Unable to access the elements of a pointer to an array - c++

I have a following array which I am passing as a pointer. BTW, I am new to C++ and just started pointers.
int arr[3][4]= {{2,3,4,8},{5,7,9,12},{1, 0, 6, 10}};
//int *a = &arr[0][0];
BuildStringFromMatrix((int *)arr, 3, 4);
I have a a following function with which I wanna access the elements of the passed array.
void BuildStringFromMatrix(int *a, int height, int width);
My implementation of the accessing the element is as follows
for(int i=0; i<height; i++){
for(int j=0; i<width; j++){
int x = *(*(a+i) + j);
While using this implementation I am getting an error
invalid type argument of unary β€˜*’ (have β€˜int’
int x = *(*(a+i) + j);
How can I fix this issue.
P.S - I wanna implement this using single pointer.

Your function receives a pointer to int. It doesn't "remember" that it is actually pointing to an int that is in a 2-D array (let alone what the array dimensions are).
So if you want to access a certain element of the 2-D array you must perform a calculation to find how many units to offset from the pointer to get to the intended element. (This is sometimes called "flattening an array").
Typically row * row_length + column is the offset for a particular row-column entry, so in your case int x = a[i*width + j]; is the right statement to use.
If this is still unclear I suggest printing out the value of i*width+j at each iteration and seeing how it iterates over the array (or follow in your debugger).


How to calculate the sum of individual elements from two 2D arrays?

I want to write a function addArrays which will, as parameters, take two 2D arrays of type int and of dimensions 3x4, and it's job is to add individual elements of each index from the given arrays and display it in the console.
In main(), I created two 2D arrays arrA and arrB of appropriate sizes with intitialized members and check the functionality of the created function.
My code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void addArrays(int x[3][4], int y[3][4]);
int main()
int arrA[3][4] = { {7, 8, 13, 22}, {56, 4, 78, 3}, {22, 13, 46, 5} };
int arrB[3][4] = { {32, 47, 56, 14}, {33, 100, 19, 64}, {4, 18, 157, 84} };
void addArrays(int x[3][4], int y[3][4])
Honestly, I know how to work with 1D arrays, but not displaying the sum of all individual elements. I know I have to use a for loop, but again, I'm confused as to how to pass in a 2D array and use it.
You mention you know how to work with 1D arrays, it's the same for 2D arrays, only with one more dimension.
In a 1D array you use arrA[0] to access the first element of the array, in a 2D array you use arrA[0][0] to access the first element in the first line of the array, arrA[0][1] to access the second element in the first line of the array. To access the first element in the second line you would use arrA[1][0] and so on, you get the idea.
So to loop through all the elements in the array you can use nested loops like so:
void addArrays(int x[3][4], int y[3][4])
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ // make sure to use the correct dimensions
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ // 3 lines and 4 columns
// x[i][j] accesses elements in array x
// y[i][j] accesses elements in array y
I think you'll manage to do the math yourself. After that you just need to send data to the standard output, i.e. to print data in the console. For that, as you may know, you use std::cout.
Side notes:
In the function void addArrays(int x[3][4], int y[3][4]){...} you may omit the first dimension of the array i.e. int x[][4] or int (*x)[4] instead of int x[3][4], since the argument will decay to a pointer to array.
Since it seems that you are not to change the values of the passed arrays, using const is recommend. You would have void addArrays(const int (*x)[4], const int (*y)[4]);
As you are using C++, you can take advantage of the possibility of using references, something like void addArrays(const int (&x)[3][4], const int (&y)[3][4]){/*same code*/}, the benefit being you must pass a correct object to the function otherwise the program will fail to compile whereas in the previous versions if you pass, for example, NULL, i.e. addArrays(arrA, NULL); the program will compile fine but will result in undefined behavior when you run it. References are safer and you should use them when possible.
It's more or less consensual among more experienced C++ programmers that the usage of using namespace std; is not a good practice, you can read more about it, and find alternatives following the link.
I will start this for you and try to give you an idea of the general structure, but since you have not shown your attempt at the problem I won't fill things in for you.
The basic idea here when looping through 2D arrays (of size MxN) is that you can really just think about it in terms of looping through M arrays of length N.
void loopThroughArray(int arr[M][N])
// Loop over M arrays
for (int m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
// For each m'th array, loop over its N contents
for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
// Doing work
arr[m][n] = 1234;

Add a matrix of 2x2 into a vector in c++

I am trying to fill a vector with a matrix of values in c++. I'm not very self confident with this procedure (I don't know well about pointers and I don't know if I need it here) however I am trying this
int auxMat[gray.rows][gray.cols];
vector<int> collectionSum;
When I try to compile I receive an error which says
invalid arguments 'Candidates are: void push_back(const int &)
Can anyone tell me wether it's possible to do, how can I solve it?
I read something about erasing cache memory, changing my eclipse compiler, my c++ version, however I don't think the problem is so big.
You cannot push back a matrix into a vector. What you can do is preallocate memory for your vector (for speeding things up) then use the std::vector<>::assign member function to "copy" from the matrix into the vector:
vector<int> collectionSum(gray.rows * gray.cols); // reserve memory, faster
collectionSum.assign(*auxMat, *auxMat + gray.rows * gray.cols);
This should be pretty fast. Otherwise, you can push back each individual element in a loop.
See May I treat a 2D array as a contiguous 1D array? for some technicalities regarding possible undefined behaviour (thanks #juanchopanza for the comment). I believe the code is safe, due to the fact that the storage of the matrix is contiguous.
Because the array auxMat is continuous in memory, you can just copy it directly from memory into your vector. Here, you are telling the vector constructor to copy from the start of auxMat until its end in memory using pointer arithmetic:
std::vector<int> collectionSum(auxMat, auxMat + (gray.rows * gray.cols));
Sorry, I read your question as being a 1D array (int*) rather than a 2D (int**) array. I honestly recommend switching over to a 1D array because often it is faster and easier to work with. Depending on whether your using row-first order or column-first order, you can access the element you want by:
elem = y * width + x; // for row-first order
elem = x * height + y; // for column-first order
For instance:
// Create a 3x3 matrix but represent it continuously as a 1D array
const int A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
const unsigned width = 3;
const unsigned height = 3;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
printf("%d ", A[y * width + x]);

Setting pointer to a double array in for loop

I have an algorithm that I want to run that uses a potentially long double array. Because the array can be millions in length, I'm putting it on the GPU so I need to export the array from a CPP file to a CU file. However, Im prototyping it in CPP only for now because it doesnt work in either case.
In my CPU prototype I get errors when I try to set the members of the double array with my for loop. For example, any operation including cout will give error c2109:subscript requires array or pointer type in the CPP file
or if the same code is run from a CU file, error: expression must have a pointer-to-object type
const int size = 100000;
double inputMeshPts_PROXY[size][4];
int lengthPts = inputMeshPts.length();
if (useCUDA == 1)
double *inputMeshPts_CUDA = &inputMeshPts_PROXY[size][4];
myArray(lengthPts, inputMeshPts_CUDA);
MStatus abjBlendShape::myArray(int length_CUDA, float weight_CUDA, double *inputMeshPts_CUDA)
for (int i = 0; i < length_CUDA; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
cout << inputMeshPts_CUDA[i][j] << endl;
// inputMeshPts_CUDA[i][j] += (sculptedMeshPts_PROXY[i][j] - inputMeshPts_CUDA[i][j]); // WHAT I WANT, EVENTUALLY
When you are writing:
double *inputMeshPts_CUDA = &inputMeshPts_PROXY[size][4];
The variable inputMeshPts_CUDA is a pure pointer. You cannot use 2-dimensional indexing [][] as before. The right way to access it is now to linearize the indexes:
Alternatively you could declare "correctly" your pointer:
double (*inputMeshPts_CUDA)[4] = inputMeshPts_PROXY;
which allows you to use the 2-dimensional indexing again.
MStatus abjBlendShape::myArray(int length_CUDA, float weight_CUDA, double *inputMeshPts_CUDA)
inputMeshPts_CUDA is just a pointer, the compiler has lost all the dimension information. It needs that dimension information for inputMeshPts_CUDA[i][j], which gets converted to an access to address (byte arithmetic, not C++ pointer arithmetic)
inputMeshPts_CUDA + i * sizeof (double) * num_colums + j * sizeof (double)
You can either provide the missing information yourself and do the arithmetic like Angew suggests, or have the compiler pass the dimension information through:
template<size_t M, size_t N>
MStatus abjBlendShape::myArray(int length_CUDA, float weight_CUDA, double (&inputMeshPts_CUDA)[M][N])
Of course, this only works when the size is known at compile-time.
inputMeshPts_CUDA is a pointer to double - that is, it can represent a 1D array. You're accessing it as a 2D array: inputMeshPts_CUDA[i][j]. That doesn't make sense - you're effectively applying [j] to the double object storead at inputMeshPts_CUDA[i].
I believe you were looking for inputMeshPts_CUDA[i * 4 + j] - you have to compute the 2D addressing yourself.

how to assign two 2d array

I have written a program which make a 2d array and then set its numbers.
The second step that I have problem in it is that when I want to shift rows and columns I face with a problem in this line nmatrix[i*c+j] = 0;
the error is this : error: incompatible types in assignment of 'int' to 'int [(((sizetype)(((ssizetype)(c + shiftc)) + -1)) + 1)]'
here is the code :
void shiftMatrix(int *matrix, int r,int c ,int shiftr,int shiftc){
int nmatrix [r+shiftr][c+shiftc];
for(int i = 0; i< shiftr; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<shiftc;j++)
nmatrix[i*c+j] = 0;
for(int i = shiftr; i< r; i++)
for(int j = shiftc; j<c;j++)
nmatrix[i*c+j] = matrix[i*c+j];
Any help please??
thanks in advance
int nmatrix [r+shiftr][c+shiftc];
First of all, you are using an array with non-constant bounds, which is a controversial feature.
In addition, here you are declaring a two-dimensional array nmatrix, but your other matrix (matrix) is a pointer to int (or a one-dimensional array, if you like to look at it this way). This is a recipe for confusion.
You can easily declare nmatrix ("new matrix"?) as a one-dimensional array:
int nmatrix[(r+shiftr) * (c+shiftc)];
Or (presumably better)
std::vector<int> nmatrix((r+shiftr) * (c+shiftc));
Then, your code nmatrix[i*c+j] = 0 will work (however, you have to change c to c+shiftc whenever you work with nmatrix).
You cannot define an array dynamically the way you do it.
You need to use the c++ keyword new:
int nmatrix[][] = new int [r+shiftr][c+shiftc];
You cannot define arrays the way you did, with non constant int value for dimension, because such static arrays are to be defined for memory at the compile stage. Thus dimensions should be const expression.
On the contrary with keyword new you can define dimensions for arrays at run-time stage, because it's dynamic allocation.
There are more detailed answers in this SO question here.

Dynamically allocating 2D int array

Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong in the following code?
int* a = NULL;
int* b = NULL;
a = new int[map->mapSize.width];
b = new int[map->mapSize.height];
layer->tileGids = new int[a][b];
Here's what the code uses:
typedef struct _size {
int width, height;
} size;
class Map {
size mapSize;
class Layer {
int * tileGids;
EDIT: Compiler-Errors (in line 6 of the first bit of code):
error: expression in new-declarator must have integral or enumeration type|
error: 'b' cannot appear in a constant-expression|
I have decided to accept lightalchemist's answer. In essence, what works for me is use a vector instead of the array. Vector manages the memory for you and hence is a lot easier to deal with.
You can't pass a pointer for initializing the size of an array. Others have now mentioned this.
This post (it's not mine) seems like it might help you: http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2003/07/23/allocating-multi-dimensional-arrays-in-c/
You should also consider doing the allocation in the class Layer's constructor and then deleting the memory in it's destructor (i.e. RAII - resource acquisition is initialization). This is considered good style.
Finally, you might consider using continuous memory and a custom indexing scheme, which you could easily use Layer to encapsulate. This of course depends upon how big things will get. The bigger they get the better the case for continuous memory becomes.
This should give you a flavor.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
const size_t ROWS = 5;
const size_t COLS = 2;
const size_t size = ROWS*COLS;
int* arr = new int[size];
int i = 0;
for ( size_t r = 0 ; r < ROWS; ++r )
for (size_t c = 0; c < COLS; ++c )
arr[r*COLS+c] = i++;
for ( int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
std::cout << arr[j] << std::endl;
delete [] arr;
Firstly, your variables "a" and "b" are pointers. Your code:
layer->tileGids = new int[a][b]
is the root cause of the problem.
I'm trying to guess your intention here and I think what you are trying to do is make layer.tileGids a 2 dimension array to reference a "grid" of size (mapSize.Width, mapSize.height) so that you can refer to each "cell" in the grid using layer.tileGids[x][y].
If you are indeed trying to create a 2 dimension array, there are 2 methods to do it.
Method 1:
class Layer {
int ** tileGids; // NOTE the "**" to indicate tileGids is a pointer to pointer i.e. 2D array.
To initialize it:
int width = map->mapSize.width;
int height = map->mapSize.height;
layer.tileGids = new int*[width]; // NOTE the "int*" to indicate tileGids is a new array of pointers to int.
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) // Initialize each element in layer.tileGids[] to be a pointer to int.
layer.tileGids[i] = new int[height];
Now you can access the items in layer.tileGids using:
int value = layer.tileGids[x][y] // where 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height
To deallocate this data structure, similar to how you allocate it, you need to deallocate each dynamically allocated array in each "row":
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
delete [] layer.tileGids[i]; // Deallocate each row.
delete [] layer.tileGids; // Deallocate "array" to the pointers itself.
Method 2:
Now another easier, less messy method (avoid pointers) is to use the C++ vector class. You need to make the following changes:
#include <vector>
class Layer {
vector<vector<int> > tileGids; // Note the space at "<int> >".
To initialize:
int width = map->mapSize.width;
int height = map->mapSize.height;
layer.tileGids = vector<vector<int> >(width, vector<int>(height, 0)); // Initialize all entries to 0.
To access the elements:
int value = layer.tileGids[x][y]; // Where 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height
Note that for the second method using vectors, you do not have to do any memory cleanup as is required in the first method because the vector will automatically take care of it. However, because a vector can grow dynamically i.e. you can add items to it, you lose the safety of having a fixed size array i.e. someone could accidentally increase the size of your grid if you use the vector method but if he tries to do that when you intialized it using the first method above an error will occur and you will immediately know that something is wrong.
Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong in the following code?
A lot. You're allocating two single arrays (a "row array" and a "column array", not what you need), and then you try to do something strange.
Generally you can't (strictly speaking) dynamically allocate a 2D array in C++ (because the type system would still need the type, along with the dimensions, to be known at compile time). You can emulate it with an array of arrays or so, but the best way is to allocate an 1D array:
int width=5;
std::vector<int> tab(width*height);
and then access the element by calculating the coordinates manually:
// access the element (1,2)
tab[1 + 2*width] = 10;
This way you're essentially interpreting a 1D array as a 2D array (with performance equal to static 2D arrays).
Then it's best to wrap the indexing with a class for convenience; boost::multi_array also has this done for you already.
a and b are int* here:
layer->tileGids = new int[a][b];
Perhaps you meant to say this?
layer->tileGids = new int[*a][*b];