Getting date and time from a .txt - c++

I am trying to get the date and time from a file I have which is something like this
"70000 DIV","100ms (1ms/S)","17-03-25","06:16:15.49"
"CH1-1","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector11","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH1-2","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector12","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH2-1","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector21","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH2-2","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector22","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH3-1","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector31","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH3-2","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector32","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH4-1","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector41","OFF","-","-","OFF"
"CH4-2","8956 H-SPEED","200mV","Detector42","OFF","-","-","OFF"
where the date and time is located in line 3 after the 2 comma(,)
I'm a bit confused from the examples found on google. Anyone have any idea on how I might do this?
edit*I add some bit of what I done so far,
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
const int LINE = 4;
int draft(){
std::ifstream fdate("DataFile0001/DataFile_B0001_info.txt");
std::string s;
for (int i = 1; i<= LINE; i++)
std::cout << s;
return 0;
TO be honest I do not want to compile and run this but rather just root as I am going to use it to process the root file I have. But as this is more of a c++ problem rather than root. asking here I think is more appropriate

for (int i = 1; i<= LINE; i++)
if(i == 3)
size_t pos = s.find_first_of(",");
pos = s.find_first_of("," , pos+1);
std::string date = s.substr(pos+2 , s.find_first_of("," , pos+1)-pos-3);
pos = s.find_first_of("," , pos+1);
std::string time = s.substr(pos+2 , s.length()-pos-3);
std::cout << date << std::endl;
std::cout << time << std::endl;


C++ Problem with space detection in an Array String

I'm currently writting a program where I try to filter extra spaces so if there are more than 1 spaces in a row, I discard the rest leaving only one
But this is only the first step because the aim of the program is to parse a txt file with mips assembly instructions.
So far I've opened the file, stored the content in a vector and then stored the vector content in an array. Then I check, if you find a char 2 times in a row shift the array to the left.
The problem is that the code works well for any other letter, except for the space character. (On the code below I test it with the 'D' character and it works)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class myFile {
vector<string> myVector;
void FileOpening();
void file_filter();
void myFile::FileOpening() {
string getcontent;
ifstream openfile; //creating an object so we can open files
char filename[50];
int i = 0;
cout << "Enter the name of the file you wish to open: ";
cin.getline(filename, 50); //whatever name file the user enters, it's going to be stored in filename; //opening the file with the object I created
if (!openfile.is_open()) //if the file is not opened, exit the program
cout << "File is not opened! Exiting the program.";
while (!openfile.eof()) //as long as it's not the end of the file do..
getline(openfile, getcontent); //get the whole text line and store it in the getcontent variable
void myFile::file_filter() {
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0, flag = 0, NewLineSize, k, r;
string Arr[myVector.size()];
for (i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++) {
Arr[i] = myVector[i];
//removing extra spaces,extra line change
for (i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++) {
cout << "LINE SIZE" << myVector[i].size() << endl;
for (j = 0; j < myVector[i].size(); j++) {
//If I try with this character for example,
//it works (Meaning that it successfully discards extra 'Ds' leaving only one.
// But if I replace it with ' ', it won't work. It gets out of the loop as soon
//as it detects 2 consecutive spaces.
if ((Arr[i][j] == 'D') && (Arr[i][j + 1] == 'D')) {
for (k = j; k < myVector[i].size(); k++) {
Arr[i][k] = Arr[i][k + 1];
flag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < myVector[i].size(); j++) //edw diapernw tin kathe entoli
cout << Arr[i][j];
int main() {
myFile myfile;
My question is, why does it work with all the characters except the space one, and how do I fix this?
Thanks in advace.
Wow. Many lines of code. I can only recomend to learn more about the STL and algorithms.
You can read the complete file into a vector using the vectors "range"-constructor and std::istream_iterator. Then you can replace one or more spaces in a string by using a std::regex. This is really not complicated.
In the below example, I do all the work, with 2 lines of code in function main. Please have a look:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
using LineBasedTextFile = std::vector<std::string>;
class CompleteLine { // Proxy for the input Iterator
// Overload extractor. Read a complete line
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, CompleteLine& cl) { std::getline(is, cl.completeLine); return is; }
// Cast the type 'CompleteLine' to std::string
operator std::string() const { return completeLine; }
// Temporary to hold the read string
std::string completeLine{};
int main()
// Open the input file
std::ifstream inputFile("r:\\input.txt");
if (inputFile)
// This vector will hold all lines of the file. Read the complete file into the vector through its range constructor
LineBasedTextFile text{ std::istream_iterator<CompleteLine>(inputFile), std::istream_iterator<CompleteLine>() };
// Replace all "more-than-one" spaces by one space
std::for_each(text.begin(), text.end(), [](std::string& s) { s = std::regex_replace(s, std::regex("[\\ ]+"), " "); });
// For Debug purposes. Print Result to std::out
std::copy(text.begin(), text.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
I hope, I could give you some idea on how to proceed.

C++ std::sort function gets not finished?

im currently setting up the highscore-part for a game and I have a very weird problem because of the weird behaviour of the std::sort function.
Im doing the whole thing in RAD Studio 10.2 (Embarcadero IDE) in C++.
So he is my code:
std::string Line;
int count = 0;
int i = 0;
ifstream File("Highscore.txt");
while(getline(File, Line))
count += 1;
ifstream ReadFile("Highscore.txt");
string *scores = NULL;
scores = new string[count];
while(getline(ReadFile, Line))
scores[i] = Line;
i += 1;
std::sort(scores, (scores+count));
UnicodeString Uscores1 = scores[0].c_str();
UnicodeString Uscores2 = scores[1].c_str();
UnicodeString Uscores3 = scores[2].c_str();
UnicodeString Uscores4 = scores[3].c_str();
UnicodeString Uscores5 = scores[4].c_str();
LScore1->Caption = Uscores1;
LScore2->Caption = Uscores2;
LScore3->Caption = Uscores3;
LScore4->Caption = Uscores4;
LScore5->Caption = Uscores5;
I get no errors from the compiler/linker and everything work should fine.
The string array gets filled correctly and so on.
But its not sorting.
To show the problem to you I made a screenshot - on the left you can see the txtfile with the scores; on the right you can see the output after the sorting algorithm:
My question now is why this is happening?
Thanks for you help
Welcome to C++. Since you want to list numbers by rank, read them as int not string. Forget about operator new. You will not need it for years, if ever. Use standard containers like std::vector, which take care of the memory allocation and de-allocation transparently.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
using namespace std;
vector<int> scores;
ifstream inp("Highscore.txt");
int next;
while (inp >> next) {
sort(scores.begin(), scores.end());
for (auto s : scores) {
cout << s << '\n';
return 0;
How about something like:
int i = 0;
int * scoresInteger = NULL;
scoresInteger = new int[count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
scoresInteger[i] = std::stoi(scores[i]);
std::sort(scoresInteger, scoresInteger + count);
If you need to, you can convert the integers back into strings using targetStrings[i] = std::to_string(scoresInteger[i]).
string * targetScores = NULL;
targetScores = new std::string[count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
targetScores[i] = std::to_string(scoresInteger[i]);
delete [] scoresInteger;
scoresInteger = NULL;
Don't forget to delete [] targetScores later.
My question now is why this is happening?
Because your scores are compared as strings and not as ints. Because of that "3" is greater that "25"
std::cout << std::boolalpha << (std::string("3") > std::string("25")) << std::endl; // true
Luckily you can pass a custom comparator (or lambda) to the std::sort to make it behave just as you want:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
const int count = 5;
std::string scores[count] = { "35","25","3","4","5" };
std::sort(scores, scores + count, [](std::string const &s1, std::string const &s2)
return std::stoi(s2) < std::stoi(s1);
for (auto const &s : scores)
std::cout << s << std::endl;
The compared strings in the above example are converted to ints and then compared, resulting in the desired sorting order.
Please note that I do not agree with the rest of your code and I think you should rethink the implementation, as it would be much easier, safer and more efficient to use std::vector<std::string> for your task.

C++ SDL 2.0 - Importing multiple textures using a loop

I don't know whether or not this is possible but I have used this technique in different languages but am struggling to use it in C++. I have 10 images that I am trying to load into an array using a loop as so:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Sprite[i] = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "Graphics/Player" + i + ".png");
This however does not seem to work in C++ so I was wondering what I am doing wrong, or what can I do to get the same result without having to load each image individually like so:
Sprite[0] = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "Graphics/Player0.png");
My error is: "Expression must have integral or unscoped enum type"
Thanks for any help =)
You cannot do this:
"This is my number: " + (int)4 + "!";
This is illegal. It will give you an error for trying to operator+ a const char* and a const char[SOME_INT_GOES_HERE] or another error for trying to use operator+ to add an int onto a string. Things just don't work that way.
You'd either have to use C (i.e. snprintf()) or a string stream. Here's my test code for isolating your problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
int a = 1;
std::string str = "blah";
std::string end = "!";
//std::string hello = str + a + end;// GIVES AN ERROR for operator+
std::string hello = "blah" + a + "!";
//const char* c_str = "blah" + a + "end";
//std::cout << c_str << std::endl;
std::cout << hello << std::endl;
return 0;
Here's an alternative solution using string streams.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
int main()
int i = 0;
std::string str;
std::stringstream ss;
while (i < 10)
//Send text to string stream.
ss << "text" << i;
//Set string to the text inside string stream
str = ss.str();
//Print out the string
std::cout << str << std::endl;
//ss.clear() doesn't work. Calling a constructor
//for std::string() and setting ss.str(std::string())
//will set the string stream to an empty string.
//Remember to increment the variable inside of while{}
Alternatively, you can also use std::to_string() if you're using C++11 (which just requires -std=c++11) but std::to_string() is broken on some sets of compilers (i.e. regular MinGW). Either switch to another flavor where it works (i.e. MinGW-w64) or just write your own to_string() function using string streams behind the scenes.
snprintf() may be the fastest way of doing such a thing, but for safer C++ and better style, it is recommended you use a non-C way of doing things.
I had a similar problem and I solwed it this way:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string line;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
line = "Graphics/Player" + inttostr(i) + ".png"; //I wrote inttostr function because built in inttostr functions messed up my program (see below)
char charger[line.length()]; //creating char array
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(line); i++) {
charger[i] = line[i]; // copying string to char arry
Sprite[i] = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, charger);
string inttostr(int integer) { //I know it isn't the best way to convert integer to string, but it works
string charakter;
int swap;
bool negativ = false;
if (integer < 0) {
integer = -integer;
negativ = true;
if (integer == 0) {
charakter = "0";
while (integer >= 1) {
swap = integer % 10;
integer = integer / 10;
charakter = char(swap + 48) + charakter;
if (negativ) {
charakter = "-" + charakter;
return charakter;

Returning string from a function causing formatting issues

It's supposed to look like this:
Instead it looks like this:
When I take the code out of the function and use it in the main class it works properly. However once I put it in this function the formatting problems occur, it also isn't filtering like it's supposed to. This program is supposed to take user input, store it in a string, remove all non-alphabetical characters, capitalize the vowels, and then space it out based on user defined variables given in the command line. It's also supposed to accept files as input in the command line, such as: 'program 5 8 < file'.
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
//make vowels uppercase
string filter(string input)
size_t found = input.find_first_of("aeiou");
while (found != string::npos)
if (islower(input[found]))
input[found] = toupper(input[found]);
found = input.find_first_of("aeiou", found + 1);
//Make consonants lowercase
size_t foundLower = input.find_first_of("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ");
while (foundLower != string::npos)
if (isupper(input[foundLower]))
input[foundLower] = tolower(input[foundLower]);
foundLower = input.find_first_of("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ", foundLower + 1);
//remove punctuation
for (int i = 0, len = input.size(); i < len; i++)
if (!isalnum(input[i]))
input.erase(i--, 1);
len = input.size();
return input;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int wordSize;
int wordSizeCounter;
int wordCounter = 0;
int rowSize;
//char letter;
wordSize = atoi(argv[1]);
rowSize = atoi(argv[2]);
ifstream inFile;[3]);//open the input file
stringstream strStream;
strStream << inFile.rdbuf();//read the file
string test = strStream.str();//str holds the content of the file
if (!inFile) test = cin.get() ; // Read first character
//Begin filter for files
while (!test.empty())
if (test.length() < wordSize) //make sure we don't go out-of-bounds
wordSize = test.length();
cout << test.substr(0, wordSize);
cout << " ";
if (test.length() >= wordSize) //again, make sure we don't go out-of-bounds
test = test.substr(wordSize);
test = " ";
if (wordCounter == rowSize)
cout << std::endl;
wordCounter = 0;
test = cin.get();
cout << endl;
return 0;

Count character occurrences in a string in C++

How can I count the number of "_" in a string like "bla_bla_blabla_bla"?
#include <algorithm>
std::string s = "a_b_c";
std::string::difference_type n = std::count(s.begin(), s.end(), '_');
count = 0
For each character c in string s
Check if c equals '_'
If yes, increase count
EDIT: C++ example code:
int count_underscores(string s) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
if (s[i] == '_') count++;
return count;
Note that this is code to use together with std::string, if you're using char*, replace s.size() with strlen(s).
Also note: I can understand you want something "as small as possible", but I'd suggest you to use this solution instead. As you see you can use a function to encapsulate the code for you so you won't have to write out the for loop everytime, but can just use count_underscores("my_string_") in the rest of your code. Using advanced C++ algorithms is certainly possible here, but I think it's overkill.
Old-fashioned solution with appropriately named variables. This gives the code some spirit.
#include <cstdio>
int _(char*__){int ___=0;while(*__)___='_'==*__++?___+1:___;return ___;}int main(){char*__="_la_blba_bla__bla___";printf("The string \"%s\" contains %d _ characters\n",__,_(__));}
Edit: about 8 years later, looking at this answer I'm ashamed I did this (even though I justified it to myself as a snarky poke at a low-effort question). This is toxic and not OK. I'm not removing the post; I'm adding this apology to help shifting the atmosphere on StackOverflow. So OP: I apologize and I hope you got your homework right despite my trolling and that answers like mine did not discourage you from participating on the site.
Using the lambda function to check the character is "_" then the only count will be incremented else not a valid character
std::string s = "a_b_c";
size_t count = std::count_if( s.begin(), s.end(), []( char c ){return c =='_';});
std::cout << "The count of numbers: " << count << std::endl;
#include <boost/range/algorithm/count.hpp>
std::string str = "a_b_c";
int cnt = boost::count(str, '_');
You name it... Lambda version... :)
using namespace boost::lambda;
std::string s = "a_b_c";
std::cout << std::count_if (s.begin(), s.end(), _1 == '_') << std::endl;
You need several includes... I leave you that as an exercise...
Count character occurrences in a string is easy:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s="Sakib Hossain";
int cou=count(s.begin(),s.end(),'a');
There are several methods of std::string for searching, but find is probably what you're looking for. If you mean a C-style string, then the equivalent is strchr. However, in either case, you can also use a for loop and check each character—the loop is essentially what these two wrap up.
Once you know how to find the next character given a starting position, you continually advance your search (i.e. use a loop), counting as you go.
I would have done it this way :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int count = 0;
string s("Hello_world");
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
if ( == '_')
cout << endl << count;
return 0;
You can find out occurrence of '_' in source string by using string functions.
find() function takes 2 arguments , first - string whose occurrences we want to find out and second argument takes starting position.While loop is use to find out occurrence till the end of source string.
string str2 = "_";
string strData = "bla_bla_blabla_bla_";
size_t pos = 0,pos2;
while ((pos = strData.find(str2, pos)) < strData.length())
printf("\n%d", pos);
pos += str2.length();
The range based for loop comes in handy
int countUnderScores(string str)
int count = 0;
for (char c: str)
if (c == '_') count++;
return count;
int main()
string str = "bla_bla_blabla_bla";
int count = countUnderScores(str);
cout << count << endl;
I would have done something like that :)
const char* str = "bla_bla_blabla_bla";
char* p = str;
unsigned int count = 0;
while (*p != '\0')
if (*p++ == '_')
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int WordOccurrenceCount( std::string const & str, std::string const & word )
int count(0);
std::string::size_type word_pos( 0 );
while ( word_pos!=std::string::npos )
word_pos = str.find(word, word_pos );
if ( word_pos != std::string::npos )
// start next search after this word
word_pos += word.length();
return count;
int main()
string sting1="theeee peeeearl is in theeee riveeeer";
string word1="e";
cout<<word1<<" occurs "<<WordOccurrenceCount(sting1,word1)<<" times in ["<<sting1 <<"] \n\n";
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
char[] array = "aabsbdcbdgratsbdbcfdgs".toCharArray();
char[][] countArr = new char[array.length][2];
int lastIndex = 0;
for (char c : array) {
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
if (countArr[i][0] == c) {
foundIndex = i;
if (foundIndex >= 0) {
int a = countArr[foundIndex][1];
countArr[foundIndex][1] = (char) ++a;
} else {
countArr[lastIndex][0] = c;
countArr[lastIndex][1] = '1';
for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
System.out.println(countArr[i][0] + " " + countArr[i][1]);