Qt c2664 compiler error in ui setup - c++

I am using Qt 5.7.1 (5.8) and when I try to compile my project, I get an error:
Error: C2664: "void Ui_OverviewHistogram::setupUi(QFrame *)" :
Converting from argument 1 of "OverviewHistogram *const " to "QFrame
*" not possible
(translated from german)
and I have no idea why... The strange thing is, that a lot of seamingly similar classes compile without any issue, just this one will not work. I tried to change the ui to a pointer, but it did not work.
The ui_overviewhistogram component of this class is a simple QFrame object designed completely in the Qt designer without any outside manual code 'hacking'.
I am relatively new to C++ and Qt and I can't figure out a solution (not even why this is a problem), can anyone help me with it?
My code:
#include <QFrame>
#include <QColormap>
#include "AnalysisSession.h"
#include "ui_overviewhistogram.h"
namespace Ui {
class OverviewHistogram;
class OverviewHistogram : public QFrame
OverviewHistogram(Examination *examination, double max = 400, int w = 175, QWidget *parent = 0);
OverviewHistogram::OverviewHistogram(Examination *examination, double max, int w, QWidget *parent) :


Qt creator Undefined reference to "class::function" in linux

This question is similar to one that has been asked before, but I am having an issue with Qt recognizing my class and functions despite them being defined. I am doing this in linux where the Qt version is only 5.5 while the windows version is at 5.11. When running the same program in windows, I get no errors.
I am getting "undefined reference to QCanBus::instance()" errors
This is happening for every QCanBus function. In my code snippet from connectdialogue.cpp, only the first occurrence is featured and can be found at the second to last code line and gives the errors:
"undefined reference to QCanBus::instance()"
"undefined reference to QCanBus::plugins()"
These errors are given despite being defined in the qcanbus.h headder file.
I have tried adding the lines static QCanBus *instance() or alternatively QCanBus *instance() under the #include lines in my connectdialogue.cpp, but I am then presented with the warning:
"QCanBus::instance() is defined, but unused" when it is clearly used on the second to last line of the featured code snippet.
How do I fix these errors?
#include "connectdialog.h"
#include "ui_connectdialog.h"
#include "qcanbus.h"
ConnectDialog::ConnectDialog(QWidget *parent) :
m_ui(new Ui::ConnectDialog)
m_ui->errorFilterEdit->setValidator(new QIntValidator(0, 0x1FFFFFFFU, this));
m_ui->loopbackBox->addItem(tr("unspecified"), QVariant());
m_ui->loopbackBox->addItem(tr("false"), QVariant(false));
m_ui->loopbackBox->addItem(tr("true"), QVariant(true));
m_ui->receiveOwnBox->addItem(tr("unspecified"), QVariant());
m_ui->receiveOwnBox->addItem(tr("false"), QVariant(false));
m_ui->receiveOwnBox->addItem(tr("true"), QVariant(true));
m_ui->canFdBox->addItem(tr("false"), QVariant(false));
m_ui->canFdBox->addItem(tr("true"), QVariant(true));
connect(m_ui->okButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ConnectDialog::ok);
connect(m_ui->cancelButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ConnectDialog::cancel);
connect(m_ui->useConfigurationBox, &QCheckBox::clicked,
m_ui->configurationBox, &QGroupBox::setEnabled);
connect(m_ui->backendListBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged,
this, &ConnectDialog::backendChanged);
connect(m_ui->interfaceListBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged,
this, &ConnectDialog::interfaceChanged);
#ifndef QCANBUS_H
#define QCANBUS_H
#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
#include "qserialbusglobal.h"
#include "qcanbusdevice.h"
#include "qcanbusdeviceinfo.h"
class Q_SERIALBUS_EXPORT QCanBus : public QObject
static QCanBus *instance();
QStringList plugins() const;
QList<QCanBusDeviceInfo> availableDevices(const QString &plugin, QString *errorMessage = nullptr) const;
QCanBusDevice *createDevice(const QString &plugin,
const QString &interfaceName,
QString *errorMessage = nullptr) const;
QCanBus(QObject *parent = nullptr);
#endif // QSERIALBUS_H
QCanBus was missing QCanBus.cpp and was not declared.

Qt - Connecting C++ and QML - ReferenceError: xxx is not defined

I am new to Qt and am currently trying to connect a c++ part of my program with the qml part. The goal of th connection is to pass the currently selected item of a TreeView to qml (possibly via on_treeView_doubleClicked). Since that didnt work I tried all the suggested connections on here for a very basic programm, but I am always receiving the following error:
file::/main.qml:10: ReferenceError: test is not defined
This is the piece of my code regarding the connection:
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
class test : public QObject
explicit test(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_INVOKABLE void testFunc();
public slots:
#endif // TEST_H
#include "test.h"
test::test(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
void test::testFunc()
qDebug() << "Hello from C++!";
test testObj;
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("test", &testObj);
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.3
Item {
id: timer
interval: 1000; running: true; repeat:true
I would be really thankful for any help (not only for the simple programm, but possibly for passing the currently selected item of my treeView). I know there a a couple suggestions in other threads, but they dont seem to work for me, so please dont mark this as duplicate.
Thanks in advance,
You have 3 main errors:
If you are going to use a .qml from a qresource you should not use QUrl::fromLocalFile() since the qresource is not a local file but virtual.
testObj is a local variable so it will be eliminated as soon as the function where it was created is finished, one solution is to make testObj a member of the class.
And for the last one, the main error, QQuickWidget already has a QQmlEngine, you do not have to create another one.
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
test testObj;
ui->quickWidget->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("test", &testObj);
My full test can be found at the following link

Building Qt project with CMake and inheriting from QMainWindow leads to unreferenced vtable error

This is about a Qt 5.3.2 project buildt using CMake.
I have designed a QMainWindow using the Qt Designer, leading
to main.ui.
CMakeLists.txt (the almost complete thing may be
found here where I already posted it for a different question:
Linking and UIC order in a CMake Qt project )
already takes care of calling UIC so I have my hands on ui_main.h.
ui_main.h offers the class Ui::MainWindow with the plain form information
where all the buttons and stuff should be and the method *void setupUi(QMainWindow MainWindow).
Now my workflow (is it even a feasible one?) goes like this:
I build a totally new header file Form_main.h:
// Form_main.h
class Form_main : public MainWindow, public QMainWindow
privat slots:
void on_some_event();
The class uses said auto-generated MainWindow::setupUi(this) to 'get in shape' and QMainWindow to be, well, a QMainWindow with all that stands for.
But now I am in a dilemma: Either I remove the Q_OBJECT macro call leading to connect(..) no longer recognizing that Form_main has signal slots, or
I keep the Q_OBJECT leading to the infamous
undefined reference to `vtable for display::Form_main'
error while linking the project.
Now, there have been, in fact, people with similar issues.
Naming some links:
Qt Linker Error: "undefined reference to vtable"
Undefined reference to vtable... Q_OBJECT macro
Qt vtable error
A hint I got from the last one: "MOC must generate code for ui_main.h and the generated code must be compiled and linked."
In any case, these answers all seem to boil down to 'running qmake again'. Well, I use CMake all the way wanting my project to configure and compile after exactly
cmake .
What I did try was deleting everything in and below the build directory
(including every auto-generated file) and then running cmake . && make;.
Sadly that did not help. I am afraid this is my second noob question today... would you bear with me once more?
Here is the autogenerated ui_main.h
** Form generated from reading UI file 'main.ui'
** Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 5.3.2
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
#ifndef UI_MAIN_H
#define UI_MAIN_H
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtWidgets/QAction>
[.. more Widget Includes ..]
class Ui_MainWindow
QAction *action_exit;
[.. more sub widgets like that .. ]
void setupUi(QMainWindow *MainWindow)
[ .. Setting up the form. Harmless code. .. ]
} // setupUi
void retranslateUi(QMainWindow *MainWindow)
[ .. completely harmless .. ]
} // retranslateUi
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow: public Ui_MainWindow {};
} // namespace Ui
#endif // UI_MAIN_H
Reading all this and incorporating your post right now I am at
// form_main.h
#include <QMainWindow>
#include "ui_main.h"
namespace Ui { class MainWindow; }
namespace display
class Form_main : public QMainWindow
ostream* stdout;
ostream* stderr;
Ui::MainWindow* uiMainWindow;
/** Called by the constructor. Sets up event connections and other
* preliminary stuff the qt Designer is overtasked with. */
void setup_form();
explicit Form_main(QWidget* parent = 0);
private slots:
void exit_program();
And my cpp
// form_main.cpp
#include "ui_main.h"
#include "form_main.h"
using namespace Ui;
namespace display
void Form_main::setup_form()
QObject::connect(uiMainWindow->action_exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exit_program()));
Form_main::Form_main(QWidget* parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
uiMainWindow = new Ui::MainWindow();
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
delete uiMainWindow;
(*stdout) << "Thanks for playing " << getProgramName() << endl;
Ok. I see (partly) the problem. Just create a widget class like this:
#include <QMainWindow>
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "ui_MainWindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
delete ui;
This is how the QtCreator creates ui-Widgets. "ui_MainWindow.h" is your generated .h file.
Thanks for all your help! However, the problem was in CMakeLists.txt after all. The comment of Chris Morlier on Undefined reference to vtable pointed me to the solution.
The pertinent passage goes:
For Qt users: you can get this same error if you forget to moc a header
I simply had to add the header form_main.h into this line:
QT5_WRAP_CPP(qt_H_MOC ${qt_H} "${DIR_SRC}/include/form_main.h")

qt4 designer add custom class

Hi i have made a gui in qt4 designer and want to add custom slots with custom class.
It project compiles nicely without errors but my custom function wont work what am i doing wrong? I will show u the header file qt4 designer made for me and ill show u my custom file as well as the main.cpp.. first the main.cpp
I have revised my code, here is what i have now i have added a file called sweetest.cpp and edited the sweetest.h here are my new file and the error i recieve..
First main.cpp
#include "ui_sweetguiform.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
Ui::SweetGuiForm ui;
return app.exec();
now my custom header file sweetest.cpp
#include "sweetest.h"
// trying to include the .moc file wouldnt work at all.
now the sweettest.h file with my code
#include "ui_sweetguiform.h"
class SweetGuiForm : public QWidget
SweetGuiForm( ): ui( new Ui::SweetGuiForm )
ui->setupUi( this );
connect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(on_buttonBox_accepted()));
public slots:
void on_buttonBox_accepted()
Ui::SweetGuiForm* ui;
Here is the compile error i recieve.. I am really stuck
In file included from sweetest.cpp:1:
sweetest.h: In member function ‘void SweetGuiForm::on_buttonBox_accepted()’:
sweetest.h:16: error: request for member ‘textEdit’ in ‘((SweetGuiForm*)this)->SweetGuiForm::ui’, which is of non-class type ‘Ui::SweetGuiForm*’
make: *** [sweetest.o] Error 1
I think im getting closer
The way that signals and slots work is that you must connect a signal to a slot. In your code, the simplest way to do that is in the constructor for the SweetGuiForm. You need to add:
SweetGuiForm() : ui(new Ui::SweetGuiForm) {
connect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(on_buttonBox_accepted()));
When the buttonBox emits its accepted signal all slots connected to it will be called.
update 1
On further inspection of your code, you are also missing the Qt macros that are used by the Qt MOC (meta-object compiler) system (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/moc.html):
class SweetGuiForm : public QWidget
You also have to push the code through the MOC tool. It will generate a source file that needs to be included in your source. As I recall, you must include that in a cpp file; inclusion in a header is problematic. The following should be sufficient:
#include "suiteguiform.h"
#include "sweetguiform.moc"
update 2
On further further reflection, I had forgotten about the automatic signal/slot connection feature when you name your slots using special names (such as on_buttonBox_accepted). There is a blog post on just that here: http://qtway.blogspot.com/2010/08/automatic-connections-using-qt-signals.html. I've not used it myself, so I can't comment on its ability to work when using a ui member variable, though I suspect that it does not work in that arrangement. Regardless, you still need the Q_OBJECT macro and MOC.
Ok guys i figured it out and thought ide share what i found.
First the documentation is excellent in qt4 use it.
I found you can use qt4 designer to generate the hearder files, first i complied it with out custom slots and generated the ui_sweetgui2.h, then i could open the sweetgui2.h file generated by the first compile i did delete what qt4 put in there and put my custom slots in at that stage. did my head in for hours.... days.
so here is the simplest app on earth but its got me started so here are the files and code that worked for me and the documentation basically got me to click on to whats going on.
Strait from the documentation just changed the class name "SweetGuiForm".
#include <QApplication>
#include "sweetgui2.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
SweetGuiForm sweetgui;
return app.exec();
next sweetgui2.cpp
My first attempt at c++.. ugly but works. But again i found everything about getting the text from the textEdit and type casting it to a int in the calculator example and searching for toPlainText() in the qt4 assistant. notice below im including the file that i will define the new slots that ill show further on in my explanation. hope im making sense.
#include <QtGui>
#include "sweetgui2.h"
SweetGuiForm::SweetGuiForm(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
void SweetGuiForm::on_buttonBox_accepted()
QString stringamount = ui.textEdit->toPlainText();
int digitamount = stringamount.toInt();
ui.textEdit->setText(QString::number(25 + digitamount));
next sweetgui2.h the one we included above My custom header file with my custom slot.... simple as i said from the calculator example and twisted a lil.. you will get it this is not what it looks like when you generate it from designer on the first compile this is after i have deleted nearly all what was there and opened the calculator example and followed in the tutorial wich shows you how to make your first custom slot .
#ifndef SWEETGUI2_H
#define SWEETGUI2_H
#include "ui_sweetgui2.h"
class SweetGuiForm : public QWidget
SweetGuiForm(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void on_buttonBox_accepted();
Ui::SweetGuiForm ui;
#endif // SWEETGUI2_H
Again Straight from the documentation. I used the calculator example to get the basic flow.
next ui_sweetgui2.h
I include this file because i was trying to add my slots to the sweetgui2.h that was generated by qt4 desinger. doesnt work guys ..so i compiled first with sweetgui2.h file you generate with the designer, i go to forms menu then view code that is where u can save header files. then of course save the ui file.
and compile then you end up with the ui_sweetgui2.h file wich looked like the sweetgui2.h generated by the designer
#ifndef UI_SWEETGUI2_H
#define UI_SWEETGUI2_H
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtGui/QAction>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
#include <QtGui/QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
#include <QtGui/QTextEdit>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
class Ui_SweetGuiForm
QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox;
QTextEdit *textEdit;
void setupUi(QWidget *SweetGuiForm)
if (SweetGuiForm->objectName().isEmpty())
SweetGuiForm->resize(486, 238);
buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(SweetGuiForm);
buttonBox->setGeometry(QRect(150, 200, 181, 26));
textEdit = new QTextEdit(SweetGuiForm);
textEdit->setGeometry(QRect(150, 50, 221, 91));
QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SweetGuiForm, SLOT(close()));
} // setupUi
void retranslateUi(QWidget *SweetGuiForm)
SweetGuiForm->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("SweetGuiForm", "SweetGuiBack", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
} // retranslateUi
namespace Ui {
class SweetGuiForm: public Ui_SweetGuiForm {};
} // namespace Ui
#endif // UI_SWEETGUI2_H
Then i recompiled again with my custom slots and shazam! now i can begin to learn some c++.
thanks for all the hints guys, between you all and the documentation i got there.
hope this helps. The main thing to look at is the order things are included i mean my sweetgui2.cpp file
includes the sweetgui2.h file. wich grabs all my custom stuff.
My sweetgui2.h file
includes the ui_sweetgui2.h wich has all the stuff the designer made when i did the first compile. Main.cpp calls my SweetGuiForm class .
As you all can see my first couple days with c++ but this is a good starting point. it made me put the basic flow together in my mind. qt4 assistant look at it.. its well explained and the examples seem very good. ho ho ho merry xmas. hope my explanation helps.

Error subclassing QTreeWidget

I am getting a mysterious error trying to subclass QTreeWidget. Below is code from the relevant files. In QtDesigner, I have promoted a QTreeWidget to a treeWidget, but I get the following error:
Error 1 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'treeWidget' Visual Studio 2010\Projects\hw2\QTOpenGL\GeneratedFiles\ui_opengldemo.h 72 1 QTOpenGL
I have been told not to edit code in the ui_ files, so I'm assuming this problem can be solved without going in there. Any ideas? Does the code below give enough information to solve this issue? Thanks.
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include "gNode.h"
class treeWidget :
public QTreeWidget
public slots:
void topLevelItem(gNode* node);
#include "treeWidget.h"
treeWidget::treeWidget(QWidget* parent) : QTreeWidget(parent)
void treeWidget::topLevelItem(gNode* node){
Figured it out. Changed name to myTreeWidget from treeWidget and all works fine.