I am writing a class designed to shoot random 3D vectors, but I use several geometric libraries in my projects (one included in the 3D simulation, one included in the analysis framework, one which is not included in a more-than-1-GB framework...). Each of these libraries has its own vector definition, with different names for the same method, such has getX(), GetX(), Get(0)... to get the first Cartesian coordinate. But sometimes a common naming convention has been adopted and some method names are the same across two or more libraries.
Of course I want to use this code for any of these vectors, so I implemented a template class. The problem is the following: how do I adapt my code to all these method names, without specializing my class for each implementation (some share the same method names) ?
I managed to write a class using a method or another, now I would like to generalize to any number of method. Something which says: "If you have method 1, use this implementation, if you have method 2, use this other one,... and if you have none, then compilation error".
Currently the class looks like (reduced to the part shooting a random direction):
// First some templates to test the presence of some methods
namespace detail_rand {
// test if a class contains the "setRThetaPhi" method
template<class T>
static auto test_setRThetaPhi(int) ->
template<class T>
static auto test_setRThetaPhi(float)->std::false_type;
// true_type if the class contains the "setRThetaPhi" method
template<class T>
struct has_setRThetaPhi : decltype(detail_rand::test_setRThetaPhi<T>(0)) {};
// The actual class
template<class vector>
class Random
// everything is static for easy use, might change later
Random() = delete;
Random(Random&) = delete;
// the distribution, random generator and its seed
static decltype(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()) theSeed;
static std::default_random_engine theGenerator;
static std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_real_distro;
// Shoot a direction, the actual implementation is at the end of the file
private: // the different implementations
static const vector Dir_impl(std::true_type const &);
static const vector Dir_impl(std::false_type const &);
public: // the wrapper around the implementations
inline static const vector Direction() {
return Dir_impl(has_setRThetaPhi<vector>());
/// initialisation of members (static but template so in header)
// the seed is not of cryptographic quality but here it's not relevant
template<class vector>
Random<vector>::theSeed =
template<class vector>
std::default_random_engine Random<vector>::theGenerator(theSeed);
template<class vector>
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> Random<vector>::uniform_real_distro(0.,1.);
/// Implementation of method depending on the actual type of vector
// Here I use the "setRThetaPhi" method
template<class vector>
const vector Random<vector>::Dir_impl(std::true_type const &)
vector v;
return std::move(v);
// Here I use as a default the "SetMagThetaPhi" method
// but I would like to test before if I really have this method,
// and define a default implementation ending in a compilation error
// (through static_assert probably)
template<class vector>
const vector Random<vector>::Dir_impl(std::false_type const &)
vector v;
return std::move(v);
Something which says: "If you have method 1, use this implementation, if you have method 2, use this other one,... and if you have none, then compilation error".
I wrote an article that explains how to implement exactly what you need in C++11, C++14 and C++17: "checking expression validity in-place with C++17".
I will synthesize the C++11 and C++14 solutions below - you can use them to normalize all the interfaces you're dealing with by wrapping them inside a single "common" one. You can then implement your algorithms on the "common" interface.
Assume that you have:
struct Cat { void meow() const; };
struct Dog { void bark() const; };
And you want to create a function template make_noise(const T& x) that calls x.meow() if valid, otherwise x.bark() if valid, otherwise produces a compiler error.
In C++11, you can use enable_if and the detection idiom.
You will need to create a type trait for every member you wish to check the existence of. Example:
template <typename, typename = void>
struct has_meow : std::false_type { };
template <typename T>
struct has_meow<T, void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().meow())>>
: std::true_type { };
Here's an usage example using enable_if and trailing return types - this technique makes use of expression SFINAE.
template <typename T>
auto make_noise(const T& x)
-> typename std::enable_if<has_meow<T>{}>::type
template <typename T>
auto make_noise(const T& x)
-> typename std::enable_if<has_bark<T>{}>::type
In C++14, you can use generic lambdas and an implementation of static_if (here's a talk I gave at CppCon 2016 about a possible one) to perform the check with an imperative-like syntax.
You need a few utilities:
// Type trait that checks if a particular function object can be
// called with a particular set of arguments.
template <typename, typename = void>
struct is_callable : std::false_type { };
template <typename TF, class... Ts>
struct is_callable<TF(Ts...),
: std::true_type { };
// Wrapper around `is_callable`.
template <typename TF>
struct validity_checker
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&...) const
return is_callable<TF(Ts...)>{};
// Creates `validity_checker` by deducing `TF`.
template <typename TF>
constexpr auto is_valid(TF)
return validity_checker<TF>{};
After that, you can perform all of your checks inside a single overload of make_noise:
template <typename T>
auto make_noise(const T& x)
auto has_meow = is_valid([](auto&& x) -> decltype(x.meow()){ });
auto has_bark = is_valid([](auto&& x) -> decltype(x.bark()){ });
// Produce a compiler-error.
struct cannot_meow_or_bark;
Some macro black magic and if constexpr allow you to write this in C++17:
template <typename T>
auto make_noise(const T& x)
if constexpr(IS_VALID(T)(_0.meow()))
else if constexpr(IS_VALID(T)(_0.bark()))
struct cannot_meow_or_bark;
You could solve this by introducing your own names for the operations. Do this by creating a trait class and specialising it for each of the libraries. Something like this:
template <class Vector>
struct VectorTraits;
template <>
struct VectorTraits<Lib1::Vector>
static auto getX(const Lib1::Vector &v) { return v.GetX(); }
// ... etc.
template <>
struct VectorTraits<Lib2::Vector>
static auto getX(const Lib2::Vector &v) { return v.Get(0); }
// ... etc.
template <class vector>
auto norm2(const vector &v)
using V = VectorTraits<vector>;
return V::getX(v) * V::getX(v) + V::getY(v) + V::getY(v);
If you want static assertions for the unsupported operations, you can put them into the unspecialised template:
template <class T>
struct False : std::false_type {};
template <class Vector>
struct VectorTraits
static void getX(const Vector &)
static_assert(False<Vector>::value, "This type does not support getting x");
I have a family of classes in a library that can be "installed" in another class, either as a single member or as an array, dependent on the application. The arrays are indexed with an integer or enum type, dependent on the application (void is used when an array is not meaningful). The installable class itself has no control over the indexing; the application using the class defines the index.
However, I imagine that unwanted specialziations could be created by a typo and compile OK.
I want to constrain the indexing types to only the ones intended for the application, by making the client signal back to the library which associations are OK. I couldn't see a pure template metaprogramming approach, so I thought I'd exploit ODR and explicit specialization of class members.
namespace foo {
template <class P, class ROLE>
struct association
static const bool allowed();
template <class T>
class bar final
bar() = default;
~bar() = default;
void do_something() {}
template <class I, class ROLE>
void install(I &&i, ROLE r)
if (association<std::decay_t<I>, ROLE>::allowed()) do_something();
template <class I>
void install(I &&i)
if (association<std::decay_t<I>, void>::allowed()) do_something();
With the following sample use:
// declare the indexing type
enum myindex { min=0, max=3 };
int main() {
foo::bar<int> foobar;
foo::install(foobar, myindex::min);
return 0;
There should be a linker error unless we also add
// add a definiton to make the association with myindex OK
template <> const bool foo::association<bar<int>, myindex>::allowed() { return true; }
In the full code, the value of "allowed" doesn't matter, only the existence of a definition does.
It's a pretty cryptic way of saying "this association is OK", but it works. At least, if you fully specialize association. But this is where the "sometimes" comes in: Some of the templates are supposed to work with any indexing type. It's a pain to make the library user write out specializations for these templates. But the following
template <class T, class ROLE> const bool foo::association<foo::bar<T>, ROLE>::allowed () { return true; }
is a compiler error, because it's not a full specialization.
Is there a way to fully define association::allowed() for all combinations of bar specializations with any ROLE, but force the user to define it for other templates?
If not, is there a better approach that accomplishes this goal? (Hopefull, something that can be used with static_assert because what I have now is charitably called 'clunky').
Remember, myindex cannot be rolled into the library. (I'm sticking to C++17 for the time being).
This case seems like a good place for template variables. One of their use is to make them a kind of a map - which in this case would greatly increase readability of the client code and move everything to compile-time. If you just want to break compilation the following should be fine:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
// make_association is a variable template which works as a compile-time map
// default value is false_type = no relation
template <typename I,typename ROLE>
constexpr std::false_type make_association;
// isAssociated used as a compile-time "function"
template <typename I, typename R>
using isAssociated = decltype(make_association<std::decay_t<I>,std::decay_t<R>>);
template <typename I, typename ROLE>
void install( I &&i, ROLE r)
static_assert(isAssociated<I,ROLE>(), "make_association<I, ROLE> not registered");
static_assert(std::is_enum_v<ROLE> || std::is_integral_v<ROLE> );
std::cout<<"Entered install( I &&, ROLE r)"<<std::endl;
template <typename I>
void install( I &&i)
static_assert(isAssociated<I,void>(), "make_association<I, void> not registered");
std::cout<<"Entered install( I &&)"<<std::endl;
enum WrongIndexT { ok = 1};
enum IndexT { min=0, max=3 };
class ObjT final {};
// a class for which any index works
template <class T> class Any final {};
template <class T, class Index>
constexpr std::true_type make_association<Any<T>, Index>;
// here the relations are set using variable template specialization;
template<> constexpr std::true_type make_association<ObjT, IndexT>;
template<> constexpr std::true_type make_association<ObjT, void>;
int main() {
ObjT f1,f2,f3;
install(f1, IndexT::min);
install(Any<int>{}, WrongIndexT::ok); // OK
install(f1, WrongIndexT::ok); // compilation error
return 0;
In C# or Java, the following does not compile, because I "forgot" the where part in class declaration, that specifies that T is instance of something that defines the add method.
class C<T> {
T make(T t) {
return t.add(t);
I'd like to get similar compile-time check in C++, if I specify incomplete requires for a template argument.
template <typename T>
requires true
class C {
T make() {
return T{};
I'd like to get a compile error for the C++ code above, stating that method c.make relies on T being default-constructible, which is however not captured in the requires constraints on T.
Can I get the compiler to check that my set of requires constraints is sufficient to cover everything the class implementation does?
I am using gcc (GCC) 10.0.0 20191207 (experimental) for this.
What I want is called definition checking, and apparently it is not possible currently
C++2a concepts (formerly known as “Concepts Lite” and/or the Concepts TS) famously do not support “definition checking.” The idea of definition checking is that the programmer might write [...]
8.2 Definition checking
Concepts currently do not prevent a template from using operations that are not specified in the requirements. Consider:
template<Number N>
void algo(vector<N>& v){
for (auto& x : v) x%=2;
Our Number concept does not require %=, so whether a call of algo succeeds will depend not just on what is checked by the concept, but on the actual properties of the argument type: does the argument type have %=? If not, we get a late (instantiation time) error.
Some consider this a serious error. I don’t [...]
The current proposal checks interfaces and that's where the main benefits for users are, but not template definitions. That has been explicit from the start.
template <class T>
requires std::is_default_constructible_v<T>
class C
"T is not default-constructible");
struct valid
class invalid
invalid() = delete;
int main()
// C<invalid>(); // assertion fails.
You can write static_assert anywhere inside the class definition, alongside with requires. That will give you an error message you want.
UPDATE After reading the link you have provided, I suppose you just need multiple checks.
You can write a traits struct:
// SFINAE to check if has "add"
template <class T, class = std::void_t<>>
struct has_method_add
constexpr static bool value = false;
template <class T>
struct has_method_add<T, std::void_t<decltype(&T::add)>>
constexpr static bool value = true;
template <class T, class = std::void_t<>>
struct has_operator_remainder
constexpr static bool value = false;
template <class T>
struct has_operator_remainder<T, std::void_t<decltype(&T::operator%=)>>
constexpr static bool value = true;
template <class T>
struct error_missing_add
constexpr static bool value = has_method_add<T>::value;
static_assert(has_method_add<T>::value, "T::add is not defined");
template <class T>
struct error_missing_remainder
constexpr static bool value = has_operator_remainder<T>::value;
static_assert(has_operator_remainder<T>::value, "T::operator%= is not defined");
template <class T>
class C
static_assert(std::conjunction_v<error_missing_add<T>, error_missing_remainder<T>>);
// impl...
struct valid
void add();
int operator%=(int) const;
struct missing_add
int operator%=(int) const;
struct missing_remainder
void add();
int main()
C<missing_add>{}; // error: T::add is not defined
C<missing_remainder>{}; // error: T::operator%= is not defined
return 0;
I have a wrapper class for std::string that serves as base class for several others. Instances of the subclasses will be used as keys in std::unordered_set so I need to provide a hash function for them. Since the hash is only dependent on the std::string stored in the base class, I do not want to write a hash function for every subclass but rather use the one from the wrapper class.
This is how I would like to solve the problem:
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
class Wrapper {
std::string name;
size_t _hash;
explicit Wrapper(std::string str) : name(str), _hash(std::hash<std::string>()(name)) {}
size_t hash() const { return _hash; }
class Derived : public Wrapper {};
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<Wrapper> {
std::size_t operator()(const Wrapper &k) const { return k.hash(); }
template <typename T> struct hash<std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Wrapper, T>>> {
std::size_t operator()(const T &k) const { return k.hash(); }
} // namespace std
int main(void) {
std::unordered_set<Wrapper> m1;
std::unordered_set<Derived> m2;
This does not compile of course, since T cannot be deduced. Clang says:
20:30: error: class template partial specialization contains a template parameter that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used
20:20: note: non-deducible template parameter 'T'
And g++ says:
hash_subclass.cpp:21:30: error: template parameters not deducible in partial specialization:
template <typename T> struct hash<std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Wrapper, T>>> {
hash_subclass.cpp:21:30: note: 'T'
I have found this solution, but I would like to avoid using a macro. Also, this goes against what I expect from inheritance.
Is there a solution for this? Can a subclass inherit its base class' specialization of std::hash?
Also, I'm not 100% sure about my use of std::enable_if and std::is_base_of. Could you tell me whether this would work assuming T could be deduced?
IRC, the problem with std::enable_if is that it does not work for classes with a single template parameter. Consequently, you cannot specialize std::hash by using std::enable_if.
However, you can make your own hasher as follows:
template <typename T, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Wrapper, T>>>
struct WrapperHasher {
std::size_t operator()(const T& k) const { return k.hash(); }
And then use it as a second template argument of std::unordered_set:
std::unordered_set<Wrapper, WrapperHasher<Wrapper>> m1;
std::unordered_set<Derived, WrapperHasher<Derived>> m2;
But in your case, you can define a wrapper much more simply as:
struct WrapperHasher {
std::size_t operator()(const Wrapper& k) const { return k.hash(); }
And then write:
std::unordered_set<Wrapper, WrapperHasher> m1;
std::unordered_set<Derived, WrapperHasher> m2;
I have a templated function defined as:
template<typename TObject> TObject Deserialize(long version, const Value &value)
what I need to do, is to write a specialization which would take vector defined as:
template<typename TNum, int cnt> class Vec
and still has access to cnt and TNum.
I have unsuccesfully tried
template<typename TNum, int cnt> Vec<TNum, cnt> Deserialize<Vec<TNum, cnt>>(long version, Value &value)
resulting in error: illegal use of explicit template arguments
What is the correct way to do it?
Usually, the correct answer to dealing with function templates and needing to partially specialize them, is to simply overload them instead. In this case this trick doesn't work directly because there are no arguments that depend on the template parameter, i.e. the template parameter is explicitly specified and not deduced. However, you can forward along to implementation functions, and make overloading work by using a simple tag struct.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
template <class T>
struct tag{};
template<typename TObject>
TObject Deserialize_impl(long version, tag<TObject>) {
std::cerr << "generic\n";
return {};
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
std::array<T,N> Deserialize_impl(long version, tag<std::array<T,N>>) {
std::cerr << "special\n";
return {};
template<typename TObject>
TObject Deserialize(long version) {
return Deserialize_impl(version, tag<TObject>{});
int main() {
return 0;
Live example: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/9c4fa84d2686997a
I generally find these approaches strongly preferable to partial specialization of a struct with a static method (the other major approach here) as there are many things you can take advantage with functions, and it behaves more intuitively compared to specialization. YMMV.
While the functional tag-dispatch is a nice approach, here's a class specialization version for comparison. Both have their use, and I don't think either is an inherently regrettable decision but maybe one matches your personal style more.
For any class you write that needs a custom deserialize handler, just write a specialization of the Deserializer class:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using Value = std::string;
// default deserialize function
template <typename TObject>
struct Deserializer {
static TObject deserialize(long version, const Value &value) {
std::cout << "default impl\n";
return TObject();
// free standing function (if you want it) to forward into the classes
template <typename TObject>
TObject deserialize(long version, const Value &value) {
return Deserializer<TObject>::deserialize(version, value);
// Stub example for your Vec class
template<typename TNum, int cnt> class Vec { };
// Stub example for your Vec deserializer specialization
template <typename TNum, int cnt> struct Deserializer<Vec<TNum, cnt>> {
static auto deserialize(long version, const Value &value) {
std::cout << "specialization impl: cnt=" << cnt << "\n";
return Vec<TNum, cnt>();
int main() {
Value value{"abcdefg"};
long version = 1;
deserialize<int>(version, value);
deserialize<Vec<int, 10>>(version, value);
Ideally in this situation, Vec should reflect its own template parameters as members Vec::value_type and Vec::size() which should be constexpr.
If the class fails to provide its own properties in its own interface, the next best thing is to define your own extension interface. In this situation, you can have separate metafunctions (like accessor functions), or a traits class (like a helper view class). I'd prefer the latter:
template< typename >
struct vector_traits;
template< typename TNum, int cnt >
struct vector_traits< Vec< TNum, cnt > > {
typedef TNum value_type;
constexpr static int size = cnt;
template<typename TVec> TVec Deserialize(long version, Value &value) {
typedef vector_traits< TVec > traits;
typedef typename traits::value_type TNum;
constexpr static int cnt = traits::size;
This solution fits into any existing function, and even makes the signatures cleaner. Also, the function is more flexible because you can adapt it by adding traits specializations instead of entire new overloads.
From here on a (endo)functor is something able to take an object and transform it in another object of the same type. The simplest example of functor is the identity:
struct Identity {
template <typename T>
T Apply(T x) {
return x
I need to have a "Functor type" that identifies a generic Functor. What I would like to do is write code like:
class Sum {
Sum(Functor* f, Functor* g) :
g_(g) {}
template <typename T>
T Apply(T x) { return f_->Apply(x) + g_->Apply(x); }
Functor* f_;
Functor* g_;
The first idea that came to my mind is of course using a virtual class:
struct Functor {
template <typename T>
virtual T Apply(T x) = 0;
The unsolvable problem with this approach is that templates cannot be virtual.
Then I tried using C++ concepts. But, as stated in Specifying a concept for a type that has a member function template using Concepts Lite and
C++ Concepts: Can I define a concept that is itself a template? it is not possible to have a "templated concept".
Finally I have stumbled upon How to achieve "virtual template function" in C++ and therefore I came up with the following possible implementation:
struct Functor {
template <typename T>
T Apply(const T& x); // No more virtual!!!
// ... Identity and Sum declarations properly inheriting from Functor ...
template <typename T>
T Functor::Apply(T x) {
if (Identity* specialized =
dynamic_cast<Identity*>(this)) {
return specialized->Apply(x);
} else if (const Sum* specialized =
dynamic_cast<const Sum*>(this)) {
return specialized->Apply(x);
} else ...
Even though this is compiling, it's not the best solution. The main issues are: performance and code repetition.
The performance issue comes from the fact that each time Apply is called on a Functor the long if clause inside Functor::Apply must be resolved. This is a big problem as Functor can be deeply nested (so calling Apply may result in multiple call to Functor::Apply). The "code repetition" issue is quite self evident as each time I want to define a new Functor I have also to modify Functor::Apply adding a new if clause.
What I am asking here is whether there is a proper (cleaner) way to define a Functor interface/concept that makes possible creating classes like Sum.
C++ concepts and heavy template metaprogramming is accepted.
p.s. All the code snippets have been kept as simple as possible on purpose. Avoid suggesting to use class instead of struct or to add const identifiers or to use unique pointers, it's not the point of this question.
Most of the (best) solutions I can think of unfortunately require that you adopt some fairly complex methodologies. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, of course, but it can make things confusing as you move forward with designing a program. For that reason, I'd probably suggest something a little more straight-forward:
template <typename F, typename G>
class Sum {
Sum(F& f, G& g) :
g_(g) {}
template <typename T>
inline T Apply(T x) { return f_.Apply(x) + g_.Apply(x); }
F& f_;
G& g_;
For every class like the above, you may want to define an
easy-to-use generating function to simplify instantiations:
template <typename F, typename G>
inline Sum<F, G> MakeSum(F& f, G& g)
return Sum<F, G>(f, g);
#include <cmath>
struct SquareRoot {
template <typename T>
inline T Apply(T x)
return std::sqrt(x);
struct Triple {
template <typename T>
inline T Apply(T x)
return T(3) * x;
// Example:
#include <iostream>
int main(void)
using namespace std;
SquareRoot square_root;
Triple triple;
// For g++, don't forget to compile with -std=c++1z
auto sum = MakeSum(square_root, triple);
cout << sum.Apply(1024) << endl;
Granted, it isn't as powerful as other techniques, but it may be a good starting point nonetheless.