Elastic Beanstalk Procfile for go - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to deploy my go restful server program to EC2 Linux using Elastic Beanstalk. The document says that I need to create a Procfile at the root. So I did. Here are the steps:
Build my go program myapp.go to using
$ go build -o myapp -i myapp.go
Create a Procfile with exact name at the root with
web: myapp
Zip up the Procfile and the myapp image to a myapp.zip file.
Upload to the server via Elastic Beanstalk console. But I keep getting Degraded health and warning with
WARN Process termination taking longer than 10 seconds.
Any suggestions. By the way, I tried to use the same procfile procedure on the simple application.go zip file came from the Elastic Beanstalk example library. It didn't work either.

I was finally able to get a Go application to deploy with Elastic Beanstalk using the eb client. There are a few things that EB requires:
The name of your main file should be application.go.
Make sure your app is listening on port 5000.
You'll need a Procfile in the main root with
web: bin/application
You'll need a Buildfile with
make: ./build.sh
And finally you'll need a build.sh file with
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Stops the process if something fails
set -xe
# All of the dependencies needed/fetched for your project.
go get "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
# create the application binary that eb uses
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/application -ldflags="-s -w"
Then if you run eb deploy (after creating your initial eb repository), it should work. I wrote a whole tutorial for deploying a Gin application on EB here. The section specifically on deploying with Elastic Beanstalk is here.


eb-cli define docker-compose file when uploading complete source code to elastic beanstalk

is there a way to define a docker-compose file with a different name than docker-compose.yml when deploying a docker application (with full source code) to elastic beanstalk with eb-cli?
We are currently deploying the test stage of an application to elastic beanstalk by using the eb-cli. This is working without any problem as long as we provide a docker-compose.yml. In that case elastic beanstalk gets the complete source code and builds the images during the deployment. However, since the CI/CD Pipeline of our production stage is also using the docker-compose.yml, we need to rename the file to docker-compose.test.yml. Is there a way to upload the complete source code AND define a docker-compose file when using the eb-cli?
If you are on Amazon Linux 2, you can use the prebuild hook to rename your docker compose file:
# .platform/hooks/prebuild/docker_compose_cp.sh
cp docker-compose.test.yml docker-compose.yml
You should see output in the eb-engine.log during deployment indicating that the script has run:
[INFO] Executing platform hooks in .platform/hooks/prebuild/
[INFO] Following scripts will be executed in order: [docker_compose_cp.sh]

Elastic BeanStalk app deploy post hook not executing my command

I recently was able to get my Laravel app deployed using codepipeline on Elastic Beanstalk but ran into a problem. I noticed that my routes where failing because of php.conf Nginx configuration. I had to add a few lines of code to EB's nginx php.conf file to get it to work.
My problem now was that after every deployment, the instance of the application I modified the php.conf file was destroyed and recreated fresh. I wanted a way to dynamically update the file after every successful deployment. I had a version of the file I wanted versioned with my application and so wanted to create a symlink to that file after deployment.
After loads of research, I stumbled on appDeploy Hooks on Elastic Beanstalk that runs post scripts after deployment so did this
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
And this for some reason does not work. The symlink is not created so my routes are still not working..
I even added some mkdir so am sure the commands in that script runs, none of those commands ran because none of those directories where created.
Please note that if I ssh into the ec2 instance and run the commands there it works. That bash script also exists in the post directory and if I manually run in on the server it works too.
Any pointers to how I could fix this would be helpful. Maybe I am doing something wrong too.
Now I have gotten my scripts to run by following this. However, the script is not running. I am getting an error
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653339 [INFO] Following platform hooks will be executed in order: [01_myconf.config]
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653344 [INFO] Running platform hook: .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config
2020/06/28 08:22:13.653516 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [RunPostDeployHooks]. Stop running the command. Error: Command .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config failed with error fork/exec .platform/hooks/postdeploy/01_myconf.config: permission denied
I tried to follow this forum post here to make my file executable by adding to my container command a new command like so:
command: "chmod +x .platform/hooks/postdeploy/91_post_deploy_script.sh"
I am still running into the same issue. Permission denied
Sadly, the hooks you are describing (i.e. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy) are for Amazon Linux 1.
Since you are using Amazon Linux 2, as clarified in the comments, the hooks you are trying to use do not apply. Thus they are not being executed.
In Amazon Linux 2, there are new hooks as described here and they are:
prebuild – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine downloads and extracts the application source bundle, and before it sets up and configures the application and web server.
predeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine sets up and configures the application and web server, and before it deploys them to their final runtime location.
postdeploy – Files here run after the Elastic Beanstalk platform engine deploys the application and proxy server.
The use of these new hooks is different than in Amazon Linux 1. Thus you have to either move back to Amazon Linux 1 or migrate your application to Amazon Linux 2.
General migration steps from Amazon Linux 1 to Amazon Linux 2 in EB are described here
Create a folder called .platform in your project root folder and create a file with name 00_myconf.config inside the .platform folder.
Open 00_myconf.config and add the scripts
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo mkdir /var/testing1
sudo ln -sfn /var/www/html/php.conf.example /etc/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk/php.conf
sudo mkdir /var/testing
sudo nginx -s reload
Commit your changes or reupload the project. This .platform folder will be considered in each new instance creation and your application will deploy properly in all the new instances Amazon Elastic beanstalk creates.
If you access the documentation here and scroll to the section with the title "Application example with extensions" you can see an example of the folder structure of your .platform folder so it adds your custom configuration to NGINX conf on every deploy.
You can either replace the entire nginx.conf file with your file or add additional configuration files to the conf.d directory
Replace conf file with your file on app deploy:
Add configuration files to nginx.conf:

Why will this config file which works on an EC2 instance not work on elastic beanstalk?

So I have the below kue.config file that works (ie runs fine) on my EC2 instance, not work when I try to use it as an .ebextension on Elastic Beanstalk?
description "start kue server"
start on filesystem and started networking
stop on shutdown
touch /var/log/forever.log
touch /var/log/stat_out.log
touch /var/log/stat_err.log
rm /var/log/forever.log
rm /var/log/stat_out.log
rm /var/log/stat_err.log
NODE_ENV=production forever start --spinSleepTime 10000 -l /var/log/forever.log -o /var/log/stat_out.log -e /var/log/stat_err.log /home/ec2-user/mykue/server.js
/bin/echo 'Server should be started we ran etc/init/kue.config' >> ../home/ec2-user/wearego
end script
I get the following ERROR:
Top level element in configuration file burrokue/.ebextensions/kue.config in application version burrokue3 must be a map. Update the top level element in the configuration file.
You are confusing the .config files up.
The kue.config file you're using is a config file for configuring the Kue service: https://github.com/Automattic/kue
However, the .config files in an .ebextensions folder is not the same. They are for a different purpose: to configure the Elastic Beanstalk service.
The file formats are different.
While they both have names ending in .config, the are not the same thing.
In your case, assuming that you already have Kue installed on your Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instances, you can create a .ebextensions file that will instruct Elastic Beanstalk to create your kue.config file.

Deployment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Docker fails

I'm developing a web application with Play framework and I'm running it on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using a single docker container and a load balancer. Normally, everything is running fine, but when I rebuild the whole environment I get the following error:
Command failed on instance. Return code: 6 Output: (TRUNCATED)... in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/elasticbeanstalk-nginx-docker-proxy.conf:11 nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "docker" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/elasticbeanstalk-nginx-docker-proxy.conf:24 nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed.
When I log into the EC2 I can see that no docker image is running and therefore the Nginx server cannot start. I cannot see any other error in the logs (or maybe I don't know where to look). The strange thing is that the same version worked fine before rebuilding the environment.
I'm using the following Dockerfile for the deployment:
FROM java
COPY <app_folder> /opt/<app_name>
WORKDIR /opt/<app_name>
CMD [ "/opt/<app_name>/bin/<app_name>", "-mem", "512", "-J-server" ]
Any ideas what the problem could be or where to check for more details?
I had this same problem. elasticbeanstalk-nginx-docker-proxy.conf is referring to proxy_pass http://docker but the definition of that is missing. You need to add something like
# List of application servers
upstream docker {
server; # your app
(Make sure it's outside of the server directive.)
I have just been working through the same challenge (deploying an updated Docker image to Elastic Beanstalk). And it depends on what you want to do exactly, but what I found out is that (once you have the eb cli setup) you can just use the eb deploy command to push out your code changes without worrying about the image at all.
Granted you'd still want to push your image up to your repo for sharing purposes (with other developers), OR if you actually need to change the environment configuration for some reason... but if you're just looking to push code look into eb deploy
As far as the specifics of your error unfortunately I can't be of much help there. Good luck!

Best way to deploy play2 app using Amazon Beanstalk

I found fragmented instructions here and some other places about deploying Play2 app on amazon ec2. But did not find any neat way to deploy using Beanstalk.
Play is a nice framework and AWS beanstalk is one of the most popular services then why is there no official instruction to do this?
Has anyone found any better solution?
Deploying a Play2 app on elastic beanstalk is now easy with Docker Containers in combination with sbt's experimental docker feature.
In build.sbt specify the exposed docker ports:
dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000)
You should automate the following steps, but you can try this out manually to test that it works:
Generate a Dockerfile for the project by running the command: sbt docker:stage.
Go to the ./target/docker/ directory.
Create an elastic beanstalk Dockerrun.aws.json file with the following contents:
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Ports": [
"ContainerPort": "9000"
Zip up everything in that directory, let's say into a file called play2-test-docker.zip. The zip file should contain the files: Dockerfile, Dockerrun.aws.json, and files/* directory.
Go to aws beanstalk console and create a new application using the m3.medium or any instance type with enough memory for the jvm to run. Any instance with too little memory will result in a JVM error.
Select "Docker Container" in the Predefined Configuration dropdown.
In the application selection screen, select "Upload" and select the zip file you created earlier. Launch the app and then go brew some tea. This can take a very long time. Minutes. Subsequent deployments of the same app version should be slightly quicker.
Once the app is running and green in the aws console, click on the app's url and you should see the welcome screen of the application (or whatever your index file is).
Here's my solution that doesn't require any additional services/containers like Docker or Jenkins.
Create a dist folder in the root of your Play application's directory. Create a Procfile file containing the following contents and put it in the dist folder (EB requires port 5000):
web: ./bin/YOUR_APP_FILE_NAME -Dhttp.port=5000 -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf
The YOUR_APP_FILE_NAME is the name of the executable in the bin directory, which is inside the .zip created by activator dist.
After running activator dist, you can just upload the created zip file into Elastic Beanstalk and it will automatically deploy the app. You also put whatever .ebextension folders and configuration files into the dist folder that you require for Elastic Beanstalk configuration. Ex. I have dist/.ebextensions/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf for NGINX reverse proxy settings or dist/.ebextensions/env.config for environment variables.
Edit 2016: There's now a much better way to deploy your Playframework apps onto ElasticBeanstalk using the new Java SE containers.
Here's an article that walks you through deploying step by step using Jenkins to build and deploy your project:
You can use custom AMIs that I keep updated here:
These run Nginx + Playframework and support standard zip files created using "activator dist".
We also saw this as being too much of a pain and have added native Play 2 support to Boxfuse to address this.
You can now simply do boxfuse run my-play-app-1.0.zip -env=prod and this will automatically:
create a minimal AMI tailor-made for your Play 2 app
create an elastic IP
create a security group with the correct permissions
launch an instance of your app
All future updates are performed as blue/green deployments with zero downtime.
This also works with Elastic Load Balancers and Auto-Scaling Groups and the Boxfuse free tier is designed to fit the AWS free tier.
You can read more about it here: https://boxfuse.com/blog/playframework-aws
Disclaimer: I'm the founder and CEO of Boxfuse
I had some problems with other solutions found here and there. I guess that the problem is that I'm developing on Play 2.4.
Anyway, I could deploy the app to Beanstalk using Typesafe Activator and Docker:
In build.sbt I added this lines:
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.{ExecCmd, Cmd}
// [...]
dockerCommands := Seq(
Cmd("ADD","stage /"),
Cmd("RUN","[\"chown\", \"-R\", \"daemon\", \".\"]"),
Cmd("RUN","[\"chmod\", \"+x\", \"bin/myapp\"]"),
Cmd("ENTRYPOINT","[\"bin/myapp\", \"-J-Xms128m\", \"-J-Xmx512m\", \"-J-server\"]"),
I went to the project's directory and ran this command in the terminal
$ ./activator clean docker:stage
I opened the [project]/target/dockerdirectory and created the file Dockerrun.aws.json. This was its content:
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Ports": [
"ContainerPort": "9000"
In the same target/docker directory, I tested the result, built, checked and ran the image:
$ docker build -t myapp .
$ docker images
$ docker run -p 9000:9000 myapp
As everything was ok, I zipped the content:
$ zip -r myapp.zip *
My zip file had Dockerfile, Dockerrun.aws.json and stage/* files
Finally, I created a new Beanstalk app and uploaded the zip created on the last step. I took care of select "Generic Docker" on "Predefined configuration", when I was creating the app.
Beanstalk only supports WAR deployment and Play doesn't officially support WAR deployment. If you want to use EC2 then you should instead just create an EC2 instance and follow the deployment instructions: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.x/ProductionDist
Deploying play 2.* apps in aws ec2 is very diffrent until you have found this much better way to do it. I mean ansible is promising a great solution to that. though it is still needed to work with new setup of ansible, and its playbook but that must be worthy.
I have found these reads very recently and yet to apply them in my project. I hope following reads will help you to learn more:
Ansible + play + aws ec2
Read it to know more about Ansible to deply play in aws
Hope this will help you to kick your start. Please do share more knowledge you gain during the procedure or if there is any simple way to solve this complicated deployment problem.