Clamav open source antivirus - c++

I have been trying to study the source code of clamav open source antivirus as a part of my project. Hence I downloaded the latest stable release clamav.0.99.2.tar.gz from the website.
I'm using eclipse neon.2 Release 4.6.2 on Windows 10 64-bit.
I created an existing make file project using the clamav folder extracted, and then converted it into an C/C++ autotools project.
While configuring the project, I get an error "openssl not found", Although I have installed openssl in my cygwin64 terminal and also I run the ecipse from this terminal only.
Is my approach completely wrong?

from the terminal in the linux VM, type:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
to install the SSL then from the clamav-0.99.2 directory type:
when that completes then type:
This will take a while to complete, then (if you want to actually install the clamav application) type:
make install


How to install the lustre client on Ubuntu nodes?

I am trying to install the lustre clients on Unbuntu 20.04 nodes I have in GCP. Im using linux kernel version 5.15.0-1021-gcp.
I'm trying to install the client with the following code:
cd /home/apps/
mkdir lustre
git clone git://
cd lustre-release
git checkout 2.15.0
./configure --prefix=/home/apps/lustre --disable-server --enable-client ## doesnt run! Fails at ./configures with error message "error: Run make config in /lib/modules/5.15.0-1021-gcp/build"
make debs
The configure step fails with an error about running make config in /lib/modules/5.15.0-1021-gcp/build. I tried running make config in /lib/modules/5.15.0-1021-gcp/build but was asked to input some values that I was unsure of.
I also tried downloading the deb package of the client software at However this is for the wrong linux kernel and I'm not sure what env variables need to be set for this package.
Anyone know how to install the client modules for lustre on Ubuntu?
You need to have the kernel sources or kernel-devel package that exactly match the kernel that you are installing on. This should also include the .config file that describes all of the options used when building your kernel.
Alternately, you could try a pre-built package, but it isn't clear if this will install on your kernel or not.,build_type=client,distro=ubuntu2204,ib_stack=inkernel/

How can i use the upgraded version of Sqlite3 for my Django project?

I am trying to create a django application on a server running on Centos 7. When i tried to migrate the application, i got the error:"SQLite 3.8.3 or later required (found 3.7.17)."
Thereafter I installed the latest-version of Sqlite3. When i run sqlite3 --version, it showns 3.28.0 which is the latest version.
Howevere, when I tried my migrate the project I got the same error i.e "SQLite 3.8.3 or later required (found 3.7.17)." Can someone please suggest how to ensure that python/django is configured with the latest version of sqlite3 rather than the older one which came along with the OS?
Unfortunately CentOS only has v3.7.17 in their repos.
So you need to install v3.8.3 or the latest from source.
To do that, you can install from source (I'm not sure how to use the precompile binaries)
Download the source code from sqlite downloads
cd /opt
tar -xzf sqlite-autoconf-3280000.tar.gz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3280000
sudo make install

SQLpp11 installation with PostgreSQL connector

How do I install SQLpp11 with PostgreSQL connector on Linux?
I use Linux Mint 17.2, Eclipse CDT and I have PostgreSQL 9.4 already installed.
I know, it's trivial but I'm doing this first time. I'm a newbie.
GitHub repository:
Both repositories are using cmake, therefore you should be fine with
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. # maybe some other options
make install
in each of the repos, starting with sqlpp11.

guide to create debian package in netbeans

I've written a C++ application aided by netbeans on ubuntu. In netbeans there is a build feature to build debian package. When I build the package using it I am not getting desired result. The files I am installing to linux filesystem using makefile are not being put into debian package.
in my makefile
install config.xml /etc/${APPNAME}.conf.xml
install devices.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/${APPNAME}.rules
install error.log /var/log/${APPNAME}.log
install init.conf /etc/init/${APPNAME}.conf
install init.d /etc/init.d/${APPNAME}
chmod u+x ${CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF}}
but after building the package with netbeans, in the build .deb archive there is only usr/bin/${APPNAME} file. How to build debian package as expected.

How setup C++ SDK in IntelliJ IDEA on linux?

I need to know how to configure the path to C++ SDK for IntelliJ IDEA 10.04.
I installed C/C++ plugin, however I don't know what is the proper path to C++ SDK.
I am using ubuntu 11.04.
after running
sudo aptitude install build-essential
then restart idea and go to terminal and run
which gcc
now copy the output into ideas settings -> IDE settings -> c/c++
and paste what you copied into the path to gcc.
do the same process for the gdb
after doing that then idea will add the sdk to the drop down menu in the create project menu
after installing the c++ plugin you should see the C/C++ project option when you create a new module - i think you're seeing the point where it's asking you for the cpp sdk location.
sudo aptitude install build-essential
Then restart intellij - it should autodetect that it's installed and offer you the option in the drop down instead of asking you to browse to the SDK directory