OpenGL: Is there a way to do PBO transfers with DSA? - opengl

Recently I looked into improving texture submissions for streaming and whatnot and despite my long searches I have not found any material presenting or even mentioning any way of using PBOs with DSA only functions.
Am I not looking in the right places or is there really no way as of yet?

All of the pixel transfer functions can take either a buffer object+offset or a client CPU pointer (unlike VAO functions, for example, which can only work with buffers now). As such, allowing you to pass a buffer object+offset directly would require having a separate entrypoint for each of the two ways of doing pixel transfer. So they would need glNamedReadPixelsToBuffer and glNamedReadPixelsToClient.
So instead of further proliferating the number of functions (and instead of forbidding using client memory), they make the buffer part work the way it always did: through a binding point. So yes, you're still going to have to bind that buffer to the PACK/UNPACK binding.
Since pixel transfers are not exactly a common operation (relative to the number of other kinds of state changing and rendering commands), and since these particular binds are not directly tied to the GPU, it shouldn't affect your code that much. Plus, there's already a lot of context state tied to pixel transfer operations; what does one more matter?


Comparing the multiDrawArrays, using primitive restart and multiDrawElements in terms of performance?

I want to draw a mass of branches with different shapes, each of which consisting of 4 triangle strips. (Using OpenGL)
So now I'm considering using one of those method calls (multiDrawArrays, using primitive restart and multiDrawElements).
I was wondering which one is more efficient. Is the method multiDrawArrays() equivalent to several drawArrays() in terms of speed?
Does VAO store the vertex info in the RAM while the SSBO store those in the VRAM? If so, is it better to use SSBO rather than VAO considering the performance?
As #derhass already pointed out in a comment, some of your terminology is mixed up. A VAO (Vertex Array Object) contains state that defines how vertex data is associated with vertex attributes. It's the VBO (Vertex Buffer Object) that contains the actual vertex data.
I doubt that using a SSBO for vertex data would be beneficial. In general, the buffer types primarily define how the data is used. The graphics pipeline is tailored towards fetching vertex data from VBOs, and many GPUs have dedicated fixed function hardware to pull data from VBOs and feed it into the vertex shader. I can't see how using explicit code in the vertex shader to pull the vertex data from a SSBO instead would be more efficient.
Whether the data is stored in VRAM or SRAM is a different consideration. The only control you have over that is with the last argument to glBufferData(). It provides a hint on how you plan to use the data. For example, if you specify GL_STATIC_DRAW, you're telling the driver that you're not planning to modify the data, which suggests that placing it in VRAM might be a good idea. Whether it will actually be in VRAM is then up to the driver, and it may decide that based on various criteria.
Functionally, glMultiDrawArrays() is equivalent to multiple calls to glDrawArrays(). But it can certainly be more efficient. If nothing else, it saves the overhead of making multiple API calls. Each API call has a certain amount of overhead, for example:
It might pass through a couple of software layers, resulting in additional function calls under the hood.
It needs to get the current context from thread local storage.
It needs to do error checking.
It may need some form of locking to deal with access from multiple contexts in multiple threads (might not be needed for a draw call).
It needs to check for pending state changes.
The MultiDraw calls were introduced to cut down on the number of API calls needed.
Now, whether glMultiDrawArrays() or glDrawElements() with primitive restart is more efficient, that's impossible to say in general. If you're not already using an index buffer, I would be a bit hesitant to introduce one just so that you can use primitive restart. So my instinct would be:
Use glDrawElements() with primitive restart if you're using an index buffer anyway.
Use glMultiDrawArrays() if you're not using an index buffer.
The real answer, as always, can only be obtained by benchmarking. And it can of course be platform/hardware dependent. My prediction is that you will not see a significant difference in most cases, since both of these allow you to draw a lot of your geometry with a single API call, which should avoid bottlenecks in this area.

OpenGL multithreading/shared context and glGenBuffers

If I plan to use multithreading in OpenGL, should I have separate buffers (from glGenBuffers) for each context?
I do not know much about OpenGL multithreading yet (for now I work in "single" thread). I need to know if I can share buffers already pushed to Video Memory (with glBufferData/glBufferSubData), or I have to keep copy of buffer for another thread.
You do not want to use several contexts with several threads. You really don't.
While this sounds like a good idea, in practice muli-context-multi-thread is complicated, troublesome, and badly supported on the driver side, and it only marginally improves (possibly even reduces!) performance.
What you really want is to have only one thread talk to OpenGL (with one context, obviously), map a buffer, and pass the memory pointer to another thread, preferrably using 3 buffers (3 subbuffers of a 3x sized buffer) with immutable storage and persistent mapping, if this is available.
That, and doing indirect render calls, where a second thread feeds the buffers the indirect call reads from.
Further info on the persistent mapping topic: See in particular slides 22-25 of this GDC2014 presentation, which is basically a remake of Cass Everitt's 2013 SIGGRAPH talk.
See also Everitt's original talk: Beyond porting.
Vaos aren't shared so you'll need to generate a new vao for each object per context or else the behavior will become unpredictable and incorrect upon deletion / creation of a new one. This can be a major source of error. Vbos can be shared, so you just need one vbo per object.

Efficient way of updating texture in OpenGL

I wanted to render multiple video streams using OpenGL. Currently I am performing using glTexImage2D provided by JOGL and rendering on Swing window.
For updating texture content for each video frame I am calling glTexImage2D. I want to know is there any faster method to update texture without calling glTexImage2D for each frame.
You will always be using glTexImage2D, but with the difference that data comes from a buffer object (what is this?) rather than from a pointer.
What's slow in updating a texture is not updating the texture, but synchronizing (blocking) with the current draw operation, and the PCIe transfer. When you call glTexImage, OpenGL must wait until it is done drawing the last frame during which it is still reading from the texture. During that time, your application is blocked and does nothing (this is necessary because otherwise you could modify or free the memory pointed to before OpenGL can copy it!). Then it must copy the data and transfer it to the graphics card, and only then your application continues to run.
While one can't make that process much faster, one can make it run asynchronously, so this latency pretty much disappears.
The easiest way of doing this is to for video frames is to create a buffer name, bind it, and reserve-initialize it once.
Then, on each subsequent frame, discard-initialize it by calling glBufferData with a null data pointer, and fill it either with a non-reserving call, or by mapping the buffer's complete range.
The reason why you want to do this strange dance instead of simply overwriting the buffer is that this will not block. OpenGL will synchronize access to buffer objects so you do not overwrite data while it is still reading from it. glBufferData with a null data pointer is a way of telling OpenGL that you don't really care about the buffer and that you don't necessary want the same buffer. So it will just allocate another one and give you that one, keep reading from the old one, and secretly swap them when it's done.
Since the word "synchronization" was used already, I shall explain my choice of glMapBufferRange in the link above, when in fact you want to map the whole buffer, not some range. Why would one want that?
Even if OpenGL can mostly avoid synchronizing when using the discard technique above, it may still have to, sometimes.
Also, it still has to run some kind of memory allocation algorithm to manage the buffers, which takes driver time. glMapBufferRange lets you specify additional flags, in particular (in later OpenGL versions) a flag that says "don't synchronize". This allows for a more complicated but still faster approach in which you create a single buffer twice the size you need once, and then keep mapping/writing either the lower or upper half, telling OpenGL not to synchronize at all. It is then your responsibility to know when it's safe (presumably by using a fence object), but you avoid all overhead as much as possible.
You can't update the texture without updating the texture.
Also I don't think that one call to glTexImage can be a real performance problem. If you are so oh concerned about it though, create two textures and map one of them for writing when using the other for drawing, then swap (just like double-buffering works).
If you could move processing to GPU you wouldn't have to call the function at all, which is about 100% speedup.

OpenGL: recommended way of making lots of edits to VBO

This question comes in two (mostly) independent parts
My current setup is that I have a lot of Objects in gamespace. Each has a VBO assigned to it, which holds Vertex Attribute data for each vertex. If the Object wants to change its vertex data (position etc) it does so in an internal array and then call glBufferSubDataARB to update the version in the GPU.
Now I understand that this is a horrible thing to do and so I am looking for alternatives. One that presents itself is to have some managing thing that has a large VBO in the beginning and Objects can request space from it, and edit points in it. This drops the overhead of loading VBOs but comes with a large energy/time expenditure in creating and debugging such a beast (basically an entire memory management system).
My question (part (a)) is if this is the "best" method for doing this, or if there is something better that I have not thought of.
Such a system should allow easy addition/removal of vertices and editing them, as fast as possible.
Part (b) is about some simple actions taken on every object, ie those of rotation and translation. At the moment I am moving each vertex (ouch), but this must have a better option. I am considering uploading rotation and translation matrices to my shader to do there. This seems fine, but I am slightly worried about the overhead of changing uniform variables. Would it ultimately be to my advantage to do this? How fast is changing uniform variables?
Last time I checked the preferred way to do buffer updates was orphaning.
Basically, whenever you want to update your buffered data, you call glBindBuffer on your buffer, which invalidates the current content of the buffer, and then you write your new data with glMapBuffer / glBufferSubdata.
Use a single big VBO for your static data is indeed a good idea. You must take care of the maximum allowed VBO size, and split your static data into multiple VBOs if necessary. But this is probably an over-optimization in most cases (i.e. "I wouldn't bother").
Data which is updated frequently should be grouped in the same VBO (with usage = GL_STREAM_DRAW), and you shall use orphaning to update that.
Unfortunately, the actual performance of this stuff varies on different implementations. This guy made some tests on an actual game, it may be worth reading.
For the second part of your question, obviously using uniforms is the way to do it. Yes there is some (little) overhead, but it's sure 1000 times better than streaming all your data at every frame.

What does immutable texture mean?

ARB_texture_storage was introduced into OpenGL 4.2 core.
Can you explain what immutability for texture objects means?
Why it is better from the previous texture usage and what are disadvantages of this feature?
I know I can read the spec of this extension (which I did :)), but I would like to see some examples or other explanation.
Just read the introduction from the extension itself:
The texture image specification commands in OpenGL allow each level
to be separately specified with different sizes, formats, types and
so on, and only imposes consistency checks at draw time. This adds
overhead for implementations.
This extension provides a mechanism for specifying the entire
structure of a texture in a single call, allowing certain
consistency checks and memory allocations to be done up front. Once
specified, the format and dimensions of the image array become
immutable, to simplify completeness checks in the implementation.
When using this extension, it is no longer possible to supply texture
data using TexImage*. Instead, data can be uploaded using TexSubImage*,
or produced by other means (such as render-to-texture, mipmap generation,
or rendering to a sibling EGLImage).
This extension has complicated interactions with other extensions.
The goal of most of these interactions is to ensure that a texture
is always mipmap complete (and cube complete for cubemap textures).
The obvious advantages are that the implementation can remove completeness / consistency checks at runtime, and your code is more robust because you can't accidentally create a wrong texture.
To elaborate: "immutable" here means that the texture storage (one of the three components of a texture: storage, sampling, parameters) gets allocated once and it's already complete. Note that storage doesn't mean the storage contents -- they can change at any time; it refers to the logical process of acquiring resources for those contents (like, a malloc).
With non-immutable textures, you can change the storage at any time, by means of glTexImage<N>D calls. There are many many ways of shooting yourself in the foot this way:
you may create mipmap-incomplete textures (probably the most common newbie error with textures, as textures by default have 1000 mipmap levels, and people upload only one image)
you may create textures with different formats in different mipmap levels (illegal)
you may create cubemap-incomplete cubemaps (illegal)
you may create cubemaps with different formats in different faces (illegal)
Since you're allowed to call glTexImage<N>D at any time, the implementation must always check, at draw time, that your texture is legal. Immutable storage always does the right thing for you by allocating everything in one go (all mipmap levels, all cubemap faces, etc.) with the right format. So you can't screw up a texture (easily) any more, and the implementation can remove some checks, which speeds things up. And everybody is happy :)