Failure to launch Amazon EC2 non free instances - amazon-web-services

I need to launch a Amazon EC2 instance, in particular a GPU accelerated one. I already tried with free tiers using t2.micro
instances and everything is fine. When I try to select a non free one such as g2.2xlarge I get this error
Launch Failed
You have requested more instances (1) than your current instance limit of 0 allows for the specified instance type. Please visit to request an adjustment to this limit.
(Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InstanceLimitExceeded; Request ID: 4ebf71ee-e927-42c2-8377-697a3a6cfd4b)
I'm trying to use a machine with Deep Learning AMI Ubuntu Version (but I also tried with other ones). I get this error even if I'm not running any other instance and according to the documentation the limit for these one is 5 at a time.
I have also tried to select different regions (my country is not among the choices) but it doesn't seem to change the result.
My only guess about this issue is that somehow I'm registered as a free user and I'm not allowed to use the priced services, but I'm not so sure about that.
Edit: I have a credit card on file on Amazon (they require it to register) and they should charge me from that.
Am I missing something?

Every amazon account has limits - even big corporate accounts. These limitations are set by Amazon, but you can request a limit increase. You can find your limits by clicking the Limits link in the top left hand side inside the EC2 Dashboard.
For example, if you have a t2.micro already running and you try to launch a g2.xlarge that had a limit of 1, you would not be able to since your limit of 1 has already been hit with your t2.micro that is running.
More Info:
How do I manage my AWS service limits?
AWS FAQ Overview
Q: How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2?
To request a limit increase, submit a support request through the AWS Support Center
To view your limits:

Yes you must check the limits of usage. More info in the FQA or the limits section. Amazon is not so clear on this.
Amazon reference Forum


Creating new GCP serverless vpc access connection, Error: Insufficient CPU quota in region

I'm trying to create GCP serverless vpc access connection for my cloud functions.
The error message is at below
So i checked quota of my project. and my quota is at below
At first, I didn't have any VM instances so there was no cpu usage.
After, I create new VM instance, 8 quotas of CPUs are created. Still, it makes same error.
Do i need to use other type of cpu for VPC connection?
please share you knowledge. thank you.
The error is quite specific and the root cause is the Quota of CPU. There are two possible reasons for this issue and two possible solutions.
First possible issue is the connectors being created using the gcloud command exceeded the CPU quota of your project. The second is there may be existing CPU resource hidden on your project that needs to be removed.
First solution is to change the Gcloud command you are using with lower --max-instances as additional parameter to lower the number of instance being created.
Second possible solution is QIR (Quota Increase Request), Requesting a quota increase is free of charge. It will only cost more if you uses more resource from your request. For detailed instructions on how to increase quota from the Google Cloud Console, see Requesting a higher quota limit.
You can learn more about CPU Quota's here.

You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 0

I am trying to host Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming Build to AWS and while doing the setup I am getting stuck at the launch of Instance. I followed this tutorial here.
Please look at the error below:
Any help would be appreciated since I am a beginner in AWS.
There are default limits for various Amazon EC2 instance types. These are based upon the total number of vCPUs simultaneously running. You can access this information by selecting Limits in the sidebar of the EC2 management console.
You can click the Request limit increase button to submit a request for the limit to be increased.
These limits are sometimes to prevent fraud (eg people consuming lots of resources and then not paying their bill), and sometimes to protect people from accidentally running the more-expensive instances (eg the X family).
The g4dn.4xlarge shown in that video tutorial costs $1.204/hour (depending upon region used).
Check out this aws doc: It will let you see your current limit, and if you need to request an increase (or just choose a different instance type/class)
Also double-check you are in the right region. An increase is only for the region you request it in. You can check what your limit is via the Quotas page:!/dashboard

Master Instance Group: Exceeded EC2 Instance Quota

I am getting this error Master Instance Group: Exceeded EC2 Instance Quota, when I create a new cluster on Amazon EMR with 1 Master node only or 1 Master and 2 Core nodes. However, there are no EC2 instances running on my account.
What should I do? I raised a ticket, asking if I can get a quicker solution here.
In your case I think you are trying to access a new region or new instance type, AWS sometimes does that when you are in free tier, they allow access to 2-3 regions or free instance types only. Then you have to request access from AWS by raising a case.
But in Normal scenario, this is what happens:
You may face an error like Exceeded EC2 Instance Quota while you are trying to spin up new instances either standalone or in cluster.
This error is caused because you have hit the limit on number of instances allowed in your AWS account.
This limit is region and instance size specific. To get rid of this error you will have to request Amazon to increase the EC2 instance limit.
Requesting a limit increase is simple. Below are the steps:
Most service limit increases can be requested through the AWS Support Center by choosing Create Case and then choosing Service Limit Increase.
Most service limits are specific to a particular AWS Region, so be sure to submit a request for each Region you plan to use. Many services support requesting multiple limit increases for the same service through one support case. After creating your first request, choose Add another request and then choose a new limit type or Region.

Amazon EC2 instance passed 1/2 checks

Newbie to Amazon Web Services here. I launched an instance from a Public AMI and found that I could not ssh into the instance - I received the error "Connection timed out." I checked the security groups to verify that Port 22 was associated with Additionally, I checked the route tables to verify that is associated with target gateway attached to the VPC.
I find that only 1/2 status checks have passed - the instance status check failed. I have tried stopping and starting the instance as well as terminated and launching a new instance, both to no avail. The error that I see in the system log is:
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1).
From this previous question, it appears that this could be a virtualization issue, but I'm not sure if that was due to something I did on my end when launching the instance or something that occurred from the creators of the AMI? Ec2 1/2 checks passed
Any help would be appreciated!
Can you share any more details about how you deployed the instance? Did you use the AWS Management Console, or one of the command line tools or SDKs to deploy it? Which public AMI did you use? Was it one of the ones provided by Amazon?
Depending on your needs, I would make sure that you use one of the AMIs provided by Amazon, such as Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, CentOS, etc. Here's the links to the docs on AMIs, but you can learn quite a bit by just searching for images. Since you mentioned virtualization types though, I'd suggest reading up briefly on the HVM vs. Paravirtual virtualization types on AWS. Each of the instance types / families uses a certain virtualization type, which is indicated in the chart on this page.
Instance Status Checks
This documentation page covers the instance status checks, which you'll probably want to familiarize yourself with. It's entirely possible that shutting down (not restart, but shutdown) and then starting the instance back up might resolve the instance status check.
Spot Instances - cost savings!
By the way, I'll just mention this since you indicated that you're new to AWS ... if you're just playing around right now, you can save a ton of cost by deploying EC2 Spot Instances, instead of paying the normal, on-demand rates. Depending on current rates, you can save more than 50%, and per-second billing still applies. Although there's the possibility that your EC2 instance could get "interrupted" based on market demand, you can configure your Spot Instance to just "Hibernate" or "Stop" instead of terminating and relaunching. That way, your work is instance state is saved for when it relaunches.
Hope this helps!
1) Use well-known images or contact with the image developer. Perhaps it requires more than one drive or tricky partitioning.
2) make sure you selected proper HVM/PV image according to the instance type.
3) (after checks are passed) make sure the instance has public ip

amazon aws how many m1.small spot request can i create in one region by default

In amazon aws how many m1.small spot request can i create in one region by default
when i see in Instances limit it shows me some thing like
Spot Instance requests default Request limit increase
but currently i am running 36 m1.small
and it gives me an error while creating new spot request
so my question is how many spot request can i make of one particular type (eg.m1.small or m1.large)
or how does amazon aws calculate MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded
MaxSpotInstanceCount is the hard limit of on number of spot instances that you can launch irrespective of their type. the default is 5. However, in your case it seems to be 36.
You can request AWS to increase the limit by filling out this form:
For any other doubts, please reach out to their support: