I usually find answers for my problems on this forum, but this time I can't. This is why I am asking you. (Sorry in advance for the mistakes I'm doing in english or c++)
So here is my void function, it is just the start of a little game I'm making in the console. It is just showing some informations. By the way it's a french game, but I don't think that a traduction is needed to solve my problem.
void showIntro (Personnage a, Personnage b, Personnage c)
cout << endl;
cout << "VOUS ENTREZ DANS LES MINES DE LA MORIA" << endl << endl;
cout << "ENNEMIS PRESENTS : " << endl << endl;
cout << " " << "Orc robuste" << endl << endl << endl;
a.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " " << "Orc robuste" << endl << endl << endl;
b.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " " << "Orc robuste" << endl << endl << endl;
c.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Le combat va commencer";
cout << ".";
cout << ".";
cout << "." << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "Gimli : ";
string phraseGimli ("Je vengerai mes freres!");
for (int f = 0; f <= phraseGimli.size(); f++) // Just writing a sentence
cout << phraseGimli[f];
cout << endl << "Legolas : ";
string phraseLegolas ("Nous sommes avec toi mon ami");
for (int g = 0; g <= phraseLegolas.size(); g++) // Writing a sentence
cout << phraseLegolas[g];
cout << endl << "Aragorn : ";
string phraseAragorn ("POUR LE GONDOR");
for (int i = 0; i <= phraseAragorn.size(); i++) // Writing a sentence
cout << phraseAragorn[i];
And here is the other one.
void choixAttaque (Personnage joueur, Personnage a, Personnage b, Personnage c, string nom)
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "Qui souhaitez vous attaquer ?" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " " << nom << endl << endl << endl;
a.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << "Tapez 1" << endl;
cout << " " << nom << endl << endl << endl;
b.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << "Tapez 2" << endl;
cout << " " << nom << endl << endl << endl;
c.afficherEtatIntro ();
cout << endl << "Tapez 3" << endl;
int choix;
cin >> choix;
} while (choix <= 0 || choix >= 4);
switch (choix)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
afficherEtatIntro ()
void Personnage::afficherEtatIntro () const
cout << " " << "Vie : " << m_vie << endl;
cout << " ";
m_arme means m_weapon, I used "->" because it is from a pointer. I'm new to all of this, so it can be really possible that the mistake comes from here.
When I'm using only one, it works, but when I'm using both in a row, it does that.
first void function showing properly
And then.
Path of things in my computer
I hope I gave the informations needed to solve the problem, and I hope it can be solved. Thanks in advance for everything, and sorry for all the mistakes I may have made in english, c++ or by linking my lines of code. ^^'
(Btw, all the "cout << endl;" looks ugly I guess, but that is just until I learn how to use Qt..)
From debugger: "Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault."
And a picture in comment. (Need more reputation for 3 links..)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char gun;
char att;
cout << "Guns" << endl;
cout << "[1] AK" << endl;
cout << "[2] MP5" << endl;
cout << "[3] M2" << endl;
cout << "[4] SAR" << endl;
cout << "[5] Tommy" << endl;
cout << "[6] Custom" << endl;
cin >> gun;
cout << "[A] Holosight" << endl;
cout << "[B] Simplesight" << endl;
cout << "[C] Silencer" << endl;
cout << "[D] Muzzel Boost" << endl;
cout << "[E] Muzzel Break" << endl;
cout << "[F] 8x Zoom Scope" << endl;
cout << "[G] 16x Zoom Scope" << endl;
cout << "[H] Lasersight" << endl;
cin >> att;
switch (gun) {
if (gun = 1)
cout << 'test' << endl;
cout << "Wrong Command" << endl;
When I run this and select 1 (code is only half-built) it prints "1952805748". I have tried adding more cases and it still has this problem.
Can someone please help me with this problem.
You have several issues here:
if (gun = 1)
cout << 'test' << endl;
that's not a comparison; gun is always assigned the value 1, and the if condition is always true. The comparison operator is ==.
Also, you are printing out 'test', which is why you are getting the weird number. You need to print "test".
Also note that gun is a char, so you might want to compare against the char '1'.
Also, avoid using namespace std;
Good day everyone. My program is about a Computer Shop (Laptop). So, people can buy laptop through this program and "PCPurchase" is the function that gonna handle the customer transaction.
I use file-pointer and struct to save information about all the laptops. And of course, the struct store more than 1 type of laptops because obviously this is a laptop shop.
I encounter a problem where user can only buy (enter name) of the first entry (first laptop) in the struct. Here: cout << "Enter the laptop company and name you want to buy: " << endl;
If customer enter the name of 2nd laptop,3rd and so on, it will jump to line
cout << endl << "\tNot available!" << endl; cout << "\tPress A to try again or B to return to main menu" << endl;
It indicates that the laptop's name is not in database which actually is.
Can I know what the problem here actually is?
int PCPurchase()
struct customer cust;
system("color 0A");
char laptop[100];
double total_bill;
const double TAX=0.06;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << "\t\tCustomer Dashboard" << endl;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << "Available laptops: " << endl;
cout << endl << "Laptop company and name: ";
cout << PC.laptopcompany << endl;
cout << "RAM: ";
cout << PC.RAM << endl;
cout << "Processor: ";
cout << PC.Processor << endl;
cout << "Price: RM";
cout << PC.price << endl;
cout << "\nPress any key to continue purchase" << endl;
getInfo(cust); //get information of customer
cout << "Enter the laptop company and name you want to buy: " << endl;
cout << "(Type 'RETURN' if you do not want to purchase)" << endl << endl;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << "\tYou have selected" << endl;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << "Laptop company and name: ";
cout << PC.laptopcompany << endl;
cout << "RAM: ";
cout << PC.RAM << endl;
cout << "Processor: ";
cout << PC.Processor << endl;
cout << "Price: ";
cout << PC.price << endl;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2);
cout << "Name: "<< cust.name << endl; // struct output
cout << "Email: "<< cust.email << endl;
cout << "Phone Number: " << cust.number << endl;
cout << "Your total bill (including 6% tax): RM" << total_bill << endl;
cout << setfill ('-') << setw (55) << "-" << endl;
cout << endl << "\tPress 1 to return to main screen!";
cout << endl << "\tPress 2 to quit the program!";
char afterpurchase;
if (afterpurchase=='1')
else if(strcmpi("RETURN",laptop)==0)
cout << endl << "\tNot available!" << endl;
cout << "\tPress A to try again or B to return to main menu" << endl;
char choice1;
choice1=toupper(choice1); // Transform to uppercase
switch (choice1)
case 'A': fclose(fptr);
default : fclose(fptr);
It is because of else statement. If you want to buy the laptop from the second record of the data and so on, it will compare with the first record and will not return true. So, it will proceed to else statement and will not repeat the while loop. Simply change the else statement to make the loop working.
I have started on this very simple ATM type of program.
I am a beginner so show some mercy if you see very unefficient ways of doing certain things.
I need help with finding a way of keeping the stored balance value even after I reopen the program. Because right now everytime I reopen the program it does the expected of creating a new "long double balance;" variable which resets its value from the previous use of the program.
So for example, let's say I use the program and deposit 500 euros. Then the balance value would be 500 euros. I close the program, reopen and now everything is reset again. How can I make it so whenever I reopen the program the previous value for balance still exists and does not get reset? As I said there are probably tons of different more efficient ways of doing this but as a beginner this is all I can come up with. Thanks!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
// Functions
void login();
void menu();
void displayBalance();
void deposit();
void withdraw();
void logout();
// Variables
string name = "";
long double balance;
/* ########################## */
int main(){
void login(){
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Bank/Database #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Made by: Fotan #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
// Ask user for name and password
cout << "Login:" << endl;
cout << " - Enter your name: ";
getline(cin, name);
int pw = 0;
cout << " - Enter password: ";
cin >> pw;
}while(pw != 1234);
void menu(){
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Bank/Database #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Made by: Fotan #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
int choice = 0;
cout << "Welcome " << name << "!" << endl;
cout << " 1 - Display Balance" << endl;
cout << " 2 - Deposit" << endl;
cout << " 3 - Withdraw" << endl;
cout << " 4 - Log out" << endl;
cin >> choice;
}while(choice > 4 || choice < 1);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
void displayBalance(){
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Bank/Database #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Made by: Fotan #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "Balance: EUR" << balance << endl;
cout << " - Press any key to continue..." << endl;
void deposit(){
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Bank/Database #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Made by: Fotan #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
long double amount = 0;
cout << "Enter amount to deposit: ";
cin >> amount;
balance += amount;
cout << "Amount deposited: " << amount << endl;
cout << " - Press any key to continue..." << endl;
void withdraw(){
void logout(){
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Bank/Database #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "# Made by: Fotan #" << endl;
cout << "\t" "\t" "####################" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "Thank you " << name << " for using our services." << endl;
cout << "You have been logged out!" << endl;
/* __
<(o )___
( ._> /
`---' */
Variables are not "automagically" persisted when program exits.
So you need to implement a mechanism to persist your balance variable (and maybe others) to something on disk.
I would not consider real databases for this pet project, so the most basic thing you can do is write and read the balance amount to a file (more specifically a file open in binary mode).
I suggest you to use c++ std::fstream derived, you can find a tutorial here
Basically I want an exact copy of the code that appears in the console window to also be outputted to a txt file..
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//Initialising gotoxy Comand
void gotoxy(int col, int row)
COORD coord;
coord.X = col;
coord.Y = row;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
int main()
char name1[20], name2[20], name3[30], name4[20];
int funcNum = 0;
int n1Nv, n1Mv, n1SEv, n1SWv;
int n2Nv, n2Mv, n2SEv, n2SWv;
int n3Nv, n3Mv, n3SEv, n3SWv;
int n4Nv, n4Mv, n4SEv, n4SWv;
int n1Total, n2Total, n3Total, n4Total, perTotal;
double n1Per, n1PerTotal;
double n2Per, n2PerTotal;
double n3Per, n3PerTotal;
double n4Per, n4PerTotal;
double maxVote;
cout << "================================================================================";
cout << " Ballot Results" << endl;
cout << " Version 2.1" << endl;
cout << " Created by Team b0nkaz" << endl;
cout << "================================================================================" << endl;
//Candidate Identification
cout << "Enter the candidates running for president" << endl << endl;
//cin.getline (workaround,30); //**
cout << "Candidate One: ";
cin.getline (name1,20);
cout << "Candidate Two: ";
cin.getline (name2,20);
cout << "Candidate Three: ";
cin.getline (name3,20);
cout << "Candidate Four: ";
cin.getline (name4,20);
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Input vote numbers from each region pressing enter after each input:" << endl << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//Input Table
cout << "North" << endl;
cout << "Midlands" << endl;
cout << "South East" << endl;
cout << "South West" << endl;
cout << "| Total" << endl;
cout << "_____________________________________________________________________|__________" << endl;
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << "|";
cout << name1;
cout << name2;
cout << name3;
cout << name4;
cout << endl;
cout << "_____________________________________________________________________|__________" << endl;
//Vote Input
cin >> n1Nv;
cin >> n2Nv;
cin >> n3Nv;
cin >> n4Nv;
cin >> n1Mv;
cin >> n2Mv;
cin >> n3Mv;
cin >> n4Mv;
//South East
cin >> n1SEv;
cin >> n2SEv;
cin >> n3SEv;
cin >> n4SEv;
//South West
cin >> n1SWv;
cin >> n2SWv;
cin >> n3SWv;
cin >> n4SWv;
//Total Votes
n1Total = n1Nv + n1Mv + n1SEv + n1SWv;
cout << n1Total;
n2Total = n2Nv + n2Mv + n2SEv + n2SWv;
cout << n2Total;
n3Total = n3Nv + n3Mv + n3SEv + n3SWv;
cout << n3Total;
n4Total = n4Nv + n4Mv + n4SEv + n4SWv;
cout << n4Total << endl << endl << endl;
//Percentage Calculation
perTotal = n1Total + n2Total + n3Total + n4Total;
//Candidate One
n1Per = n1Total*100;
n1PerTotal = n1Per/perTotal;
//Candidate Two
n2Per = n2Total*100;
n2PerTotal = n2Per/perTotal;
//Candidate Three
n3Per = n3Total*100;
n3PerTotal = n3Per/perTotal;
//Candidate Four
n4Per = n4Total*100;
n4PerTotal = n4Per/perTotal;
cout << "Please wait for calculation..." << endl << endl;
//Spinning Loading Line
//std::cout << '-' << std::flush;
//std::cout << "\b\\" << std::flush;
//std::cout << "\b|" << std::flush;
//std::cout << "\b/" << std::flush;
//std::cout << "\b-" << std::flush;
//Sleeping Program
Sleep(1500); //1.5 secs
//Total Output
cout << "Candidate percentage:" << endl << endl;
//Converting To One Decimal Place
cout << fixed;
//Vote Percentages
cout << name1 << " = " << n1PerTotal << "%" << endl;
cout << name2 << " = " << n2PerTotal << "%" << endl;
cout << name3 << " = " << n3PerTotal << "%" << endl;
cout << name4 << " = " << n4PerTotal << "%" << endl << endl;;
//Calculating Winnner
if (n2PerTotal>maxVote)
if (n3PerTotal>maxVote)
if (n4PerTotal>maxVote)
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//Sleeping Program
Sleep(1500); //1.5 secs
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl;
cout << " " << name1 << " " << endl;
cout << " is the new president of The British Society of IT Professionals " << endl;
cout << " with " << n1PerTotal << "% of the vote " << endl;
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
else if(maxVote==n2PerTotal)
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl;
cout << " " << name2 << " " << endl;
cout << " is the new president of The British Society of IT Professionals " << endl;
cout << " with " << n2PerTotal << "% of the vote " << endl;
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
else if(maxVote==n3PerTotal)
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl;
cout << " " << name3 << " " << endl;
cout << " is the new president of The British Society of IT Professionals " << endl;
cout << " with " << n3PerTotal << "% of the vote " << endl;
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
else if(maxVote==n4PerTotal)
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl;
cout << " " << name4 << " " << endl;
cout << " is the new president of The British Society of IT Professionals " << endl;
cout << " with " << n4PerTotal << "% of the vote " << endl;
cout << " ***********************************************************************" << endl << endl;;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Press any key to exit..." << endl;
I am using MS Visual Studio 2010 and any help would be great! Please note I am still very new to C++.
EDIT I would like to be able to see the output in CMD as well as have a separate txt file with the same output code. Everything that is displayed in the CMD window also copied into the txt file.
use an ofstream operator as such.
For some reason I can't seem to find the comment button or I would be involved in the discussion above... but I've edited my code below to reflect what seem to be some concerns of yours.
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream fout;
fout.open("data.txt"); //Will create a new file if one is not already in existence
//You can put a static filename here or have them enter a string
//If you use a custom string your input will be "fout.open(STRING.c_str());
fout<<"Used exactly like cout from this point on";
fout.close(); //When you are done using it to close the file
I chose to name my ofstream operator fout because (while this is not always good to do) this way you can quickly change all of your cout's to fout's, or replicate them.
If the user enters a value and you want to spit it back out as well, you can use the ofstream operator after every cin.
You can find more information about ofstream here...
Hope this helped!
You can do this from outside of the application using tee. tee takes the output of a program and splits it into two streams (e.g. one to stdout and one to a file). Unfortunately, Windows doesn't come with a tee command but there are many implementations available.
If you want this to happen from within your program you can do the equivalent of tee using a custom ofstream. This article explains how.
My professor instructed us to make a Starbucks like menu where the user can continue to input orders until they are finished. I got the menu display down along with the loop, but I can't get it to add up the orders that were inputted and display a total.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int choice = 1;
cout << endl << "Welcome to Hunterbucks!";
while (choice > 0)
cout << endl << "Input -1 when you're finished ordering!";
cout << endl << endl << "Coffee" << " " << "($)";
cout << endl << "1. Regular" << " " << "1.50";
cout << endl << "2. Decaf" << " " << "1.23";
cout << endl << "3. Americano" << " " << "2.25";
cout << endl << "4. Espresso" << " " << "2.25";
cout << endl << "5. Latte" << " " << "2.50";
cout << endl << "6. Cappuccino" << " " << "2.75";
cout << endl << "7. Frappuccino" << " " << "2.75";
cout << endl << "8. Macchiato" << " " << "2.50";
cout << endl << endl << "Snacks" << " " << "($)";
cout << endl << "9. Muffin" << " " << "1.00";
cout << endl << "10. Blueberry Muffin" << " " << "1.25";
cout << endl << "11. Raspberry Muffin" << " " << "1.25";
cout << endl << "12. Scone" << " " << "0.75";
cout << endl << "13. Blueberry Scone" << " " << "1.00";
cout << endl << "14. Croissant" << " " << "0.75";
cout << endl << endl << "What would you like to order? ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice <= 0)
cout << endl << "Thank you for your order.";
cout << endl << "What else would you like to order?";
cout << endl << "Thank you for choosing Hunterbucks! Come again soon.";
return 0;
Any info that can help me? I'm just a beginner and have been trying this for a few hours.
In pseudo-code you want something like this:
float total = 0.0;
while (choice > 0)
cin >> choice;
if (choice <= 0)
cout << endl << "Thank you for your order.";
total += costs[choice];
cout << endl << "What else would you like to order?";
You'll need to define an array names costs that contains the cost of each item. You'll also want to tackle validation of the user input so that you don't erroneously attempt to read outside the range of the costs array.
You're probably looking at something like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int choice = 1;
float sum = 0.0;
float arr[] = {
0.00, 1.50, 1.23, 2.25, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 2.75, 2.50,
1.00, 1.25, 1.25, 0.75, 1.00, 0.75
cout << endl << "Welcome to Hunterbucks!";
while (choice > 0)
cout << endl << "Input -1 when you're finished ordering!";
cout << endl << endl << "Coffee" << " " << "($)";
cout << endl << "1. Regular" << " " << "1.50";
cout << endl << "2. Decaf" << " " << "1.23";
cout << endl << "3. Americano" << " " << "2.25";
cout << endl << "4. Espresso" << " " << "2.25";
cout << endl << "5. Latte" << " " << "2.50";
cout << endl << "6. Cappuccino" << " " << "2.75";
cout << endl << "7. Frappuccino" << " " << "2.75";
cout << endl << "8. Macchiato" << " " << "2.50";
cout << endl << endl << "Snacks" << " " << "($)";
cout << endl << "9. Muffin" << " " << "1.00";
cout << endl << "10. Blueberry Muffin" << " " << "1.25";
cout << endl << "11. Raspberry Muffin" << " " << "1.25";
cout << endl << "12. Scone" << " " << "0.75";
cout << endl << "13. Blueberry Scone" << " " << "1.00";
cout << endl << "14. Croissant" << " " << "0.75";
cout << endl << endl << "What would you like to order? ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice <= 0){
cout << endl << "Thank you for your order.";
} else {
cout << endl << "What else would you like to order?";
sum += arr[choice];
cout << "Total: " << sum << endl;
cout << endl << "Thank you for choosing Hunterbucks! Come again soon.";
return 0;
Do note the following:
1) Your menu choices being with '1' thus there is a need to offset your arr at index '0' with the '0.00' value there.
2) The cost added up follows that of your indexed array, thus you would probably want to format your output according to your array, so that next time, all you need to do is to update your array.
Hope it helped. Cheers!
The way you have your code set up warrants a switch statement, like the following:
double total = 0;
switch (choice)
case 1:
total += 1.50; // Regular.
case 2:
total += 1.23; // Decaf.
// Etc.
cout << endl << "Your total is " << total;
That being said, the easiest way to do this would be to have an array of prices:
double prices[] = {1.50, 1.23, 2.25};
// ...
total += prices[choice - 1]; // No switch statement needed.