ListView not initially showing data - c++

My QML ListView doesn't show my data until I perturb it with the mouse (e.g. just drag it up and down.) After this the view shows the model without issue until it empties, and then I once again need to perturb it to get it working again. Is there way to kick this ListView into working?
I'm using Qt 5.8 on Linux 14.04. My model is a subclass of QAbstractListModel. I build it by following the AbstractItemModel Example. The main difference is that my list model is a property of an entity, rather than being set with setContextProperty in main.cpp.
There are a few similar issues here on SO about the ListViews not updating, but none seem to only have an issue at the start. Most of them relate to the OP calling dataChanged manually instead of beforeInsertRows() & endInsertRows() - both methods I'm calling (see below.)
My ListView is in an item loaded with a SceneLoader.
I posted all the relevant code here, because I'm a little suspicious of how I use the Layouts on my ListView (maybe that's causing it? Maybe my hierarchy is broken? I haven't been able to prove that though.)
In short though,
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: sceneGraph.blobs
delegate: delegate
auto BlobModel::addBlob(const BlobPointDataPtr& data) -> void
// ...
// Each blob has a uuid
const auto idx = Contains(uuid);
if (-1 != idx)
Q_EMIT dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());
blobs_ << new Blob{data, id_count_}; id_count_++;
endInsertRows(); // responsible for the QQmlChangeSet
Q_EMIT dataChanged(createIndex(rowCount(), 0), createIndex(rowCount(), 0));
Also, on my terminal, I receive the message:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QQmlChangeSet'
(Make sure 'QQmlChangeSet' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
This seems to be emitted by endInsertRows(), but I'm not sure why. In the past the solution has been to register the missing type, e.g. qRegisterMetaType<QQmlChangeSet*>("QQmlChangeSet"); but this seems not to be a public type with Qt, and because everything mostly works without it, I'm not sure missing that is the exact issue.

The problem, as pointed out in the comments, was that I was modifying my model outside of the main thread.
My code was set up so that another thread would trigger additions to my model by directly calling addData. The reason my minimal example wasn't able to replicate this was because in it I used a QTimer to simulate the other thread, however QTimer also runs on the main thread.
The solution was to change my direct call to addData(data) to emitted a signal to do the addition, thus moving the actual work back to the main thread.


QT MVC pattern not updating view - specific SimpleTreeModel example

I have had problems in my own code to get the views to update after model data is updated.
I then took the SimpleTree example from QT and added a timer in TreeModel to change the data after 10s and then invoke the same set data function used in the constructor to update the model. The code is below for the slot that executes on the timer timeout. No matter what I try, the view does not update. The setDate and emit dataChanged were some attempts.
In my own code, I have a XML-RPC call updating the data, but considering I dont even get the simpleTreeModel to work, I suppose that would be a long shot.
Is there something fundamental that I am missing here?
void TreeModel::slotTimeout(void)
QStringList tmp;
tmp << "qaz";
tmp << "wsx";
tmp << "edc";
emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex());
qDebug() << "Timer update";
The SimpleTreeModel example is for static models only. It lacks the implementation of the required QAbstractItemModel functions to update the model.
Have a look on the detailed description of the models documentation in order to see what should be implemented.
The problem is, that the required methods are implemented as empty methods by default so you will not get any error messages if something is missing. It will just not work.
In addition it‘s a bit tricky to do the necessary data changed emits.
Within the setData method you have to emit dataChanged().
Within the also necessary insertRows you have to call the methods beginInsertRows(...) and endInsertRows() in order to get the required signals emitted.
A first approach toward the MV paradigma is to use the QStandardItemModel. It provides all the necessary implementation if a QStandardItem is sufficient what it usually will be.

Why is QML deleting my C++ ListView model?

Using Qt 5.5.1 on iOS 9 I'm trying to assign a dynamically created QAbstractListModel to the model property of a ListView:
Window {
ListView {
model: api.model()
delegate: delegate
Component {
id: delegate
Text { text: "Test" }
api is a C++ object assigned to the QML context with setContextProperty. The model method is a Q_INVOKABLE which returns a QAbstractListModel *. This all works, my ListView is populated with data.
The problem is when I start scrolling. Usually after the second full scroll (to the bottom, back up to the top and down again) my ListView starts to clear itself out. The debugger is telling me the QAbstractListModel is being destroyed.
I don't want to set CppOwnership on the model. Is there another way to prevent the ListView from destroying its model?
QML seems kind of broken in this regard, I've experienced completely arbitrary deletions of objects still in use in multiple scenarios. Objects with parents and referenced by the JS engine are being deleted for no apparent reason while JS garbage still takes hundreds of megabytes of memory instead of being freed. This applies to both objects returned from C++ and objects created in QML. When an object is returned from a C++ function to QML, ownership is passed to the QML engine, which makes the object vulnerable to such arbitrary deletions.
The solution is to force CPP ownership and manage the object's lifetime manually - keep in mind destroy() won't work on such objects, so you have to use a C++ function from QML to delete it.
qmlEngine.setObjectOwnership(obj, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
Also, as BaCaRoZzo mentioned, exposing the model as a property to api might be the appropriate form. It depends on whether the function is just an accessor to an existing object or it creates the object itself.
At any rate, keep in mind that QML object lifetime management at this point cannot and should not be trusted.
Even though I've accepted ddriver's answer I've found a solution that seems to better match what I wanted.
By dynamically loading my components and storing the model as a variable, I'm able to get QML to keep my C++ models alive and to destroy them when required, for example:
MyComponent {
property var model: api.createModel()
ListView {
model: model
delegate: delegate
Component { id: delegate [...] }
Component.onDestruction: model.destroy()
Unfortunately the model.destroy() call seems to be required. I was expecting the garbage collector to pick this up, but it doesn't seem to.
I've only tested this is toy examples so far, caveat lector.
Just to say - I can confirm the same issue on both Linux x86_64 and Android ARMv7.
MyComponent {
property var model: api.createModel()
ListView {
model: model
delegate: delegate
Component { id: delegate [...] }
Seems to be enough if you don't mind the model being destroyed later in time.
I want to add something to ddriver's answer, which is more than a comment.
This same problem came up for me. basically, i wanted to create a dynamic list view model (QAbstractListModel, in fact). The usual way is to put your models up front in main (or somewhere) like this:
QQmlContext* ctxt = engine.rootContext();
ctxt->setContextProperty("myModel", &model);
I have one model per object in this case, so i needed a dynamic solution.
I have a QObject which creates my model for a list. The model created derives from QAbstractListModel. The model is created and given out by my QObject host with a Q_INVOKABLE.
First problem is that the type of the model so generated is not known and must be registered. The usual qmlRegisterType does not work because QAbstractListModels cannot be copied. so you must register with qmlRegisterUncreatableType.
That's the first bit. Now the model works BUT who destroys it?
Turns out both my C++ code and QML both try to destroy the object since ownership was implicitly given to QML as part of the Q_INVOKABLE accessor.
BUT just letting QML clean up was bad. I tracked when this happened and it didn't happen at all in a timely manner. Basically it wouldn't clean up unless I did quite radial things like resize the window. presumably, it would eventually clean up (garbage etc.) but i really wanted these dynamic models to be cleaned up when their host QObject goes out.
So ddriver's idea is the way. but also remember to register with qmlRegisterUncreatableType.
inline MyModel* MyHostObject::getModel()
if (!_model)
_model = new MyModel(this);
// retain ownership of this object.
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(_model, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
return _model;

Weird behavior when switching view between C++ and QML

I'm currently working on a project using Qt 5.0.2 on an embedded linux (ARM Cortex A9).
The main UI interface is developped in QML but I need to be able to hide this view to show a QWebView directly in C++.
I coded a simple view controller in c++ who hide()/show() the QML view and the many instances of QWebView.
The hiding/showing method work fine but when i show back the QML view, it's very instable. QML object are visible (or not visible :p) when they should not and the focus are buggy too. Object are draw in the wrong position too.
I try several methods :
-Initialize the focus/visible property of the differents objects everytime I show the QML view.
-use .setSource() everytime before showing the view
-try to update() the differents object thank to rootObject() before showing the view.
Did anyone have a tips to make the QML view functionnal again after a switch to a c++ view ?
there is probably a better way but,
you could probably do something like this (I have not tested this):
note: if the slot implementation is wrong (bad math) it will result in infinite recursion.
//this code could probably be in the constructor
real widthOverHeightRatio = 2;//set this value to what you want, or what it is when user first presses shift depending on the use case.
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(widthChange()), this, SLOT(onWidthChanged()));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(heightChanged()), this, SLOT(onHeightChanged()));
//don't forget to define these slots in the header
//implemented slots
void MyClass::onWidthChanged()
height = width/widthOverHeightRatio;
void MyClass::onHeightChanged()
width = height*widthOverHeightRatio;

qt resize window after widget remove

I'm adding widget in layout
and qmainwindow resizes itself. But then I do
qs = sizeHint();
I get the size like tabwidget was not removed from window.
I've made new button
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
qs = sizeHint();
and it gives correct size.
Seems I need some update function but I can't find it. Please advice
This is caused by a long-time internal Qt issue (I remember experiencing it first with Qt3). The top widget needs to receive an event to truly update its geometry, and know its boundaries. This event seems to be always received after the resize event generated by the layout, and therefore it is always too late to shrink the widget.
The solution posted in the accepted answer works. However a simpler solution posted below also works, when added after the layout :
layout()->removeWidget( widget );
QApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
resize( sizeHint() );
Basically all we need is to let the event loop run and deliver the necessary events so the top widget geometry is updated before resize() is run.
Note that this code might have side effects if you have multiple threads running, or there are events delivered to your slots. Hence it is safer not to have any code in this function after resize().
If the button slot gives you the correct result then you can always call the sizeHint() and subsequent resize() in a slot which is called by a single shot timer:
void MainWindow::fixSize()
QSize size = sizeHint();
void MainWindow::methodWhereIHideTheTabWidget()
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(fixSize()));
This timer is set to zero delay. This means that the slot will be called immediatelly when the program returns to the main loop and hopefully after the internal widget state gets updated. If this doesn't resolve your problem you may try replacing zero with 1.

Weird bug in Qt application

In my application, I have my re-implemented QGraphicsView checking for a mouseReleaseEvent(), and then telling the item at the position the mouse is at to handle the event.
The QGraphicsItem for my view is made up of two other QGraphicsItems, and I check which one of the two is being clicked on (or rather having the button released on), and handle the respective events.
In my Widget's constructor, I set one of the items as selected by default, using the same methods I used when the items detect a release.
When I debugged, I found that for the LabelItem, select is called without a problem from the constructor (and the result is clear when I first start the application). But, when I click on the items, the application terminates. I saw that I was getting into the select function, but not leaving it. So the problem is here.
Which is very weird, because the select function is just a single line setter.
void LabelItem::select()
selected = true;
This is the mouseReleaseEvent;
void LayerView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
LayerItem *l;
if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
l = (LayerItem *) itemAt(event->pos());
{ //No problem upto this point, if label is clicked on
l->setSelection(true); //in setSelection, I call select() or unselect() of LabelItem,
//which is a child of LayerItem, and the problem is there.
//In the constructor for my main widget, I use setSelection
//for the bottom most LayerItem, and have no issues.
emit selected(l->getId());
else if(l->inCheckBox(event->pos()))
bool t = l->toggleCheckState();
emit toggled(l->getId(), t);
When I commented the line out in the function, I had no errors. I have not debugged for the other QGraphicsItem, CheckBoxItem, but the application terminates for its events as well. I think the problem might be related, so I'm concentrating on select, for now.
I have absolutely no clue as to what could have caused this and why this is happening. From my past experience, I'm pretty sure it's something simple which I'm stupidly not thinking of, but I can't figure out what.
Help would really be appreciated.
If the LabelItem is on top of the LayerItem, itemAt will most likely return the LabelItem because it is the topmost item under the mouse. Unless the LabelItem is set to not accept any mouse button with l->setAcceptedMouseButtons(0).
Try to use qgraphicsitem_cast to test the type of the item. Each derived class must redefine QGraphicsItem::type() to return a distinct value for the cast function to be able to identify the type.
You also could handle the clicks in the items themselves by redefining their QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent() method, it would remove the need for the evil cast, but you have to remove the function LayerView::mouseReleaseEvent() or at least recall the base class implementation, QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent(), to allow the item(s) to receive the event.
I have seen these odd behaviours: It was mostly binary incompatibility - the c++ side looks correct, and the crash just does not make sense. As you stated: In your code the "selected" variable cannot be the cause. Do you might have changed the declaration and forgot the recompile all linked objects. Just clean and recompile all object files. Worked for me in 99% of the cases.