perl string catenation and substitution in a single line? - regex

I need to modify a perl variable containing a file path; it needs to begin and end with a forward slash (/) and have all instances of multiple forward slashes reduced to a single slash.
(This is because an existing process does not enforce a consistent configuration syntax, so there are hundreds of config files scattered everywhere that may or may not have slashes in the right places in file names and path names.)
Something like this:
foreach ( ($config->{'backup_path'},
) ) {
$_ = "/" . $_ . "/";
$_ =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g;
but this does not look optimal or particularly readable to me; I'd rather have a more elegant expression (if it ends up using an unusual regex I'll use a comment to make it clearer.)
Input & output examples
home/datamonster//c2counts becomes /home/datamonster/c2counts/
home/////teledyne/tmp/ becomes /home/teledyne/tmp/
and /var/backup/DOC/all_instruments/ will pass through unchanged

Well, just rewriting what you got:
my #vars = qw ( backup_path work_path output_path );
for ( #{$config}{#vars} ) {
s,^/*,/,; #prefix
s,/*$,/,; #suffix
s,/+,/,g; #double slashes anywhere else.
I'd be cautious - optimising for magic regex is not an advantage in every situation, because they become quite quickly unreadable.
The above uses the hash slice mechanism to select values out of a hash (reference in this case), and the fact that s/// implicitly operates on $_ anyway. And modifies the original var when it does.
But it's also useful to know, if you're operating on patterns containing / it's helpful to switch delimiters, because that way you don't get the "leaning toothpicks" effect.
s/\/{2,}/\//g can be written as:
if you want to keep the numeric quantifier, as + is inherently 1 or more which works the same here, because it collapses a double into a single anyway, but it technically matches / (and replaces it with /) where the original pattern doesn't. But you wouldn't want to use the , if you have that in your pattern, for the same reason.
However I think this does the trick;
s,(?:^/*|\b\/*$|/+),/,g for #{$config}{qw ( backup_path work_path output_path )};
This matches an alternation grouping, replacing either:
start of line, zero or more /
word boundary, zero or more / end of line
one or more slashes anywhere else.
with a single /.
uses the hash slice mechanism as above, but without the intermediate 'vars'.
(For some reason the second grouping doesn't work correctly without the word boundary \b zero width anchor - I think this is a backtracking issue, but I'm not entirely sure)
For bonus points - you could probably select #vars using grep if your source data structure is appropriate:
my #vars = grep { /_path$/ } keys %$config;
#etc. Or inline with:
s,(?:^/*|\b\/*$|/+),/,g for #{$config}{grep { /_path$/ } keys %$config };
Edit: Or as Borodin notes:
Giving us:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $config = {
backup_path => "/fish/",
work_path => "narf//zoit",
output_path => "/wibble",
test_path => 'home/datamonster//c2counts',
another_path => "/home/teledyne/tmp/",
again_path => 'home/////teledyne/tmp/',
this_path => '/var/backup/DOC/all_instruments/',
s,(?:/|\A|\b\z)/*,/,g for #{$config}{grep { /_path$/ } keys %$config };
print Dumper $config;
$VAR1 = {
'output_path' => '/wibble/',
'this_path' => '/var/backup/DOC/all_instruments/',
'backup_path' => '/fish/',
'work_path' => '/narf/zoit/',
'test_path' => '/home/datamonster/c2counts/',
'another_path' => '/home/teledyne/tmp/',
'again_path' => '/home/teledyne/tmp/'

you could do it like this, but I wouldn't call it more readable:
foreach ( ($config->{'backup_path'},
) ) {
( $_ = "/$_/" ) =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g;

This question already got many fantastic answers.
From the view of non-perl-expert (me), some are hard to read / understand. ;)
So, I would probably use this:
my #vars = qw ( backup_path work_path output_path );
for my $var (#vars) {
my $value = '/' . $config->{$var} . '/';
$value =~ s|//+|/|g;
$config->{$var} = $value;
For me, this is will be readable after a year too. :)


php regexp to search replace string functions to mb string functions

Solution was to look into look-aheads and look-behinds - the concept of LookArounds in RegEx helped me solve my issue since replacements was eaten from eachother when i did a replacement
So we've been working for a while to make some transitions on some of our older projects and (perhaps bad/old coding habits) and are working on making them php7-ready.
In this process i have made some adjustments in the .php files of the project so that for example
The problem at hand is that im facing some issues with danish characters in php string functions (strlen, substr etc) and would like for them to use mb_string functions instead. From what i can read on the internet using the "overload" function is not the way to go, so therefore i've decided to make filebased search replace.
My search replace function look like this right now (Updated thanks to #SeanBright)
$testfile = file_get_contents($file);
$array = array ( 'strlen'=>'mb_strlen',
'strrchr' => 'mb_strrchr',
'strichr' => 'mb_strichr',
'strchr' => 'mb_strchr',
'strrpos' => 'mb_strrpos',
'strripos' => 'mb_strripos',
'stripos' => 'mb_stripos',
'stristr' => 'mb_stristr'
foreach($array as $function_name => $mb_function_name){
$search_string = '/(^|[\s\[{;(:!\=\><?.,\*\/\-\+])(?<!->)(?<!new )' . $function_name . '(?=\s?\()/i';
$testfile = preg_replace($search_string, "$1".$mb_function_name."$2$3", $test,-1,$count);
print "<pre>";
print $test;
The $file has this content:
print strtoupper('test');
print strtolower'test');
print substr('tester',0,1);
print astrtoupper('test');
print bstrtolower('test');
print csubstr(('tester',0,1);
print [substr('tester',0,1)];
print {substr('tester',0,1)};
substr( substr('asdsadsadasd',0,-1),strlen("1"),strlen("100"));
substr (substr ('Asdsadsadasd',0,-1), strlen("1"), strlen("100"));
substr(substr(substr('Asdsadsadasd',0,-1),0,-1), strlen("1"), strlen("100"));
mailafsendelse(substr('asdsadsadasd',0,-1), strlen("1"), strlen("100"));
substr ( tester );
substr ( tester );
mail mail mail mail ( tester );
$mail->mail ();
$mail -> mail ();
new Mail();
new mail ();
strlen ( tester )*strlen ( tester )+strlen ( tester )/strlen ( tester )-strlen ( tester )
The point here is that the actual php code does not have to be valid syntax. I just wanted to make it work in different scenarios
My regEx problem is that i cannot find out why this line:
substr(substr(substr('Asdsadsadasd',0,-1),0,-1), strlen("1"), strlen("100"));
is not working. The 1st and 3rd substr are replaced correct but the 2nd looks like this:
mb_substr(substr(mb_substr('Asdsadsadasd',0,-1),0,-1), mb_strlen("1"), mb_strlen("100"));
As a note my search string is made to work with all sorts of characters in front of function name and require that the characters AFTER the function name is a "("
In a perfect world i would like to also exclude stringfunctions that are methods in classes, for example: $order->mail() that would send an email. This i would like NOT to be converted to $order->mb_send_mail()
From my understanding all parameters are the same, so it should not be a problem.
Complete script can be found here
The problem is that some of the characters you are using to delimit your function call checks are being consumed by matching. If you switch the last group to be a positive lookahead, this will fix the problem:
$search_string = '/([ \[{\n\t\r;(:!=><?\.,])'.($function_name).'([\ |\t]{0,1})(?=[(]{1})/i';
^^ Add these
Your current expression also won't match function calls at the beginning of the line. The following handles that and also simplifies things a bit:
$search_string = '/(^|[\s\[{;(:!=><?.,])' . $function_name . '(?=\s?\()/i';
I've set up an example on
You might even be able to get away with:
$search_string = '/(^|\W)' . $function_name . '(?=\s?\()/i';
Where \W will match a non-word character.
To prevent matching method calls, you can add a negative lookbehind to your pattern:
$search_string = '/(^|[\s\[{;(:!=><?.,])(?<!->)' . $function_name . '(?=\s?\()/i';

Perl variable in regex for finding expression in hash

I have a big hash with a lot of elements.
%my_hash = ();
# filling of %my_hash automaticly
# set the value of $my_variable within a loop
Now I want to find the value of $my_variablewithin %my_hash. I tried it with
if(grep {/$my_variable/} keys %my_hash){
$my_new_variable = #here should be the element of %my_hash which makes the statement true
how to do that?
Edit: The problem is not the whole $my_variable will be find at %my_hash, e.g.
$my_variable = astring
$modules_by_path{"this_is_a_longer_astring"} = (something)
now I want to find this...
If you're looking only for one particular key from %my_hash,
if (my ($my_new_variable) = grep /\Q$my_variable/, keys %my_hash) {
if (my #keys = grep /\Q$my_variable/, keys %my_hash) { .. }
if there are more keys which match specified regex. (use \Q prefix if $my_variable is not regex but literal string to be matched).
You can use grep, but you need to put it in scalar context to get the result you want. You also need to escape the contents of $my_variable if there's any chance that it contains any regex metacharacters.
This uses \Q to escape the non-alphanumeric characters, and leaves all the hash keys that match in #matching_keys. It's up to you to decide what to do if there's more than one match!
my #matching_keys = grep /\Q$my_variable/, keys %my_hash;
I suspect that there's a better way to do this. It's spoiling the whole point of hashes to search through them like that, and I think a better data design would help. But I can't say any more unless you describe your data and your application.
if you want to match every key of your hash, you have to iterate through them in a loop as well. this is how i would do it, don't know if it is the most elegant way though:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash = (
foo => 1,
bar => 1,
baz => 1,
my $variable = "bar";
my $new_variable;
for my $key (keys %hash){
if ($key =~ /$variable/){
$new_variable = $hash{$key};
print $new_variable, "\n";
also, always try to write stuff like that with use strict; it will spare you of many classic mistakes.

How to assign class based on regexp match (sorting in perl)

I am reading from file. Based on value in one column, I want to assign my own class/tag to it.
These regexps:
'LTR*','MLT*','MST*' ...
belong to the class HERV.
'Charlie*','Looper*' ...
belong to the class DNA
Right now I have two arrays, one with regexps and one with respective classes:
my #array = map { qr{$_} } ('Alu*', 'HERV*', 'Charlie*' ...
my #classes = ('Alu', 'HERV', 'DNA', 'LINE' ...
So that I know that if my line matches Charlie*, it belongs to the class DNA.
To sum it up, for every line of the file I am looping the whole array and looking for match:
for my $i (0 .. $#array) {
if ($type =~ m/$array[$i]/) {
my $class=$classes[$i];
Of course, this is not too clever. It would be much better to say: "this group of regexps belongs to this class" which suggests use of hash.
However, I consider it quite inconvenient to loop all lines, than all keys of hashmap and then all values of certain keys and, when there is a match, use the key as the resulting class/tag. Is this good solution or not?
Thank you very much.
You can do something like this:
my %re = (
DNA=> qr/Charlie|Looper/
my $class;
for (keys %re) {
$class = $_, last if ($type =~ $re{$_});
This will save you some regex compilation and one loop.
The CPAN module Text::Prefix::XS appears to do what you want: determine which if any of a list of prefixes match a given text. I have not used the module, but from what I can tell you would do something like:
my %prefix2class = ( LTR => 'HERV',
MLV => 'HERV',
Charlie => 'DNA' );
my $search = prefix_search_create( keys %prefix2class );
# ... now, for a given $type, no need to loop ...
my $pfx = prefix_search($search, $type);
my $class = $prefix2class{$pfx};
(Note: Your regexes look to me like shell-style/fnmatch-style patterns dubiously compiled as regexes, and from this I infer that you actually want simple prefix matching. Otherwise, the regex /Charlie*/, for example, would match Charli, Charlieeee, fooCharliebar, and so on — that seems unlikely to be representative of your "value in one column".)

Regex newbie question on start and end of captures

I need some help with regular expressions. Please see the example below. I am capturing specific rid values that are contained between between this
and ending with this
as shown below.
My problem is that the block shown below repeats itself several times and I want all rids between the start of ","children":[ to }]}]} per block only.
I know I can capture individual rid value with: rid":"([\w\d\-\."]+)
But I don't know how to specify to capture all rid":"([\w\d\-\."]+) that exist between between the start of ","children":[ to }]}]}
My problem is that I don't understand how to specify the beginning and end values of where to start the non capturing group and how to say identify one or more of these capture groups sort of like []+
This looks like JSON (though you example data is incomplete to be valid).
If so then perhaps JSON module from CPAN might be best way forward:
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw( from_json );
# my example data
my $data = q( [
{"children":[ {"type":"stub","rid":"aa"}, {"type":"stub2","rid":"bb"} ] },
{"children":[ {"type":"stub","rid":"cc"}, {"type":"stub2","rid":"dd"} ] } ]
my $json = from_json( $data );
for my $rec ( #$json ) {
for my $child ( #{ $rec->{children} } ) {
say "rid: ", $child->{rid};
This prints:
rid: aa
rid: bb
rid: cc
rid: dd
You need to break this up into two steps:
Get the length of data
Get the rids
# Make sure you get the first one
my ( $child ) = $record =~ m/"children":\[([^\]]+)\]/g;
# Get all in span - the g operator tells the regex to get all ( 'global' )
my #rids = $child =~ m/"rid":"([^"]+)"/g; # <-- g operator
But it looks like JSON to me, and you could parse data like this with JSON::Syck
some thing like \",\"children\":(.*)(?=\\]\\}\\]\\})
play around with it
the forum is absorbing some of my backslashes, word of warning to double up for anyone else
in response to edits
Try breaking up the data into its bracketed groups first, then doing one search for each in a for loop. you can get all the groups at once using regex groups.

How can I parse quoted CSV in Perl with a regex?

I'm having some issues with parsing CSV data with quotes. My main problem is with quotes within a field. In the following example lines 1 - 4 work correctly but 5,6 and 7 don't.
S,"BELT V,FAN",000324244,
S,"D" REL VALVE ASSY,000771881,
I'd like to avoid Text::CSV as it isn't installed on the target server. Realising that CSV's are are more complicated than they look I'm using a recipe from the Perl Cookbook.
sub parse_csv {
my $text = shift; #record containg CSVs
my #columns = ();
push(#columns ,$+) while $text =~ m{
# The first part groups the phrase inside quotes
| ([^,]+),?
| ,
push(#columns ,undef) if substr($text, -1,1) eq ',';
return #columns ; # list of vars that was comma separated.
Does anyone have a suggestion for improving the regex to handle the above cases?
Please, Try Using CPAN
There's no reason you couldn't download a copy of Text::CSV, or any other non-XS based implementation of a CSV parser and install it in your local directory, or in a lib/ sub directory of your project so its installed along with your projects rollout.
If you can't store text files in your project, then I'm wondering how it is you are coding your project.
Should be a good guide on how to get these into a working state locally.
Not using CPAN is really a recipe for disaster.
Please consider this before trying to write your own CSV implementation.
Text::CSV is over a hundred lines of code, including fixed bugs and edge cases, and re-writing this from scratch will just make you learn how awful CSV can be the hard way.
note: I learnt this the hard way. Took me a full day to get a working CSV parser in PHP before I discovered an inbuilt one had been added in a later version. It really is something awful.
You can parse CSV using Text::ParseWords which ships with Perl.
use Text::ParseWords;
while (<DATA>) {
my #f = quotewords ',', 0, $_;
say join ":" => #f;
S,"BELT V,FAN",000324244,
S,"D" REL VALVE ASSY,000771881,
which parses your CSV correctly....
# => S:BELT,FAN:003541547:
# => S:BELT V,FAN:000324244:
# => S:SHROUD SPRING SCREW:000868265:
# => S:D REL VALVE ASSY:000771881:
# => S:YBELT,V:000323030:
# => S:YBELT,'V':000322933:
The only issue I've had with Text::ParseWords is when nested quotes in data aren't escaped correctly. However this is badly built CSV data and would cause problems with most CSV parsers ;-)
So you may notice that
# S,"YBELT,"V"",000323030,
came out as (ie. quotes dropped around "V")
# S:YBELT,V:000323030:
however if its escaped like so
# S,"YBELT,\"V\"",000323030,
then quotes will be retained
# S:YBELT,"V":000323030:
tested; working:-
$_.=','; # fake an ending delimiter
while($_=~/"((?:""|[^"])*)",|([^,]*),/g) {
$cell=defined($1) ? $1:$2; $cell=~s/""/"/g;
print "$cell\n";
# The regexp strategy is as follows:
# First - we attempt a match on any quoted part starting the CSV line:-
# "((?:""|[^"])*)",
# It must start with a quote, and end with a quote followed by a comma, and is allowed to contain either doublequotes - "" - or anything except a sinlge quote [^"] - this goes into $1
# If we can't match that, we accept anything up to the next comma instead, & put it into $2
# Lastly, we convert "" to " and print out the cell.
be warned that CSV files can contain cells with embedded newlines inside the quotes, so you'll need to do this if reading the data in line-at-a-time:
if("$pre$_"=~/,"[^,]*\z/) {
$pre.=$_; next;
This works like charm
line is assumed to be comma separated with embeded ,
my #columns = Text::ParseWords::parse_line(',', 0, $line);
Finding matching pairs using regexs is non-trivial and generally unsolvable task. There are plenty of examples in the Jeffrey Friedl's Mastering regular expressions book. I don't have it at hand now, but I remember that he used CSV for some examples, too.
You can (try to) use to simply have your program install/update Text::CSV. As said before, you can even "install" it to a home or local directory, and add that directory to #INC (or, if you prefer not to use BEGIN blocks, you can use lib 'dir'; - it's probably better).
use Test::More tests => 2;
use strict;
sub splitCommaNotQuote {
my ( $line ) = #_;
my #fields = ();
while ( $line =~ m/((\")([^\"]*)\"|[^,]*)(,|$)/g ) {
if ( $2 ) {
push( #fields, $3 );
} else {
push( #fields, $1 );
last if ( ! $4 );
return( #fields );
+[splitCommaNotQuote('S,"D" REL VALVE ASSY,000771881,')],
+['S', '"D" REL VALVE ASSY', '000771881', ''],
"Quote in value"
+[splitCommaNotQuote('S,"BELT V,FAN",000324244,')],
+['S', 'BELT V,FAN', '000324244', ''],
"Strip quotes from entire value"