Custom word weights for sentences when calling h2o transform and word2vec, instead of straight AVERAGE of words - word2vec

I am using H2O machine learning package to do natural language predictions, including the functions h2o.word2vec and h2o.transform. I need sentence level aggregation, which is provided by the AVERAGE parameter value:
h2o.transform(word2vec, words, aggregate_method = c("NONE", "AVERAGE"))
However, in my case I strongly wish to avoid equal weighting of "the" and "platypus" for example.
Here's a scheme I concocted to achieve custom word-weightings. If H2O's word2vec "AVERAGE" option uses all the words including duplicates that might appear, then I could effect a custom word weighting when calling h2o.transform by adding additional duplicates of certain words to my sentences, when I want to weight them more heavily than other words.
Can any H2O experts confirm that that the word2vec AVERAGE parameter is using all the words rather than just the unique words when computing AVERAGE of the words in sentence?
Alternatively, is there a better way? I tried but I find myself unable to imagine any correct math to multiply the sentence average by some factor, after it was already computed.

Yes, h2o.transform will consider each occurrence of a word for the averaging, not just the unique words. Your trick will therefore work.
There is currently no direct way to provide user defined weights. You could probably do an ugly hack and weight directly the word embeddings but that won't be a straightforward solution I could recommend.
We can add this feature to H2O. I would love to hear what API would work for you (how would you like to provide the weights).


How to reduce semantically similar words?

I have a large corpus of words extracted from the documents. In the corpus are words which might mean the same.
For eg: "command" and "order" means the same, "apple" and "apply" which does not mean the same.
I would like to merge the similar words, say "command" and "order" to "command".
I have tried to use word2vec but it doesn't check for semantic similarity of words(it ouputs good similarity for apple and apply since four characters in the words are the same). And when I try using wup similarity, it gives good similarity score if the words have matching synonyms whose results are not that impressive.
What could be the best approach to reduce semantically similar words to get rid of redundant data and merge similar data?
I believe one of the options here is using WordNet. It gives you a list of synonyms for the word, so you may merge them together given you know its part of speech.
However, I'd like to point out that "order" and "command" are not the same, e.g. you do not command food in restaurants and such homonymy is true for many-many words.
Also I'd like to point out that for Word2vec spelling is irrelevant and is not taken into consideration at all, the algorithm considers only concurrent usage. I suppose you might be mixing it with FastText.
However, there should be some problems with your model.
Because in a standard set of embeddings distance between these concepts should be large. MUSE FastText similarity between "apple" and "apply" is only 0.15, which is quite low.
I use Gensim's function
model.similarity("apply", "apple")
So you might need to fix learning parameters or just use a pretrained model.

calculate nearest document using fasttext or word2vec

i have a small system of about 1000 documents.
For each document I would like to show links to the X "most similar" documents.
However, the documents are not labeled in any way, so this would be some kind of unsupervised method.
It feels like fasttext would be a good candidate, but I cant wrap my head around how to do it when its not labeled data.
I can calculate the word vectors, although what I really need is a vector for the whole document.
The Paragraph Vector algorithm, known as Doc2Vec in libraries like Python gensim, can train a model that will give a single vector for a run-of-text, and so could be useful for your need. Note, though, that typical published work uses tens-of-thousands to millions of documents. (Just 1,000 would be a very small training set.)
You can also simply average all the word-vectors of a text together (perhaps in some weighted fashion) to get a simple, crude vector for the full text, that will often somewhat work for this purpose. (You could use word-vectors from classi word2vec or FastText for this purpose.)
Similarly, if you have word-vectors but not full doc-vectors, there's a technique called "Word Mover's Distance" that calculates a word-vector-adjusted "distance" between two texts. It often does well in highlighting near-paraphrases, though it's somewhat expensive to calculate (especially for longer texts).
In some cases, just converting all docs to their "bag of words" representation – a giant vector containing counts of words used – then ranking docs by how many words they share is a good enough similarity measure.
Also, full-text index/search frameworks, like SOLR or ElasticSearch, can sometimes take full documents as queries, giving nicly ranked results. (This often works by picking the example document's most significant words, and using those words as fuzzy full-text queries against the full document set.)

word2vec guesing word embeddings

can word2vec be used for guessing words with just context?
having trained the model with a large data set e.g. Google news how can I use word2vec to predict a similar word with only context e.g. with input ", who dominated chess for more than 15 years, will compete against nine top players in St Louis, Missouri." The output should be Kasparov or maybe Carlsen.
I'ven seen only the similarity apis but I can't make sense how to use them for this? is this not how word2vec was intented to use?
It is not the intended use of word2vec. The word2vec algorithm internally tries to predict exact words, using surrounding words, as a roundabout way to learn useful vectors for those surrounding words.
But even so, it's not forming exact predictions during training. It's just looking at a single narrow training example – context words and target word – and performing a very simple comparison and internal nudge to make its conformance to that one example slightly better. Over time, that self-adjusts towards useful vectors – even if the predictions remain of wildly-varying quality.
Most word2vec libraries don't offer a direct interface for showing ranked predictions, given context words. The Python gensim library, for the last few versions (as of current version 2.2.0 in July 2017), has offered a predict_output_word() method that roughly shows what the model would predict, given context-words, for some training modes. See:
However, considering your fill-in-the-blank query (also called a 'cloze deletion' in related education or machine-learning contexts):
_____, who dominated chess for more than 15 years, will compete against nine top players in St Louis, Missouri
A vanilla word2vec model is unlikely to get that right. It has little sense of the relative importance of words (except when some words are more narrowly predictive of others). It has no sense of grammar/ordering, or or of the compositional-meaning of connected-phrases (like 'dominated chess' as opposed to the separate words 'dominated' and 'chess'). Even though words describing the same sorts of things are usually near each other, it doesn't know categories to be able to determine that the blank must be a 'person' and a 'chess player', and the fuzzy-similarities of word2vec don't guarantee words-of-a-class will necessarily all be nearer-each-other than other words.
There has been a bunch of work to train word/concept vectors (aka 'dense embeddings') to be better at helping at such question-answering tasks. A random example might be "Creating Causal Embeddings for Question Answering with Minimal Supervision" but queries like [word2vec question answering] or [embeddings for question answering] will find lots more. I don't know of easy out-of-the-box libraries for doing this, with or without a core of word2vec, though.

Words to keep attribute in StringToWordVector filter in weka

What is the meaning of words to keep attribute in Weka StringToWord filter. Is it better to have higher value or not, for getting real results?
In general, it is a good idea to set the limit as high as possible in order to retain as many words as possible. Words with small frequencies can marginally help the classifiers you induce later.
Keeping too many words may look like a bad idea for a matter of efficiency - the higher the number of attributes, the longer it will take to learn the model. However, you can filter the words to keep the most predictive ones using the AttributeSelection filter with the Ranker function and the InfoGainAttributeEval measure. In fact, you can play with the theshold in the AttrivuteSelection filter in order to keep a relatively small number of very predictive words, with independence of their relative frequency.
Additionally, do not forget to set the flag doNotOperatePerClassBasis to true in order to keep all the words relevant to all classes.

What is the best data mining method for vehicle search?

I'm trying to build a search engine that goes through online vehicle classifieds such as Oodle, eBay motors, and craigslist. I also have a large database of standard vehicle names and specifications about them. What I would like to do is for each record that I find through the classified site, be able to determine exactly what vehicle model, style it is (from my database). For example, a standard name for a ford truck in my db is:
2003 Ford F150.
However on classified sites, people might refer to is as: "2003 Ford F 150" or "2003 Ford f-150" or "03 Ford truck 150". Is there an effective data mining/text classification algorithm to be able to normalize these texts to the standard name above?
You could use the Levenshtein distance to match the found string against your database records.
Another (probably better) idea is to tokenize the strings and use a term vector model for the vehicle names. This way you can use cosine similarity to find relevant matches.
If you're gonna develop a whole search engine intended to scale in both, usage and size, you will need something robust to support your queries.
If you're gonna used edit distance, Bed-trees provide a good alternative for your index structure. Another good approach, depending on the size of your dataset, is to use a Levenshtein automata. Levenshtein automatas are also great at providing auto-complete functionalities, which you may need since you're developing a search engine.
Another approach to edit distance is to use n-grams combined with Jaccard index. For this approach you can use Minhash + LSH. Also, you can use Jaccard as a distance metric (1 - Jaccard index) which respects the triangle inequality, thus, can be used in a metric tree such as a VP-tree.
One of these approaches will certainly help you.