How to set internal wall clock in a Fortran program? - fortran

I use Fortran to do some scientific computation. I use HPC. As we know, when we submit jobs in a HPC job scheduler, we also specify the wall clock time limit for our jobs. However, when the time is up, if the job is still writing output data, it will be terminated and it will cause some 'NUL' values in the data, causing trouble for the post-processing:
So, could we set an internal mechanism that our job can stop itself peacefully some time before the end of HPC allowance time?
Related Question: How to skip reading "NUL" value in MATLAB's textscan function?

After realizing what you are asking I found out that I implemented similar functionality in my program very recently (commit But I still have to set the time limit manually.
The most important part:
time_stepping%clock_time_limit is the time limit in seconds. Count the number of system clock ticks corresponding to that:
call system_clock(count_rate = timer_rate)
call system_clock(count_max = timer_max_count)
timer_count_time_limit = int( min(time_stepping%clock_time_limit &
* real(timer_rate, knd), &
real(timer_max_count, knd) * 0.999_dbl) &
, dbl)
Start the timer
call system_clock(count = time_steps_timer_count_start)
Check the timer and exit the main loop with error_exit set to .true. if the time is up
if (mod(time_step,time_stepping%check_period)==0) then
if (master) then
error_exit = time_steps_timer_count_2 - time_steps_timer_count_start > timer_count_time_limit
if (error_exit) write(*,*) "Maximum clock time exceeded."
end if
MPI_Bcast the error exit to other processes
if (error_exit) exit
end if
Now, you may want to get the time limit from your scheduler automatically. That will vary between different job scheduling softwares. There will be an environment variable like $PBS_WALLTIME. See Get walltime in a PBS job script but check your scheduler's manual.
You can read this variable using GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE()


Monitor task CPU utilization in VxWorks while program is running

I'm running a VxWorks 6.9 OS embedded system and I need to see when I'm starving low priority tasks. Ideally I'd like to have CPU utilization by task so I know what is eating up all my CPU time.
I know this is a built in feature in many operating systems but have been so far unable to find it for VxWorks 6.9.
If I can't measure by task I'd like to at least to see what percentage of time the CPU is idle.
To that end I've been trying to make a lowest priority task that will run the function below that would try to measure it indirectly.
float Foo::IdleTime(Foo* f)
bool inIdleTask;
float timeIdle;
float totalTime;
float percentIdle;
startTime = _time(); //get time before before measurement starts
inIdleTask = true;
timeIdle = 0;
while(inIdleTask) // I have no clue how to detect when the task left and set this to false
timeIdle += (amount_of_time_for_inner_loop); //measure idle time
returnTime = _time(); //get time after you return to IdleTime task
totalTime = ( returnTime - startTime );
percentIdle = ( timeIdle / totalTime ) * 100; //calculate percentage of idle time
//logic to report percentIdle
The big problem with this concept is I don't know how I would detect when this task is left for a higher priority task.
If you are looking for a one time measurement done during the developement, then spyLib is what you are looking for. Simply call spy from the command line to get per task CPU usage report in 10s intervals. Call spyHelp to learn how to configure the spy. (Might need to inculude the spyLib to kernel if not already included.)
If you want to go the extra mile, taskHookLib is what you need. Simply put, you hook a function to be called in every task switch. Call gives you the TASK_IDs of tasks going in and out of the CPU. You can either simply monitor the starvation of low pri tasks or take action and increase their priority temporarily.
From experience, spy adds a little performance overhead, especially if stdout faces to a slow I/O (e.g. a 9600 baud serial), but fairly easy to use. taskHook'ing adds little to none overhead if you are not immediately printing the results on the terminal, but takes a bit of programming to get it running.
Another thing that might be of interest is WindRiver's remote debugger. Haven't use that one personally, imagine it would require setting up the workbench and the target properly.

FIO runtime different than gettimeofday()

I am trying to measure the execution time of FIO benchmark. I am, currently, doing so wrapping the FIO call between gettimeofday():
gettimeofday(&startFioFix, NULL);
FILE* process = popen("fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=posixaio rw=randwrite --size=100M --direct=1 --thread=1 --bs=4K", "r");
gettimeofday(&doneFioFix, NULL);
and calculate the elapsed time as:
double tstart = startFioFix.tv_sec + startFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double tend = doneFioFix.tv_sec + doneFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double telapsed = (tend - tstart);
Now, the question(s) is
telapsed time is different (larger) than the runt by FIO output. Can you please help me in understanding Why? as the fact can be seen in FIO output:
randwrite: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=posixaio, iodepth=1
Starting 1 thread
randwrite: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=3862: Tue Nov 1 18:07:50 2016
write: io=102400KB, bw=91674KB/s, iops=22918, runt= 1117msec
and the telapsed is:
telapsed: 1.76088 seconds
what is the actual time taken by FIO execution:
a) runt given by FIO, or
b) the elapsed time by getttimeofday()
How does FIO measure its runt? (probably, this question linked to 1.)
PS: I have tried to replace the gettimeofday(with std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()), but it also behaves the same (by same, I mean it also gives larger elapsed time than runt)
Thank you in advance, for your time and assistance.
A quick point:gettimeofday() on Linux uses a clock that doesn't necessarily tick at a constant interval and can even move backwards (see and ) - this may make telapsed unreliable (or even negative).
Your gettimeofday/popen/gettimeofday measurement (telapsed) is going to be: the fio process start up (i.e. fork+exec on Linux) elapsed + fio initialisation (e.g. thread creation because I see --thread, ioengine initialisation) + fio job elapsed (runt) + fio stopping elapsed + process stop elapsed). You are comparing this to just runt which is a sub component of telapsed. It is unlikely all the non-runt components are going to happen instantly (i.e. take up 0 usecs) so the expectation is that runt will be smaller than telapsed. Try running fio with --debug=all just to see all the things it does in addition to actually submitting I/O for the job.
This is difficult to answer because it depends on what you want you mean when you say "fio execution" and why (i.e. the question is hard to interpret in an unambiguous way). Are you interested in how long fio actually spent trying to submit I/O for a given job (runt)? Are you interested in how long it takes your system to start/stop a new process that just so happens to try and submit I/O for a given period (telapsed)? Are you interested in how much CPU time was spent submitting I/O (none of the above)? So because I'm confused I'll ask you some questions instead: what are you going to use the result for and why?
Why not look at the source code? shows runt comes from ts->runtime[ddir]. You can see it is initialised by a call to set_epoch_time() ( ), is updated by update_runtime() ( ) which is called from thread_main().

How can I periodically execute some function if this function takes along time to run (less than peroid)

I want to run a function for example func() exactly 1 time per second. However the running time of func() is about 500 ms. How Can I do that? I know if the running time of the function is low, I can write a while loop in func() and sleep() for 1 second after each execution. But now, the running time is high. What should I do to ensure the func() run exactly 1 time per second? Thanks.
Yo do:
Take the current time in start_time.
Perform your job
Take the current time in end_time
Wait for (1 second + start_time - end_time)
That way, you can perform your tasks every seconds reliably. If the task takes less time, you will wait longer and vice versa. Note however that this assumes that your task takes always less than 1 sec. to execute. In the real code, you want to check for that before the sleep statement.
Implementation details depend on the platform.
Note that using this method still results in a small drift due to the time it takes to compute step 4. A more accurate alternative would be to synchronize on integer multiple of one second. That way, over 1000s of cycles you would not drift.
It depends on the level of accuracy you need.
If you want a brute, easy to code solution, you can get the time before first run of the function and save it in some variable (start_time). Create repeat index count variable (repeat_number) that stores next repeat number. Then you can do kinda this:
1) next_run_time = ++repeat_number*1sec + start_time;
2) func();
3) wait_time = next_run_time - current_time;
4) sleep(wait_time)
5) goto 1;
This approach disables accumulation of time error on each iteration.
But for the real application you should find some event framework or library.

Timing commands in cpp project (windows)

I hope someone could help me with this (And english is not my native language so I'm sorry in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes):
As part of a project I'm coding, I need to time some commands. More specifically: I have 2 sets of commands (Lets call them set A and set B) - I need to to execute set A, then wait for a specific number of milliseconds (calculated in set A), then execute set B. I did it using the Sleep(time) command between the sets.
Now, I need to incorporate another set of commands (Set C) that will run in a loop in the time between the sets A and B instead of simply doing nothing. Meaning, instead of the time the program was idle before (waiting the specified number of milliseconds) I need it to loop the C set - but the catch is that it has to loop C exactly the same time it would have waited in the idle time.
How can I do this without using threads? (And generally keep it as simple as possible)
I guess the "work-time" for the set of commands in C is known. And C is a loop which can/shall finish when the wait time has expired.
In this case I'd suggest to use a performance counter to count down the wait time. Depending on what is calculated and what overhaed is introduced in C the accuracy to obtain can be in the microseconds range.
Pseudo code:
Delay = 1000
Do A
CounterBegin = GetCounter()
// and now the C loop
while ((GetCounter() - CounterBegin) < Delay) {
Do C
Do B
Note: The counter values are to be converted into times by using the counter frequency. See the link above to get the details.

C++ Timer control

I want to create a timer so that after completing the time(suppose 10 sec) the control should come out of the function..Please note that am starting the timer inside the function.Code is given below..I want to give certain time limit to that function so that after completing the time the control should come out of the function..I don't want to calculate the time..I want to give my own time so that the function should complete its execution within that time period..suppose if function is waiting for an input then also after completing time limit the control should come out indicating that "time has expired"..once it comes out of the function then it should continue with the next function execution...Is this possible in c++...
// here I would like to add timer.
v_CallId = v_CallId1;
If the code is linear and the functions called cannot be chopped into smaller pieces, your stuck to letting an external process/thread do the timing and abort the worker thread when the timeout is exceeded.
When you can chop the worker into smaller pieces you could do something like this
while ((TimeOut.TimeOut() == false) && (completed == false))
completed = WorkToDo()
This is a pattern we frequently use in our embbeded application. The timeout class was in house develop. It just reads the tick counter and looks if the time has passed. An framework like QT or MFC should have such a class itself.