I have a list of financial advisors and I need to pull 4 samples per advisor but catch is in those 4 samples I need to force 2 mortgages, 1 loan, 1 credit card lets say.
Is there a way in the Survey select statement to set the specific number of samples to pull per stratum? I know you can stratify on 1 category and set it as a equal number. I was hoping I could use a mapping of employee names + the number of samples left to pull for each category and have survey select utilize that to pull in a dynamic way.
I'm using this as an example but this only stratifies on employee first and gives me 4 per employee. I would need to further stratify on Product type and set that to a specific sample size per product.
proc surveyselect data=work.Emp_Table_Final
method=srs n=4 out=work.testsample SELECTALL;
strata Employee_No;
Thanks i know it might sound complicated, but if i know its possible then i can google the rest
Yes, you can have a dataset be the target of the n option. That dataset must:
Contain the strata variables as well as a variable SAMPSIZE or _NSIZE_ with the number to select
Have the same type and length as the strata variables
Be sorted by the strata variables
Have an entry for every strata variable value
See the documentation for more details.
data sample_counts;
length sex $1;
input sex $ _NSIZE_;
F 5
M 3
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class;
by sex;
proc surveyselect n=sample_counts method=srs out=samples data=class;
strata sex;
For two variables it's the same, you just need two variables in the sample_counts. Of course it makes it a lot more complicated, and you may want to produce this in an automated fashion.
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class;
by sex age;
data sample_counts;
length sex $1;
input sex $ age _NSIZE_;
F 11 1
F 12 1
F 13 1
F 14 1
F 15 1
M 11 1
M 12 1
M 13 1
M 14 1
M 15 1
M 16 0
/* or do it in an automated way*/
data sample_counts;
set class;
by sex age; *your strata;
if first.age then do; *do this once per stratum level;
if age le 15 then _NSIZE_ = 1; *whatever your logic is for defining _NSIZE_;
else _NSIZE_=0;
proc surveyselect n=sample_counts method=srs out=samples data=class;
strata sex age;
I have a dataset that I want to tranpose from long to wide. I have:
**ID **Question** Answer**
1 Referral to a
1 Referral to b
1 Referral to d
2 Referral to a
2 Referral to c
4 Referral to a
6 Referral to a
6 Referral to c
6 Referral to d
What I want the tranposed dataset to look like:
**ID **Referral to**
1 a, b, d
2 a, c
4 a
6 a, c, d
I've tried to transpose the data, but the resulting dataset only contains 1 of the responses from the answer column, not all of them.
Code I've been using:
proc transpose data=test out=test2 let;
by ID;
id Question;
var Answer; run;
The dataset has hundreds of thousands of rows with dozens of variables that are exactly the same as the 'Referral to' example. How can make it so the tranposed wide dataset contains all of the answers to the Question in the same cell and not just one? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Here's two methods you can use in this case.
The first uses a data step approach, which is a single step. The second is more dynamic and uses a PROC TRANSPOSE + CATX() after the fact to create the combined variable. Note the use of PREFIX option in the transpose procedure to make the variables easier to identify and concatenate.
*create sample data for demonstration;
data have;
infile cards dlm='09'x;
input OrgID Product $ States $;
1 football DC
1 football VA
1 football MD
2 football CA
3 football NV
3 football CA
*Sort - required for both options;
proc sort data=have;
by orgID;
*Use RETAIN and BY group processing to combine the information;
data want_option1;
set have;
by orgID;
length combined $100.;
retain combined;
if first.orgID then
combined=catx(', ', combined, states);
if last.orgID then
*Transpose it to a wide format and then combine into a single field;
proc transpose data=have out=wide prefix=state_;
by orgID;
var states;
data want_option2;
set wide;
length combined $100.;
combined=catx(', ', of state_:);
I am new to sas and are trying to handle some customer data, and I'm not really sure how to do this.
What I have:
data transactions;
input ID $ Week Segment $ Average Freq;
1 1 Sports 500 2
1 1 PC 400 3
1 2 Sports 350 3
1 2 PC 550 3
2 1 Sports 650 2
2 1 PC 700 3
2 2 Sports 720 3
2 2 PC 250 3
What I want:
data transactions2;
input ID Week1_Sports_Average Week1_PC_Average Week1_Sports_Freq
Week2_Sports_Average Week2_PC_Average Week2_Sports_Freq Week2_PC_Freq;
1 500 400 2 3 350 550 3 3
2 650 700 2 3 720 250 3 3
The only thing I got so far is this:
Data transactions3;
SET transactions;
if week=1 and Segment="Sports" then DO;
else DO;
This will be way too much work as I have a lot of weeks and more variables than just freq/avg.
Really hoping for some tips are, as I'm stucked.
You can use PROC TRANSPOSE to create that structure. But you need to use it twice since your original dataset is not fully normalized.
The first PROC TRANSPOSE will get the AVERAGE and FREQ readings onto separate rows.
proc transpose data=transactions out=tall ;
by id week segment notsorted;
var average freq ;
If you don't mind having the variables named slightly differently than in your proposed solution you can just use another proc transpose to create one observation per ID.
proc transpose data=tall out=want delim=_;
by id;
id segment _name_ week ;
var col1 ;
If you want the exact names you had before you could add data step to first create a variable you could use in the ID statement of the PROC transpose.
data tall ;
set tall ;
length new_name $32 ;
new_name = catx('_',cats('WEEK',week),segment,_name_);
proc transpose data=tall out=want ;
by id;
id new_name;
var col1 ;
Note that it is easier in SAS when you have a numbered series of variable if the number appears at the end of the name. Then you can use a variable list. So instead of WEEK1_AVERAGE, WEEK2_AVERAGE, ... you would use WEEK_AVERAGE_1, WEEK_AVERAGE_2, ... So that you could use a variable list like WEEK_AVERAGE_1 - WEEK_AVERAGE_5 in your SAS code.
I created this fakedata as an example:
data fakedata;
length name $5;
infile datalines;
input name count percent;
Ania 1 17
Basia 1 3
Ola 1 10
Basia 1 52
Basia 1 2
Basia 1 16
The result I want to have is:
---> summed counts and percents for Basia
I would like to have summed count and percent for Basia as she was only once in the table with count 4 and percent 83. I tried exchanging name into a number to do GROUP BY in proc sql but it changes into order by (I had such an error). Suppose that it isn't so difficult, but I can't find the solution. I also tried some arrays without any success. Any help appreciated!
It sounds like proc sql does what you want:
proc sql;
select name, count(*) as cnt, sum(percent) as sum_percent
from fakedata
group by name;
You can add a where clause to get the results just for one name.
Hm, actually I got an answer.
proc summary data=fakedata;
by name;
var count percent;
output out=wynik (drop = _FREQ_ _TYPE_) sum(count)=count sum(percent)=percent;
You can go back a step and use PROC FREQ most likely to generate this output in a single step. Based on counts the percents are not correct, but I'm not sure they're intended to be, right now they add up to over 100%. If you already have some summaries, then use the WEIGHT statement to account for the counts.
proc freq data=fakedata;
table name;
weight count;
Here is my data :
data example;
input id sports_name;
1 baseball
1 basketball
1 cricket
1 soccer
2 golf
2 fencing
This is just a sample. The variable sports_name is categorical with 56 types.
I am trying to transpose the data to wide form where each row would have a user_id and the names of sports as the variables with values being 1/0 indicating Presence or absence.
So far, I used proc freq procedure to get the cross tabulated frequency table and put that in a different data set and then transposed that data. Now i have missing values in some cases and count of the sports in rest of the cases.
Is there any better way to do this?
You need a way to create something from nothing. You could have also used the SPARSE option in PROC FREQ. SAS names cannot have length greater than 32.
data example;
input id sports_name :$16.;
retain y 1;
1 baseball
1 basketball
1 cricket
1 soccer
2 golf
2 fencing
proc print;
proc summary data=example nway completetypes;
class id sports_name;
output out=freq(drop=_type_);
proc print;
proc transpose data=freq out=wide(drop=_name_);
by id;
var _freq_;
id sports_name;
proc print;
Same theory here, generate a list of all possible combinations using SQL instead of Proc Summary and then transposing the results.
data example;
informat sports_name $20.;
input id sports_name $;
1 baseball
1 basketball
1 cricket
1 soccer
2 golf
2 fencing
proc sql;
create table complete as
select a.id, a_x.sports_name, case when not missing(e.sports_name) then 1 else 0 end as Present
from (select distinct ID from example) a
cross join (select distinct sports_name from example) a_x
full join example as e
on e.id=a.id
and e.sports_name=a_x.sports_name;
proc transpose data=complete out=want;
by id;
id sports_name;
var Present;
proc sort data=sas.mincome;
by F3 F4;
Proc sort doesn't sort the dataset by formatted values, only internal values. I need to sort by two variables prior to a merge. Is there anyway to do this with proc sort?
I don't think you can sort by formatted values in proc sort, but you can definitely use a simple proc SQL procedure to sort a dataset by formatted values. proc SQL is similar to the data step and proc sort, but is more powerful.
The general syntax of proc sql for sorting by formatted values will be:
proc sql;
create table NewDataSet as
select variable(s)
from OriginalDataSet
order by put(variable1, format1.), put(variable2, format2.);
For example, we have a sample data set containing the names, sex and ages of some people and we want to sort them:
proc format;
value gender 1='Male'
value age 10-15='Young'
data work.original;
input name $ sex age;
John 1 12
Zack 1 15
Mary 2 18
Peter 1 11
Angela 2 24
Jack 1 16
Lucy 2 17
Sharon 2 12
Isaac 1 22
proc sql;
create table work.new as
select name, sex format=gender., age format=age.
from work.original
order by put(sex, gender.), put(age, age.);
Output of work.new will be:
Obs name sex age
1 Mary Female Old
2 Angela Female Old
3 Lucy Female Old
4 Sharon Female Young
5 Jack Male Old
6 Isaac Male Old
7 John Male Young
8 Zack Male Young
9 Peter Male Young
If we had used proc sort by sex, then Males would have been ranked first because we had used 1 to represent Males and 2 to represent Females which is not what we want. So, we can clearly see that proc sql did in fact sort them according to the formatted values (Females first, Males second).
Hope this helps.
Because of the nature of formats, SAS only uses the underlying values for the sort. To my knowledge, you cannot change that (unless you want to build your own translation table via PROC TRANTAB).
What you can do is create a new column that contains the formatted value. Then you can sort on that column.
proc format library=work;
value $test 'z' = 'a'
'y' = 'b'
'x' = 'c';
data test;
format val $test.;
informat val $1.;
input val $;
val_fmt = put(val,$test.);
proc print data=test(drop=val_fmt);
proc sort data=test;
by val_fmt;
proc print data=test(drop=val_fmt);
Obs val
1 c
2 b
3 a
Obs val
1 a
2 b
3 c