I am building an 'uber fox X' app, using parse server as a backend.
My problem: when there is a pending request, many 'drivers' can offer to fullfill it. When a 'driver' chooses to to so, I need to ensure that the request has not been taken by another driver.
I.e: I need the operation of assigning a request to a driver to be atomic, so that a second request always knows that a first has arrived
We are seeing a random error that seems to be caused by two requests' data getting mixed up. We receive a request for quoting shipping costs on an Order, but the request fails because the requested Order is not accessible by the requesting account. I'm looking for anyone who can provide an inkling on what might be happening here, I haven't found anything on google, the official flask help channels, or SO that looks like what we're experiencing.
We're deployed on AWS, with apache, mod_wsgi, 1 process, 15 threads, about 10 instances.
Here's the code that sends the email:
msg = f"Order ID {self.shipping.order.id} is not valid for this Account {self.user.account_id}"
body = f"Error:<br/>{msg}<br/>Request Data:<br/>{request.data}<br/>Headers:<br/>{request.headers}"
send_email(msg, body, "devops#*******.com")
request_data = None
The problem is that in that scenario we email ourselves with the error and the request data, and the request data we're getting, in many cases, would've never landed in that particular piece of code. It can be a request from the frontend to get the current user's settings, for example, that make no reference to any orders, nevermind trying to get a shipping quote for it.
Comparing the application logs with apache's access_log, we see that, in all cases, we got two requests on the same instance, one requesting the quoting, and another which is the request that is actually getting logged. We don't know whether these two requests are processed by the same thread in rapid succession, or by different threads, but they come so close together that I think the latter is much more probable. We have no way of univocally tying the access_log entries with the application logging, so far, so we don't know which one of the requests is logging the error, but the fact is that we're getting routed to a view that does not correspond to the request's content (i.e., we're not sure whether the quoting request is getting the wrong request object, or if the other one is getting routed to the wrong view).
Another fact that is of interest is that we use graphql, so part of the routing is done after flask/werkzeug do theirs, but the body we get from flask.request at the moment the error shows up does not correspond with the graphql function/mutation that gets executed. But this also happens in views mapped directly through flask. The user is looked up by the flask-login workflow at the very beginning, and it corresponds to the "bad" request (i.e., the one not for quoting).
The actual issue was a bug on one of python-graphql's libraries (promise), not on Flask, werkzeug or apache. It was not the request data that was "moving" to a different thread, but a different thread trying to resolve the promise for a query that was supposed to be handled elsewhere.
My django rest app accepts request to scrape multiple pages for prices & compare them (which takes time ~5 seconds) then returns a list of the prices from each page as a json object.
I want to update the user with the current operation, for example if I scrape 3 pages I want to update the interface like this :
Searching 1/3
Searching 2/3
Searching 3/3
How can I do this?
I am using Angular 2 for my front end but this shouldn't make a big difference as it's a backend issue.
This isn't the only way, but this is how I do this in Django.
Things you'll need
Asynchronous worker procecess
This allows you to do work outside the context of the request-response cycle. The most common are either django-rq or Celery. I'd recommend django-rq for its simplicity, especially if all you're implementing is a progress indicator.
Caching layer (optional)
While you can use the database for persistence in this case, temporary cache key-value stores make more sense here as the progress information is ephemeral. The Memcached backend is built into Django, however I'd recommend switching to Redis as it's more fully featured, super fast, and since it's behind Django's caching abstraction, does not add complexity. (It's also a requirement for using the django-rq worker processes above)
Basically, we're going to send a request to the server to start the async worker, and poll a different progress-indicator endpoint which gives the current status of that worker's progress until it's finished (or failed).
Server side
Refactor the function you'd like to track the progress of into an async task function (using the #job decorator in the case of django-rq)
The initial POST endpoint should first generate a random unique ID to identify the request (possibly with uuid). Then, pass the POST data along with this unique ID to the async function (in django-rq this would look something like function_name.delay(payload, unique_id)). Since this is an async call, the interpreter does not wait for the task to finish and moves on immediately. Return a HttpResponse with a JSON payload that includes the unique ID.
Back in the async function, we need to set the progress using cache. At the very top of the function, we should add a cache.set(unique_id, 0) to show that there is zero progress so far. Using your own math implementation, as the progress approaches 100% completion, change this value to be closer to 1. If for some reason the operation fails, you can set this to -1.
Create a new endpoint to be polled by the browser to check the progress. This looks for a unique_id query parameter and uses this to look up the progress with cache.get(unique_id). Return a JSON object back with the progress amount.
Client side
After sending the POST request for the action and receiving a response, that response should include the unique_id. Immediately start polling the progress endpoint at a regular interval, setting the unique_id as a query parameter. The interval could be something like 1 second using setInterval(), with logic to prevent sending a new request if there is still a pending request.
When the progress received equals to 1 (or -1 for failures), you know the process is finished and you can stop polling
That's it! It's a bit of work just to get progress indicators, but once you've done it once it's much easier to re-use the pattern in other projects.
Another way to do this which I have not explored is via Webhooks / Channels. In this way, polling is not required, and the server simply sends the messages to the client directly.
We are developing a web API which processes potentially very large amounts of user-submitted content, which means that calls to our endpoints might not return immediate results. We are therefore looking at implementing an asynchronous/non-blocking API. Currently our plan is to have the user submit their content via:
POST /v1/foo
The JSON response body contains a unique request ID (a UUID), which the user then submits as a parameter in subsequent polling GETs on the same endpoint:
GET /v1/foo?request_id=<some-uuid>
If the job is finished the result is returned as JSON, otherwise a status update is returned (again JSON).
(Unless they fail both the above calls simply return a "200 OK" response.)
Is this a reasonable way of implementing an asynchronous API? If not what is the 'right' (and RESTful) way of doing this? The model described here recommends creating a temporary status update resource and then a final result resource, but that seems unnecessarily complicated to me.
Actucally the way described in the blog post you mentioned is the 'right' RESTful way of processing aysnchronous operations. I've implemented an API that handles large file uploads and conversion and does it this way. In my opinion this is not over complicated and definitely better then delaying the response to the client or something.
Some additional note: If a task has failed, I would also return 200 OK together with a representation of the task resource and the information that the resource creation has failed.
I have a situation where I need my API to have a call for triggering a service-side event, no information (besides authentication) is needed from the client, and nothing needs to be returned by the server. Since this doesn't fit well into the standard CRUD/Resource interaction, should I take this as an indicator that I'm doing something wrong, or is there a RESTful design pattern to deal with these conditions?
Your client can just:
POST /trigger
To which the server would respond with a 202 Accepted.
That way your request can still contain the appropriate authentication headers, and the API can be extended in the future if you need the client to supply an entity, or need to return a response with information about how to query the event status.
There's nothing "non-RESTful" about what you're trying to do here; REST principles don't have to correlate to CRUD operations on resources.
The spec for 202 says:
The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of
the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor
or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be
You aren't obliged to send anything in the response, given the "SHOULD" in the definition.
REST defines the nature of the communication between the client and server. In this case, I think the issues is there is no information to transfer.
Is there any reason the client needs to initiate this at all? I'd say your server-side event should be entirely self-contained within the server. Perhaps kick it off periodically with a cron call?
Company A has async pooling based webservice for notifications. Company B checks for notifications. Every time when it reads new notifications A deletes them from the system. Thus subsequent read requests return only new notifications. There is also requirement for the client B to interrupt the connection if there is no response within 30 sec.
This causes one potential problem: Due to unexpected slowness it is possible for A get the request deleted a notification and send the response back while B is already interrupted the connection. Under this scenario notification gets lost. Now one can argue that the core problem lies within operation realm (the HTTP response must be delivered withing 20 sec ) still on practice it is not always feasible.
How to design B (the client) to avoid this problem?
One way I can see is to do not delete the notifications by A and make B be aware of its state, so that it knows starting from what ID it needs to process notifications, but that presumes that ID will be sequential. Which is controlled by A. Even if B defines its own sequence A still has to be altered to return it back.
Are there any other approaches?
Web services in general are unreliable enough that it's rarely a good idea to make a "read" request serve double-duty as a "delete" request, especially without the client's knowledge. There is just too much risk of a connection dropping or timing out. There is no way to get around this only by modifying the client, because it's the server that is at fault here - the way it's designed is fundamentally unsuited for a web service.
I think you're on the right track with the incrementing IDs idea. The client knows (or can be modified to know) which notifications it's received, so if it can supply the ID of the last message it's received when it polls for notifications, the server should be able to respond based on that ID.
It really seems like Company A's webservice should be synchronous instead of asynchronous. If that is not possible, it may be a good idea to send a "ACK"-like response to a new Company A webservice that indicates a specific notification was received (by Company B) and can be deleted.