Loopback polymorphic relation based on property - loopbackjs

I have review the loopback polymorphic relation docs (https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb3/Polymorphic-relations.html) and I am trying to determine if I can achieve a polymorphic relation that suits the following needs:
I have List, Task, and Event models. Lists can have many Tasks OR have many Events. Lists also have a type property that defines what kind of child objects it has. ie, "tasks", "events". What I'd like is to have a polymorphic "items" relation on the List model that would query whichever relation is defined by the type property. So if I queried a List with type "events" with {include: "items"} it would return Events in the items array.
Is this implementation supported by Loopback?


Google Datastore: how to retrieve entities with children?

I only found the way to get children entities by parent one.
But is there any way to retrieve the list of parent entities (by some parent entity's properties filter) with their children in single call?
(Pseudo query):
SELECT * FROM parents (with children) WHERE parent.property1=...
Result should be like this:
- (parent1, child1, child2)
- (parent2, child3, child4)
This is not possible if you store the parents and children as separate entities. However, if the children for a parent is expected to be small, then you can consider storing them as embedded struct slice. Then as you query the parent entities and retrieve them you will have access to their children.
The short answer is no.
Some background
Entities in a Datastore mode database form an ancestor path, which means a hierarchically structured space, similar to the directory structure of a file system.
Depending on your needs there are a couple things that you could do:
You could retrieve each parent and their children individually in multiple calls and then combine all the parts together.
You could use Special query types, such as kindless queries, which is a query with no kind and no ancestor filter that retrieves all of the entities of an application from Datastore, so you can gather the needed information.
Not sure this qualifies as an answer but I have the same scenario and below are the two options I am considering.
The scenario I am in is an Employer kind and an Employee kind. The Employee is a child of Employer but the same Employee can be part of multiple Employers.
I need to find all Employers a specific Employee is part of.
Option 1 (the one I think I will go with)
Have a third entity for a reverse lookup. The key will be the Employee's last part of the key with an additional property to hold the list of Employers' keys.
Every time an Employer/Employee relationship changes I will also update the reverse lookup kind.
Option 2
Have the last part of the Employee's key saved separately in the same entity as an indexed property so that I can search by it (and then able to find each of those entities' parent key).

How to signal QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged with changes to few columns only?

After updating the model data of my derived class of a QAbstractItemModel, I do not want the listeners (assume a QTreeView) to completely update all of the tree representation, but only the data in an individual column of most of the rows.
Example: I want to only update the second column of my items, so I thought I had to emit dataChanged(createIndex(0,1,&root), createIndex(rowCount(),1,&root);
However, this still updates the complete tree for some reason - is that expected behaviour? Does it have to do with the underlying model organisation (which works very similar to Qt's own simple tree example)? Or does it have yet other reasons I did not consider?

Rails 4 - HABTM model with 2nd level model design?

I have a design question.
I have two model objects; Event and EventSeries (types of series or championships that the event can be part of) where the Event can be belong to multiple EventSeries.
I am now looking to add a third object to the mix, Competitor that belongs to the Event and should be able to select associations to the EventSeries but only those that the Event is part of.
What is the best method for this type of design?
HABTM between the Competitor and EventSeries and use the controller/view to limit the available entry values based on the Event model?
HABTM between Event with custom keys (EventSeries) and the Competitors models? Not sure if possible
Something else?

Django ORM join with another table

I have a table known as messages. In my application, users can send different type of messages. Like forwarding an event, etc. As such, I have columns type and value in that table.
What I want to do is for a particular type, goto a particular table and make sure the value is valid (typically this maps to the id of that table). There could be multiple types, and each one has to be mapped to a different table. Is there a way to logically write this in the built in django ORM? Right now I'm only seeing this feasible if I use straight SQL, which I would rather not if I can get away with it...
Right now I'm doing something like:
I want to add to the statement above checking the type and for the particular type, check the table associated with it.
It sounds like you have a "polymorphic association". There are a couple ways to do analogous things in Django, but I think the one that most closely matches what you described is the contenttypes module, which uses separate columns for the type and for the value as in your application.
You may just want to define a multi-table inheritance structure. This gets you the same result in that you have multiple types of messages and field inheritance, but you don't have to mess with a type field at all.
class Message(models.Model):
value = models.CharField(max_length=9000)
class Event(Message):
class Tweet(Message):
In view post handler:
if request.POST['type'] == 'event':
elif request.POST['type'] == 'tweet':
Then, get your objects:
all_tweets = Tweet.objects.all()
all_messages = Message.objects.all()
for message in all_messages:
event = message.event
except Event.DoesNotExist:
# this message is not an Event
If this sort of structure doesn't work for you, there are two other styles of Model inheritance supported by Django: Abstract base classes and Proxy models. You could also hold a GenericForeignKey as suggested by #AndrewGorcester.

How to display two Qt models using external data in a single tree view

I'm working on a C++/Qt project. I have two business models (one is a hierarchical tree-like structure, i.e. film categories/sub-categories, and the other one is a simple vector, i.e. film titles which can belong only to a subcategory) and I want to display both in a unique tree-view, where leaf nodes can belong to both models and non-leaf nodes belong to the first model. In addition to this view, I also want to display in model specific views, a tree-view for the first model and a list view for the second one.
I've considered 3 approaches:
1) Create one QAbstractItemModel for each business model and another one to represent the mixed model. Thus, each view is associated with only one model.
2) Create only two QAbstractItemModel for each business model and implement a special view that deals with that information.
3) Use a QStandardItem model and implement subclasses of QStandardItem for both my business model elements.
Because I'm working with external data, I don't want to duplicate any information if possible.
What do you think is the best/proper approach to follow? Any implementation advices?
QDataWidgetMapper is your best bet in that one.
Make one model of your data. I would make one tree model, which is option c of your choices, but could be implementing your own tree model.
For the list view, see if you can't set the tree model on it as well, and use setRootIndex to only show the list of items you want to see. I know it works on table and tree views, so I assume it would also work on a list view.