How to start jobhost with TopShelf - azure-webjobs

I'm using Topshelf to create a windows service and i'm thinking of integrate it with WebJobs SDK. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to setup? Thanks!

As you mentioned that you need to use TopShelf to create a windows Service. As WebJos is attached to the WebApp and WebApp is SandBox.It is not allowed us to install windows service on it.
If you want to use TopShelf, please have a try to use Azure CloudService or Virtual machine as a workaround.


Detecting PCF version(s)

I have access to our corporate PCF, though both the Apps Manager webpage and the "cf" CLI (and thus the API).
How can I detect what version of PCF they're running? There's nothing in the website that lists it, and the best I can find is using cf api which returns:
api version: 2.98.0
How can I map that to the PCF version, or is there another way to detect it?
Usually via Ops Manager however another quick way is to click on the 'Docs' in Apps Manager it should take you to the documentation of relevant PCF version. For ex: means PCF 2.6
Please be advised that documentation link requires to be updated during upgrades so if someone doesn't do - it will be pointing out to older version..
I don't believe Apps Manager or the API (i.e. Cloud Controller) will report that information. Both are just single parts of the entire system, so I think you could really only expect them to publish their own version information.
If you want to see versions of what is installed, you need to look at Ops Manager. That will show you the tiles that are installed and each version.
If you don't have access to Ops Manager, you'd need to ask your platform operators.
Hope that helps!

Is it possible to create a GUI with python on the Google Cloud Platform

I am trying to create a web application using python on the google cloud platform. I have followed Google's quick-start guide and completed it.
App currently just prints out text
However, I am struggling to figure out a way to create a gui. I am aware of the python modules tk and tkinter and I have tried to use those with no success. I also saw the warning in the Google Cloud Console about how installed modules only exist for the current instance of the app - but even when installing the module directly before deploying the app - it still throws an import error.
I did some research and followed this guide:
Assuming I didn't miss any steps - would this guide solve my problem? Or is there a better way to create a GUI?
Any suggestions are encouraged. Thanks
App Engine is web oriented service. Read about it in the overview and the appropriate gui there would be a web based one.
If you want to have a remote server that will server graphical applications look closer at Google Cloud Compute Engine where you can have a VM instance, where you can install and run any application.

How to create a Module for AWS SDK

I am trying to develop a custom module for AWS-IOT, Here i got module to access AWS services but the existing module is not supported for AWS-IOT which is the new service launched by Amazon.
I have downloaded the AWS-SDK but here i am unable to find .m files.
Please let me know if you need more info.
Thanks, Rakesh Kalwa.
If AWS marketplace modules is not working then you maybe try another open source module please check that.
And if still not working then you can also create your new module based on AWS SDK. for modules development help Please visit Extending Titanium Mobile.

Does it possible to deploying a none-web application on Cloud Foundry?

plz tell me...
I want to deploy a pure java code like jar file, NOT web application, on Cloud Foundry.
is it possible or not?
Yes, it is. This is called "Standalone apps" and is described here :
Just choose that kind of framework when deploying. You'll need to provide the startup script for your app, ie the command that spawns java

Deploy .asmx (not WCF) web service on windows 7

I need to deploy an old style .asmx web service (not WCF) on a windows 7 machine for test reasons. However it seems that just deploying it on a virtual directory or new web site on IIS won't cut like it used to back in xp.
What should I do? I need to test the service locally prior to deploying it, and so far it's giving me a hard time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Deploying to a Virtual Directory should work just like it did in XP...with one minor change.
The default behavior in IIS7 is to use 'Integrated' Managed Pipeline Mode for your Application Pools. More than likely, you just need to change that to 'Classic' Managed Pipeline Mode (or switch your Web Service over to use the built-in 'Classic ASP.NET' App Pool).