pthread_cond_timedwait timing out late when large load put on CPU - c++

In writing unit tests for an object, I am noticing that a pthread_cond_timedwait does not timeout soon enough when large loads are put upon the CPU. If these loads are not put on the CPU, everything works fine. When loads are put on to the system, however, I find that no matter the amount of time I set the timeout to, the true delay is off by about 50-100ms.
For example, here is a printout from a single interval of the program, where the last and current times are found using the function GetTimeInMs.
// Printout, values are in ms
Last: 89799240
Current: 89799440
Period Length: 200
Expected Period: 100
From all I have read this issue is usually caused by using relative times instead of absolute times, but as far as I can tell we are using absolute times correctly. If you wonderful people could help me figure out what is being done wrong here I would be very grateful.
The function utilizing timedwait is shown here. Note that based off of timing debugging I have done, I know the extra time generated is done via the timedwait call, so I have not included other code that would not be necessary.
bool func(unsigned long long int time = 100) // ms
struct timespec ts;
if (0 == m_CurrentCount)
// Current time + delay in ns
unsigned long long int absnanotime = (GetTimeInMs()+time)*1000000;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_nsec = absnanotime % 1000000000ULL;
ts.tv_sec = absnanotime / 1000000000ULL;
if (0 != pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_Condition, &m_Mutex, &ts))
// In the case I am testing, I hope to get here via timeout in 100 ms
return false;
while (!m_CurrentCount);
return true;
unsigned long long int GetTimeInMs()
unsigned long long int time;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
time = ts.tv_nsec + ts.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL;
time = time / 1000000ULL; // Converts to ms
return time;
The code used to initialize the class variables used in func.
void init()
pthread_mutex_init(&m_Mutex, NULL);
pthread_condattr_setclock(&m_Attr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
pthread_cond_init(&m_Condition, &m_Attr);
The CPU eater thread which simulates CPU load is running the following while loop.
void cpuEatingThread()
while (false == m_ShutdownRequested);
// m_UselessFoo is of type float*
m_UselessFoo = new float(1.23423525);
delete m_UselessFoo;

It's likely that, when the wait times out, the thread becomes ready without any priority boost or any other such action/s. If the box is loaded up, then the ready thread may not become running immediately.
It's common to apply temporary priority boosts to thread that become ready on signals - this tends to improve overall performance in the 'usual' case where the signal arrives before the timeout. The timeout is often more of an 'unusual' event, often signaling some sort of failure that will not be repeated and so threads becoming ready on timeout can wait their turn:)

For timed waits in general, the requirement is that they will wait at least as long as their argument. If you want precise times, this is not the right tool; you'll need something that guarantees particular times, and that's generally only available in a real-time operating system (RTOS).


Can i expect anything from Windows-API's Sleep function?

I was trying to make a simple graphics program for Windows (my machine has windows 10) in CPP, and I'm struggling to lock the frame rate.
Here's simple illustration of my problem:
return result;
static LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
inline float
get_seconds_elapsed(LARGE_INTEGER begin, LARGE_INTEGER end)
return (float)(end.QuadPart - begin.QuadPart) / (float)frequency.QuadPart;
int main()
bool can_sleep = (timeBeginPeriod(1) == TIMERR_NOERROR);
int target_HZ = 60;
float target_seconds_per_frame = 1.0f / (float)target_HZ;
LARGE_INTEGER last_counter = get_wall_clock();
LARGE_INTEGER end_frame = get_wall_clock();
float seconds_of_work = get_seconds_elapsed(last_counter, end_frame);
float seconds_of_frame = seconds_of_work;
if(seconds_of_work < target_seconds_per_frame)
int ms_to_sleep = (int)(1000.0f * (target_seconds_per_frame - seconds_of_work));
float frame_duration = get_seconds_elapsed(last_counter, get_wall_clock());
Assert(frame_duration < target_seconds_per_frame);
while(seconds_of_frame < target_seconds_per_frame)
seconds_of_frame = get_seconds_elapsed(last_counter, get_wall_clock());
last_counter = get_wall_clock();
My problem is that the assertion on:
Assert(frame_duration < target_seconds_per_frame);
is almost always firing.
I tried to make some adjustments to the amount of mili-seconds of sleep, even made it so it will sleep for only 90% of the mili-seconds needed - but it didn't seems to help.
But the real weird thing is the following... when i tried to measure the time the Sleep function actually slept for, in the following method:
LARGE_INTEGER sleep_start = get_wall_clock();
float seconds_slept = get_seconds_elapsed(sleep_start, get_wall_clock());
i found out that it sometimes sleep for waaayyy more than the mili-seconds requested. it not uncommon to see a different of 10-20 mili-seconds (i had a time when ms_to_sleep was 12 and it actually slept for over 30 mili-seconds).
Is there anything obvious that I'm missing here?
I know that according to the documentation Sleep is not guaranteed to sleep for the time requested, but i thought that timeBeginPeriod + the flooring of the ms_to_sleep would have cover that...
Is there any other way to wait reliably for the frame to end (other than just looping)?
Thanks in advance guys...
Is there anything obvious that I'm missing here?
Frankly, yes. You didn't read the manual. From the docs:
After the sleep interval has passed, the thread is ready to run. If you specify 0 milliseconds, the thread will relinquish the remainder of its time slice but remain ready. Note that a ready thread is not guaranteed to run immediately. Consequently, the thread may not run until some time after the sleep interval elapses. For more information, see Scheduling Priorities.
Sleep isn't made to sleep for exactly the time you asked for.

Running code every x seconds, no matter how long execution within loop takes

I'm trying to make an LED blink to the beat of a certain song. The song has exactly 125 bpm.
The code that I wrote seems to work at first, but the longer it runs the bigger the difference in time between the LED flashes and the next beat starts. The LED seems to blink a tiny bit too slow.
I think that happens because lastBlink is kind of depending on the blink which happened right before that to stay in sync, instead of using one static initial value to sync to...
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
unsigned int lastBlink = 0;
for(;;) {
if (getTickCount() >= lastBlink+1000/(bpm/60)) {
lastBlink = getTickCount();
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
Add value to lastBlink, not reread it as the getTickCount might have skipped more than the exact beats want to wait.
Busy-waiting is bad, it spins the CPU for no good reason, and under most OS's it will lead to your process being punished -- the OS will notice that it is using up lots of CPU time and dynamically lower its priority so that other, less-greedy programs get first dibs on CPU time. It's much better to sleep until the appointed time(s) instead.
The trick is to dynamically calculate the amount of time to sleep until the next time to blink, based on the current system-clock time. (Simply delaying by a fixed amount of time means you will inevitably drift, since each iteration of your loop takes a non-zero and somewhat indeterminate time to execute).
Example code (tested under MacOS/X, probably also compiles under Linux, but can be adapted for just about any OS with some changes) follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
// unit conversion code, just to make the conversion more obvious and self-documenting
static unsigned long long SecondsToMillis(unsigned long secs) {return secs*1000;}
static unsigned long long MillisToMicros(unsigned long ms) {return ms*1000;}
static unsigned long long NanosToMillis(unsigned long nanos) {return nanos/1000000;}
// Returns the current absolute time, in milliseconds, based on the appropriate high-resolution clock
static unsigned long long getCurrentTimeMillis()
// Nicer New-style version using clock_gettime() and the monotonic clock
struct timespec ts;
return (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) == 0) ? (SecondsToMillis(ts.tv_sec)+NanosToMillis(ts.tv_nsec)) : 0;
# else
// old-school POSIX version using times()
static clock_t _ticksPerSecond = 0;
if (_ticksPerSecond <= 0) _ticksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
struct tms junk; clock_t newTicks = (clock_t) times(&junk);
return (_ticksPerSecond > 0) ? (SecondsToMillis((unsigned long long)newTicks)/_ticksPerSecond) : 0;
int main(int, char **)
const unsigned int bpm = 125;
const unsigned int flashDurationMillis = 10;
const unsigned int millisBetweenBlinks = SecondsToMillis(60)/bpm;
printf("Milliseconds between blinks: %u\n", millisBetweenBlinks);
unsigned long long nextBlinkTimeMillis = getCurrentTimeMillis();
for(;;) {
long long millisToSleepFor = nextBlinkTimeMillis - getCurrentTimeMillis();
if (millisToSleepFor > 0) usleep(MillisToMicros(millisToSleepFor));
//RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
//RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
nextBlinkTimeMillis += millisBetweenBlinks;
I think the drift problem may be rooted in your using relative time delays by sleeping for a fixed duration rather than sleeping until an absolute point in time. The problem is threads don't always wake up precisely on time due to scheduling issues.
Something like this solution may work for you:
// for readability
using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
// time for entire cycle
clock::duration total_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 * 60 / bpm);
// time for LED off part of cycle
clock::duration off_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 - flashDuration);
// time for LED on part of cycle
clock::duration on_wait = total_wait - off_wait;
// when is next change ready?
clock::time_point ready = clock::now();
// wait for time to turn light on
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); // LED ON
// reset timer for off
ready += on_wait;
// wait for time to turn light off
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); // LED OFF
// reset timer for on
ready += off_wait;
If your problem is drifting out of sync rather than latency I would suggest measuring time from a given start instead of from the last blink.
start = now()
blinks = 0
period = 60 / bpm
while true
if 0 < ((now() - start) - blinks * period)
Since you didn't specify C++98/03, I'm assuming at least C++11, and thus <chrono> is available. This so far is consistent with Galik's answer. However I would set it up so as to use <chrono>'s conversion abilities more precisely, and without having to manually enter conversion factors, except to describe "beats / minute", or actually in this answer, the inverse: "minutes / beat".
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using mpb = duration<int, ratio_divide<minutes::period, ratio<125>>>;
constexpr auto flashDuration = 10ms;
auto beginBlink = steady_clock::now() + mpb{0};
while (true)
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
this_thread::sleep_until(beginBlink + flashDuration);
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
beginBlink += mpb{1};
The first thing to do is specify the duration of a beat, which is "minutes/125". This is what mpb does. I've used minutes::period as a stand in for 60, just in an attempt to improve readability and reduce the number of magic numbers.
Assuming C++14, I can give flashDuration real units (milliseconds). In C++11 this would need to be spelled with this more verbose syntax:
constexpr auto flashDuration = milliseconds{10};
And then the loop: This is very similar in design to Galik's answer, but here I only increment the time to start the blink once per iteration, and each time, by precisely 60/125 seconds.
By delaying until a specified time_point, as opposed to a specific duration, one ensures that there is no round off accumulation as time progresses. And by working in units which exactly describe your required duration interval, there is also no round off error in terms of computing the start time of the next interval.
No need to traffic in milliseconds. And no need to compute how long one needs to delay. Only the need to symbolically compute the start time of each iteration.
Sorry to pick on Galik's answer, which I believe is the second best answer next to mine, but it exhibits a bug which my answer not only doesn't have, but is designed to prevent. I didn't notice it until I dug into it with a calculator, and it is subtle enough that testing might miss it.
In Galik's answer:
total_wait = 480ms; // this is exactly correct
off_wait = 990ms; // likely a design flaw
on_wait = -510ms; // certainly a mistake
And the total time that an iteration takes is on_wait + off_wait which is 440ms, almost imperceptibly close to total_wait (480ms), making debugging very challenging.
In contrast my answer increments ready (beginBlink) only once, and by exactly 480ms.
My answer is more likely to be right for the simple reason that it delegates more of its computation to the <chrono> library. And in this particular case, that probability paid off.
Avoid manual conversions. Instead let the <chrono> library do them for you. Manual conversions introduce the possibility for error.
You should count the time spent on the process and substract it to the flashDuration value.
The most obvious issue is that you're losing precision when you divide bpm/60. This always yields an integer (2) instead of 2.08333333...
Calling getTickCount() twice could also lead to some drift.

Uniformly Regulating Program Execution Rate [Windows C++]

First off, I found a lot of information on this topic, but no solutions that solved the issue unfortunately.
I'm simply trying to regulate my C++ program to run at 60 iterations per second. I've tried everything from GetClockTicks() to GetLocalTime() to help in the regulation but every single time I run the program on my Windows Server 2008 machine, it runs slower than on my local machine and I have no clue why!
I understand that "clock" based function calls return CPU time spend on the execution so I went to GetLocalTime and then tried to differentiate between the start time and the stop time then call Sleep((FPS / 1000) - millisecondExecutionTime)
My local machine is quite faster than the servers CPU so obviously the thought was that it was going off of CPU ticks, but that doesn't explain why the GetLocalTime doesn't work. I've been basing this method off of changing the get_ticks() with all of the time returning functions I could find on the web.
For example take this code:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int tFps = 60;
int counter = 0;
SYSTEMTIME gStart, gEnd, start_time, end_time;
GetLocalTime( &gStart );
bool done = false;
while(!done) {
GetLocalTime( &start_time );
GetLocalTime( &end_time );
int startTimeMilli = (start_time.wSecond * 1000 + start_time.wMilliseconds);
int endTimeMilli = (end_time.wSecond * 1000 + end_time.wMilliseconds);
int time_to_sleep = (1000 / tFps) - (endTimeMilli - startTimeMilli);
if (counter > 240)
done = true;
if (time_to_sleep > 0)
GetLocalTime( &gEnd );
cout << "Total Time: " << (gEnd.wSecond*1000 + gEnd.wMilliseconds) - (gStart.wSecond*1000 + gStart.wMilliseconds) << endl;
For this code snippet, run on my computer (3.06 GHz) I get a total time (ms) of 3856 whereas on my server (2.53 GHz) I get 6256. So it potentially could be the speed of the processor though the ratio of 2.53/3.06 is only .826797386 versus 3856/6271 is .614893956.
I can't tell if the Sleep function is doing something drastically different than expected though I don't see why it would, or if it is my method for getting the time (even though it should be in world time (ms) not clock cycle time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
For one thing, Sleep's default resolution is the computer's quota length - usually either 10ms or 15ms, depending on the Windows edition. To get a resolution of, say, 1ms, you have to issue a timeBeginPeriod(1), which reprograms the timer hardware to fire (roughly) once every millisecond.
In your main loop you can
int main()
// Timers
while (true) {
if ( curTime > nextTime && loops <= MAX_FRAMESKIP ) {
nextTime += Timers::GameClock::GetInstance()->timeCount;
// Business logic goes here and occurr based on the specified framerate
using this time library
include "stdafx.h"
LONGLONG cacheTime;
Timers::SWGameClock* Timers::SWGameClock::pInstance = NULL;
Timers::SWGameClock* Timers::SWGameClock::GetInstance ( ) {
if (pInstance == NULL) {
pInstance = new SWGameClock();
return pInstance;
Timers::SWGameClock::SWGameClock(void) {
this->Initialize ( );
void Timers::SWGameClock::GetTime ( LONGLONG * t ) {
// Use timeGetTime() if queryperformancecounter is not supported
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *) t)) {
*t = timeGetTime();
cacheTime = *t;
LONGLONG Timers::SWGameClock::GetTimeElapsed ( void ) {
// Use timeGetTime() if queryperformancecounter is not supported
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *) &t )) {
t = timeGetTime();
return (t - cacheTime);
void Timers::SWGameClock::Initialize ( void ) {
if ( !QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *) &this->frequency) ) {
this->frequency = 1000; // 1000ms to one second
this->timeCount = DWORD(this->frequency / TICKS_PER_SECOND);
with a header file that contains the following:
// Required for rendering stuff on time
#pragma once
namespace Timers {
class SWGameClock
static SWGameClock* GetInstance();
void Initialize ( void );
DWORD timeCount;
void GetTime ( LONGLONG* t );
LONGLONG GetTimeElapsed ( void );
LONGLONG frequency;
static SWGameClock* pInstance;
}; // SWGameClock
} // Timers
This will ensure that your code runs at 60FPS (or whatever you put in) though you can probably dump the MAX_FRAMESKIP as that's not truly implemented in this example!
You could try a WinMain function and use the SetTimer function and a regular message loop (you can also take advantage of the filter mechanism of GetMessage( ... ) ) in which you test for the WM_TIMER message with the requested time and when your counter reaches the limit do a PostQuitMessage(0) to terminate the message loop.
For a duty cycle that fast, you can use a high accuracy timer (like QueryPerformanceTimer) and a busy-wait loop.
If you had a much lower duty cycle, but still wanted precision, then you could Sleep for part of the time and then eat up the leftover time with a busy-wait loop.
Another option is to use something like DirectX to sync yourself to the VSync interrupt (which is almost always 60 Hz). This can make a lot of sense if you're coding a game or a/v presentation.
Windows is not a real-time OS, so there will never be a perfect way to do something like this, as there's no guarantee your thread will be scheduled to run exactly when you need it to.
Note that in the remarks for Sleep, the actual amount of time will be at least one "tick" and possible one whole "tick" longer than the delay you requested before the thread is scheduled to run again (and then we have to assume the thread is scheduled). The "tick" can vary a lot depending on hardware and the version of Windows. It is commonly in the 10-15 ms range, and I've seen it as bad as 19 ms. For 60 Hz, you need 16.666 ms per iteration, so this is obviously not nearly precise enough to give you what you need.
What about rendering (iterating) based on the time elapsed between rendering of each frame? Consider creating a void render(double timePassed) function and render depending on the timePassed parameter instead of putting program to sleep.
Imagine, for example, you want to render a ball falling or bouncing. You would know it's speed, acceleration and all other physics that you need. Calculate the position of the ball based on timePassed and all other physics parameters (speed, acceleration, etc.).
Or if you prefer, you could just skip the render() function execution if time passed is a value to small, instead of puttin program to sleep.

pthread sleep function, cpu consumption

On behalf, sorry for my far from perfect English.
I've recently wrote my self a demon for Linux (to be exact OpenWRT router) in C++ and i came to problem.
Well there are few threads there, one for each opened TCP connection, main thread waiting for new TCP connections and, as I call it, commander thread to check for status.
Every thing works fine, but my CPU is always at 100%. I now that its because of the commander code:
void *CommanderThread(void* arg)
Commander* commander = (Commander*)arg;
clock_t endwait;
uint8_t temp;
endwait = clock () + (int)(1 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
for(int i=0;i<commander->GetCount();i++)
ptrRelayBoard rb = commander->GetBoard(i);
if (rb!= NULL)
while (clock() < endwait);
return NULL;
As you can see the program do stuff every 1s. Time is not critical here. I know that CPU is always checking did the time passed. I've tried do do something like this:
while (clock() < endwait)
But when the function usleep (and sleep also) seam to freeze the clock increment (its always a constant value after the usleep).
Is there any solution, ready functions (like phread_sleep(20ms)), or walk around for my problem? Maybe i should access the main clock somehow?
Here its not so critical i can pretty much check how long did the execution of status checking took (latch the clock() before, compare with after), and count the value to put as an argument to the usleep function. But in other thread, I would like to use this form.
Do usleep is putting whole process to freeze?
I'm currently debugging it on Cygwin, but don't think the problem lies here.
Thanks for any answers and suggestions its much appreciated.
If it doesn't need to be exactly 1s, then just usleep a second. usleep and sleep put the current thread into an efficient wait state that is at least the amount of time you requested (and then it becomes eligible for being scheduled again).
If you aren't trying to get near exact time there's no need to check clock().
I've I have resolved it other way.
#include <sys/time.h>
#define CLOCK_US_IN_SECOND 1000000
static long myclock()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (tv.tv_sec * CLOCK_US_IN_SECOND) + tv.tv_usec;
void *MainThread(void* arg)
Commander* commander = (Commander*)arg;
long endwait;
uint8_t temp;
endwait = myclock() + (int)(1 * CLOCK_US_IN_SECOND);
for(int i=0;i<commander->GetCount();i++)
ptrRelayBoard rb = commander->GetBoard(i);
if (rb!= NULL)
while (myclock() < endwait)
return NULL;
Bare in mind, that this code is vulnerable for time change during execution. Don't have idea how to omit that, but in my case its not really important.

Win32 API timers

I was using the system timer (clock() function, see time.h) to time some serial and USB comms. All I needed was approx 1ms accurace. The first thing I noticed is that individual times can be out (plus or minus) 10ms. Timing a number of smaller events led to less accurate timing as events went by. Aggregate timing was slightly better. After a bit of a root on MSDN etc I stumbled across the timer in windows multi-media library (timeGetTime(), see MMSystem.h). This was much better with decent accuracy to the 1ms level.
Weirdness then ensued, after initially working flawlessy for days (lovely logs with useful timings) it all went pearshaped as this API also started showing this odd granularity (instead of a bunch of small comms messages taking 3ms,2ms,3ms,2ms, 3ms etc. it came out as 0ms, 0ms, 0ms, 0ms, 15ms etc. Rebooting the PC restored nomal accuarce but at some indeterminate time (after an hour or so) the anomoly returned.
Anyone got any idea or suggestions of how to get this level of timing accuracy on Windows XP (32bit Pro, using Visual Studio 2008).
My little timing class:
class TMMTimer
TMMTimer( unsigned long msec);
void Clear() { is_set = false; }
void Set( unsigned long msec=0);
bool Expired();
unsigned long Elapsed();
unsigned long when;
int roll_over;
bool is_set;
/** Main constructor.
is_set = false;
/** Main constructor.
TMMTimer::TMMTimer( unsigned long msec)
Set( msec);
/** Set the timer.
* #note This sets the timer to some point in the future.
* Because the timer can wrap around the function sets a
* rollover flag for this condition which is checked by the
* Expired member function.
void TMMTimer::Set( unsigned long msec /*=0*/)
unsigned long now = timeGetTime(); // System millisecond counter.
when = now + msec;
if (when < now)
roll_over = 1;
roll_over = 0;
is_set = true;
/** Check if timer expired.
* #return Returns true if expired, else false.
* #note Also returns true if timer was never set. Note that this
* function can handle the situation when the system timer
* rolls over (approx every 47.9 days).
bool TMMTimer::Expired()
if (!is_set)
return true;
unsigned long now = timeGetTime(); // System millisecond counter.
if (now > when)
if (!roll_over)
is_set = false;
return true;
if (roll_over)
roll_over = false;
return false;
/** Returns time elapsed since timer expired.
* #return Time in milliseconds, 0 if timer was never set.
unsigned long TMMTimer::Elapsed()
if (!is_set)
return 0;
return timeGetTime()-when;
Did you call timeBeginPeriod(1); to set the multimedia resolution to 1 millisecond? The multimedia timer resolution is system-global, so if you didn't set it yourself, chances are that you started after something else had called it, then when that something else called timeEndPeriod(), the resolution went back to the system default (which is normally 10 ms, if memory serves).
Others have advised using QueryPerformanceCounter(). This does have much higher resolution, but you still need to be careful. Depending on the kernel involved, it can/will use the x86 RDTSC function, which is a 64-bit counter of instruction cycles. For better or worse, on a CPU whose clock rate varies (which started on laptops, but is now common almost everywhere) the relationship between the clock count and wall time varies right along with the clock speed. If memory serves, if you force Windows to install with the assumption that there are multiple physical processors (not just multiple cores), you'll get a kernel in which QueryPerformanceCounter() will read the motherboard's 1.024 MHz clock instead. This reduces resolution compared to the CPU clock, but at least the speed is constant (and if you only need 1 ms resolution, it should be more than adequate anyway).
If you want high resolution timing on Windows, you should consider using QueryPerformanceFrequency and QueryPerformanceCounter.
These will provide the most accurate timings available on Windows, and should be much more "stable" over time. QPF gives you the number of counts/second, and QPC gives you the current count. You can use this to do very high resolution timings on most systems (fraction of ms).
Check out the high resolution timers from the Win32 API.
You can use it to usually get microsecond resolution timers.