I have the following code:
struct elements
char status;
int value;
class matrix
vector<vector <elements> > mat;
int varNum;
int ConNum;
void resetmatrix(int varnum, int connum)
varNum = varnum;
ConNum = connum;
mat.resize(connum, vector<elements>(varnum) );
matrix(int x, int y)
varNum = 0;
ConNum = 0;
matrix mat(0,0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //main function
int variables,cubes;
cubes= 10000000;
cout<<"Variables= "<<variables<<endl<<"Cubes= "<<cubes<<endl;
mat.resetmatrix(variables, cubes);
return 0;
I get the following error
I thought this type of error only occurs when you haven't resized your vector. But I am resizing it. Can anyone tell me why this happens? is it because the value of cubes is very high (10 million)?
I have been attempting to write this program where I am required to utilize dynamically allocated arrays to print out a 2d matrix. I am only to write the cpp files and not allowed to modify anything in the header files.
I keep getting an exception
0 [main] review2_cis17c_objectarray 4018 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to review2_cis17c_objectarray.exe.stackdump
I am relatively new to learning c++; after contemplating, I think something is wrong in my PlusTab.cpp, where I am trying to assign an allocated address to a constructor-defined array in a class. Can someone please help and let me know here I did wrong in the project? Thank you very much!
class AbsRow {
int size;
int *rowData;
virtual int getSize()const = 0;
virtual int getData(int)const = 0;
class AbsTabl {
int szRow;
int szCol;
RowAray **columns;
virtual int getSzRow()const = 0;
virtual int getSzCol()const = 0;
virtual int getData(int,int)const = 0; };
class PlusTab:public Table {
PlusTab(unsigned int r,unsigned int c):Table(r,c){};
PlusTab operator+(const PlusTab &);
class RowAray:public AbsRow {
RowAray(unsigned int);
virtual ~RowAray();
int getSize()const{return size;}
int getData(int i)const{
if(i>=0&&i<size)return rowData[i];
else return 0;}
void setData(int,int);
#include "AbsTabl.h"
class Table:public AbsTabl {
Table(unsigned int,unsigned int);
Table(const Table &);
virtual ~Table();
int getSzRow()const {return szRow;}
int getSzCol()const {return szCol;}
int getData(int,int)const;
void setData(int,int,int);
#include "PlusTab.h"
PlusTab PlusTab::operator+(const PlusTab &t) {
PlusTab tab(this->getSzRow(), this->getSzCol());
for(int i = 0; i < tab.getSzRow(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <tab.getSzCol(); j++) {
(tab.columns[i])->setData(j, this->getData(i,j) + t.getData(i,j));
return tab;
#include "RowAray.h"
RowAray::RowAray(unsigned int c) {
size = c;
rowData = new int[c];
RowAray::~RowAray() {
delete []rowData;
void RowAray::setData(int i, int value) {
rowData[i] = value;
#include "Table.h"
#include <cstdlib>
Table::Table(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) {
szRow = r;
szCol = c;
columns = new RowAray*[r];
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
columns[i] = new RowAray(c);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
columns[i]->setData(j, (rand()%90 + 10));
Table::~Table() {
for (int i = 0; i < szRow; i++) {
delete []columns[i];
delete []columns;
Table::Table(const Table &t) {
szRow = t.szRow;
szCol = t.szCol;
columns = t.columns;
int Table::getData(int r ,int c) const {
return columns[r]->getData(c);
void Table::setData(int r, int c, int value) {
and finally my main.cpp, which I am not allowed to modify either.
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//User Libraries
#include "PlusTab.h"
//Global Constants
//Function Prototype
void prntTab(const Table &);
//Execution Begins Here!
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//Initialize the random seed
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
//Declare Variables
int rows=3,cols=4;
//Test out the Tables
PlusTab tab1(rows,cols);
PlusTab tab2(tab1);
PlusTab tab3=tab1+tab2;
// Print the tables
cout<<"Abstracted and Polymorphic Print Table 1 size is [row,col] = ["
cout<<"Copy Constructed Table 2 size is [row,col] = ["
cout<<"Operator Overloaded Table 3 size is [row,col] = ["
//Exit Stage Right
return 0;
void prntTab(const Table &a){
for(int row=0;row<a.getSzRow();row++){
for(int col=0;col<a.getSzCol();col++){
I apologize for this massive amount of code. This is my first time posting, will learn to use the website! I appreciate your help:)
I'm trying to create a vector of a class-name vertex. The value of "n" is not known at compile-time so I'll be using new to create to create the "path" array. But the problem occurs when I create the input array in a function and push it in the vector.
int n;
class vertex {
int *path;
int visited = 0;
vertex(int *y) {
path = new int(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
path[i] = y[i];
void inp(vector<vertex> graph) {
int t1[] = { 0,1,0,0 };
int t2[] = { 0,0,1,0 };
int t3[] = { 0,0,0,1 };
int t4[] = { 0,0,0,0 };
int main() {
vector<vertex> graph;
For simplicity I've created t1 to t4 as static arrays. But still it shows some error at runtime
1:try use: path = new int [n], rather than path = new int(n);
2:if you want to push elements to graph, you should change your function inp to void inp(vector<vertex>& graph)
Recently I've been trying to write a neural network program. I have all a neurons connections stored in a vector in the neuron. However whenever I push back a connection into the vector it doesn't seem to store (I can tell via debug mode), and when I try to add up the activation values of the vectors in a for loop, I get an out_of_range error. Here's my code.
#include <iostream>
#include "neuron.h"
void displayboard(bool board [8][8]);
using namespace std;
int main()
int id = 2;
int inputids [] = {3};
int outputids [] = {4};
int inputweights [] = {5};
bool new_neuron = true;
neuron test (inputids, outputids, inputweights, new_neuron, id);
test.connections.at(0).value = 6;
// here is where the error is returned
cout << test.activationnumber;
return 0;
And here's Neuron.cpp:
#include "neuron.h"
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
neuron::neuron(int inputids [], int outputids [], int inputweights [],
bool new_neuron, int id)
this->id = id;
if (new_neuron==true) {
srand (time(0));
connection tempconnection;
for (int i = 0; i <=(sizeof (inputids)/sizeof (inputids [0])); i++)
tempconnection.tofrom = inputids [i];
tempconnection.weight = rand ();
this->connections.push_back (tempconnection);
// this continues on for other options
void neuron::activation (){
for (int i=0; i<=this->connections.size (); i++) {
this->activationnumber += ((this->connections.at(i).value)
*(this->connections.at (i).weight));
UPDATE: Reading this will help you understand why your "sizeof/sizeof" approach is not good in C++.
Original answer
The behavior of sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) might not be what you expected. The following code outputs 2 but you seem to expect 4. Use array for objects in the stack or vector for objects in the heap.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void foo( int array[] )
wcout << sizeof( array ) / sizeof( array[ 0 ] );
int main()
int test[ 4 ];
foo( test );
return 0;
int inputids [] = {3};
int outputids [] = {4};
vector< int > {3};
vector< int > {4};
Also change
neuron(int inputids [],int outputids [] …
for (int i = 0; i <= …; i++)
tempconnection.tofrom = inputids [i];
neuron( vector< int > & inputids, vector< int > & outputids …
for( auto id : inputids )
tempconnection.tofrom = id;
Could someone explain me the following mistakes and tell me how to fix them (written as comments)?
The structure I have:
const int max = 1000;
const int MAX = 30;
struct student_t
int k;
char* name[MAX];
char** bez[MAX];
With this function I must write a member of this structure(members<=1000) and bez. (<=30) for every member:
int write (student_t *field[max], int i)
student_t *pointerfield= new student_t;
if (pointerfield->number>1 && pointerfield->k<999999)
if (binarsearch(&field[max],i,(pointerfield->number))!=-1)
return i;
// insupportable types of allocation of int to char* [30]
int counter=0;
std::cout<<"Do you want to add bez.? j,n"<<std::endl;
char a;
if(a=='j' && counter<MAX)
// char * can not be converted into assignment to char **
// ...
I have a header file which contains the following:
class myImage
unsigned char **img;
int xpixels;
int ypixels;
myImage(int x, int y);
int getX();
int getY();
unsigned char **getImage();
void setImage(unsigned char ** uc_img);
And a cpp file that references the header file:
#include "img.h"
myImage::myImage(int x, int y)
xpixels=x; ypixels=y;
img= new unsigned char*[y];
for(int i=0; i<y;++i)
img[i]=new unsigned char[x];
for (int i=0;i<y;i++)
for (int j=0;j<x;j++)
for(int i=0; i<ypixels;++i)
delete[] img[i];
delete[] img;
int myImage::getX()
return xpixels;
int myImage::getY()
return ypixels;
unsigned char **getImage()
return img;
However, my getImage function is not recognising that img exists, and I'm not sure why. Could anyone explain to me why not?
You're missing the class name prepended to the function name.
Make it myImage::getImage()