Why not use the original data?
Try a different boundary condition. To do that, just negate the variable and bin that version. Then values on the boundary will jump differently.
Adding random noise to separate ties is utterly indefensible in my view. It's not reproducible (except trivially using the same program and the same settings) and it will have different implications in terms of the same observations' values on other variables.
Here's an example where #3 doesn't help, but it sometimes does:
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. xtile bin5 = mpg, nq(5)
. gen negmpg = -mpg
. xtile bin5_2 = negmpg, nq(5)
. tab bin5
5 quantiles |
of mpg | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 18 24.32 24.32
2 | 17 22.97 47.30
3 | 13 17.57 64.86
4 | 12 16.22 81.08
5 | 14 18.92 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
. tab bin5_2
5 quantiles |
of negmpg | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 19 25.68 25.68
2 | 12 16.22 41.89
3 | 16 21.62 63.51
4 | 13 17.57 81.08
5 | 14 18.92 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
See also some discussion within Section 4 of this paper
I see no hint whatsoever in the documentation that xtile would omit observations in the way that you imply. You give no precise quotation supporting that. It would be perverse to exclude any non-missing values unless so instructed.
I don't comment directly here on use of pweights except that using pweights might be a complicating factor here.

Display all levels of a variable while tabulating in Stata

I am cross-tabulating two variables variable1 with 5 levels and variable2 with 2 levels. The result of the tabulation is such that level 1 and 2 of variable1 is not displayed in the tabulation since the frequency is zero as follows:
sysuse auto
levelsof rep78
1 2 3 4 5
tab rep78 foreign if foreign, col nofreq
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Foreign | Total
3 | 14.29 | 14.29
4 | 42.86 | 42.86
5 | 42.86 | 42.86
Total | 100.00 | 100.00
I would like to have the tabulation with all the levels displayed as follows:
tab rep78 foreign if foreign, col nofreq
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Foreign | Total
1 | 0.00 | 0.00
2 | 0.00 | 0.00
3 | 14.29 | 14.29
4 | 42.86 | 42.86
5 | 42.86 | 42.86
Total | 100.00 | 100.00
How can I do that?
The reason I need this is that I have created a program that tabulates a given variable and posts the results into an excel report template using the putexcel functionality of Stata. In some cases some levels are not displayed in the tabulation and this results in some values getting posted to the wrong row of the excel report.
No decent example as yet from the OP, but here is some technique.
In general, it's tricky. Stata's no metaphysician and is reluctant to display anything without empirical evidence to hand that it exists. I here create a dataset with all the cross-combinations needed and also create a variable with explicit zeros to show. For many problems, also see help fillin.
. clear
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. contract foreign rep78, zero
. egen pc = pc(_freq), by(foreign)
. tabdisp rep78 foreign if !foreign, c(pc) format(%2.1f)
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Domestic
1 | 3.8
2 | 15.4
3 | 51.9
4 | 17.3
5 | 3.8
. | 7.7
. tabdisp rep78 foreign if foreign, c(pc) format(%2.1f)
Repair |
Record |Car type
1978 | Foreign
1 | 0.0
2 | 0.0
3 | 13.6
4 | 40.9
5 | 40.9
. | 4.5
Commands that create tables echoing what you give them (notably tabdisp) are here more helpful than commands that create summaries and then create tables that show the summaries (e.g. tabulate, table).

Stata - Dynamically define variable names in loop

I am pretty new to Stata programming.
My question: I need to reorder/reshape a dataset through (I guess) a macro.
I have a dataset of individuals, with a variable birthyear' (year of birth) and variables each containing weight at a given CALENDAR year: e.g.
BIRTHYEAR | W_1990 | W_1991 | W_1992 | ... | w_2000
1989 | 7.2 | 9.3 | 10.2 | ... | 35.2
1981 | 33.2 | 35.3 | ...
I would like to obtain new variables containing weight at different ages, e.g. Weight_age_1, Weight_age_2, etc.: this means take for instance first obs of example, leave Weight_age_1 blank, put 7.2 in Weight_age_2, and so on.
I have tried something like...
forvalues i = 1/10{
capture drop weight_age_`i'
capture drop birth`i
gen birth_`i'=birthyear-1+`i'
tostring birth_`i', replace
gen weight_age_`i'= w_birth_`i'
.. but it doesn't work.
Can you please help me?
Experienced Stata users wouldn't try to write a self-contained program here: they would see that the heart of the problem is a reshape.
input birthyear w_1990 w_1991 w_1992
1989 7.2 9.3 10.2
1981 33.2 35.3 37.6
gen id = _n
reshape long w_, i(id)
rename _j year
gen age = year - birthyear
l, sepby(id)
| id year birthy~r w_ age |
1. | 1 1990 1989 7.2 1 |
2. | 1 1991 1989 9.3 2 |
3. | 1 1992 1989 10.2 3 |
4. | 2 1990 1981 33.2 9 |
5. | 2 1991 1981 35.3 10 |
6. | 2 1992 1981 37.6 11 |
To get the variables you say you want, you could reshape wide, but this long structure is by far the more convenient way to store these data for future Stata work.
P.S. The heart of your programming problem is that you are getting confused between the names of variables and their contents.
But this is a "look-up" approach made to work:
input birthyear w_1990 w_1991 w_1992
1989 7.2 9.3 10.2
1981 33.2 35.3 37.6
quietly forval j = 1/10 {
gen weight_`j' = .
forval k = 1990/1992 {
replace weight_`j' = w_`k' if (`k' - birthyear) == `j'
The essential trick is to do name manipulation using local macros. In Stata, variables are mainly for holding data; single-valued constants are better held in local macros and scalars. (Your sense of the word "macro" as meaning script or program is not how the term is used in Stata.)
As above: this is the data structure you ask for, but it is likely to be more problematic than that produced by reshape long.